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LoAF Character Ranking


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To be fair, Sage's list was so drastically different from the previous list, and also flat out ignored some of the intermediate feedback, not to mention added in several highly questionable moves (of the sort I saw people lambasting Snowy for), that I hardly think this is appropriate criticism.

Fair enough. I retract that comment.

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Snowy, your list is lacking in many areas and the thing about our list is that we've worked together here. Charlotte is not lower than Alf or Reika. I'm sorry but it's true. Charlotte has many goals, different emotions, a good backstory and has opened up the plot and aided character development. If you remember in Chapter 8, she was dragged into the mess with the group and after meeting Eric, she decided to stay with her fellow Jerodians and help us, you know, save the world.

Alf, sure. Rekia... lolno. Rekia is suffering from absorbtion syndrome. She wasn't sages character to start with and, no matter how hard sage tries, he simply isn't Kamilla. Either he needs to hardline her back to her original format, or outright break her away.

I'm sorry but I'm not Kanami. Kanami has a style I can't really emulate. She is my character now and I want to put my own spin on her, not just copy everything Kanami does. I mean, I love her and all, and she did a great job, but I don't just want to be in her shadow all the time. Who else would Reika go to? Cynthia? She hasn't really expressed much of an interest in her. Whistler? He's already playing a mole, two would be too much to handle. Phoenix has so many of his own characters, Bal like Cynthia has not expressed much interest in roleplaying her, LOL at Kai/Lightning/Psych playing her. Kiryn is like Bal and Cynthia in that regard, so unless you want me to kill off Reika and create my own thief, then no, I'm sorry, go beg Kanami to come back and play then.

Suggestions in how to improve her WITHOUT HAVING ME BE KANAMI would be appreciated though.

And LOL Kelas only above Luc. Kelas has a nice personality and spot on consistency along with interesting interactions. I genuinely want to read all about Kelas and what she's doing, and since she's very very good in all these areas, then Kelas should not be lower than top tier.

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Snowy, your list is lacking in many areas and the thing about our list is that we've worked together here. Charlotte is not lower than Alf or Reika. I'm sorry but it's true. Charlotte has many goals, different emotions, a good backstory and has opened up the plot and aided character development. If you remember in Chapter 8, she was dragged into the mess with the group and after meeting Eric, she decided to stay with her fellow Jerodians and help us, you know, save the world.

I find myself agreeing with this statement. In fact, this is what i wanted to post this morning but couldnt find the right words.

I'm sorry but I'm not Kanami. Kanami has a style I can't really emulate. She is my character now and I want to put my own spin on her, not just copy everything Kanami does. I mean, I love her and all, and she did a great job, but I don't just want to be in her shadow all the time. Who else would Reika go to? Cynthia? She hasn't really expressed much of an interest in her. Whistler? He's already playing a mole, two would be too much to handle. Phoenix has so many of his own characters, Bal like Cynthia has not expressed much interest in roleplaying her, LOL at Kai/Lightning/Psych playing her. Kiryn is like Bal and Cynthia in that regard, so unless you want me to kill off Reika and create my own thief, then no, I'm sorry, go beg Kanami to come back and play then.

@ Bold: I lol'd so hard

@ Italics: I hurt on the inside ;_;

Um your doing fine with Reika. She has been acting a little dumb (No offense) but other then that, I dont see any major problems. If she becomes Alf's lover then that is a problem

Suggestions in how to improve her WITHOUT HAVING ME BE KANAMI would be appreciated though.

For starters, make her sound/look smarter. Redundancy/bad comebacks are the difference between Kanami!Reika and Sage!Reika. I dont think Reika would call Alferis Slave all the time as well. :/

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Mmm...These suggestions are kind of good, not bad really. Even if I do decide Reika falls for Alf, she will not be some sort of floozy. Reika is not an emotionless asexual bitch like Morgan, so love is possible for her.

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Things that would make Reika better:

We need her to drop her guard more. She only opens to Alf, and even then she has trouble with that. Find at least one other person for her.

@Lightning having Reika

He'd be decent, he just never does something postworthy that isn't Chase going, "So Morgan....hi."

And he'd have three people with CW, which makes me kinda thinking it's unfair.

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Mmm...These suggestions are kind of good, not bad really. Even if I do decide Reika falls for Alf, she will not be some sort of floozy. Reika is not an emotionless asexual bitch like Morgan, so love is possible for her.

Nvm. Misread.

Edited by Kai
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Well, I assume we go by this list.......












Upper Mid






Low Mid
















Mage Sisters

I can see Cess > Conrad. Unlike Conrad, he speaks time to time. I would kill Katie and the Mage sisters from the bottom list and put Conrad under Cess.

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Things that would make Reika better:

We need her to drop her guard more. She only opens to Alf, and even then she has trouble with that. Find at least one other person for her.

