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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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Having arrived in Alburny hours earlier, Lev was standing outside a local armory leaning up against a stone wall with his arms crossed and his axe leaned up against it as well. Krinkov was on the roof of the armory smacking his paws down repeatedly. The local weaponsmith was shouting at the massive creature and Lev, hoping the pounding would stop.

Smither: Ey! Enough already!! I said enough!!

Lev: You'd dare cheat one of Ivanko's mercenaries, you con artist?

Smither: I already told ya! I ain't no con artist, ya hear?! My weapons are the finest around!

Lev: ... finest?

Lev quickly stopped leaning and grabbed a claymore off of the counter that had been prepared for purchasing.

Lev: These is iron copper sword, you jack ass!! I could break this piece of sheet with my bare hands if I tried hard enough!

Smither: N-no it's not! You asked for a steel claymore! That's steel!


Lev quickly swung the sword at the wall and it broke in half! The blade flew off into the night! The sound of it landing never reached their ears, but it was firmly planted in a support strut of a tavern. A harmless spot to land in mostly.

Smither: I-I can explain!

Lev: How about this ...? Give me my gold back, and we'll call it even.

Smither: I have a policy ... you have to buy the weapon once you break it.

Lev: How about I break you instead, eh? >:)

Smither: Alright alright!!

Krinkov quickly hopped down from the roof when he noticed the group entering the area.

Lev walked away from the smither who hung his head and shook it. He'd fooled plenty of dumb mercs into buying cheap weapons at high prices, but apparently Ivano's mercenaries had better eyes for weapons. He quickly closed the shop. Lev approached the group and chucked the broken sword over his shoulder. It landed right in front of the store window on the ground with the handle pointing almost straight up to the sky.

Lev: Took you guys long enough.

Viveka's squadron

On her way back to Ilyphina, Viveka spotted Lucille and Jasmine. The three had a short talk about what had happened. Viveka quickly decided to head back and get Susann since Conrad had gone to meet the group himself. Lucille and Jasmine would return to the capital and ... retrieve a few things for Viveka. With that, she set out for Alburny. She would likely arrive by morning.

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"Must be heavy," Derek noted. "I've heard you're pretty good, General."

Meanwhile, Dani had seen Lev, and proceeded to walk over to him. "Hey, Lev! How are you doing?" she asked.

Eric had gone inside, and saw that Esphyr had done so, as well. Deciding to wait for the others to come in, he found a chair, and sat down, glad to be off of his feet.

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Lev: I'm fine I suppose ... unfortunately I'll have to get Aiya her new sword somewhere else. The smither in these town is just lowly con artist. I hate mixture scams with fiery passion -_-

Krinkov wasn't far behind him and was sniffing the air.

EDIT: Inserted more accent, comrades.

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Cess finished stabling (Is that a word? :huh: ) Morrey, and walked over to the inn. "I hope the keeper isn't some idiot like the one in Hamburg." He noticed quite a few shops. One was an armory, and Lev and Dani seemed to be talking in front of it. There seemed to be a Curio shop, a Vendor's, and a bakery as well.

"Those seem interesting. But I hope they have plain bread as well. :sob: " He got to the inn's front door, ready to reserve some rooms, before remembering Morgan had all the money.

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"Oh! That's mean! Scamming people out of their money is dumb!" Dani said. "I should go teach him a lesson!"

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"Hey. Ya hear about the Elysimians coming in?"

"So I heard. Hear they're after these "Fire Bandits". Dunno much about em."

Nothing he didn't already know. He moved to the next section, trying to keep himself out of sight.

"Travis is lookin' fer a new woman again."

"What, yer surprised he isn't? Hear he frequents the festhouses 'round here."

Stuff on Travis. This could be good.

"Have you met his men though? Fire, Wind, Earth, Water, and Heart? They're so tight you'd think they were gay."

"You know I hear...whisper...whisper."

Well, he got stuff on Travis's men. Maybe something more?

"No really?"

"Yeah. I hear they..."

Alferis strained harder.

"..trying to woo the boss. Heart is anyway. I don't know for sure though."

Or not. This was going to take awhile.

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"Meh..." Chase said. "Um, I guess I'll get the rooms at the inn? I don't think I'm too well known outside of Eliyisma, so that won't be too much of a problem."

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Lev: Don't worry about that guy, Dani. Krinkov put enough dents in his roof to get the point across. Besides, I need some company to make me feel better and you're it. Where are your friends staying tonight?

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"Oh, alright then. The inn, I think," Dani said. She then looked at him. "Why do you ask?"

After waiting a few minutes, Eric tried to relax, but his mind was too cluttered. Getting up, he tried to figure out what to do, when he remembered the merc. "Hey," he said. "Do you want to go spar, or something?"

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"More news. Conrad just arrived in town."

"What do you think he's goona do?"

"I have no idea."

"Hey you gonna buy something?"

