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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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"Not if I get to him first," Derek said, pointing to his sword. "But we'll trust you for now. Again, Mr. Guide, Lady Charlotte's identity remains secret, or else. Got that?"

Seeing the man nod, the mercenary turned to Eric. "As I was saying, lead the way."

Eric nodded, and the group was off, yet again. As they came in sight of the others, Dani ran up towards them.

"I'm back!" she said merrily.

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"Umm...actually...it happened a little over a week ago..." Aiya said,looking down in embarrassment.


"It is odd how lucky we seem to get in some of these encounters,as individually,we are the unluckiest group of people you may ever meet..." Damian said offhandedly,pointing out the irony in the truth of her statement.

"Still,demons are tenacious enough,we don't need human opponents as well,if they can be avoided."

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"He wouldn't have hurt me. I'm sure of it." said Esphyr before she stood up. "But fine. I'll go talk to him. Don't worry about him hitting on me though. If he does, I'll hit back. harder." With that, Esphyr turned to return to the group. Upon her return, she wasted no time and barged right towards Lev, ignoring that he was currently talking to Iso. "Hey! Moron!" she called out to get his attention as she approached him. "Irina says I should try to get along with you, so you know what? I will. But I swear, if I catch you even considering treating a woman like property..." she said, letting the threat hang in the hopes that he would get the message as well as her position on him.

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Isotov and Lev

Lev: Just a week ago? In that case train real hard. There's a pegasus knight right over there-

Suddenly Esphyr appeared once again and let Lev have a piece of her mind, and seemed to be hinting at giving him a piece of her sword as well.

Lev: ... okay Irina was right. No property comments. This group is clearly emotionally invested in such things. Well if we're going to be getting along, I suppose that also means we'll also be talking a lot more. If that's the case could we keep the threats to an absolute minium? Rival mercenary groups and thoughtless bandits are one thing, but pre-menstrual stress coupled with swords are in a league all their own.

Iso: It's your own fault, Lev.

Lev: Hey, every person who ever succeeded at anything in life acquires enemies and objectors. For every woman that wants to chop my head off, that's another seven that want my groin all for themselves ^_^

Iso: ... ... ....


As Esphyr stormed off toward Lev, Irina just watched from a distance.

Irina: :blink:


Viveka: Demons? What demons?

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"The demons that'll likely be after us again if we stick around here much longer," Kelas butted in. "The others have returned," she observed, absently scratching Susann's withers as the pegasus decided that this one perhaps wasn't so bad. "Apparently unharmed too. Should we head for a town, maybe? This isn't the best location to be hanging around all day, and most people still need medical attention--" she glanced at Tessa, currently asleep-- "and likely more than we can provide right now."

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"Guys, like I said, we need to get going. Charlotte tricked Travis and then attacked him. He'll probably figure out where she's from, once he realizes Dani's gone."

"Oh yeah, by the way, this man is Derek. He's Dani's brother. The other man is...the other man is Panamon. He's an ex-Septimian. I don't know exactly why he's so desperate to join us, but he insists on taking him along."

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Isotov and Levski

Taking a quick glance at the merry voice he heard, and then looking back at Iso, Aiya, and Esphyr, he thought to himself.

Lev: (The hell is this, a buffet?)


Seeing that Danielle had returned unharmed, the guilt faded instantly, and she approached her.

Irina: Hey, you're alright. Where did that merc take you?

Before she got her answer she noticed two new faces. She decided to wait and see if they would be introduced on their own, and Alferis eventually did introduce them, as Derek, and Panamon.


Viveka: Forgive me for not gasping at mention of demons. Feel free to thank me though for not mocking you over it though. Exactly where did these "demons" come from?

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"... I'm just a mercenary," Derek said. "But anyways, I doubt they'll go far. They aren't paid enough to die just 'cuz their boss is slightly angry."

Finally getting to the camp, Eric let Charlotte down, than asked," Has anyone got a spare robe? Milady had hers ripped by the hero."

"Oh, they just took me to the abandoned fortress over there," Dani said, pointing to where they came from. "I could've gotten out, but the door was magic-resistant! It sucked!"

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Isotov and Lev

Lev: Do you like groveling or something? I don't. A lack of threats seems fine to me, Esphyr ^_^

Iso had had enough of sitting on the ground, and started trying to get up despite the pain. When Lev saw him struggling, he grabbed him, and hauled him to his feet, making sure not to let go so Iso could remain on his feet.

Lev: And that's another thing ... I heard about you protecting the mute woman.

Iso: From where?

Lev: Ixion, just before he and Stephanie headed for Ilyphina. Horus has been following this group ever since you joined them, Iso. Ixion doesn't care what you do, but I'm seriously disappointed in you.

Iso: What?


Irina: Where do mercs get magic resistant jail cells? Was it an old run down military fortress?

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"..." Aiya's mood had deflated significantly,and she now stood slumped over,looking like she was deep in thought.

"Lev,will you help me train!?" She asked quickly,seemingly surprising him.


"Yes,demons.The same ones these Crimson Weapons were designed to help combat.You should remember passing by a burnt forest on your way here.That was the site of the last attack...there were about a dozen of them...Incubi and succubi..."

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"Do a quick flyover of your lands after we've had our talk with your general," Kelas suggested. "Or didn't you notice the blighted fields on the way here? As for the ones just now, we just had an ice demon and its minion. Witness the stab wounds on people who common sellswords probably couldn't hit. Oh, and that lot that attacked us in the night, which lead to that fire, I know you saw that... Need I continue?" She sighed. "Even without demons, the point about moving off still stands; those that just returned can attest to the presence of demons in human skin in the area."

