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so i was wondering everyones top 5 axes/swords/lances/w/ethehellthereisinthisgame and it is all opionons

so here's mine.













Swordsmen(and women)


2BURGER KING/zelgius




Bowman, the 5 is flipped upside down.

















Edited by King Soren
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I can't see why Micaiah is "FAIL". She can heal without a stave at the extent of her own HP getting drained, but that saves weapon space for tomes. She's also got high MAG.

Also why isn't Ilyana under Soren? Sanaki is one of the worst mages IMO, but each to their own I guess.

Edited by Raven
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Wow. The best magic user in the game is in "Fail".

I can't see why Micaiah is "FAIL". She can heal without a stave at the extent of her own HP getting drained, but that saves weapon space for tomes. She's also got high MAG.

Also why isn't Ilyana under Soren?

I don't know what you guys are talking about. I, at least, have never heard of a character named "Ciah."

Otherwise, while the first list is not great, it isn't surprising either. Although I am surprised at the Axe list, specifically Jill > Haar and Boyd > Nolan.

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I don't know what you guys are talking about. I, at least, have never heard of a character named "Ciah."

I was assuming that it was set up in the same way that inefficient players call Micaiah "Failcaiah" because they don't understand how important she is to efficiency. Of course, Failcaiah was spelled incorrectly, but lots of people have trouble spelling Micaiah.

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I was assuming that it was set up in the same way that inefficient players call Micaiah "Failcaiah" because they don't understand how important she is to efficiency. Of course, Failcaiah was spelled incorrectly, but lots of people have trouble spelling Micaiah.

You missed the sarcasm....It's okay, I still do it on occasion as well.

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1. Boyd

2. Jill

3. Ike

4. Nolan

5. I have no 5th. Although I expect my next Str, Skill & Spd transfer!Haar to be it.


1 Nephenee

2. Danved

3. Marcia

4. Sigrun

Swordsmen(and women)

1. Lucia

2. Elincia

3. Zihark

4. Mia

5. Mist

Bowman, the 5 is flipped upside down.

1. Shinon, the one and only.


1. Laura (A big help overall)

2. Rhys

3. Mist


1. Soren

2. Micaiah

3. Sanaki

4. Callil

5. Rhys


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I don't know what you guys are talking about. I, at least, have never heard of a character named "Ciah."

Otherwise, while the first list is not great, it isn't surprising either. Although I am surprised at the Axe list, specifically Jill > Haar and Boyd > Nolan.

then i doubt you've ever heard of failciah...

i dont get why you find axe list surprising, jill is one of the best characters with great part 1 and 3 abilities along with a great P4 and endgame. boyd > nolan is uncommmon but no one likes putting time into boyd thats all he needs...

failciah doesnt belong in fail, people just call her that cause shes gay, uses one of the worst weapon types in the game and there is no way in hell she should be on the cover, shes not even the main character

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then i doubt you've ever heard of failciah...

And another...Was I really that convincing?

i dont get why you find axe list surprising, jill is one of the best characters with great part 1 and 3 abilities along with a great P4 and endgame. boyd > nolan is uncommmon but no one likes putting time into boyd thats all he needs...

The reason I found it surprising is because most of the people who find Soren to be the best Mage also put Haar and Nolan above Jill and Boyd (which is funny because those are the ones that are actually right). Jill and Boyd aren't bad characters. Haar and Nolan are just (respectively) better.

failciah doesnt belong in fail, people just call her that cause shes gay, uses one of the worst weapon types in the game and there is no way in hell she should be on the cover, shes not even the main character

I'm pretty sure Micaiah isn't homosexual. And her weapon type may suck, but Thani is pretty amazing. And she might not be in the spotlight, but she is one of the main characters in the game.

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are not worth noting cause the most badass guy in the whole game...is held down by a shit weapon =[

Baselard isn't bad. Volke just lacks availability. Massively lacks. Considering sothe is forced into 4-E there is no good reason to take Volke there (baselard at least allows sothe to finish some kills since almost nobody ORKOs Generals) and thus Volke exists only for 4-5.

Oh, and the reason nobody wants to put time into Boyd is because he'll almost never double in HM. 18 spd with 45% growth and level 8 base. Mega problems. On average, Boyd won't even hit 24 spd until tier 3. 24 spd stopped being good in 3-5 (though it is good again in 3-7, but then bad again in 3-8). He'll almost never double the faster things and it's not like he's 2HKOing Generals anyway so there isn't much advantage of raising him just to double them. And even that takes a lot of levels before he'll do it for you. And probably a wing.

