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That's exactly how I imagined a retool of reclass to be.

It would give an unit enough freedom to switch classes all while being relatively in-character.

Now throw in individual outfits for character portraits and it would be perfect.

I've got a few ideas in more detail of how they could fix (read: make less insane/stupid) reclass. Most of them ruin what I used Reclass for, but I am actually fine with that.

Option 1: Every character is given 3-4 classes to pick from (with one being their starting class.

Pro: Individualizes every Character.

Con: Programming Nightmare.

Option 2: Similar to FE8 and how dual promotion paths worked, all the classes are put on a GIANT LIST and you can move 1-2 up or down from starting.

Pro: Still gives the individual feel, less programming hell. Gives some meaning to Starting Class.

Con: Male and Female sprites of more classes might be a problem. Some characters might get gimped by their options a lot more than before.

Option 3: 3 Class Sets of 4 Classes.

...Honestly this isn't much better than 2 sets of Six.

Option 4: 4 sets of 3.

So long as they don't just outright cut each class set in half, this could be the best option. They also need to retool Dark Mage a bit for it to work, so it's different from Mage and Cleric (stats anyway). Since each character is limited to 3 classes respriting them is easier to do. The Gender mix still leaves females out of some class circles, but as the circles are smaller a lack of Axe proficient females isn't the end of the world so long as some get access to good classes like Horseman and General (good for gameplay mode anyway).

This last one is my favorite in that I can visualize a way to make it work (Note: assumes all classes from Shadow Dragon return to playable and Dancer is made a Special class like Thief and Commando):

Mercenary - Fighter - Pirate (Axe Classes)

Knight - Cavalier - Pegasus Knight (Lance Classes)

Myrmidon - Hunter - Archer (Speed Classes)

Mage - Curate/Cleric - Dark Mage (Obvious Classes)

There might be an issue with Male Peg Knights, but that can be handled by putting Soldier into the Lance Classes as an option for unpromoted at least.

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They could fix those problems somewhat just by not having the environmental issues that Shadow Dragon had. By which I mean, taking away the non-stop steamroll of enemies with Lances (sucks to be you, Sword guys who always take counters!), and giving you more than one goddamn Arms Scroll prior to the effective end of the game.

This is IS we are talking about. It's a hell of a lot easier to program lancer reavers into the game than to provide a balance of weapon types throughout the game while still maintaining high difficulty. The levin sword could be made into viable 2 range if swordmaster/myrmidon had a magic base or a magic growth to accompany it. And if it were less expensive (like handaxes/javelins in price range) and more available to buy it could actually be a good option.

Edited by Mr. Francis York Morgan
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Males can choose from Mercenary, Knight, Cavalier, Fighter, Archer or Mage. Females can be a Myrmidon, Pegasus Knight, Cavalier, Archer or Mage.

IS, why do you hate female Fighters? I just want to see them try it at least once! And since they didn't say Dracoknights, I'm guessing they'll be promoted Pegasus Knights again. Oh well.

Surprised Hunter wasn't an option. Are they removing that? Granted Hunters were a lot better in FE3, than SD, but they could always fix that, you know.

Edited by El Rey León
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Thats just the classes for the "My Unit"

As you can see,Clerics/priest isn't available,etc.

The actual class sets will probably be a bit different than just that.

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If in our new Book 3 however, it's entirely possible they have a more spread out weapon balance in the enemy cast. Just looking at the small snipit of a new map, there is a merc, myrm, an armor and some fighters, so it shows they at least thought ahead on that one.

At this stage, a Book 3 is probably highly unlikely. The scenario featuring the custom character has already been specifically mentioned to be in the prologue and sidestory chapters.

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At this stage, a Book 3 is probably highly unlikely. The scenario featuring the custom character has already been specifically mentioned to be in the prologue and sidestory chapters.

The wording of this is confusing me a bit.Are you saying the class balance is more likely to be in the sidestory than in the main campaign,or that they are likely changing it so it doesn't resemble book 3?

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There is no "Book 3" in the sense that FE3 had "Book 1" (20 chapters from FE1) and Book 2 (20 new chapters). FE12 right now has the 'new content' focusing on the My Unit character as Prologue chapters and Gaiden chapters.

I am still hoping that we will get at least 5-10 new storyline chapters that aren't Gaiden chapters to just flesh the game out more. 20 chapters is a bit lite for a main story.

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By which I mean, taking away the non-stop steamroll of enemies with Lances (sucks to be you, Sword guys who always take counters!), and giving you more than one goddamn Arms Scroll prior to the effective end of the game.
FE3 Book 2 for SNES has far more axe enemies, and three Arms Scrolls, so both of these issues were addressed back in the 90's.
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Wow, people are dumb. If you look at the comments on 1up.com, people think this is a REMAKE OF SHADOW DRAGON. And then someone says that it isn't, it's a remake of a different game that is a sequel to FE1 and thus Shadow Dragon, someone responds with saying basically SO IT IS A REMAKE OF SHADOW DRAGON!