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"I can answer that one," Derek said, speaking up. " It was a military fortress, but the doors weren't resistant. We had anticipated that we'd have to capture a few mages, so we had a special type of light rune place on that door, so you could get in, but you couldn't get out, even with magic. Problem was, the boys didn't soundproof the room, and the guard wasn't too bright, considering Eric here managed to sneak up on him."

"Dani helped," Eric said. "She was shooting thunder spells at the walls, so it drowned my approach."

"Yeah! If it weren't for me, we would have had to fight our way out!," the mage chimed in.

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"Aiya, if you want help training, go to someone else other than him." said Esphyr, raising her hand to block the woman. "I'll help you train if I can, as I am sure anyone else in this group. Don't go to Lev."

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Isotov and Levski

Aiya quickly asked Lev if he would help her train. The proposal surprised him a bit, but he was more interested in doing his thing and helping out. But suddenly Esphyr stated her thoughts on the matter and even blocked Aiya altogether.

Lev: Baby steps -_-

Iso: *sigh* ... maybe we should talk about this later.

Lev: Not a chance. You're acting like idiot, Iso, and I'm damn well going to straighten you out before these is through.


Irina: Oooh. Well I'm sorry I couldn't help. I was busy strangling Viveka getting kicked in the head if you notice my cut, and defending Lev's integrity -_-


Viveka: A yeah, I noticed the burnt out forest. Well if you people are preparing to leave then perhaps we should pick a location to meet at before I go.

EDIT: Had to retcon some things.

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"Viveka? You mean, the pegasus rider who was tailing us? Is she here?" Derek asked, looking around. Spotting her, he walked over and said, "Y'know, you could've avoided this if you just cooperated with us, instead of trying to get the fire bandits first."

"It's OK," Dan said to Irina, turning to look at Lev. "I got to find my brother, so it all works out! Now, Lev's the wyvern lord, right? He's so handsome!"

Here we go again, Eric thought, tuning out the conversation. "Need anything, milady?" he asked Charlotte.

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"I think I am fine, thank you for asking." Charlotte said. She checked over her things...something was missing. "Uh, Sir Eric? I think I lost my diary..."

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"I'm grateful for the offer Esphyr,but you aren't a Wyvern Rider.I got knocked out when I was on Ulfhrahn,and since he's my partner,I can't let him down like that.Me and Irina seem to be around the same Skill level,so training with her doesn't really teach me anything...Lev just beat an Elyisimian Pegasus Knight Captain,the same type of soldier I lost to..." Aiya said,hanging her head again.

"I know Ulfy can handle himself,but if I'm not good enough,he could get hurt trying to protect me...or it could be you,Esphyr,or Damian,or Irina...if I screw up like that again..."

Speaking of Ulfhrahn,he is just returning from a hunt,and lands right behind Aiya!

"Oh,Ulfy,you're back."

Lev: :blink: (OOC: While he is used to Bull Wyverns,working for Ivanko and all,I doubt he was expecting to see one here)


"A place to meet up,eh?How about Karinko City?" Damian asked Viveka. (OOC:Karinko is a moderately large Haltonian city,about 50 miles from the group's current location.)

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OOC: @ Ether

I already had his Ulfy reaction planned. Don't worry so much XD

Also It is now replaced with eet XD (hurray! found another accentiziable word, yeah I just made that up)

Isotov and Lev

Lev: So eet's a bull? :blink: (never played a game where the girl's ride is bigger than mine ... eh)

Well ... I would recommend a lance to a sword for a wyvern that size, but riding forward during your attacks could offset the disadvantage quite a bit once you get the hang of eet. That or you'll just fall the hell off every single time.


Irina: (Dani think's Lev is handsome? Okay that's true but I'm not sure what to make of that. Is she going to ... :unsure: )


As the green haired man approached and spoke about cooperating to avoid the conflict, Viveka's jaw nearly dropped.

Viveka: Were you one of them? I see no benefit from allying myself with the mercenaries hired by my commander's rivals. Besides ... being around mercenaries in general makes me uncomfortable -_-

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"... You lost your diary? Milady, when did you last have it?" Eric asked, looking around for it. "I will go back and try to find it, if you lost it on our way back."

"... Oh, so it was a power play," Derek said, looking away. "That's why we weren't told about your company. As for your uncomfortableness around us sellswords, I'm intrigued. Could you explain why?"

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"... We are sort of degrading into a group of mercenaries bit by bit," Chase mused. "Except nobody pays us. And we attract more unwanted attention by then. Sooner or later we're going to be enemies of all three major nations..."

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Charlotte's memory flashed back to her encounter with Travis at the mercenary fortress. She remembered him grabbing at her after she had blinded him and a book falling to the ground.

"I think I left it back at the mercenary fortress." she said, giving Eric a sad look. "I wouldn't mind so much, but it contains things in there about my...heritage obviously. I do not think it would be safe to go back though, so I suppose we will just have to deal with it." she said with a sigh.

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"There ought to be a border town nearby; we need to at least stop on the way," Kelas mused. "We need to get people to a church for treatment at very l---Hey!" she broke off, striding over to one of said people who needed a church: impossibly, Isotov was on his feet again. "What are you doing up? What are you doing getting him up?" she demanded of Lev.


Arrin sat, watching the proceedings. It was true; they probably needed to get moving soon. He wasn't sure what to do when that time came, though; Tessa was still asleep. Ah well, he'd figure that out then..

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"Yeah,Ulfy's a bull.He's tame when he's not fighting though,so he's fine." Aiya responded to Lev's surprised reaction.

"I have my combat technique with a blade down pretty well,it's just that most other flying units use Lances,which is a bit of a blow.I think the biggest thing is that the swords I have on me are designed better for ground combat.I haven't had a chance to get a longer blade."


"Do you have a problem with Karinko,Viveka?" Damian asked,wondering why she wasn't responding.

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