Alferis jumped. He was growing careless.

"No thanks. I'll just leave."

"Good. If there's one thing I hate, it's loafers."

Alferis got off the stool. Anyway there wasn't much here. Just town gossip. The info on Travis was certainly worth the time. He opened the door and left the bar.

"Hey guys. Did you reserve any rooms yet?" Alferis chimed when he entered the inn.

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Riding into town, eh? I think I'll run instead...

*Present Time*

By the time the others arrive, Panamon has already set his sleeping mat up by the outskirts of town and is ten minutes into his nap. Shortly thereafter, he hears raised voices inside the building closest to him. Shortly after that, he hears a sword shatter.

I suppose someone caught a smith conning. Serves him right...

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"I got some info on Travis. He loves whores apparently. He frequents the festhouse at least once a week. He has a squad of five, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Heart. Yes those are their names. And get this, Heart is gay. For Travis."

OOC: Festhalls is a term for prostitution house.

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Kelas strolled down the street. Amari and Susann were safely corralled at the inn; not wanting to confine the pegasus to a stall, Kelas had opted to tethering her halter to a rope around Amari's girth. The pair had room to move about, but not enough slack for the pegasus to get properly airborne.

She'd stocked up on waybread and dried meat for future travels and visited a fletcher; her quiver was stuffed with well-made arrows again. The waterskins had been filled in the town's well. Even after helping pay for the inn, there would still be a goodly amount left of the gold she'd gotten from selling some of the cavalry horses. A few pastries from the local bakery (to be tested before eating) and she was on her way back to the inn.

She'd been a bit apprehensive about moving about alone, but it wasn't too dark out yet; a lone attacker would be discouraged, and if a raiding party were to strike... well, she'd have more problems than being alone anyway. Still, it was with a little relief that she returned to the inn.

Approaching the inn, she noted with interest a large black warhorse in the inn's corral. Must be the general's.

"We got rooms yet?" she asked, wandering into the common room in search of the group.


It had been a long ride. Tessa had woken up, but not much; Arrin had ridden on Trevor with her to ensure that she didn't slide off when she was dozing.

Finally, they'd arrived at the town. The others had left for errands; Arrin had stayed, sitting by Tessa in the common room of the inn the group had picked out.

He dug through his satchel: his teacher's research book should be there. After some fruitless rummaging, he realized that it had been confiscated by soldiers back at the fort.

There was another, smaller folio of notes, but he'd already read it. Still, it would pass the time...

"We got rooms yet?"

Arrin looked up from the notes with a start. "I don't know," he replied, realizing that he'd entirely zoned out. "Do we... is that food?"

"Yeah. Wait'll the others come, though, if any of 'em know anything about poisons, they're looking over them first."

OOC: Edited for arg blarg I can't tell time. It's night-time apparently, I thought it was the afternoon.

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Reika yawned as they arrive at the new village, town, settlement, whatever.

After she'd confirmed the groups destination, she'd parted ways with the group, and decided to walk the distance, coincidentally coming across a traveling merchant on the way, who she paid to help her get to a Alburny. Giving her more then enough time for a quick nap. It was getting pretty dark by the time she arrived, and as she gave the merchant her thanks, and stolen back all the gold she'd paid him and more. She noticed Kelas walking into an inn by herself. Figuring the groups resting spot she yawned loudly, and headed over to the stables only to find the Pegasi stuggling against it's bonds.

"Stupid creature" she muttered as she watched with a bored expression, making sure that no one was looking she raised her hand and summoned a single dagger, "As tempting as it is" she said looking at Amari, "I suppose I should find another weapon before killing off the mounts."

Shrugging she turned around to leave when the Pegasus began struggling again. "Argh, fine, she said tossing the dagger and slicing through the halter that was binding the Pegasus. Figuring the Pegasi would make a move soon, she quickly exited the stables and headed for nearby tree's. Sensing that she didn't want to be around to listen to the whiny group members when they figured out what she'd done.

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Cess stepped into the Curio shop. Eric and Kelas had the rooms taken care of, and this place had ccaught his eye, so he decided to pop in. He looked around noticing many different chests, and pieces or furnature lining the walls. It'd be hard to find anything covered under all the dust. In the corner, an old women was asleep in a rocking chair next to the hearth, an orange cat sitting next to her.

Cess paced the isles one by one, looking at the verious trinkets on the shelves. He spotted a tiny blue, crystaline rose pin and decided to pick it up. Next to it, was a strange box, one that had many runes, and intricate designs on it. The hinges looked rusted, and try as he might, Cess was unable to open it. Still, it looked neat, and there could be something in it, so he decided to take it with him. He walked down the next isle, and noticed a lone book. It was empty, but it's design matched the one on the box, so he picked it up as well.

The women had appearently woken up, and was at the counter, ready to be paid. Unfortunaly, Cess only had the Shoon Diamonds on him, so he paid her 5, easliy enough for her to pawn off on some unexpecting mercenary. He walked out the door.

