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Lord of Azure Flame: Suggestions

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We get 4 after promotion.

Morgan having mindwiping abilities wasn't my idea in the first place. Also Nady really asked me to do it.

That makes her calling ME a godmodder even more retarded!

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Meh, my point was that it's a little different giving your own character abilities rather than having someone else's character do it.

The 'Halton soldier' thing did happen a lot at first, but that went down.

In a normal RP I would call getting your own wyvern godmodding, but the FE class system kind of leads itself to that.

Myrmidion: I can use a sword!

Wyvern Rider: Me too! And I have a flying scaly lizard the size of a bus!

So yeah I'm not getting in the way of this argument. I still think the new defensive stats are fine though.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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No, you're just being stupid or illiterate, one of the two, possibly both.

-I say stat cap is 32, you say it's 30. (It's actually 32)

-I specifically state that maxes vary from 30~32, you argue that they need to be dropped to 30 to fit the cap, which has established as 30~32.

-You state mages have 30 stat points, I say good for you, read above.

None of that addresses your new point of "How many stat points do we get after a level up"

The answer to that is 3

Level 1: Total 20/30~32

Level 2: Total 23/30~32

Level 3: Total 28/40~42 (Max increased by 2 around the board, additional 10 points spendable (Max is 40~42)

Level 4: total 32/40~42

(I think it was 4 for a promotion, might of been 5 but it doesn't make a difference to the list regardless

That was a typo <_<

Your still wrong

Lets see here since i have to lay it out for you (My god would it hurt to figure it out yourself. My hinting skills are awesome)

Okay so like you said

The answer to that is 3

So lets see here

20 stat points at base huh

There are a total of four levels, three since we are at base

3 level ups times stat points will result in 9 stat points

29 stat points at level cap

Can you guess where i am getting two more stat points?

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Meh, my point was that it's a little different giving your own character abilities rather than having someone else's character do it.

The 'Halton soldier' thing did happen a lot at first, but that went down.

In a normal RP I would call getting your own wyvern godmodding, but the FE class system kind of leads itself to that.

Myrmidion: I can use a sword!

Wyvern Rider: Me too! And I have a flying scaly lizard the size of a bus!

So yeah I'm not getting in the way of this argument. I still think the new defensive stats are fine though.

As you said,class system lends itself to wyverns,and Ulfy's extra size causes a good deal of problems as well.

And unless you want everyone to be a generic schmoe with no background,someone is bound to have authority somewhere,or things get repetitive.

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I concluding illiterate & Stupid.

Though if someone else is understanding what Kai wants to say, then please feel free to tell me in a language I understand, preferably English.


It's died down now... sort of due to Ulfhrahn doing half your work for you. I didn't mind him having authority back in Vaorin, it made sense then, perhaps even at the border town. But

Percy: I am son of hero!

Soldier: I am Halton soldier respect me!

Pegasus: I am giant flying lizard

Selizara: I am great general, negotiate with me! Screw protocol.

Cavalry: Big lizard gonna scare you!

Individually they're fine, but what the hell is Damian doing? With all the authority he commands he should be leading a army of soldiers across the land and telling the other nations they can go fuck themselves because you're the son of a hero. As I said, individually they're fine, but combined, it's just getting ridiculous.

Should have sent out troops to hunt Ulfrhran down during the TISME period, damn.

Edited by Kanami
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@ Cuddles

I know you hate me, but I'm really starting to like you XD (it's not the insults, it's the content of the insults)

@ Kai


So does anyone disagree with the exp bonus that Cuddles mentioned?

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By retroactive, you mean from chapter 1 up til joining? I thought that was the entire point. Basically they're just getting the "existing" points that they missed. We don't need any Serra's in this group.

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@Cynthia, If it's going to be implemented, it should be retroactive, Characters like Viveka and Conrad should be considered unintroduced at this point as well. Reika... Well I'd like to say she gets the 5 exp as well but she did fight in CH1 and net 5 exp. So I'll leave that up to someone else. (It's pretty much the exp you get for existing really.)


Yes, you do that, nevermind the fact that no alterations were made for the Windmage between the signup and the list being discussed here. But you obviously knew that.

@Phoenix, deal with it, since my hatred is not unlimited and there's a lot of people right now that need hating. I'll pay you by boatpeople the boatload later on any attention I forgot to give you when things have died down.


@Phoenix2: It's really for those who are going to join up late, like Heinz, and Cess. As well as any future applications this RP may get. But as stated above, I don't see why existing characters shouldn't benefit.

@EXP General

If you think it's too much, then chapter 1~3 could be nulled, due to exp being very crappy back then. Though I'm sure everyone is above 40 exp at this point in time :/

Edited by Kanami
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BTW if you havent figured it out the two points come from MAG/STR

31 points

Not entirely sure why you get 2 extra points out of nowhere for Mag/Str, but still irrelevant, due to max being higher for second tiers.

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You've read it, since you've quoted it above, but I'll post it again for your little head.

First Tier

Level 1: Total 20/30~32

Level 2: Total 23/30~32

Second Tier

Level 3: Total 28/40~42 (Max increased by 2 around the board, additional 10 points spendable (Max is 40~42)

Level 4: total 32/40~42

Now with that mind, can you re-address the issue? Clearly?

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Quick question: How are the caps so high, when we have no chance of reaching them?

Also, Ether, if you're bitching about how Damian and Aiya can now take damage, Eric got it worse.

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If you're talking about the tier 1 caps I don't see how they're unreachable.

I should rephrase that. If we hit level 2, we have 23 possible stat points. There's 7-9 points that are impossible to get. I'm just wondering why the cumulative cap is that high.

Edit: Grammar is bugging me again. Hate writing 2 exams in French. >.<

Edited by Snike
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If you're able to max out in everything that means each member of a particular class is going to end up identical, less room for customization if you can fill it all out regardless.

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If you're able to max out in everything that means each member of a particular class is going to end up identical, less room for customization if you can fill it all out regardless.


I'm not going to lower the caps when the whole reason for making them in the first place was to prevent identical units, and prevent Gatries from showing up.

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Right. But, if we added 2-4 more points, wouldn't that give us more customization? I mean, some unattainable is alright, but 7-9 is a good 2-3 levels.

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Meh I like the number of points as is personally. Your character will end up with some bad areas probably, but c'est la vie.

You'll get 3 points next level up at least, which should be fairly soon.

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Meh I like the number of points as is personally. Your character will end up with some bad areas probably, but c'est la vie.

You'll get 3 points next level up at least, which should be fairly soon.

... Which brings me to the effective strength of a level one unit. e.e

I guess I have an issue with it because next tier, if I want a skill, I can only max out my skill and speed, and basically be hitting the same damage as a level 1 Myrm. And bad areas are made worse. Then it's 8-10 gap, made 14-16 due to my stupidity in using a skill. I guess my point is, the caps are too high if you use skills, to the point that it's actually better to forgo them for the points, or you'll fall behind.

Adding another suggestion: Ditch Keen Edge. It's a 2STR penalty for only a 15% increase, on a strength screwed class.

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On the other end of things, you have Ether who doesn't use any skills complaining the caps are too low and he has to put points in things he doesn't want. So...yeah.

WRT Keen Edge, it does seem underpowered. I'd rather just give a +1(or +2?) bonus on the skill roll.

I think new skills could be suggested as well. They'd have to be approved of course, and I guess there's the issue of "but I wanted that skill at signup!", but the current list is a little limited IMO.

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