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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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"... There she goes," Eric said, frowning. He began to break off from the group, but Dani grabbed on to his shoulder.

"She'll be fine! Milady's stronger than you think, Eric," she said. "Have a little faith."

"... Fine. But, we're coming back, if I hear any screaming," Eric said, running back towards the entrance. Once the trio had arrived, the mercenary from before had returned.

"Done?" he asked, turning. "That was qu-Oh, for the love of... Eric, Sis, how the hell'd you get into this mess?"

"Uh, sorry, Brother," Dani said, shrugging. "I tried to fry Travis, and, uh, it didn't work... Then he hit me with his shield, and, uh, yeah..."

"... He's a hero, first off. That was to be expected. And why didn't you just zap him from behind cover?"

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OOC: Cess is butting in on support B building <_< XD

Isotov Irina Viveka and Lev

Iso: Ixion does it from time to time, but he only seems to cast very minor spells, and he never does them one after the other either. I'd ask him to help us but ... he would likely say no just to spite me.

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Travis lead Charlotte back to his private quarters. "So, you're some kind of healer chick or something right?" he asked. Charlotte nodded in response. "All right then, first task is to heal this scratch I got today, got it?"

Travis took off his shirt, revealing his well muscled body. Charlotte spoke up "Um, you know I can just use my staff to heal you through your clothes right?"

"Yeah I know." said Travis. "Now get those herbs over there and rub them on my chest." Charlotte got the herbs and carefully applied them to the wound on his chest.

"Good job, though a little more rubbing wouldn't hurt" said Travis. "Now, kiss it to make it all better." Charlotte leaned over and gave the closed wound a quick peck.

"Good girl." said Travis with a smile. "Now you're officially part of the team...which means you get to be my woman." He grabbed her suddenly by the arms and gave her a rough kiss, his tongue eagerly seeking out her mouth. Charlotte managed to timidly return it.

Travis laughed "You've never done this before, have you? I like that...such an innocent little church girl." His hands grabbed her chest area.

Charlotte pulled back Well that didn't take long "Maybe we should...set the mood, Captain, some flowers or candlelight or something?"

"Nonsense." said Travis, grabbing her robes and giving them a rip. "I'm the boss and we'll do what I say."

"Captain Travis, he's a hero! Taking virginity down to zero!" he sang.

I hope they rescued Dani by now...she thought as she took out her Lightning tome and hot light into his eyes.

"Augh!" Travis screamed. "I can't see!" He grabbed the air frantically and a book on Charlotte's person dropped to the ground. "GUARDS! GRAB THAT CLERIC!"

Charlotte ran as fast as she could. Luckily, most of the men had cleared out for their Captain's "private time", so her escape route was undeterred by mercenaries.

She ran into Eric, Alferis, Dani, and that green-haired mercenary from before, he did look awfully familiar near the entrance. 'Let's go!" she yelled.

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"All- All right, milady," Arrin mumbled, remembering the charade as he took Tessa's brush again, beginning to gingerly run it through her hair.

why was his face so warm he couldn't possibly have a fever again

"Tired... but you're sure you're all right? Milady." Wait, blast. He was doing it again, worrying. How annoying he must be...

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"... Nice one," the merc said, sarcastically, drawing his sword.

"No time for that, brother!," Dani said, before running off, Alferis following. Derek looked at the pursuers, and decided to follow his sister.

"Just a second," Eric said. He ran back to Charlotte, and, picking the girl up, started after them. "Hold on tight, Your Highness," he said, speeding up his pace.

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The nomad mage really was being incredibly careful. He must have taken her earlier warning about punishment for tugs or snarls to heart. Tessa found herself wondering for a moment if she were perhaps being too hard on him; he'd really gotten into the whole 'protecting' thing during the battle, and she'd considered just dropping the whole affair as a lost cause, but she was rather glad now that she hadn't.

Closing her eyes and basking in the pleasant sensation, she fielded the answer to his latest inquiry. "I'm fine, seriously. I'm not ill, nor am I wounded. Just... wish everyone else could stay that way..."

Tessa's breathing deepened, as she was lulled to a state of near sleep. Giving in to the soothing feelings she leaned back, and ended up gently resting on Arrin's chest, eyes still closed, still gripping her ornament in her left hand.

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Charlotte desperately tried to clutch her robe together. Why can't a Mend staff work on clothes, it has mend right in the name! she thought, irritated, though glad to see Dani alive.

"So then Viveka, we have a deal. You bring General Jackson to us and we will...discuss matters. There is the issue of trust however, we have no way of ensuring you will not simply bring more troops after us. I would take the pegasus hostage, but that would slow you down considerably..." Morgan's voice trailed off.

