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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 9: Over the wyvern mountain and through the dark woods


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"Don't get me started on her," Kelas muttered. "I suppose we're just lucky that she doesn't apply her 'mind control first, ask questions later' method to humans as well."

Before Eric could reply, though, she shushed him, bringing her bow up and loosing an arrow: she had bagged a large rabbit and sighted a second. "We'll need a few more of these," she noted as she put up another arrow and bringing down the second rabbit, which had frozen in fear, "but as there don't seem to be deer around here, they'll have to do."

After bagging several goodly-sized rabbits, Kelas' mood had improved considerably. Heading back, she commented, "Now, if we've at least got some non-drugged bread, we should be fine for now."

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"Might be a bit tough, but we still have a bit of bread in one of Francis' saddlebags, I think," the traveler said, heading back towards the camp. "Now, let's hope they didn't go and kill each other while we were gone..."

"Milady, if I may, a magical injury is essentially the same as a physical. Wind magic produces cuts, while fire magic produces burns. The only tricky magic to heal, I would say, is lightning, but that's because it's a severe burn. She should be just fine, now," Dani said.

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"Meh. Dark magic is difficult to heal, too. What would that be as a physical attack? Stabbing someone from the inside or something? And Light. How do you heal light? How would light hurt you physically at all? Magic is all kinda crazy..." Chase interrupted. "For example, I can make a little sphere of energy with no purpose. Is it magic, just a talent, or what? Can you run out of magic energy? Can magic energy be stolen or stored? Can it disappear? Should I care if it's possible? Complications like that. Maybe I could've learned to develop whatever it is I can do, but honestly? I'd be better at a bow and arrow anyways and it's simpler."

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"Dark magic's just messed up. It would be like internal bleeding, so basically you just rely on the healing. Light magic is pretty weak, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. As for your orb thing, can I see?," Dani asked. "You might actually have something there."

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"Too many questions hurt my brain" Helios said. "About Hellsety i have only seen what it can do from hours before". "I dont know whether it has any curse traits or not". He turned to Chase. "That would be cool". "Casting fire while you shoot an arrow". "But that is impossible". "You have to be born to be able to cast magic". "I would say that Dark magic was close to a physical hit since they hit hard". "You can ask your girlfriend, Ms Morgan". "She knows". "You said you can cast a sphere a magic". "Would you mind"?

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"Err, okay..." he said a bit confused. He focused his mind, then shut and opened his eyes, pointed in front of him and cast the sphere of magic. It floated in the air for a second, crackling with clear energy, then dissipated.

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"That's pretty good, for someone untrained," the mage said. "I'd say that you might be able to use magic, someday, but you'd have to go to TISME and study there. In the meantime, you could probably use magical arrows. Say, you're that outlaw, Veshkal, right? How DID your bounty get so high? Back in Jerdon, we tried to figure out why, but never could come up with a reason."

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"Oh, I hit you? Sorry. I got carried away last night..." Dani said, sheepishly. "As for the magic arrows, it doesn't take much. You just have to concentrate on changing the metal into an element, that's all. It's really basic compared to most other magics."

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Isotov and Irina

After failing to heed Irina's demands, she simply grabbed her. Iso flinched at the sight of his sister handling his ... something. What was Katie anyway? Originally he was learning things from her, but now she seemed to be hinting at more.

Iso: Hey! Easy!

Irina picked up Katie, and sat her down on Kiev's back.

Irina: Don't move!

Irina then headed off to find one of the healers ... and Morgan. Iso stood there by Katie.

Iso: *sigh* you probably should just wait there for a little bit. My sister is clearly in no mood.

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"Umm, you haven't read much, I guess. It's easier to project magic onto a solid base, than it is to conjure it out of thin air. Imbuing something with and element doesn't take much effort, as opposed to, say, casting a lightning spell. Slight manipulations of the magic field aren't that exhausting."

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"TISME campus, I'd say. Otherwise, somewhere in Septimus. Jerdon used to have a bunch, but..." she began to say something, but was interrupted by the nomad coming back, with food. "Oh, we're just talking about magic. Nothing much. Now, you said you have food? Sweet! I haven't eaten for days!"

"Yeah, uh, I think we might want to get everyone else some, before my friend devours the rest," Eric said to Kelas. "She's like a bottomless pit, in terms of how much she can eat."

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"Tessa, should we... try and help?" Arrin had asked her regarding the situation with Katie, who had been acting a little oddly, ever since the incident with the cake.

"I... don't really know. Damian's herbs should have already been neutralizing the effects, and if there's something residual going on... I'm not sure, but I guess it can't hurt to try, right?"

Irina seemed to be headed over to try to collect help anyway, so going along seemed to be the best course of action, whether or not it were possible for her to be of use.

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Isotov and Irina

Irina came up to the group of magic users with utter frustration on her face.

Irina: Alright! Where are the healers? This is important.

Iso simply stood by Katie and Kiev waiting around.

Iso: (Is it the drugs or does she actually feel that way? Hmm ... she's not bad looking ... in fact-)

His chain of thought was interrupted when Kiev started walking away! With nothing to lean against, Iso lost his balance and barely caught himself!

Iso: Where are you going?

The wyvern ignored him and walked off with Katie on the saddle. Iso quickly chased after him. Seeing Tessa nearby, Iso ran up to her!

Iso: Tessa! Irina went to find you or Charlotte, but since you're here, I need you to see what's wrong with Katie.

EDIT: For Tessa's appearance.

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"Right, we need a campfire, and if someone who knows how wants to help me start skinning these..." Kelas began to give directions, hoping to cook the rabbits as quickly as possible. She was hungry, too.

Arrin was distracted by the mention of food. "Maybe food will help?" he mused, thinking that food would probably help with anything at this point.

Amari had been left to graze and rest, finally. Or not: she looked up to see the smaller wyvern wandering off. She snorted: why is every creature I encounter so ridiculous? Amari planted herself in Kiev's path, postured as though herding a wayward colt.

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Helios found some wood by the trail. He brought back at least five pieces. "Anybody has some sort of axe i can use or should i just use magic"?


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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Hmm ... food does sound nice. I usually travel around with rations though, so I've got no skinning experience :sob:

Kiev had been intercepted by Amari, Kelas' strange horse. The wyvern stopped and looked the horse up and down. If Irina would get so upset over a small animal, surely she would actually punish him for eating an allied horse. He tilted his head at Amari waiting to see if she would move while Katie wobbled back and forth atop the saddle.

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"Just give it here," Kelas told Helios, arranging the wood for the fire and getting out a flint to light it.

Amari gave Kiev a look that said "Well? Go on, then." When the wyvern didn't budge, she nipped at his side, trying to get him to go back to the group without actually having to try shoving.

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"Just put the wood there, and go get some more with magic. I'll start the fire," Dani said. Just as Kelas dropped the wood, she shot a lightning bolt at the pile, and the campfire was going. Without waiting, she sprinted over to the game, took a rabbit, and swiftly skinned it, before impaling it on a separate branch to roast over the file. Meanwhile, Eric sighed.

"Might as well let her do it all," he said. "She's one of the best chefs I've ever seen. Not to mention the fastest."

Edit: Ninja'ed, so I swapped a word.

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"Thank you miss...Ah...I never got your name,did I?" Aiya said,embarrassed,as she tried to thank Charlotte.

"It looks like Kelas is back with some rabbit." Damian said offhandedly.

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