And since Micaiah ends up with sothe I don't think she is gay. Unless you meant "gay" in a negative way, in which case I may have to warn you. Actually, even if she was gay why are you saying that puts her into "fail"? I think I might have to warn you regardless. Hmm. Undecided.

also, #chapters with Micaiah: 22. #chapters with Ike: 18. Unless you think Ilyana is the main character, I really have to ask you why Micaiah isn't the main character. Also, Thani is one of the best weapons against generals/cavs. It's not a bad weapon. And the type is very accurate. These aren't exactly reasons to call her fail.

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Baselard isn't bad.

It really is, at least when compared to the other SS weapons. 18 MT as opposed to 20-22, no 1-2 range, no stat bonus...All it really has is a fairly average 15 crit, which I suppose is nice for Volke on top of his base 43, but I'd rather have a bit more versatility, especially when Sothe and Heather don't have innate crit past Skl.

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1. Zihark/Ike

3. Mia

4. Elincia

5. Zelgius/Kurger Bing


1. Nephenee

2. Oscar

3. Aran (Shush, I like him. Even on HM)

4. Gatrie (I love him too)

5. Marcia/Tanith (I like Tanith in this game, actually. Good averages)


1. Haar

2. Jill

3. Nolan

4. Boyd

5. Titania


1. Soren (<3)

2. Micaiah

3. Ilyana

4. Calill (Bolganone is win for its +3 Spd)

5. Pelleas/Laura? I don't really know who to put here. Tormod has such horrible PT he isn't worth the training. And I don't like Bastian's speed at all. At least Laura can double. Rhys can't.



2. Rolf

3. Oscar

4. Astrid (I LIKE HER)

5. Leonardo


1. Micaiah

2. Soren

3. Laura

4. Rhys

5. Mist


1. Volke. End of Story.

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It really is, at least when compared to the other SS weapons. 18 MT as opposed to 20-22, no 1-2 range, no stat bonus...All it really has is a fairly average 15 crit, which I suppose is nice for Volke on top of his base 43, but I'd rather have a bit more versatility, especially when Sothe and Heather don't have innate crit past Skl.

Volke would have 48 mt at base level with baselard. Okay, 32 def Generals are annoyingly not 3HKOd so you couldn't give him adept for them, but the 31def ones still are. Making baselard 20 mt or even 22 mt and removing its crit would make the weapon worse for him. 4HKOing with massive crit is not bad. And he 3HKOs most of the things. In fact, if you could perhaps get him a couple of levels in 4-5 he's even 3HKOing 51hp/32 def generals, though I suppose still not 52/32. 51 mt doesn't even 2HKO the halbs and warriors of 4-E-2, so again the crit wins out over a 20mt weapon.

Okay, for sothe and Heather they'd probably appreciate more mt since they don't have the innate crit boost. But for Volke, Baselard ain't bad.

No offense to Narga, but he misses sarcasm all the time. The fact that he missed it isn't that surprising.

miss, ignore, enjoy saying more than is necessary. It's really up for debate, actually. But notice how little of my answer was directed at Red Fox and how much was about how incorrect the other post was.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Swordsmen(and women)









3.Fiona if promoted twice

4:Geoffrey if promoted



























Edited by Queen_Elincia
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1 Nolan

2 Ike

3 Haar

4 Jill

5 are there any others? (that are not Boyd, paladin or armor knights)


1 Nephenee

2 is there anyone else? (except for...never mind~)

Swordsmen(and women)

1 Mia

2 Edward

3 Ike

4 Elincia

5 Lucia


1 Rolf

2 Astrid

3 Leo

4 Shinon

5 more?


1 Micaiah

2 see sages

3 more?