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Isotov Irina Viveka and Lev

Viveka: Yes there is definitely a trust issue. You only need General Jackson for the crimson axe. I'm positive you wouldn't be talking with me otherwise. You take whatever precautions you feel necessary, and I'll do the same. That's the best we can hope for at the moment.

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The mercenaries seemed to lose vigor the further they ran from the fortress. Eventually, they all gave up and turned back, at which point the Jerdonians and Alferis stopped, as well, to catch their breath. Letting Charlotte down, Eric noticed that the cleric had torn her robe.

"Milady," he said taking off his coat. "Please, wrap this around you, until we can find a spare set of clothing."

While he was doing this Derek was speaking with Dani.

"So, you're with the Fire bandits, except that they're charges are blown out of proportion? And Eric found milady in Hamburg? Huh," he said.

"Yeah! They're not a bad bunch! You should come meet them," Dani said.

"I don't think I have a choice, now. Anyways, who's he?" Derek asked, pointing an armored finger at Alferis.

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"Take the pegasus, give her a horse. We've still got cavalry horses, and while I don't like the possibility of getting an animal killed, we don't strictly need them," Kelas suggested. "She'll get there in decent time and come back for the pegasus."

After a few minutes Arrin was surprised to find Tessa falling asleep against him. She began to slide off the rock they were seated on... without thinking, he put out an arm to steady her.

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"Thank you" said Charlotte, wrapping the coat around herself. "Is that really you, Sir Derek? I am glad to see you alive. Alferis here is a companion in our traveling group, though he is unaware of my...heritage." she said, giving Derek a look she hoped he would understand

Morgan shook her head "Not good enough. We do have fliers of our own you know, perhaps they could tail you...to make sure you don't do anything hostile." she said with a suspicious glare at Viveka.

"Kelas' suggestion may work as well." she admitted.

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"Ah. I see. Glad to see you are well too, milady," Derek said. To Eric, he said, "Lead the way to the group, will you? I'll act as rear watch."

"Got it," Eric replied. "Milady, would you like me to carry you the rest of the way?" Upon hearing this, the siblings exchanged a look, but said nothing.

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"Irina, honestly. Stop coddling that mutt. The only type of woman that someone who considers them to be property deserves is the type willing to sell themselves out for a few coin. Prostitutes, hookers, and the ilk. Unless you've been doing things behind our backs, you don't seem to be the kind. Please, leave him in the wayside when we continue on."

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"Thank you Sir Eric I am very grateful for your assistance." Charlotte said, allowing herself to relax in Eric's arms. Her mind wandered to how Eric's touch was so different from how Travis treated her, comforting instead of rough.

Morgan frowned at Esphyr's words. "You are aware that I paid coin for Irina's services, correct?" :mellow:

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Isotov Irina Viveka and Lev

Viveka: If you're willing to go that far, then you may as well just have the idiot of a wyvern lord fly me back to Ilyp- >_<

She bit down on her tongue realizing what she'd just suggested and shook her head repeatedly!

Lev: ... no offense, but I do charge for just about all services. I might forgo that just these once since it's these Viveka woman and that Tessa girl saved my eye, but I do still have to make sure the other guys are okay before I take her.

Irina: What if she attacks you again?

Lev: I'll drop her ... she's fast but gravity is faster, comrades ^_^

Viveka: :blink:

Esphyr proceeded to explain just why she devalued Lev to Irina. Her reasons seemed normal, but still ...

Irina: Urgh ... you know, let me talk to you about this in private.

Lev: Why private? It's just as much my business as yours >:)

Irina: Shut up and stay put, I'm trying to vindicate you. I wouldn't have to if you'd stop screwing around <_<

... come on, Esphyr.

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"Alright then," Eric said. "Here we g-"

"Hold on," Derek said. "... Whoever you are, come out. I know you're there."

"What?" Dani asked.

"You heard me. Someone's watching us."

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"Not sure how well I trust that idea, though. Supposing that you're not Shanice, you're still... questionably trustworthy in my book," Kelas stated. "Besides. Given the possibility of you two fighting, she could get hurt, which would worsen our status all the more."


Amari was getting bored. The humans were all squawking at each other over this and that, Kelas was safe and occupied with the squawking, Francis and the new horses were all right, and the grass here was too trampled and bloody to be appetizing. She looked around idly. Something caught her eye: a newcomer horse, apparently sleeping.

She trotted over. On closer inspection she determined that this was one of those silly ones, with the wings. Amari snorted at the winged mare: this was no place to be sleeping. Breathing noises: one of the wyverns had crept up behind, apparently contemplating a meal. Amari lifted a hind hoof for a moment as a warning, then lightly butted the sleeping mare with her nose. Wake up, silly.


