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3-3 Master Crown Comes quite early, and let's someone skip ahead to tier 3. Only person I can think of that can put the best use to the crown this early is Winged Haar, who will have at the LEAST 24 Speed with this, which is enough to get by on doubling a majority of mid Part 3 GM chapters. I can easily say he could have gotten a level or 2 in between, so he could have 25 AS, making him safe throughout. Flying tank with Stun that can double with great strength and even range? Haar is mighty.

There is also Gatrie, who by now could be a 49 HP, 29 Str, 25 Spd and 19+Light Affinity behemoth. A giant will walk among your army! However, I would not quite consider the crown on him before a winged Haar. I also have doubts about Gatrie getting 5 levels this early, but whatever.

Crowning Haar with anything less than capped spd is a terrible idea. I'm sorry. The man has a 30% spd growth and tier 3 units get really bad exp gains. He'll start failing as early as 3-10 when the 22 spd enemies appear. Gatrie can be crowned to his 25 because he's got a 60% growth. 1 level is at least possible. Maybe even 2. But that only gives Haar a mere 51% chance to have 26 spd in 2 levels. Gatrie has a 60% chance in just one level. And an 84% chance of 26 spd or more in 2 levels.

If you are crowning Haar, wait until he hits 24 spd. On average, that means he needs to gain 6 or 7 levels.

3-3 Shade (Better Off Sold) Unless you're really keen on leaving people who shouldn't be attacked wide open and leaving their fate to chance, you might as well sell it.

Or you could stick it on units that are 3HKOd and lacking earth supports considering they will probably need healing less frequently this way. But it hurts their exp gains anyway so it may not help.

3-6 Master Crown You might wanna save this for later, your DB units just got to tier 2. Make your decision then. Most likely it could be used to early-crown an abused Jill, or Tauroneo to make 3-12 a joke.

It has been said in this topic already. Get Heather to steal it. Unless you are making a crowned Tauroneo, I don't think you need this. Nolan can wait until part 4 to crown and Jill can take the one from 3-12. The DB doesn't need this one and it's simple enough for Heather to steal a couple of things in 3-7 and still manage to have Ike meet the BK.

3-7 Quickclaw Give it to whatever Beast Laguz you're using (most likely Ranulf). Not perfect ranged damage on the counter, but it's better than none.

Actually, this frequently is "none", or at least nearly so, considering it goes form their str alone. Untransformed, this is nearly always 0 damage, and even transformed it is pathetic and rarely activates anyway. SELL.

3-8 Daunt Is most likely going to Ike, because he would love reduced crit on a notable scale, and helps generally give him a sort of anti-charisma to the enemy. He's always gonna be on the frontlines, so I can't really imagine why you'd give it to anyone else.

Ike cares less about crits. Maybe give it to someone that does. Ike rarely gets hit and has wicked durability anyway. Well, elthunder mages, but kill them with Mia.

3-9 Master Crown You do have the option here to crown Geoffery as to help him blow through this chapter, or even Keiran. If you manage to get him to proc speed, the coming Speedwing with this crown give him 25 AS, which is workable in the coming GM chapters. Good luck managing that though. A crown-Wing Danved gets the same AS as well without needing a speed proc, though his Str of 19 would still be on hte weak side. Same with a level 11 Makalov, and his Str will be greater despite using a weaker weapon type. Hell, a Secret Booked Calill at level 11 after a BEXP bump will have 26 speed after a wing and a crown with about 23 Mag ain't a bad deal.

This is if you manage these levels however, and if you decide to use someone seriously from the CRK. You can also chose to just divide the crown and wing to what now has to be a soon-to-be-epic Boyd, or help patch up the speed of a slowly-slowing down crowned Haar/Gatrie, or a vastly speed screwed Ike.

3-9 Speedwing Well, I basically mentioned them up above.