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Wow, people are dumb. If you look at the comments on 1up.com, people think this is a REMAKE OF SHADOW DRAGON. And then someone says that it isn't, it's a remake of a different game that is a sequel to FE1 and thus Shadow Dragon, someone responds with saying basically SO IT IS A REMAKE OF SHADOW DRAGON!

yeah, as from someone who's been posting there for years, 1up isn't exactly a hotbed of intelligenceFacepalm_emote_gif.gif

as for the topic, i'm all for anything that reaches out to the mainstream that doesn't compromise the game for FE's dedicated fanbase. wish they wouldn't have called it Casual Mode, though. i can see a lot of idiot "hardcore" gamers being too prideful to pick Casual mode, and then complaining when one of their characters dies.

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i can see a lot of idiot "hardcore" gamers being too prideful to pick Casual mode, and then complaining when one of their characters dies.
Actually, there's a very strong chance that low turns would be done on Casual mode.

I am also going to say that people that complain and claim to be hardcore are not truly hardcore gamers.

Edited by Super FE3 Player
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Well, Casual Mode would be nice since you don't have to worry about them after they've served their purpose. Like you could use them as a decoy to ward off enemies from your main group after they've done something that helps you get through the chapter instead of deploying them AND someone who we don't care about. It allows for different strategies. Of course, I only see that as viable in maniac and lunatic modes. On easier difficulties for anyone here, it just means you can do whatever the heck you want and not lose.

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They are keeping the classic death mechanics, so I don't give a shit if they have a Carebear Mode option. More choices is better, if that's what it takes to get this game to sell, so that I keep getting new Fire Emblems. Give Marth a rocket launcher on Easy mode, too, knock yourself out.

Looking forward to see what Lunatic has to offer. I approve of their relatively recent turn towards offering NA players modes that are challenging.

I was gonna say this, but differently (not as creative or funny, lol). Nice way of putting it.

Basically, I think IS is doing it the most correct way. Keep the core gameplay there as an option, and also offer things for the newbies in order to help its sales. The more it sells, the more Fire Emblems we'll get. Let's just hope that they keep the amount of options available, instead of taking stuff away from their core audience.

Edited by MGS: Metal Gear Solid
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If there isn't a skincolor option now (which might have just been omitted in the details... still a chance for that), we could still see it in the international release. Just like multi-player maps in FE11 and skin color options in Pokemon Battle Revolution.

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In IS's defense (although I would like the option as well), there are no skin colour variations across the first three Fire Emblem games as far as I'm aware, unless you're a Manekete or evil Shaman (although I'm willing to be corrected if I'm overlooking someone) so it might simply be to fit in with the setting.

Then again, no afros either... I guess Japan might overlook different skin colours, but when it comes to hair variations they're not gonna miss anything.

Actually, make that the first five games. Aside from Medeus and the occasional oddly coloured Shaman, I can't find anyone with anything other than European or white Asian appearance until Igrene and Garret in Fuuin no Tsurugi.

Edited by Violet
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I suppose with Casual this means that if they keep gaiden chapters they'll have to change te requirements. I hope this doesn't mean they decide to lose Athena, Frey, Horace and Ymir.

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I'd be quite surprised if none of those characters appeared again. In fact I'd be shocked. I'm even expecting Frey to turn up. I'm convinced he didn't actually die, partially because you can't bring him back, unlike other units who die.

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Actually, there's a very strong chance that low turns would be done on Casual mode.

Wow, I hadn't thought about that. That is a very interesting idea. Sure, you can be more careless, but speed runs are all about speed and trying to get through a stage quickly still requires thinking an planning. I've seen action game speed runs where to player gets hit often just to make it through faster.

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I'd be quite surprised if none of those characters appeared again. In fact I'd be shocked. I'm even expecting Frey to turn up. I'm convinced he didn't actually die, partially because you can't bring him back, unlike other units who die.

Well they were all far more popular than Wrys only thing is they will have to tinker with the plot a bit more to include them. Still it can't hurt to hope

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Wow, I hadn't thought about that. That is a very interesting idea. Sure, you can be more careless, but speed runs are all about speed and trying to get through a stage quickly still requires thinking an planning. I've seen action game speed runs where to player gets hit often just to make it through faster.

Considering that FESD was already very fast to speedrun ...

... whoa!

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I suppose with Casual this means that if they keep gaiden chapters they'll have to change te requirements. I hope this doesn't mean they decide to lose Athena, Frey, Horace and Ymir.

Maybe now it'll be "have 15 units be defeated in one chapter!"

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