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LoAF Character Ranking


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But Mid Tier? Really? She hasn't done a lot and really, Charlotte and Reika and the like are a lot better than her as characters. For one thing, they don't just barge in and interrupt the flow of what's going on.

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Give me strong reasons why she should move that high.

And interrupting flow is bad. See, flow is what keeps the RP running nicely. Rita interrupting potentially character building conversations and the like is not a good thing.

It also doesn't help that Rita for the most part, is completely onesided.

Edited by Dark Sage
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I switched Rita and Pary.

Charlotte only speaking when it's Jerdon-related...not really accurate. Kelas dress wearing, Arrin/Tessa shipping, the discussion about Viveka's date, various things relating to healing etc. I guess how accurate your statement is depends on how loosely you're defining Jerdon-related, since it usually does come up in some form.

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All of your characters are becoming pretty lackluster, psych. You're really inconsistent with a few as well (mostly Rita the insane swordsmaster wannabe) and Pary barely sees the light of day anymore. I have to agree with Sage here, most of your d00ds need to drop.

I'm also not quite seeing how Chase is that low anymore. He's starting to spread out.

Edited by Lightning
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Pary has been doing stuff, and a lot.

He's been talking with Viveka, and back at the manor some of his back story was explained. I suppose I do need to talk to Charlotte more, or have Iso finally confront him about the tome or something...

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Reika has goals, motivations, development with other characters, and she has some dynamics going on with the group. I think her position is justified.

So does Chase. I see no real motivation in Pary besides he's a random dude psych insists on having, and no goals.

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She's better than Cess, Pary, Low Tier, Dani.

Stop. Arguing. Your characters.

OK, now for my thoughts.

-Rita down. Genki-ripoff to the extreme. Too one-dimensional.

-Pary's good where he is, Asshat, or not. (side note: STOP. IGNORING. DANI.)

-Cess down. I'm starting to have trouble discerning his personality right now.

-Damian down. Still way too high, IMO.

-Esphyr down. Inconsistent portrayal irks me.

-Zilpah up. Yes, I went there.

-New tier for Helios, named Schizophrenic.

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Charlotte? He's barely done anything with Charlotte. He just says "Hi Charlotte" and the like.

Viveka I'll grant he has been talking more to, but not in a meaningful way. It's mostly what do you want for breakfast and the like. Not a lot is actually said in the posts really.

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Rita down- She's consistent at least, and her interactions are kind of interesting I'll admit.

Cess down- Agreed, but lower than Dani or Conrad? He's definitely not bottom.

Damian down- Eh, maybe. He's kind of a central character though, which makes for a good amount of interesting interactions.

Esphyr- Agreed on the inconsistency. Not as bad as Helios, but...

Lol Zilpah. Helios is schizophrenic, but also has multiple personality disorder methinks.

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