Excuse me for a moment. hahahahahahaha. Okay, I'm done....Geoffrey???....hahahahahaha. Guess I wasn't done. Anyway, NO, Geoffrey is NOT getting a wing. Anyway, Geoffrey is an option for the crown, Kieran probably not, certainly not any of the others. It's basically either Geoffrey or a unit you are taking to endgame at this point. And if you are taking a CRK not named Marcia or Calill to endgame, I pity you. Actually, I'll pity you even if you take Calill, if only because of the work involved. Anyway, the wing is received near the end of this chapter, at which point you may as well consider it to be something given out in 3-11.

3-9 Spirit Dust (Better Off Sold) Unless you're using the above styled Calill, or you want Elincia to be somewhat better at healing, if by some miracle you manage to get this hidden treasure, you might as well sell it.

Have fun resetting and replaying the level until you get this. Unless you decide to gamble with Marcia's life, you get one shot at it assuming you KO the boss with a unit that has Canto.

3-11 Master Crown By now, this is probably just being used to crown people who would prefer it over wasting a level of EXP to level up to 20/1.

Or save it for Nolan.

3-12 Boots Rafiel for vigoring in Ike's portions would be greatly beneficial, as they have to cover a lot of ground in their chapters, and it helps him perform far greater in 1-E, as 7 move with 4 space Vigoring is too good to ignore.

Please tell me you meant 4-E.

It's a Rout - part of the reason I hate that damned chapter so much. Other reasons include Sleep Man and the truckload of reinforcements that appear near the starting point.

Why would you ever meet those reinforcements? They don't appear until the end of turn 10 and beyond. You should be done before they ever get a chance to appear. Poor things.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Why would you ever meet those reinforcements? They don't appear until the end of turn 10 and beyond. You should be done before they ever get a chance to appear. Poor things.

Eh, clearing that chapter in 10 turns or less is biting off more than I can chew, to be honest.

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If even I can clear 4-4 in ten turns, anyone else can as well. Missing the 10-turn clear is dooming yourself to spending five more turns mopping up reinforcements. Great if you want more experience, but anyone interested in efficiency should take steps to avoid that situation.

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3-6 crown should go to Tauroneo, since the DB gets more help from it than the GMs do.

3-9 wing could also go to transfer versions of Boyd, Tanith, or maybe even Sigrun for endgame investment.

Why? Crown!Tauroneo is going to help us in 3-12, and then suck forever. Crown!Haar is going to tear through the rest of Part 3 and be pretty damn good in Part 4. Even a Crowned Soren would be a better choice.

Even a 20/20 Wing!Sigrun doesn't hit 34AS. Biggest waste of a Wing ever? Perhaps.

Edited by Anouleth
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But given the premise of the tier list, that's exactly what you're supposed to do.

If even I can clear 4-4 in ten turns, anyone else can as well. Missing the 10-turn clear is dooming yourself to spending five more turns mopping up reinforcements. Great if you want more experience, but anyone interested in efficiency should take steps to avoid that situation.

I'm actually much more of a defensive player than one that's interested in efficiency.

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Crowning Haar with anything less than capped spd is a terrible idea. I'm sorry. The man has a 30% spd growth and tier 3 units get really bad exp gains. He'll start failing as early as 3-10 when the 22 spd enemies appear. Gatrie can be crowned to his 25 because he's got a 60% growth. 1 level is at least possible. Maybe even 2. But that only gives Haar a mere 51% chance to have 26 spd in 2 levels. Gatrie has a 60% chance in just one level. And an 84% chance of 26 spd or more in 2 levels.

If you are crowning Haar, wait until he hits 24 spd. On average, that means he needs to gain 6 or 7 levels.

But this in turn reduces his effectiveness in the chapters before 3-10.

Or you could stick it on units that are 3HKOd and lacking earth supports considering they will probably need healing less frequently this way. But it hurts their exp gains anyway so it may not help.

Who fits this description?

It has been said in this topic already. Get Heather to steal it. Unless you are making a crowned Tauroneo, I don't think you need this. Nolan can wait until part 4 to crown and Jill can take the one from 3-12. The DB doesn't need this one and it's simple enough for Heather to steal a couple of things in 3-7 and still manage to have Ike meet the BK.

Fine fine, I'll make an edit.