@Lightning having Reika

He'd be decent, he just never does something postworthy that isn't Chase going, "So Morgan....hi."

And he'd have three people with CW, which makes me kinda thinking it's unfair.

Reika never dropped her guard in the first place. If anything? She might as well be even more reserved.


@above post: Okay, your bias against me is showing if you think Conrad is below Cess, who like never talks, whereas I'm starting to use Conrad more.

self note: Next time the group plans something importantand I'm around Conrad's gonna be there. It's more of the problem that he really hasn't had that chance much, seeing as I was either offline or we got ambushed.

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@above post: Okay, your bias against me is showing if you think Conrad is below Cess, who like never talks, whereas I'm starting to use Conrad more. Next time the group plans something importantand I'm around Conrad's gonna be there. It's more of the problem that he really hasn't had that chance much, seeing as IU was either offline or we got ambushed.

Your starting to. Good, he can rise when you do so.

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Anytime I post something about Rita, he has a post doing something. It might not involve Rita, it might. But he shows up way more than Conrad.

Heck, give a stump the Crimson Axe, and you'd probably get more action. But that's an insult to stumps.

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Remind me the last time Cess did something relevant.

Give ME an example where Conrad did something relevant, other than getting his ass kicked by Alex?

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Cess has had some interesting fortunes, and the one with the mole incident was plot worthy.

Might cover Snowy's stuff if I have the time later (lol@ why is Kelas in teh group by the way, she mentions protecting her brother like every other post).

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Another reminder:

Do NOT argue characters with posts regarding them that you don't even read.

@ Lightning

Okay how about trying this to improve characters. Less IRC violence, FE4 nonsense, and more RP posts?

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Those fortunes were CHAPTERS ago and Cess rarely offers his help. The mole thing is cool, but it's so infrequent, and it's so downplayed to being Rita's epic fail tagalong sidekick that basically in conclusion, Cess should go out in a blaze of glory or be made relevant again. His current role is hell for him.

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This list is aweful.

Stop spelling awful incorrectly. And just in general, this seems to be your opinion against everyone else’s. You may want to consider changing instead of going “I am right and you all are wrong”.

Just try to tell me that you think it coincidence that the two highest characters are not only the mains of the two women in the RP, but also the mains of two of the list majors.

Kiryn doesn't help run this list. Kanami put Morgan in the top spot, Sage moved her to second below Charlotte. I didn't move my own characters down, but I didn't move them up either.

Unless I remember properly, they even said they weren't reading all the posts of certain characters out of dislike for them. This isn't to mention that they are comparing them to their ideal of how they should be played, not how the character is. Esphyr, for example, is ranked in lower mid. Why? Because she's 'bipolar'.

I read all posts of certain characters, even if said posts are awful sexist pig crap. If Esphyr is literally supposed to be a bipolar schizophrenic, you probably should have mentioned this at some point.

She's moody, yes... and there are reasons for it. Her past, Damian, Aiya, and many other factors contribute to her stance on this ball... which has been one of the few times she's actually been terribly moody. Most of her mood swings consist of her getting mad which, since she holds a sword that deals heavily with wrath, is pretty self-explanitory as to why (Lev moodswings are different for reasons that *may* show up if the chance arises). She has reasons for what she does... and she's ranked lower mid?

Obviously characters change moods from time to time, but Esphyr's mood changes are both too quick and overly dramatic. Try and be more subtle rather than "EUPHORIA!" followed by "I WANT TO KILL EVERYONE"

Meanwhile I can't figure out why Kelas is even still with the group (no weapon or purpose to stay)

Arrin herp derp.

Charlotte seems like she should have left a long time ago (trying to restore a nation and she's with a group that has criminals and mercenaries? The only thing she gains from staying towards her goal is maybe support from Damian and HM, whom she hasn't interacted a lot with at least).

She did leave the group to go get aid from Halton (talking to the emperor obviously matters more than convincing some colonel), and Elysimia was declared neutral, so she went to Septimus...the same direction that the group was going. She also wants to defeat the LOAF, doesn't make sense to restore your country just to have demons smash it.

It's not that they are the best female characters. They are the best characters and they are controlled by the two female RPers here. And Morgan... honestly is boring. She started off as a port of Morrigan from Dragon Age and, though she's managed to separate herself, is still a aweful lot like her base in terms of personality.

Being the best characters also makes them the best female characters Snowy. Being an Expy does not make a character more or less interesting by default. I mean, I probably would avoid making a character exactly like Batman or something, but if you just look at the tropes page, you can see that the current characters have a lot of similarities to other characters. Point is, it's how interesting the characters are presented, not their supposed originality.

Charlotte is a princess trying to restore a nation unless it changed recently. To accomplish this goal, she tags along with a group of criminals.

