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Now that the euphoria of summer vacation has worn off...


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Summer vacations? What's that? There's no such thing in my vocabulary :(

And high school is great, one of the best time I've ever had

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Oh man all the Seniors are going to stuff Freshman walking home in trashcans and roll them down the hill. I would know, Billy told me that his older brother's friend had it happen to his cousin. Assignments are going to be so hard. I heard that one English teacher actually murdered a kid because he spoke during class. And someone told me that the principal is actually a Satanist. High school is going to suck so bad. :(

It's the same thing as before

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Oh man all the Seniors are going to stuff Freshman walking home in trashcans and roll them down the hill. I would know, Billy told me that his older brother's friend had it happen to his cousin. Assignments are going to be so hard. I heard that one English teacher actually murdered a kid because he spoke during class. And someone told me that the principal is actually a Satanist. High school is going to suck so bad. :(

It's the same thing as before

Wow. You guys had trashcans? Back in my day we didn't have trashcans, we just had different kinds of recycling bins, and if you tried to roll them they were all square shaped so it didn't really work. You had to sort your trash into the recycling bins. And by golly, we liked it!

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Wow. You guys had trashcans? Back in my day we didn't have trashcans, we just had different kinds of recycling bins, and if you tried to roll them they were all square shaped so it didn't really work. You had to sort your trash into the recycling bins. And by golly, we liked it!

In such a case, the Seniors would simply dump you in the trash can and close the lid. It would be full of banana peels and yucky things like that.

Or something. I don't know. I'm going off media entertainment here.

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I'm going to be in my last year of high school~

Me too!

SENIORS!!! woot woot

Also, high school can be fun. It was/is MUCH better than middle school for me so...have fun?

Edited by acey555
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I will be a friggin senior next school year.

I kinda don't wanna be a senior... idk why. Maybe it's cause there are certain pplz in my school that I don't wanna leave and know they won't be in the college I wanna go to so this is the last year I'll see them. And also I really expect that work may be harder or something like that.

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