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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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OOC: Cynthia you are awesome! XD

Isotov and Levski

Lev took a look at the blade up close. It seemed appropriate for someone her size, but Ulfhrahn was massive. She would need at least a five foot sword to get the same range as a lance wielder, but those types of swords were difficult to wield with one hand. Six footers were for Generals, Heroes, and Ivanko. An alternative would be to train her with axes so she could simply wait for the enemy to attack her, and then brutally counterattack.

Lev: How much does that sword weigh, and how much more weight could you handle while fighting? That's the best place to start.

Not sure what to make of it, Lev just asked.

Lev: Last night?

He looked down at Iso who's face was essentially kissing the dirt.

Lev: Iso, you actually-

Iso: Urg-uuuug ....

Lev: Which girl are you with? The mute or Dani? :huh:

Iso: Uuuuuug- (dirt tastes like ... ... dirt ... big surprise there)

He quickly looked back at Dani.

Lev: Dropped'em to hard. What do you mean exactly? What happened last night?

Kelas quickly picked Iso up off of the ground.

Iso: *cough* thanks, Kelas ... I'm not a fan of being on my stomach.


Hearing a loud thud and turning to see Iso grounded and Lev leaning into Dani, Irina flinched!

Irina: (For crying out loud, he's barely recovered! >_< )

She ran over to just in time to hear him ask about what happened last night?

Irina: ... (Last night? ... uh oh ....)


Viveka: So I should be assuming that the quiet one over there that just spoke up and you are "decent" mercenaries?

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The steady drone of voices continued, sometimes rising in pitch and volume, sometimes falling. There was a light breeze flowing, gently rustling the grass nearby. Tessa gently woke to the sensation of being held. It was a warm, pleasant, secure sensation. She briefly flickered her eyes open, before closing them again.

This... Things are fine like this. A while longer. No harm can come of it.

She continued to rest in Arrin's arms, now faking sleep. She was too comfortable to be bothered moving at the moment; surely when he sensed the change in her breathing, or eventually when it was time to head out, she would have to. But until then, not a chance.

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Helios glanced over at Lev and Aiya who just happened to be training. "Aiya seemed to have taken an interest in him. I dont think he really meant that".

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Heinz nodded. "Agreed. I accept the current terms of contract then, to be renegotiated as necessary," inclining his head slightly. He liked to make sure the terms of his contract were clear to both him and the contractee, this had been bugging him for awhile and had caused..... problems in the past.

He snorted slightly at Dani's behavior. I might have gone for her myself when I was younger, but I always focussed more on the money and the mission. That's the reason I'm in this anyway.... and I've seen plenty of mercenaries kicked and screaming in pain for their efforts.

He twisted his lips slightly in amusement. The quiet one, she calls me? Odd way to talk, having just met me.... but I have plenty of reasons to keep my mouth shut.

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"What you believe is up to you, miss," Derek said, eying Lev. "I'm just not the type to go around hitting on anything that moves."

"Oh, Iso was the best. Could you believe it, Irina? Three girls?" Dani asked her, winking conspiratorially.

To Alferis, Eric smiled. "The fact that we have time to discuss things like this, means that we're not in any rush. Plus, those mercs are nothing, compared to Lev here, from what I've heard," he said.

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"If he didn't really mean it, then he shouldn't have said it in the first place. That sort of comment is not something to be taken in jest ever. Sides, even if he was stupid enough to make such a pig-headed comment in jest, he didn't seek forgiveness for saying it. He meant it; or at least sees no reason to take it back."

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There was no way he could win this one. Helios sighed. "You win, Esphyr. The only way you can find out if he meant it or not is if you ask. Judging by the looks of it you look like the attack first ask later type of person. You might attack him if you get too close. Just stay away from him, i dont think he will be staying with us for long".

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"This blade weighs about ten pounds,but it feels like nothing to me,I've been using it forever." Aiya said,swinging the blade with a single hand easily,as if it were a shortsword.

"I'm personally thinking something like a Zweihander might work,they tend to range from six to seven feet,and between fourteen to sixteen pounds."

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"Well in addition to the complications it might cause, it is ah...rather embarrassing. Diaries are intended for personal use after all." said Charlotte in response to Alferis, blushing.

"Kelas, how are supplies holding up?" Morgan asked of the nomad. "That is important information to know if we should be leaving sooner rather than later."

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OOC: ♫ Monologue! ♫

Isotov Irina and Levski

Aiya seemed to actually want a longer sword to use, so Lev began focusing on that particular type of weapon. Her mentioning zweihanders was refreshing. His memories of Ivanko demolishing enemies with them were creeping up.

Lev: Yeah, zweihanders can really do the trick if you need someone stabbed at a distance. If you can handle the weight, and still carry yourself well enough, then I don't see why one of those wouldn't suffice. You must have some strong arms if you can handle swords that size.

When Dani tried to recruit Irina to her gag, Irina nearly let her panic show on the surface!

Irina: (Don't tell me she's trying to get Lev all riled up >_< )

Lev quickly turned to Irina!

Lev: I don't want to be presumptuous, here. What does she mean?

Irina: I-I-I don't want to talk about it >_<

Lev: :blink:

Iso: Where did Katie go?

Lev: The mute's name is Katie? (Where have I heard that name before?)

Iso: Yeah, I need to make sure she's safe.

