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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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"I need a ride, but I don't wanna fly and your horse probably can't take 4 people... I guess I'll go with Morgan again or something. How do we even fit so many people on to the horses...?"

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"I can run, again." Eric said, stretching.

"Uh, I'd like a ride," Dani said. "Please."

"I'm fine on the ground," Derek replied, pulling his ever-sliding gauntlets up.

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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Okay, I think Iso and Katie are about all the passengers we can handle.

Iso: I'm probably going to fall asleep on the way ...

Irina: Haven't you slept enough.

Iso: Sleeping due to blood loss and sleeping due to requiring rest are different. I'm still tired, and I'll probably only be resting for a few hours anyway. I need to return to studying as well.


Viveka: It's too bad that I need to take this horse. Sunny doesn't like being ridden by anyone but me. You're basically down a mount -_-


After waking up Krinkov with a swift bop on the head, the wyvern readied itself for the trip.

Lev: Whoa ... wait a second ...

Out from the trees came four heavily armed men. One was a mercenary, one was a myrmidon, one was a fighter, and the last was a knight. They slowly came up to Lev and all stopped in a precise line in front of him.

Lev: The hell have you guys been? :huh:

Merc1: Unconscious, Sir.

Lev: Yes I heard about that. Don't let that spread too far. Anyway, I'm going with these people for the time being. I'll meet you boys back at the fortress in a few days ... maybe sooner if everything goes well.

Merc1: What about the job?

Lev: Aborted.

Merc1: Ivanko won't like this.

Lev: You tell Ivanko that we got set up by those Elyisimian bastards! I don't give a wyvern's ass about anything else but that! Those sons of beetches sent me to haul in Irina and Iso, not real bandits.

Merc1: Really?

Lev: Yeah! Really! Now get going. I'll see you guys later.

AllMercs: Yes, Sir!!

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"That's not true. I've been on Susann a few times," Chase objected to Viveka's comment. "Although you were also withe her..."

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Lev and Viveka

Viveka: Right, you have ridden on her, Chase. Sadly, she'd have thrown you off had I not been there ^_^

Lev: I can take two passengers only. Get your seats now or walk the whole way there. Take your pick, the offer expires in ten seconds!

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Seeing that there was no room on any of the mounts, Dani sighed. "I guess I'll walk...," she said.

"Hey, Sis, if you're tired, you can ride on my shoulders, like old times," Derek offered.

"Oh? Sweet! Thanks Brother!" Dani exclaimed, clambering on. Once on his shoulders, the mage held onto her brothers' neck. "Just like before." Just then, Lev announced he could have two passengers. "Sorry, Lev! My brother beat you to the punch!" Dani said.

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Lev: No worries. If the passengers are all pretty ladies I might get distracted anyway. (5 ... 4 ... 3... )


Viveka: I think it's about time to head out then.

She quickly climbed up onto the cavalry horse and gave it a quick stroke across it's mane, before turning around to face the others.

Viveka: One last time for reference. Which town are you heading to?

EDIT: For error

Edited by Phoenix
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"It's... Alburny, I think. Something like that." Chase answered. "Susann has to like me at least a little, though! I mean, it nibbled my hair... which was painful, but, uh, that's a good sign from pegasi, right? ...Right?"

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Lev: (3 ... 2 ... 1) Time's up!

As soon as the word "up" left his lips, Krinkov slammed down his wings, and they were airborne! A second later, they were too high to even be made out clearly!

Lev: See you on the other side, kiddies!! YEEEEHAAAAAAH!!!


Viveka: Alburny ... alright then. As for Sunny's interest in you ... being a chew toy and being a second rider are two different things, Chase ^_^

When Lev took off, the gust nearly choked her!

Viveka: *cough**cough* ... and that's one of Ivanko's finest? Give me a break. I'll believe he's one of Ivanko's men when I hear it from the man himself -_-

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"He's one of Ivanko's men, all right... Irina's his... niece or daughter? I dunno. But she knows him, so he's telling the truth."

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Viveka: That wyvern riding wrestling flunky is related to Ivanko?!

She looked back at Irina, hoping to validate what Chase said with family resemblance but she was too far away, which is also why she didn't hear Viveka's insult.

Viveka: ... mmm ... I don't know ... I'll deal with that later. Alright. I'm going to head out now. Travel safely, Chase.

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Seeing Viveka leave, Eric said, "And we're off!" Picking up Charlotte, who hadn't had the chance to mount anyone's horse, he lead the way to the village, going in the direction Damian pointed him in. The pace was brisk, but comfortable. By the time night fell, the group had arrived at Alburny.

Alburny was a moderately sized town, with its' own shop, inn, and stables. No one was out, it had seemed, and so, the Crimson Brigade entered, undisturbed by the townspeople.

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"After that long walk, I'm pretty exhausted." said Esphyr. "I want to go out back behind the inn and rest for a bit before heading to sleep."

I want to head to the kitchens and see if I can learn anything since all my books were blown up in the cart

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"Best luck in a town so far, wooh," whispered Chase. "And nobody's outside, too, except that one... guy... oh dear. He got here fast."

He had a good reason to be in fear: Conrad had galloped through the town's other entrance on Thunderbolt mere moments afterwards. "It pays to know shortcuts, Veshkal. Looks like you're out of your field here. I have more important matters to deal with than you at the moment, though... lucky you."

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"... So, that's General Conrad?" Derek said, putting Dani down. "Where's his underling, Viveka?"

"You seem awfully concerned about her," Dani noted.

"Heh, she's an interesting one, that's all."


"So, I guess I'll go find rooms," Eric said, putting Charlotte down. "Anyone else wanna come?"

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Turning to Eric, "I might as well. I'll meet you and Esphyr at the inn as soon as I put Morrey in the stables. Viveka's not here yet though, I'm getting worried."

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"General Conrad Jackson. I'd assumed Chase had at least described me in case of an encounter, but it looks like he didn't even think of something as simple as that. As it appears you all know, I wield the Crimson Axe--"


The axe had fallen out of the saddlebag on Thunderbolt, causing a small tremor that made everyone wince. "... aptly named the Earthshaker."

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