She tags along with a group that contains the only people from her nation she knows are alive.

Charlotte strikes me as a Disney princess minus Walt's charm. If she burst into song, I would honestly not be shocked.

She has burst into song actually. My goal with Charlotte somewhat was a subversion of a Disney princess, thrust in a wildly different(and darker) situation, with her "sweetness and innocence" perhaps being more self-perceived than actually existent (though she's still kinda nice). So actually, this statement makes me feel successful

The only time I can recall her even acting any different than 'I need to restore the nation' personality wise was when Esphyr told her off.

‘I need to restore my nation’ is a goal, not a personality trait.

Frick. One of these three nations destroyed her own nation! We have two national-level representatives and are in the ballroom of the third, and she's not even being SNIDE?!

Jace destroyed her nation, not Septimus as a whole, and if you haven't gotten that by now, you're clearly not reading my or Snike’s posts. Anyway, being snide here is OOC as Snike said, and a dumb move politically.

Alf, sure. Rekia... lolno. Rekia is suffering from absorbtion syndrome. She wasn't sages character to start with and, no matter how hard sage tries, he simply isn't Kamilla. Either he needs to hardline her back to her original format, or outright break her away.

Snike already corrected your naming issues. Anyway, I think Sage is doing a good job emulating Reika. Not exactly the same as the original, but definitely still the same general character.

I like Kelas, but she is in no way top. Her tie to the group is superficial at best (Arrin, who himself is only around because Morgan is forcing him unless I missed something) and... well... She's kind of weird. She agrees to Altion's race, has fun, Altion tries to defend her when they get attacked by wolves, he goes off and mopes and blames himself because of his failing, and she then badmouths him behind his back? Maybe I'm mad, but still...

Arrin would otherwise be attacked by demons anyway, or alternatively wants to defeat the LOAF. I guess neither of these have been explicitly stated (most character's reasons haven't), but it's a basic assumption. And a lot of your list seems based on you being butthurt about people not being nice to your characters.

Also, Top tier is a stuck-up notion. I hate it. It implies that the characters are flawless or near-perfect. In a different league than other characters whom are still great.

I actually agree with this to some extent, dropping the Top characters down to High seems a fine idea to me.

Morgan still stinks of Morrigan IMO. Here's an idea. This ball has drinks. Let her drink and get loose-lipped, then allow for either backstory development or have her do something unique and let her recover from it the following morning. Like, have her tell Tessa off about some absurdly minor detail (maybe Tessa stepped on her foot or something) and have Morgan actually scare her away, then have to deal with it when her head clears up. Maybe not exactly that, but, you know, something she regrets and has to either put up with or mend instead of being remote and distant.

Morgan yells at people over minor details because she's mean right? Just like those servants at Luc's manor. Except Morgan doesn't actually complain about very minor details, that would be OOC, drunk or no.

She's a mercenary. SHE'S SEEN IT BEFORE! Often times people wonder how officers can hold meetings on battlefields about post-battlefield events, sometimes while the fighting is still wrapping up. Once you've been on a battlefield enough, it becomes... different.

if she were actually a tough mercenary, she wouldn't be so angsty and moody, she would be good at taking things in stride. Esphyr has no tolerance for negative events whatsoever.

If it's about character, PC/NPC status doesn't matter one bit.

Agreed actually, assuming it's a "traveling NPC".

The top three characters are all female, with the two tops being both a tier above and controlled by two women. I'm not terribly sexist, but I do try to sense when there is bias happening. A full tier above, especially when I find problems with them, is just not right.

Because women can't be as good at guys when it comes to RPing, right? You are honestly pretty terrible at portraying female characters. They're absurdly moody, overly sexual, and anti-feminist, even when they're pretending to be feminist. The higher tier female characters act like actual girls.

@Phoenix Morgan will interact more proportionally in a different plot arc, though my overall activity is down due to college. And you can erase the Mage Girls if desired.

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Anihaseo you shriveled cabbages, how goes the world of idiotic drama?...... Nothing's changed has it?..... No surprises there. :/

To be fair, Sage's list was very different from the previous list, and also flat out ignored some of the intermediate feedback, not to mention added in several highly questionable moves (of the sort I saw people lambasting Snowy for), that I hardly think this is appropriate criticism.

This list wasn't really about reflecting everyones unanimous evaluations. And tier lists are pretty much controlled by the threads creator anyway. That's not to say they can do whatever they want (they can, people'll just start ignoring it). That's why I left hoping Cynthia would continue it since she had the ability to take a step back and look from an unbiased eye. Whatever the case this shouldn't be used as "my characters better then yours" but as a list indicating to Rp'ers that their characters are becoming uninteresting. it's essentially up to the individual whether they do anything about it.

Do NOT argue characters with posts regarding them that you don't even read.