Lev: Iso ... you are an idiot.

Iso: What? An idiot? For protecting someone?

Lev: Yep. You are stupid as spastic cock eyed bare back riding Elyisimian cavalier with crooked sword.

Iso: Care to explain, "friend"?

Iso's voice was carrying some agitation. Lev leaned in and whispered quietly into his ear. The only one close enough to hear was Kelas, who'd helped him up. Before he started, he grabbed Iso by the collar and held him in!

Lev: Let's see how best to explain these without upsetting you ... hmm well ... you're traveling with group of crazy cursed weapon wielding folks from abroad, you're letting them push you around and make decisions for you, your sister has to look after you now, and you have beautiful mute female, miracle of nature I might add; following you around, passing you flirty notes, touching you all the time, and even making you breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and you don't even have common courtesy to even give her a good night of love making in return. Why does she even put up with your fire retardant ass anyway? Why haven't you gotten in yet?

Iso: Cripes, Lev! How did you even know about all of that?! Don't you think it's a bit early for ... that? Besides ... ... she's Harold's daughter ... I can't just-

Lev: What?! Oh sh- well ... that explains it. Gotta kill him before you make her yours truly, yes?

Iso: I ... uhh ... still have to get into a mutual relationship first don't I? Until then, I can only watch out for her.

Lev On that note, take these.

Lev handed Iso a small knife. It was perfect for ... stabbing people.

Iso: What's this for?

Lev: I want that pegasus rider. Kill anyone who gets too close.

Iso: I'm not doing your dirty work for you, Lev.

Lev: The dirty work takes place in the bedroom, Iso. I'll definitely be taking care of that myself.

Iso: ... ... ....

Irina: >_<


Hearing the commotion over by Lev, Viveka turned her head to see Lev handing Iso a small knife. To Lev it was just a big joke, but she could have sworn she'd heard herself mentioned.

Viveka: "Pegasus rider"? (Is he going to have the fire mage kill me? :blink: )

EDIT: Pasted this from note pad so had things to fix so it fit the situation better.

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"Well,I've used heavier swords than this before,so it shouldn't be too much of an issue..." Aiya said,before nearly jumping.

"Oh,you are one of Ivanko's high ranking mercenaries,right?Well,why don't you test my arm strength?I'll take a swing at you,you block it,and let me know what you think?"

Afterward,it seems Lev had begun interrogating Irina.

"What's wrong Irina,is it that embarrassing for you?"

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"If this keeps up, I won't even need to ask." said Esphyr. "Just look at him. He's a ass, plain and simple. It's only a matter of time till he messes up. When he does, I won't even need to question. His voice goes up a few decibels and we all go home happy. Except him of course. I'm half expecting him to come on to either me or someone else who works for pay with the offer of a large load of money in return for a night of service. If he does, I swear I'll accept that money, then find some way to mess it up just to spit in his face. No refunds of course."

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"Hey, lemme see that, it definitely doesn't weight ten pounds..." Chase interrupted, and took the blade from Aiya, hoisting it onto his shoulder. "See? This is easy to life up for even me! It can't be ten pounds!" he said, struggling to keep it up. My shoulder is so numb... shooting stuff, carrying Viveka, and now this... ugh. After about twenty seconds, Chase dropped the sword to the ground, muttering "Eep."

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Helios nodded. "I see". Helios turned and saw a small knife in Isotov's hand. "Isotov is not the type of person that would fight with weapons Helios said to Esphyr. Then he saw Viveka. "You dont think..........

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"Oh. I do. I just want him to make the first move." said Esphyr, spotting the knife as well. "Besides, Iso wouldn't do anything like that. Not with knife at least. Not while we have Katie on our side."

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Isotov Irina and Levski

Seeing Chase drop the sword made Levski chuckle a little bit.

Lev: How about this, Aiya. When we get to the next town, and I get something to eat, I'll train with you, help you get set up, and maybe we can get a local blacksmith to forge you a longer sword.

Irina leaned into Aiya and whispered into her ear.

Irina: Lev loves truth or dare. If he finds out that I was half naked he'll ... he'll kick himself. :(


Viveka: (Okay don't be silly. If he wanted me dead he wouldn't bother hitting on me ... unless he's one of those rapists I've heard about ... the kind that rape, then kill, and then hide the bodies so no one ever finds out-) EEEEEEK!!! >_<

Overcome by her own mental ramblings, Viveka let out a random loud scream and stood there with her shoulders up, her legs closed, and her hands clinched at her sides!

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The scream caused Chase to turn his head and look at Viveka oddly, then commented, "Yeah, she does that sometimes.. ahaha... seriously, don't do that again."

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"So no strength test then?I was looking forward to seeing what you would think of it..." Aiya said dejectedly,before Irina approached her.

Aiya then whispered to Irina; "Half Naked?If I recall correctly,we didn't call it a tie until you were howling at the moon,completely naked,while juggling my combat knives...I still can't believe you actually pulled it off,I thought you said you couldn't juggle?"

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Upon seeing the knife, and catching the words 'pegasus rider', Derek smirked. "Looks like you've got a fan base," he said to Viveka. Then she screamed, something unexpected. "Uh, Miss, he's not going to kill you. Otherwise, he would have done so earlier. I think the lord is just trying to protect you, or something," he said, looking at Lev and Isotov again.

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