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So a while ago I entered a tournament.....


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Yeah, so awhile ago, I entered a Super Smash Bros. Brawl tournament near where I live. I entered the tournament as Lucario since at the last tournament I entered back in about maybe April (before that, the last tournament I entered was before the 2009 summer, so don't think I enter tournaments often) I came in second and I hadn't played Brawl in awhile. So during the second round of the tournament, I had to play the only person using MetaKnight in the entire tournament. Needless to say, I beat him in a pretty close match. And after the match, he told me that I was to cheap with Lucario since I would spam Aura Sphere. When he said that to me, I just looked away and didn't even respond because I was just like, dude your Metaknight; all you do is spam his tornado move. Even after I won the tournament, he was still saying the same thing.

What do you make of this?

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It's the same no matter what you do. If you lose, it's because he/she(who am I kidding) is skilled. If you win, it's luck/spam. In any case, good job I guess. Metacuntknight is a pain in the ass to play against.

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I did a tournament with a friend too and we got second out of 9 teams, but nobody acted like that person. Don't worry, the world is full of people like that- just ignore them. Cuz they're just jealous B)

And I get where your coming from; Metaknight players are totally like that! :P

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Either he can't take losing or if possible he's oblivious to the fact that he was spamming. Or maybe a bit of both.

Anyhoo congrats on winning.

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This brings up the question, should one avoid a strategy and play less effectively for the purpose of playing "honorably"? Say 3 people are playing against each other. If 2 are fighting, should the third immediately enter the fray or be a coward for a moment?

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So the other day I entered a tournament, and they were a bunch of noobs I was the only MetaKnight in the entire tournament, then I get beaten in the second round by some Lucario who wasn't letting me spam tornado him to death. To top it all off when I confronted him it didn't even warp reality and let me win the tournament. Bad times:(

@ Kinata you could take the middle road and use hit and runs

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This brings up the question, should one avoid a strategy and play less effectively for the purpose of playing "honorably"? Say 3 people are playing against each other. If 2 are fighting, should the third immediately enter the fray or be a coward for a moment?

A true competitive player plays to win. Only scrubs hold tightly to the concept of honor.

(Obviously, that doesn't mean to yank out your opponent's controller and punch him in the face. It has to be within the bounds of the game.)

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A true competitive player plays to win. Only scrubs hold tightly to the concept of honor.

(Obviously, that doesn't mean to yank out your opponent's controller and punch him in the face. It has to be within the bounds of the game.)

But standing between them and the screen is still fair game right?

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This brings up the question, should one avoid a strategy and play less effectively for the purpose of playing "honorably"? Say 3 people are playing against each other. If 2 are fighting, should the third immediately enter the fray or be a coward for a moment?

I played in a tournament that had a number of people so that it eventually got down so it wasn't even, and for that round I used I think Toon Link against MK and Pit on Bridge of Eldin. MK ran to one side and just jumped over and over, and Pit to the other and spammed arrows. I had to kill all of Pit first since he got in the way of me killing MK. Then all of MK, who I think maybe did a potshot on Pit once. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

I don't want to be mean, but I kind of look down on spammers-- it doesn't matter if they're Lucario or MK or whoever. SSBB doesn't take much to be good at... I was kind of laughing since I was bomb spamming for my matches (yes I know), and then people were like "omg teh bomb spam!11" until I actually played for the final match. :)

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I played in a tournament that had a number of people so that it eventually got down so it wasn't even, and for that round I used I think Toon Link against MK and Pit on Bridge of Eldin. MK ran to one side and just jumped over and over, and Pit to the other and spammed arrows. I had to kill all of Pit first since he got in the way of me killing MK. Then all of MK, who I think maybe did a potshot on Pit once. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

I don't want to be mean, but I kind of look down on spammers-- it doesn't matter if they're Lucario or MK or whoever. SSBB doesn't take much to be good at... I was kind of laughing since I was bomb spamming for my matches (yes I know), and then people were like "omg teh bomb spam!11" until I actually played for the final match. :)

Were you doing bomber?

Take bomb, Jump, Throw bomb, repeat.

I love doing that to my brother XD

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I was at a very difficult tournament yesterday and got 1st/9 in teams and 5th/31 in singles. Sounds small, but NY/NJ is full of national class players, so there are sadly no n00bs. Anti is the second best doubles player in the nation and my team beat his after a big losing streak for a year. :)

I played a good Lucario yesterday that beat a top Marth and a very good Falco in the bracket. I twostocked him with MK, then nearly threestocked him with Snake.

I <3 using top tiers.

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