Arrin heard raised voices: the others were arguing, presumably about Viveka. He thought he might go see what was going on, but realized that he couldn't move without dropping Tessa. Well, he reasoned as he continued to sit, it was kind of nice to hold on to someone, at least.

Edited: grammars.

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Heinz stared vaguely up into the sky, simply laying on the ground for time being. He could hear the two healers frantically running around, healing those who were wounded, but he dared not sit up in fear of passing out again. I lost too much blood already...... that demon will pay for that someday. "At least it wasn't fatal, I guess," he muttered.

In the background, he heard the wyvern lord Lev talking to the others in the group and Heinz stiffened for a second before realizing that his eye was bleeding, as well as looking quite a bit more beaten up than the previous Lev had been. The others haven't attacked him yet, and he does seem surprised at what Alferis said about that demon seducing Irina..... perhaps he's the real one. That new thunder mage is missing too? Eh, not my problem. Go be the hero and try to save him yourself, swordsman.

Heinz turned his head. A little farther away, he noticed Chase supporting a pegasus knight and squinted slightly. "That's Viveka, isn't it? Recently promoted through the Elysimian ranks on either skill in bed or because of that horse. Pity she's here, there are plenty of mercenaries I know that would be willing to capture her," he smirked. "And that man Helios doesn't seem to have any idea what mercenary code is, just like that other mage. Are all of them this foolish?"

Kelas gave part of her vulnerary to Heinz, managing to stop the wound from bleeding any further. Some more squabbling broke out and Heinz chose to shut his ears, blocking out the useless non-Crimson Weapon talk.

OOC: Got tired of summarizing after awhile so I had Heinz ignore them.

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At Viveka's bristling at the suggestion that she be tailed, Morgan sighed.

"Well, flying back is probably not a good option, you all might kill each other before you get to Illyphina, which would defeat the whole purpose of your trip. Assuming you can ride a horse, I think the best option is for you to take one of ours and we'll hold your pegasus as collateral. We should work out some sort of meeting place for when you return as well."

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Isotov Irina Viveka and Lev

Viveka: Yes, the horse option is fine, but you have to listen. Susann isn't comfortable when I'm not nearby, and she hates being confined.

Viveka quickly took out a list of notes that she always kept on her for the pegasi hostlers back in Ilyphina, and handed it to Morgan.

Viveka: If you just follow those instructions, she won't misbehave or put up a huge fuss.

OOC: Will send Cynthia the note after I post this.

Lev shrugged as Irina and Esphyr walked away, and then stood up.

Lev: Well ... I suppose I'd better find something to do until they get back. What's in those notes, Viveka?

Viveka: None of your business, mercenary -_-

He leaned close to Morgan and whispered into her ear.

Lev: Show me the note later. ^_^

Irina and Esphyr reached a secluded spot not too far away from the others, but outside of earshot. Irina sat down and crossed her arms under her legs.

Irina: I wish I could just instantly give you all of my memories of Lev because he's not a bad guy really. He's just too cocky to know when to quit joking around -_-

Kiev and Susann

Having been warded off by Amari's foot, Kiev backed away. Krinkov was snoozing not far away, and Susann was lying on the ground. When Amari woke her up, she looked up at the wingless horse and blinked several times.

... ... ... it didn't have wings, and it was similar to the other wingless ones that the soldier rode. Not sure what to do, Susann stood up and stood in front of Amari, wondering what she would do.

OOC: This'll either turn into a superiority complex, or equinephobia XD

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"Pass the notes, I'll handle the pegasus," Kelas volunteered. "I know how to deal with animals without resorting to black magic," she added pointedly.


The mare woke up and rolled to her feet. Amari sniffed at her, nickering a greeting. She smelled a little funny, but still like a proper animal.

Kiev ventured a bit nearer; Amari flicked her tail at him. Go away, Boy. She reached out her head, meaning to herd Susann back towards the main group.

Edit: Ninja'd. Fixed the Amari part.

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Esphyr sighed deeply as she sat down beside Irina, rubbing her hand against her forehead. "Look, Irina... I've dealt with people like him before. Plenty of times. It's always the same; without fail. If a man ever calls a woman his property openly like that; it's never good. I've had people like that think me just some form of slattern who will also fight and 'claimed' me as their own, only to either condemn me or cast me out when I inevitably slap them in the face. When I get hired to fight them, they never try to kill me. Always capture the women. Not for their own safety though. Never."

Esphyr turned to look at Irina. "I don't know what he did to you as a child, but please... See him for what he is... He's... A..." Esphyr gave a sudden, volatile shudder as she finished her condemnation. "Leech."

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Morgan rolled her eyes at the comment the nomad just felt she had to make, but passed the notes over to her anyway "You do seem to be good with animals, so the pegasus is now your responsibility. Keep it healthy unless Viveka does somethins silly, in which case one of us will take of care of it."

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