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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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Isotov and Irina

Iso walked up close to Morgan so their conversation wouldn't carry very far.

Iso: Look, we're between two groups of suspicious people. It's way too late to get paranoid now. All we can do if they're enemies is attack them, or run. If we're going to get rid of the mesh we need to get there first. If we turn Helen and the cavalry down, they're either going to let us go on our own ... unlikely, follow us anyway ... very likley, or attack us here and now ... even more likely. Katie's already in the wagon, do you have any idea how badly this could go for us if we start problems now?

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"If they're hostile, you're suggesting letting them lead us wherever they want and then deciding to kill us? That seems far worse than fighting them here."

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Isotov and Irina(Iso is out of Katie's pheromone range)

Iso: Morgan, we've already got a destination picked out. If we're going to start killing people again, at least pick a good opening before you do it. Not everyone is combat ready and we might even lose a crimson weapon over this if we're not careful. Get the best advantage ... then attack. If we let them escort us at least a little ways, we won't have to worry about reinforcements and we'll have the initiative.

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Kelas rode over to join the discussion. "They are human enemies, at least, yes? If we allow them to follow us to our next encounter with monsters, they'll realize we have a common enemy. They may prove convenient targets for the monsters, too, and minimize our own losses," she added darkly. "And fighting them here, within range of immediate reinforcements, would be suicide."

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"Don't be ridiculous. We are all prepared for combat, do you think we left our weapons at home? And I fail to see how being in the attacker's cart while she's driving it is any sort of advantageous position."

"There is the point about the reinforcements I suppose."

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"I agree.we should let them tail us for a little while.Besides,if they become too much of a nuisance,Ulfhrahn can probably take out a good chunk of them before they even know what's going on." Aiya added,walking over to the others to add to the conversation.

"By the swamps,those horses will fall prey to wyvern riders so easily it'll be almost morbid...and if they stay clustered the way they are,Ulfhrahn can wipe out half the squad with a tail swipe."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: We don't have a lot of options here. Besides, not everyone is riding in the damn wagon. If worse comes to worst, you can all hop out, and I'll torch the wagon. As for the cavalry, well ... we didn't leave our weapons at home.

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"Alternately, if the riders get themselves killed, we can use their horses and ditch the cart. We can sell the extra horses in the next town for trip expenses," Kelas suggested. She backed Amari up. "But if we keep huddling up like this, they're going to get more and more suspicious."

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Tessa and Arrin had ridden up ahead of the cart a couple dozen horse lengths, and then had resumed their conversation. The mage had confirmed that yes, his teacher had only fairly recently passed on, and that while there had been some things that had needed wrapping up and appropriate handling―probably the funeral, settling expenses, and it sounded like some sort of negotiation with academy officials―after that had been taken care of he'd set out to search for family, guided only by a couple of old letters he'd found.

He then brought up his reaction when they'd been preparing to bluff their way into Ilyphina. She remembered the occasion, now that he mentioned it, and was a little curious. The fact that the nomad was so open about himself, especially after she'd just been speculating and assuming the opposite had come as a bit of a surprise. Realizing as he said so, that if all that had been standing in the way of her getting to know other people better was her failure to just go ahead and talk to them, actually ask questions instead of holding back, she decided to follow up a bit further with it.

First, Tessa expressed her condolences, "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was that recent. I hope it was painless, but at least her soul is resting with The Lady now." Then she moved on, "So, do you have other family than Kelas? Is that what that other letter was about?"

OOC: Fire explosions and wyvern roars can come a little later. Too much to handle all at once for me.

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Hey! We didn't fight about it this time ^_^

Iso: Enjoy it. That's as good as consensus in this group is ever going to get -_-

Iso hopped back into the wagon and sat down by Katie.

Iso: Hexes ... that's interesting ....

Irina climbed on top of Kiev and prepared to go back to her sky patrol.

Irina: There's nothing worse than an employer and a family member disagreeing with each other. I'm just glad it didn't go beyond that.

EDIT: Gr4mm4r

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"What's all the racket? Can't I take a nap here?"

Cess woke up. The fortune telling had drained some of his energy, and he enjoyed sleeping while listening to the sound of the rain. He looked around. There was some new mysterious man in the carriage now, Katie had a big red Fire tome, and there was a good dozen mounted soldiers behind him. The group seemed to be arguing about something. He looked towards the soldiers. The one that seemed to be in charge had gotten off his horse and was coming over. But his saddle seemed big enough for two, and there was something moving near the horse's feet.

"You all might want to think of something quick, he's coming over."

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OoC: Nyahaha, screw your decision, Ulfhrahn has returned! XD

As Ulfhrahn roared, the captain fell off his horse, that's how sudden and loud the roar was, and he wasn't the only one who heard.

In the distance at the gates of Ilpyphina guards were pointing the wyvern out and another troupe of soldiers were already making their way towards the group.

The group, seemed to be too busy whispering amongst themselves to notice the approaching soldiers and the man rolled his eyes. The common criminal, he thought, these types were never that smart. He looked over at Damian and shrugged his shoulders. "You can determine the worth of my words perhaps later, when you haven't got a overgrown fat lizard attracting the attention of the city guard?"

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"I've been waiting for you people to stop yapping!" replied Helen, settling down atop the drivers seat. A moment later, the horses had started to pull the cart along once again, heading south.

Despite the apparent knowledge that every person seemed to possess about the groups traveling and intent, for the next hour or so, the ride seemed fairly uneventful. Before long, they started to approach a certain field.