Actually, this frequently is "none", or at least nearly so, considering it goes form their str alone. Untransformed, this is nearly always 0 damage, and even transformed it is pathetic and rarely activates anyway. SELL.

Fine, sold.

Ike cares less about crits. Maybe give it to someone that does. Ike rarely gets hit and has wicked durability anyway. Well, elthunder mages, but kill them with Mia.

Like who? Haar? He cares just as little, and he's probably got Fortune. Very little care about crits that will be used seriously. You might as well.

Excuse me for a moment. hahahahahahaha. Okay, I'm done....Geoffrey???....hahahahahaha. Guess I wasn't done. Anyway, NO, Geoffrey is NOT getting a wing. Anyway, Geoffrey is an option for the crown, Kieran probably not, certainly not any of the others. It's basically either Geoffrey or a unit you are taking to endgame at this point. And if you are taking a CRK not named Marcia or Calill to endgame, I pity you. Actually, I'll pity you even if you take Calill, if only because of the work involved. Anyway, the wing is received near the end of this chapter, at which point you may as well consider it to be something given out in 3-11.

I said Geoffery gets a wing? I only mentioned how crowning Geoff might help him in 3-9, I don't think I said in that same paragraph that Geoff get a wing. Unless you mean with the following line "Mentioned int he above paragraph" of which I did not mention Geoff getting a wing.

Suppose I'll have to test this to see if a wing+crown can actually get them to barely manage out when I get to it. Almost at 3-9, so if a crown+wing can help someone get 25-26 AS after the fact, I think it should be mentioned.

However, I will edit the speedwing sentence, since I was incredibly vague about it.

Have fun resetting and replaying the level until you get this. Unless you decide to gamble with Marcia's life, you get one shot at it assuming you KO the boss with a unit that has Canto.

I know, right?

Or save it for Nolan.

Yes, he would be one of those people.

Please tell me you meant 4-E.

Oh dear god, worst typo ever. Will edit.

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Why? Crown!Tauroneo is going to help us in 3-12, and then suck forever. Crown!Haar is going to tear through the rest of Part 3 and be pretty damn good in Part 4. Even a Crowned Soren would be a better choice.

Even a 20/20 Wing!Sigrun doesn't hit 34AS. Biggest waste of a Wing ever? Perhaps.

Haar is the first crown choice. I question whether Gats's mobility makes him a better choice than Tauroneo, especially since Tauroneo does more relative to his team. Soren's healing is little improvement.

Sigrun doesn't need 34 AS to OHKO auras.

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Maybe to double Generals? Although Sigrun has serious difficulty 4HKOing them, because her strength is so bad (I'm not fucking kidding, even 20/9 Sigrun only has 43ATK with a max mt Silver forge, against Generals ~50HP/31DEF, and doesn't double the 27AS ones. I'd rather have goddamn Renning)

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Why shouldn't we liberally apply the DB's crowns to the DB? Most are unlikely to be endgame potential, so doing better in the short run helps them. So what if Tauroneo will suck forever after 3-12/13? Unless you're planning to use him, he's not seeing action after that anyway. Most of the GMs are not in such a hurry to promote.

I suppose the same logic can be applied to an early Haar, but there is the issue of Haar still being pretty useful into Part 4. So is trading his short-term awesomeness for longer-term AS, when we know that eventually his AS won't cut it, really worth it? Is it really that hard for him to get into acceptable AS range for his crowning to be timely? If not, Gatrie might be the better choice, since you can practically just slap a crown on the guy and still have a ludicrously speedy tank.

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I liked the idea for Crownoneo back when I was operating under the assumption that it's better to scrape your way through the DB's Part 3, rather than wasting turns training up units that would wind up under-leveled in Part 4. Under that idea, having a sorta-tanky tier 3 unit to protect the babies in the DB was a good strategy.

But since then, I've discovered in my efficiency run that Jill and Nolan can actually be trained to a level of performance that outstrips what you'll get from T, saving turns instead of costing them. So, passing the extra crown off somewhere else makes sense to me. I don't see how you could save more than one or two turns by using it on a throwaway character, and the GMs could sure use it for slower-maturing units like Mia.