1 Soren

2 Micaiah (well, sorta~)

3 Pelleas

4 Ilyana

5 Callil


1 the black knight (totally nothing to decide about him, not skills not xp, nothing)

2 garreth

Edited by whase
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1. Marcia

2. Aran (*sets nearby jukebox to play the Brinstar theme from Melee :awesome: *)

3. Gatrie

4. Tanith

5. Sigrun


1. EIK! STAI BAK! (misspelled for the heck of it, but you know what I'm getting at anyway)

2. Zelgius the Brave :awesome::newyears:

3. Mia

4. Zihark

5. Elincia


1. Haar

2. Nolan

3. Titania

4. Gatrie

5. Brom


1. Shinon

2. Rolf

3. Leo

4. Astrid (I like her. That is all.)


1. Micaiah

2. Calill

3. Laura

4. Ilyana


1. Laura

2. Micaiah

3. Elincia

4. Mist

Edited by Ein Lanford
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Queen Elincia's list surprised me, no shinnon in top 5 bows O_o and lots of other characters that aren't used, but its good to see someon spicing it up here and there

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1. Jill

2. Haar

3. Titania

4. Kieran

5. Nolan


1. Nephenee

2. Tanith

3. Sigrun

4. Marcia

5. Geoffery


1. Mia

2. Lucia

3. Elincia

4. Zihark

5. Edward


1. Astrid

I don't use any other bow user, at all.


1. Calill

2. Ilyana

3. Micaiah

4. Bastian

5. Oliver


1. Heather

2. Sothe

3. Volke


1. Vika

2. Caineghis

3. Moredcai

4. Nailah

5. Nealuchi

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Queen Elincia's list surprised me, no shinnon in top 5 bows O_o and lots of other characters that aren't used, but its good to see someon spicing it up here and there

I thought this was about who would be my top 5 choices to pick :P

but thank you anyways :D

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1. Titania

2. Nolan

3. Haar

4. Kieran

5. Boyd


1. Gatrie

2. Nephenee

3. Fiona

4. Oscar

5. Tanith


1. Edward

2. Elincia

3. Black Knight

4. Ike

5. Mia


1. Shinon

2. Leonardo

3. Astrid

4. Rolf

5. 3-13 Archer


1. Elincia

2. Mist

3. Laura

4. Micaiah

5. Oliver


1. Soren

2. Pelleas

3. Calill

4. Sanaki

5. Micaiah (begrudgingly)


1. Micaiah

2: Sothe

3: Ena

4: Lyre

5: Ilyana


1: Vika

2: Skrimir

3: Leanne

4: Tibarn

5: Kurthnaga


1: Volke

2: Heather

3: Sothe

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I never bought into the Mic hate. Frankly, she's the best mage in the game due to an almost total lack of competition.


1: Boyd, because he gets Transfer bonuses.

2: Titania, only above Haar for ...personal reasons.

3: Haar, because he's a pimp.

4: Nolan, even though I really wanted to say

5: Jill. :( I want her above Nolan but I can't justify it like I can Tits>Haar.


1: Nephenee. Are you surprised?

2: Gatrie for all sorts of reasons.

3: Oscar, for his h4x affinity.

4: Marcia, because.

5: Geoffrey. He'd be much higher (>Oscar) but his availability isn't good enough.


1: Ike lol for sharing my name?

2: Mia because this game lacks GBA Mercs so I have to get over my Myrmaid dislike.

3: Elincia for her infinite-use PRF Brave Sword.

4: Uh, Stef? I don't even really like five swordsmen in this game.

5: Zihark?


1: Shinon duh.

2: Leonardo for Lughnasadh. holy shit did I spell that right first try?

3: Geoffrey. He promotes fast due to free!Paragon and Canto!Bows is better than

4: Rolf, but Rolf still isn't bad by any means - just overshadowed by Shinon.

5: Oscar, for enabling the TRIANGLE ATTACK!!. He's not as good as Geoffrey because he has a longer Lance-lock window.


1: Elincia because canto + healer = boner.

1: Mist because see above.

3: Laura because she helps the Brigade so damn much.

4: That bishop in 3-9 for saving Marcia like a billion times.

5: Rhys.


1: Micaiah. I see it this way: no Mages reliably double in this game. Micaiah puts out the most reliable damage because she always has 100% hit, puts out the highest damage because she has several copies of her own PRF tome that's the best magic in the series, gets healing in T1 - even if it is ghetto healing - and picks up real healing in T2 when other mages wait for T3, and she has the best availability of all the Mages to boot. Suck it, haters.

3: Rhys for putting out automatic reliable damage.

3: Soren for doing a little bit more damage a little bit less reliably.

4: Laura, who would be way higher but has to promote first. It's personal, though.

5: Bastian for being a goddamn pimp. Even a lack of availability can't stop him.

I'm leaving Laguz alone because I don't use them liberally and I'd probably just pull five Royals anyway.

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