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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 8: To Catch a [s]Predator[/s] Demonic, soul-sucking mesh


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"I'm sorry." replied Helenos, getting annoyed with the delay that the child-woman was providing for the group. She wanted them in the swamp, and she wanted them there before nightfall so that they would be fodder for the leeches. "But is there any point to keeping this trollop of a child around? I am a busy woman, and I want this to go as smoothly as possible. So can we gag that one as well?"

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Chase frowned, but didn't say anything when the guard had decided to follow them. He turned to Morgan, "I hope not everyone we meet is as persistent as these guys. It's a pain. And what's all this talk about Kamilla being mindwiped or whatever? She's acting even stupider than before, yeah, but what actually happened?"

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"To put it simply, I removed her memories. It was the only way to stop her from putting us all in danger, without killing her of course. Some idiot apparently kept bringing up the event to her and brought some of her memories back, so she resumed her original plan of trying to get us all killed."

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"Not fall for lies, you want Kamilla and make her dumb and stupid by eating her memory"

This was the accusation Kamilia had thrown at Aiya.

"What do you mean,Kamilia?I'm a swordfighter,I can't do magic like that." She said,trying to defend herself.

"Why are you so quick to accuse me,Kamilia?I never did anything to hurt you...and before you started accusing everybody of being evil...I actually kind of liked you..."

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"Then why on earth are you consorting with her?" asked Helen. "She's openly trying to kill you!"

"Because common sense apparently is a member of our group, but he suffered a horrible wound and has taken a dramatic thud." shot back Esphyr in response.

I second that idea.

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*Sigh* Must direct you all like sheep?

Kamilla pointed her finger at Morgan and shouted loudly enough for the Captain to want to block his ears. "See! Evil black Lady admits it! She did bad stuff to Kamilla!" not moving her accusing finger from Morgans position. "Kamilla not remember important stuff because she evil, and you're all her friends so that makes you all evil too!" she was getting upset again. She didn't know what she was missing from her memory, but there was something important that had been concealed and she couldn't remember what that something was, irritating her further.

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"I wasn't here for it, but what exactly did this girl do to try and kill you? She doesn't look strong enough to over power you. Was she after your weapons?"

Turning to Esphyr, "No, I don't really have many stories. Nothing as dangerous as you all have it apparently. I probably wouldn't have even become a mercenary had it not been for a friend of mine."

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Morgan gave the saddest look she could muster. "I..I thought it would be for her own good. To wipe out the memories of what happened"

"She was the daughter of an innkeeper and his wife. He got drunk the night we were staying at the inn and accidentally set the inn on fire. He and his wife died, but we managed to save her."

Morgan subtly pinched her leg hard, allowing a single tear to run down her cheek and looked at Kamilla 'Don't you remember Kammie? I led you out of that burning building?"

She turned away "I don't...think it was worth it though. Now all Kammie does is call me 'evil black lady'. She can't even remember her cousin Morgan!" Morgan buried her face in Cess's chest and began to (fake) sob.

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Kamilla looked at Morgan and then at the group, frowning, she didn't buy that story at all.... or maybe she did, she wasn't sure. She remembered an inn, a kind old man and his wife looking after her while she worked, were they her father? She knew something bad had happened to her father, perhaps he had died in the fire Morgan had mentioned? But where was her mother then? she didn't remember her dying, though maybe it was just a part of her memory she hadn't recovered yet.

She frowned and thought about it a bit harder, she also recalled being led away by the shaman, she remembered being startled and her hand hurting as the woman forcefully pulled her along. She rubbed her wrists and stared at it for a few moments.

"Cousin Morgan?....." she repeated, the words not really having much of an impact in her mind.... No, this was another evil lie by the evil black lady. She wouldn't be fooled, she couldn't be... she glanced over at the woman again, growing uncertain. She didn't want to say she was lying and disown family, there was something about the idea that made her refuse to take that action. What if she was actually a cousin?

She filed through her mind and recalled Eric mentioning that they'd have to talk to Morgan about her family. Perhaps this is what he meant? She glanced over at Tessa, finding it hard to believe that the woman had lied to her.

"No, no no, is all an evil plan to trick Kamilla, Kamilla not fall for it, Kamilla..... not sure... :( "

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Cess could see in the girl's eyes she didn't believe it, and frankly, he didn't either. He had heard various members of the group blame each other for the fire, apparently they were dodging getting arrested as well. But he went along with the plot.

"Well then she has to come with us! She has nowhere to go, and besides you're family."

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Helios snickered at the remark. He heard Cess say something about family. "Um what" Helios said to Cess.

Edit: Damn typo. I meant Cess

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"I'm sorry you had to find out this way,Kamilia.Morgan wanted you to find out when we were settled back down,so you could take your time to recover..." Aiya said,hoping to continue Morgan's story,and began shedding fake tears,wiping one from her eye.

"You used to be so cheerful and happy,we used to go to fly on Ulfhrahn,you would always hold on tightly whenever you got scared...but

then..." The fake tears were streaming freely now.