By the way, 4-4 is no joke, though it's possible to clear under 10 turns without RNG-abuse. My GM squad was easily the most powerful of the three teams (Ike, Mia, Titania, Nailah, Ulki, Janaff), and it was still such a struggle to kill everything off that I had to use the LEA seriously, even though they were grossly under-leveled.

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Why shouldn't we liberally apply the DB's crowns to the DB? Most are unlikely to be endgame potential, so doing better in the short run helps them. So what if Tauroneo will suck forever after 3-12/13? Unless you're planning to use him, he's not seeing action after that anyway. Most of the GMs are not in such a hurry to promote.

I suppose the same logic can be applied to an early Haar, but there is the issue of Haar still being pretty useful into Part 4. So is trading his short-term awesomeness for longer-term AS, when we know that eventually his AS won't cut it, really worth it? Is it really that hard for him to get into acceptable AS range for his crowning to be timely? If not, Gatrie might be the better choice, since you can practically just slap a crown on the guy and still have a ludicrously speedy tank.

the main thing with haar is that the earlier stages of the GM's P3 are flyer friendly, 3-2 is swamp, 3-3...well haar just owns there, 3-4 is a cliff, 3-5 not as much but he's still useful here and 3-7 is another swamp. so haar getting crowned and abused early is not a bad idea. Gatrie is probably a candidate for your next crown though, and if you have a speed transfer could stil be better candidate than haar even with the terrain.

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3-6 crown should go to Tauroneo, since the DB gets more help from it than the GMs do.

Why can't Tauroneo take the 3-12 one? If you are raising Jill up to Interceptor levels you don't need Crownoneo so she can have it. If you aren't, she and Nolan must wait until part 4 anyway. Tauroneo can have the 3-12 one, Haar can have either 3-3 or 3-6, and Gatrie can get the 3-3 one if he got up to 23 spd.

But this in turn reduces his effectiveness in the chapters before 3-10.

Not significantly. He'll be fine in 3-4 and 3-5. At least, I'd rather have 26 spd Haar in 3-8 to 3-E than have a 24 or 25 spd Haar in 3-4 and 3-5. 3-7 isn't relevant. You don't need a doubling Haar to get to the BK.

I said Geoffery gets a wing? I only mentioned how crowning Geoff might help him in 3-9, I don't think I said in that same paragraph that Geoff get a wing. Unless you mean with the following line "Mentioned int he above paragraph" of which I did not mention Geoff getting a wing.

Looks like you may have meant Kieran for crown + wing, but he's still only going to have 24 in 3-11. You made it look like it was actually possible to have 25, even if you recognized it was unlikely.

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Why shouldn't we liberally apply the DB's crowns to the DB? Most are unlikely to be endgame potential, so doing better in the short run helps them. So what if Tauroneo will suck forever after 3-12/13? Unless you're planning to use him, he's not seeing action after that anyway. Most of the GMs are not in such a hurry to promote.

You may be right, actually. Tauroneo has 16 magic with a Crown. 28ATK with a Daemon Card. 20/48 damage to level 20 Ike. But unless we train Jill seriously so she can finish him off, all Ike is going to do is whip out Ragnell and 1-round him back.

I suppose the same logic can be applied to an early Haar, but there is the issue of Haar still being pretty useful into Part 4. So is trading his short-term awesomeness for longer-term AS, when we know that eventually his AS won't cut it, really worth it? Is it really that hard for him to get into acceptable AS range for his crowning to be timely? If not, Gatrie might be the better choice, since you can practically just slap a crown on the guy and still have a ludicrously speedy tank.

Well, if it's a choice between Haar doubling in 3-7 and Haar doubling in 4-3, that's a no-brainer.

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But since then, I've discovered in my efficiency run that Jill and Nolan can actually be trained to a level of performance that outstrips what you'll get from T, saving turns instead of costing them. So, passing the extra crown off somewhere else makes sense to me. I don't see how you could save more than one or two turns by using it on a throwaway character, and the GMs could sure use it for slower-maturing units like Mia.