..... Yup, nothing's changed. XD

Just try to tell me that you think it coincidence that the two highest characters are not only the mains of the two women in the RP, but also the mains of two of the list majors.

It's kind of sad to see your ability to argue your point hasn't developed. Are you honestly arguing that <user> gender is related to how this is ranked? If Morgan's still in top tier then it's because none of you have been able to argue her down properly. When this list was first created she started there since that's where I believed she belonged. And at the time there wasn't strong objection to her position.

Essentially reading your posts now, and recalling back to "those dark days" it seems you've always been concerned with raising your own characters, not being able to accept the opinions and criticism of others is a sign of poor leadership :/

I'm sorry, go beg Kanami to come back and play then.

... I love fire and all, but I'm not willing to walk back into hells maw.

Honestly though, I was pretty sure I left Reika's character to Sage, if he wanted Reika to have a big stupid grin on her face while giving out poisoned cookies, that's fine. I don't know how much time/events have lapsed since I passed Reika over ingame but I assume enough time has passed for her character to start changing. (Her character wasn't too well defined anyway).

However I do concede that if she's still only interacting with Alferis, it'd be "better" for you(Sage) to make her interact with other characters. Even if it is a bit forcefully. Reason being simple. If you make characters interact with uncontrollable (not your own characters) you're forced to play out a scenario you haven't scripted and planned out. Life doesn't work that way. And more importantly you get to focus on "reaction" instead of the entire sequence. And I personally think that the "reaction" is the basis for a good character in an RP. Not the amount of planning people do beforehand. I know I didn't leave many options available for Reika (hostile) but trying to talk to new-comers might be a good idea. You could also have her approach a figure in the group under fake friendship to draw out information she wouldn't be able to otherwise draw out. Just suggestions.


Now for the biggest question, fortunately for you all, I'm not coming back, I just forgot to turn off PM->Email notifications :P But it was amusing reading the last few pages and seeing how not much has changed. Both in terms of the RP, and in terms of RP'er mentality.

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In the past few chapters Reika has actually been interacting with non-Alferis people, and is pretty similar to what you had originally IMO.

Changes in RP: Well, Katie got put on a bus and is (hopefully) not coming back. Other than that, not much really.

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That update was too short, Luna.


Reika, Isotov, and Arrin were all severed. Ixion brought Miranda back to life as a demon and is making an army of chimeras. Mana(HM) is doing things with her underwear no sane woman should do. Ixion talked her and Damian into coming with him for ... training of some sort. Levski almost slept with Daneka. Charlotte has a magical color changing dress. Snowy can't spell worth a damn. Esphyr had some menstruation issues and almost killed Kiev. We got some new characters. Krinkov is beating the crap out of this female wyvern on a regular basis. Amari is officially in charge of all horses. Snike got Jace CC's, I got Harold CC's. The grand ball was more like the grand frat party, and Luna killed off Psych's mage trio. Hick, Prick, and Spick are dead and gone.

If I missed anything less silly or relevant ... eh.

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It depends on whether she got on a schoolbus to get an education! or a Khmer Rouge bus. I personally would prefer the later. But grandma bluehead probably will get a cardiac arrest soon anyway.

~could have sworn I saw someone say Reika only interacts with Alf, not sure what page or even which thread XD But I'm also pretty sure I quoted a non-intellectual there, so my apologies. :/


Doesn't sound too interesting.... Well you've successfuly conveyed that this farce is no longer even funny so thanks for that XD

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Your welcome.

@ Reika

She's ... interacting with others out of necessity most of the time. Someone talks to her or is screwing around with Alf and what is she supposed to do? Just stand there?(well sometimes...)

@ Kamilla

She's back but not in the party. I noticed you left me with an interesting challenge by deleting almost everything relevant concerning her. No biggy. Being under my control changes her character a bit anyway. Mind wipe gag is over though and she's back to trying to get the party arrested.

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Nyeh, it happens alot in this rapid paced environment. It's either wait for a few hours and make no sense, or ignore half the interactions XD

Nyeh Either way, character interaction is probably lacking @Sage, but from what I've read so far it seems fine. And I'm in no position to tell you what "your" character should be like..... *hint hint @halfwit*


Nyergh, I deleted a few things that I didn't think were necessary. Either way there wasn't much to work on other then her working for Septimian Church(?) There were other things I planned when she was created but I never wrote them up anywhere so if I deleted anything it's pretty much just Church -> pilgrimage/mission -> agewipe -> hauled back to ... (whatever the place was called.... Conrad/Viveka nation?) And her personality being that she doesn't like the group. If you look back at this RP in retrospect you'll find alot of the characters were extremely undeveloped. XD

Either way, I don't have any reason to stay here past my bedtime, so nighty night.

Should I be worried that there were people online this early (my time)? I mean don't you people work?... Actually nevermind XD

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