"After the incident,Morgan didn't want you to suffer,so she took the painful memories away..." Aiya embraced Kamilia,pulling her closer to the cart,and letting the fake tears stream down Kamilia's face.

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Iso: (It's illegal to tamper with people's memories in Elyisima, Morgan <_< Admitting you did that in front of an armed escort isn't exactly the best cousre of action.)

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(OoC: This is like non-magical brainwash XD)

"No, Kamilla, not... stupid" she muttered trying to make sense of it all, she did recall flying on the giant lizard, but for some reason, she'd also sworn to herself that she was never flying on that thing again. Though why she didn't know, probably because they looked so scary.

As Aiya embraced her doubt gave way Bad people didn't cry, bad people laughed and petted their evil looking kitty and made other people cry she tried to look around and sighed with relief as their was no kitties around. "So.... evil- Morgan is Kamilla's family?" she asked uncertainly.


The captain shot a glare at Morgan as she admitted brainwashing the girl, he didn't care for Kamilla, and would be more then willing to toss her over to the group at any moment, but he didn't want his own mind to be tampered with, and he had plans to put into motion. The law could wait, his plans however couldn't.

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At the reintroduction of Kamilla, Kelas stifled a groan. Lovely. She continued to skirt the wagon in a defensive position, listening to the conversation, but when Kamilla said something about-- well. There was no point in listening to this any longer. She arced away, tracing wider circles around the wagon, wondering why everyone even remotely involved with Crimson weapons (including, apparently, herself) was insane.


OOC: Catching up Arrin and Tessa from before...

"I... don't know," Arrin replied. "The letters implied that our mother was still alive, but Kelas believes otherwise..." He paused. "That's not the other letter. That was... that was from when I was first found, and my teacher didn't... know what to do with me."

He was saved from saying anything further about the contents of that letter when a group of soldiers appeared. Arrin and Tessa watched with trepidation, but things seemed to work out; the soldiers took up defensive positions. Could they really be sent to help? Arrin caught Kelas' eye as the group began to move again; she nodded. "Let's keep going, they're starting to move again," he suggested. "Hey, look, I haven't even fallen off yet..."

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The captain shrugged, and led his horse over to the cart, where Aiya helped transfer Kamilla over to the cart since Helen seemed to have no intentions of stopping to permit such a transfer.

Kamilla looked around, most of them weren't bad people, they didn't look like bad people, well, most of them didn't at least anyway. She contemplated going over and apologizing to the shamaness, but was reluctant, if they were telling the truth then she'd been hurting the evi-Morgan's feeling all this time, and her daddy had always told her to apologize when she was wrong.

Though, she wasn't sure a simple apology would do any good. She sighed and walked over and poked Morgan in the shoulder to get her attention. "Kamilla sorry?" she said uncertainly, her doubt showing in her voice. "Kamilla really, really sorry, and she lots of good stuff to show she sorry so not be mad at Kamilla? Please?" she said pleadingly.


The captain scoffed, he hadn't come along just to watch some 3rd rate melodrama family reunion. "Just a bit longer" he said under his breath, waiting for the group to arrive at the swamp.

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"I'm not getting paid enough for this." mused Helen to herself as Helenos mentally marked yet another person for dessert after her feast of weapons.

"You don't want to be a mercenary then." remarked Esphyr.

"Indeed, I do not."

With that, the cart was back up to it's full speed, having slowed down a bit to allow for ease of conversations and the field where the army had camped out a long time ago was left behind in it's entirety. The cart quickly wove it's way through the woods as the sun passed by the mid-day mark and soon, as it crept down towards the horizon, a thick and heavy stench suddenly filled the carriage.

"Ew! Helios! Next time you have to let one loose, at least warn us! Oh Goddess, it smells like a wyvern ate a horse and died!"

Funny. That's swamp gas Esphyr. Don't tell me you've never smelled it.

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Before Helios can say anything Katie explained to Esphyr. Another idiot. How surprising. He just glared at her.

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After the discussion over the guards, Eric backed away from the wagon, still intent on walking. He had to jog, to keep up with the carriage, but he didn't mind. Master Arckson ran him harder than this, and besides, more distance between him and the shamaness. When Kamilla moved over to the wagon, and started treating the shamaness like family, the traveler struggled to keep his face straight. Who knew, the witch can actually cry, he thought, watching her convince the girl she was her cousin.Well, I don't like it, but I guess I'd better keep my mouth shut. Dropping back, he saw that Kamilla had moved onto the wagon, and waved, but otherwise, said nothing.

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Then Helios smelled something repulsive. He held his nose. Then he noticed that they were near a swamp. "Are you sure this is the only way" Helios said to the driver.

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Iso: Urgh ... >_<

The smell was getting to Iso quickly and he couldn't stand it for very long! He quickly grabbed part of Katie's cloak and used it to cover his face.

Iso: :ph34r:


Irina quickly landed and had Kiev walk on foot alongside the wagon. Flying over the trees was an easy way to lose sight of them.

Irina: Oh ... my ... goodness ... ack!

She nearly rolled off of the saddle gagging!

Irina: *cough**cough* Who the hell did that?! Even Kiev's gas isn't this bad! *cough* >_<

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