Big T's positioning ceratinly helps. He's the only one who can save turns on the left side in 3-12 and 3-13 is defense, where you just need warm bodies that can take a hit.

Why can't Tauroneo take the 3-12 one? If you are raising Jill up to Interceptor levels you don't need Crownoneo so she can have it. If you aren't, she and Nolan must wait until part 4 anyway. Tauroneo can have the 3-12 one, Haar can have either 3-3 or 3-6, and Gatrie can get the 3-3 one if he got up to 23 spd.

And this makes the argument irrelevant.

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Not significantly. He'll be fine in 3-4 and 3-5. At least, I'd rather have 26 spd Haar in 3-8 to 3-E than have a 24 or 25 spd Haar in 3-4 and 3-5. 3-7 isn't relevant. You don't need a doubling Haar to get to the BK.

I'm aware of that, but I can't help but feel his 3-3 and 3-4 performance would be hurt here.

Besides, there is a way to fix your problem...

Looks like you may have meant Kieran for crown + wing, but he's still only going to have 24 in 3-11. You made it look like it was actually possible to have 25, even if you recognized it was unlikely.

Well here's an idea, an early-crowned Haar could take the wing! Problem solved!

Alternatively, I suppose I will test out how much effect Paragon can have on CRK units to see if Crown+Wing will be of any help.

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I'm aware of that, but I can't help but feel his 3-3 and 3-4 performance would be hurt here.

How? 3-3 is a boss kill, plus Paladins are easy to double. 3-4 is an Arrive map, Ike and Ranulf are not teleporting up to the top of the mountain, here, so to some extent you can take your time.

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How? 3-3 is a boss kill, plus Paladins are easy to double.

Wait, what chapter is the one where you burn the supplies? Because I recall a few things in his way, and I am sure he would like busting them out of his way.

In fact, I don't recall paladins being in that chapter at all.

3-4 is an Arrive map, Ike and Ranulf are not teleporting up to the top of the mountain, here, so to some extent you can take your time.

Clearing the mountain top to have Haar run back to help Ike fly over the ridges? It makes it closer to teleporting.

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Wait, what chapter is the one where you burn the supplies? Because I recall a few things in his way, and I am sure he would like busting them out of his way.

In fact, I don't recall paladins being in that chapter at all.

Sorry, my mistake, I confused it with 3-2.

Haar doubling is even less of an issue in 3-3: again, this is not a Rout, you just have to go next to a supply stack and burn it. It's nice to double here, since there are CEXP opportunities for Haar, but it's not a turn count saver.

Clearing the mountain top to have Haar run back to help Ike fly over the ridges? It makes it closer to teleporting.

Ike is not the only one who needs to get to the top. Ike and Ranulf BOTH need to be up there, so there's a wrinkle in any plan that has Haar doing the ferrying. Unfortunately the way that it usually pans out is that the two of them walk their way up, while Haar does what he can for damage.

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Sorry, my mistake, I confused it with 3-2.

Haar doubling is even less of an issue in 3-3: again, this is not a Rout, you just have to go next to a supply stack and burn it. It's nice to double here, since there are CEXP opportunities for Haar, but it's not a turn count saver.

Ike is not the only one who needs to get to the top. Ike and Ranulf BOTH need to be up there, so there's a wrinkle in any plan that has Haar doing the ferrying. Unfortunately the way that it usually pans out is that the two of them walk their way up, while Haar does what he can for damage.

Fine, I'll edit the first crown detail to say he should wait.

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I'm aware of that, but I can't help but feel his 3-3 and 3-4 performance would be hurt here.

Besides, there is a way to fix your problem...

Well here's an idea, an early-crowned Haar could take the wing! Problem solved!

Alternatively, I suppose I will test out how much effect Paragon can have on CRK units to see if Crown+Wing will be of any help.

And that helps his 3-8 and 3-10 how? Besides, you could have a 26 spd Haar in those maps AND another speedwing for anyone that needs it. I'd rather have that than a slightly better Haar in 3-4 and 3-5.

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