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LoAF Character Ranking


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@ Cynthia


High tier

Mid high tier

Low tier

Mid tier

Bottom tier

I meant low tierEDIT: Yeah, just thought I'd fix that. I meant mid tier.

@ Kai

It's not about who you talk to. Did you think having Helios talk to everyone would make him a better character? It's about development, not the number of friends they have. Iso got around mid high tier or something on the list because he was heavily focused on earlier, not because he was friends with everyone IMO.

Edited by Phoenix
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Okay, changes were made according to the input, the flow of new characters is






Reika, since I love myself XD (Honestly just there for screen time), Dani's attack happy'ness pleases me, and Charlotte's good competition, But a coin toss put Dani on top, IMO they're equal. Heinz is slighltly hindered due to activity (Not Whistlers fault) And Alf, well I've still yet to see any in-depth character from him really, due to a lack of interactions.

Other significant changes include Erics promotion to Mid-High tier, above Damian, despite the difference in RP time, Damian isn't really openly interactive, and I have to agree on the "Mary-Sue'ness" I'd think if Damian was in Reika's position (Wyvern nest) He'd most likely have a smoke bomb handy, if he didn't kill everything with Gae-bolg first.

Chase has been upped significantly too, I still haven't read this morning/evenings posts, but as discussed prior, I seldom see him doing anything other then crying "hear hear" to Morgans opinions, however he has become generally more interesting, though whether he's above Dani I'm really not sure.

(Edit)Forgot Irina, she still significantly lacks interactions, but we're getting a pretty good look into what's going on in her mind.

Rejected requests

Helios can not be moved down, due to Helios still being above Aiya IMO.

Dropping Isotov, isn't something I agree with from that argument, Though It's not something I'll outright deny, Phoenix's response and belief in regards to your argument is correct, and Cynthia's posts is a bit more specific about it. But if you can come up with something a bit more solid, I'm willing to drop him a name.

Edited by Kanami
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Kai is sort of right in the sense that it is easier to develop your character through more interactions, but Isotov kind of manages to do just fine, partially due to a lot of dialogue with NPCs and internal monologues. Plus, I can't see Arrin>Isotov, especially since Arrin has been awfully quiet lately.

With the influx of new characters a new tier might be appropriate. I'd split it between Reika and Dani, since Dani is the start of the true 'new' characters. Mid just seems really big now, especially since Bottom is a lot smaller.

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Hmm well, if you think so :/

I initially rejected the idea of having a "low" due to it seeming a bit... eh insulting. You can't really whine about being in middle (average). And bottom characters were under-performers, "Low" seemed to indicate that they were doing something wrong, since if your character is in "bottom" alarm bells should be ringing.

An alternative would be to move a few up to "Medium-High" but I doubt that'd help much. So if one more person wants a low tier (Cynthia/Phoenix/???) then I'll implement it..... Or you can argue it? XD

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No, I can agree with Cynthia on this one. Go ahead and make it. This thread is giving people insight into their suckage. Look what happened to Irina within the first week of this thread's existence. Look at what is sorta happening with Helios. Look at Ether's reaction :lol:

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I guess Mid-Low would also be somewhat insulting.

We can keep the tiers as is I suppose. I'm not necessarily seeing Cess or Irina a tier above the people they are right now, so perhaps just leave as is. The new characters will probably seperate more over time.

Tessa below Kelas in Top tier? Not a specific reason here, just feels right.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Problem solved, sort of, If I move Tessa and Isotov up, then Arrin leads the mid-high tier, meaning the standard there drops quite a bit, (Increase High range, drop standard for Mid-High).

I suppose the ultimate goal of this is to have everyone in Mid-High, and have no one beneath that.

Another reason for no "low tier" would be, I don't want to argue with someone whether their characters sucks, or characters sucks more. Cause essentially they suck. And if you look at the bottom tier, you will find that they do indeed "suck" What they're sucking is up for debate We'll have to throw Katie down and Esphyr down there too if the definition of "bottom" is redefined.

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With Alferis, I'll have to admit I haven't exactly got a great handle on him yet. I'm begining to and I'm getting some ideas, but I think bottom of Mid is fair for now.

And do chicks dig scars? Because there has got to be a reason why Damian can attract all the girls.

Edited by Dark Sage
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That's probably the only reason you're down there, because Alferis is still pretty new to the RP. If you can throw in a few more interactions and a bit more depth to his character, he should start climbing the ladder pretty quickly.

As for Damian, he has Esphyr and Aiya, Aiya was created solely to be Damian's love interest. And Esphyr's a slut character was supposed to be somewhat related to Damian, and men think the only relation between a woman and a man is love or sex. Which one this is, I'm not sure yet.

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@Damian: he's what we call a man slut. Esphyr is more for sex, considering how they nearly jumped each others bones.

For Alferis, he seems to be a mask-like character. He shields his true personality, whether through acting like a soldier (he also acts like this when he's focused on something) or sarcastic. Thus, thoughts are very important for Alf's development and if he can find someone trustworthy and accepting, he can tell people what he thinks.

And like Cynthia said above, looks like Reika has at least a potential friend or acquaintance.

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Erm. You haven't been really reading the posts, have you? Esphyr's not actually all that responsive to sexual stimuli. She's had two chances to put out to Damian already, one while drunk, and she said no both times, even while drunk. She even claimed to have never 'actually' kissed him during T or D. Yea; if Esphyr is a slut, she's on the pruder side for sure at least. Considering she usually acts in a professional manner (mostly) when not alone with him, probably the only reason she does act that way when alone is because she feels she can trust him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bal, though he might not want to handle it.

We could just let this die and bring up individual issues in Chat. Personally I think most characters with us have reached an acceptable level of characterization, though there's room for improvement of course.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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... That's an honest opinion. Cynthia tends to be hardest to impressed, she's one of our most active users, and she knows most of what's going on. Perfect candidate if you ask me.

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In regards to the actual list however, Pary needs to be placed somewhere, and I feel Arrin should move below Damian and Eric.

Change it to:




Edited by psychout50
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No. Arrin has definitely developed himself a good, solid personality, while Damian's a bit of a Gary Sue no matter what. Eric's done a pretty good job, too. I think it's good the way it is for the most part besides the fact that we're missing some people.

Also... Chase. Is he really that low, still? He's developed a bizarre personality for himself (at the very least it's something new) and has both sides of his personality show often enough (the cold side ad the soft side).

EDIT: I knew my delayed post would show up eventually... weird but I'll go with it.

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In regards to the actual list however, Pary needs to be placed somewhere, and I feel Arrin should move below Damian and Eric.

Change it to:




So, I see bold, and then I see italics. What?

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