I remember this field. As a babe during the war, both my parents were involved heavily in the fighting. There was a battle here when I was one; part of a defensive campaign against the demon incursion. We lost the first battle on a botched ambush in the marsh, and suffered heavily at the first fallback. I remember a demon arrow piercing my mothers tent and burning my blankie in the route. This field here is were we managed to turn it around. she wrote in case anyone was interested enough. Apparently Esphyr was as well, for she read the note.

"I remember this place as well. About three years ago, I was hired as part of a patrol group to protect against Lunarian fanatics who thought that a demon lord was coming up in the south. They said this field was the spawn point of some dragon lady whom wanted to burst forth. They were crazy."

"I remember that as well." added Helenos. "Lunarians. Idiots who thing the Goddess is on the moon and that the Lord and her are making sweet babies together. One of those asses joined with their cause as well."

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Iso: "Asses"?

Iso wasn't sure if Helen was referring to one of the heroes or not.


While keeping an eye out for the reinforcements that Ulfhrahan and Kiev had lured out, Irina looked down to see if anything eventful was taking place in the wagon. She didn't notice anything interesting, so she took another look behind her. There was no one in open view following them for all she could tell, and Kiev was relatively calm as well.

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The captain trotted along beside the cart. He'd tried to get Kamilla on to the cart earlier, but had been met with furious protest, something about the group being evil and that they'd eat her, afraid that the girl would give away his plans he decided to let the girl stay on his horse, though he stayed close enough to the cart if anyone had something to say to him.

The rest of the men trotted along behind the cart, as they were ordered, they'd considered circling the cart in a defensive position, but the suspicious glances had told the captain that it wasn't a good choice. And circling around the cart was ineffective anyway.

Kamilla on the other hand continued to glare at the group, most seemed to ignore her completely, while a few would glance at her and then look away. She wasn't going to let these bad people out of her sight, not until they were safely behind bars at least anyway.

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After awhile, Iso noticed that Kamilla was with the Captain. That began to bother him a little bit. He still felt guilty that she hadn't gotten the food he promised her. Normally he wouldn't care, but he hated being disingenuous. He moved to the edge of the cart and leaned out a little bit to get Kamilla's attention.

Iso: Hey. You remember all that bacon you wanted earlier right? Well it's cold now, but I can reheat it for you if you want.


Occasionally Irina and Kiev would swoop down close to the ground out of boredom. The rain clouds were slowly moving closer to the group and Irina was worried that it might start raining harder at some point. Nonetheless, she had boredom to curve and did so by taking nosedives a few dozens meters from the cart.

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Kamilla's face lit up for a second, but she quickly shook her head, glaring at the man. It was probably another attempt to drag her wipe her memories. They were all friends of the evil black lady and they were trying to trick poor Kamilla once again. Glaring at Isotov she stuck her tongue out at him "Kamilla not stupid, not trust stupid man who friends with evil black lady!"

The captain raised an eyebrow, smirked but didn't comment, unless the group did something outrageous, he had no intentions of socializing or interrupting their conversations.

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Iso: "Evil black lady"?

He took a look around for someone fitting that description. It didn't take long for him to single out a single person.

Iso: Oh ... Morgan <_< ... ... if you're worried about her, don't be. We're not friends. We're ... stuck together.


She continued her patrol. Kiev kept an eye on the fields and his surroundings looking for ... Suddenly, his eyes lit up! He saw a delicious rabbit running around out in the open! He was about to chase it, but Irina quickly bopped him on the head!

Irina: Don't even think about it, Kiev!

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OOC: From all the way when Morgan and Katie were fighting.

Helios was reading his book. That is when he heard some fighting. Apparently Morgan was accusing Katie of being a demon. Helios ignored this and continued reading.

"Moonlight"! He heard Morgan say

Helios's eye started twitching.

"Proxima" He heard the fire Mage yell

He looked up from his book ready to blast someone when he realized what happened. He just looked at them continue fighting. This circus isnt half bad ^_^ . He went back to reading his book.

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The journey seemed to be going rather smoothly,and Aiya looked around for something to do.She noticed Isotov sitting near the edge of the cart,and then noticed he was talking to Kamilia!

She walked over,and crouched next to Isotov.

"Kamilia!There you are.I was worried something had happened when you didn't show up..." Aiya said to the young priestess,not bothering to speak to the captain,though wondering why Kamilia was with him.

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"Kamilla not worried, Kamilla angry Kamilla going to send you all to mmprh" her last words being muffled by the captains hand. Shooting Kamilla a very serious look he returned to focusing on the road infront of him. Kamilla getting the message nodded her head quickly "Kamilla going to send you all to a place that's very very bad!" she said pointing her finger at Isotov, and then pointing at the rest of the group. She hesitated when pointing at Tessa, but she'd deceived her too, and she'd even tried to trick her into thinking she was supposed to serve the Evil black lady.

"And stuck is lie, Kamilla not fall for your evil lies no more, if want to leave, can leave it's not like plot is preventing you, look at me, I leave all the time."

She frowned and then pointed her finger at Isotov again.

"You love evil black lady, and Grandma bluehead, horselady and even Tessa and want their babies!"

Aiya then walked over and started expressing her concerns about Kamilla not being around. And she eyed the woman suspiciously. "Not fall for lies, you want Kamilla and make her dumb and stupid by eating her memory"

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