(OOC: Shopkeeper says this) "Hehehe. I'll have another chance to capture that stupid group. The box's misfortunes will be released once the book is burned, and the book and pendant will slowly sap the wearer's energy. Stupid shaman. I'll teach that dumb little mute to make a fool of me."

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OOC: This is a timeskip to account for what happens in the morning. Some posts will precede this one in the timeline.

Kiev and Susann

Having been freed, Susann began contemplating what to do. She was in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar smells and the new holster wasn't in sight. Her master, Viveka was the only one who could tell her what to do! She had to find Viveka! She quickly trotted out of the stables and spread her wings before launching into the air! She landed on the tallest secure building she could find before looking out over the city.

Kiev had been resting all night. When he heard flapping, he opened his eyes to see the white winged horse flying far away in the distance! He didn't need to worry about being caught. This was a new area. He would only have to take the carcass elsewhere, and Irina wouldn't be mad at him, because the pegasus smelled of the woman he'd seen her trying to kill! This was his chance he thought! He quickly jerked hard and his reins snapped from the hitch! He quickly flew off to catch the fledgling pegasus!

OOC: Yeah ... this'll end real well -_-

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As Eric came in, Esphyr only gave him a slight nod of acknowledgement at first. The mercenary was doing something she had not done in a while; ever since this mission had begun. She was relaxing. With her body reclined against the wall and her legs extended across the floor, her exhaustion was clear and evident for all to see. Her armor lay in a pile beside her atop her blade, leaving her garbed in her shirt, pants, and little more. Not that she seemed to care. For she seemed to be simply staring off into empty space, observing things not there in a state of relaxation.

It took her a moment, but she finally turned her head to acknowledge Eric's arrival. "Hey." she said simply, the simplicity of the greeting showing her mood. "What's up? You tired as well and looking to rest?"

OOC: Sleep for me.

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Aiya asked the Ivanko mercenary to help her find a better sword, and he agreed to help, whispering something in Isotov's ear and handing a knife to him. Vaguely, Heinz could hear something that sounded like "kill" and "pegasus". He frowned. Why would Lev want Isotov to kill the pegasus or Viveka if he was after her? And why is she screaming so loud? Pegasus knights may be intimidating on horseback, but it seems they're nothing without their mounts.

Heinz continued to watch the surrounding proceedings, amused by Dani's attempts to flirt with Lev and various other ongoings. She seems to enjoy teasing that man quite a bit. It should be interesting how that turns out, and it's a pity that they don't make more women soldiers wear that uniform then, it would be great for morale. Sir Eric? Is the swordsman a noble too? He's definitely polite enough to that woman, but he doesn't have that sense of haughtiness I get from Charlotte.

"We probably shouldn't sleep in an inn," Heinz said to Dani wryly. "This group seems to run into all sorts of bad luck when that happens." Hearing Chase's statement that Irina and Ivanko were related, Heinz turned his head and blinked in disbelief. Irina is related to Ivanko? I knew she was a mercenary under him..... but this is new. Doesn't seem to quite live up to his reputation though. I'll have to reassess how good they are.... especially if the trio of pegasus knights managed to take out some of them too.

Heinz nodded at Helios's inquiry and told the man to get on the horse. Arriving at the inn with the others, Heinz and the wind mage dismounted and he led the calvary horse to the stables. I don't really need this horse.... but I suppose he's useful to keep around for traveling. Say, what's that sound? It's kinda like when Kiev got loose and attacked that inn last time. Heinz ran outside, only to see a general introducing himself. Another military officer? Fantastic- wait General Conrad? The Crimson Axe wielder of Earthshaker..... apparently the legends are true after all. Great, it's the final wielder. This should be enough information to send off soon, and even if Morgan and Damian fail to recruit him we'll probably be staying in Alburny awhile to rest. My first job will be finished, and even after this I'll have something to do!

Edit: Grammar

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OOC: Pre-skip

At Arrin's assertion that he would carry her, Tessa had burst out with a small giggle. Realizing she'd just blown her cover, she opened her eyes and looked up at the mage with a bit of a guilty look, but he didn't seem like he was going to reproach her.

Giving up on maintaining her charade, she said, "Silly! You don't have to carry me all the way to town." A thoughtful expression crossed her face here, though, and she slowly continued, "But... if my servant wishes it... I certainly wouldn't object to being carried over to my horse."

With a "Yes, milady," and an expression she couldn't quite read, the nomad boy had awkwardly tried to emulate what he'd seen some of the other members having done on occasion, with questionable success.

Rather than taking Francis, as he had been often of late, Arrin elected to once again ride behind Tessa on Trevor. He's really taking this quite seriously, she thought with a yawn. I should really do the same, but that said... most of the princesses I've read about were either just dolls waiting to be rescued by their knights in shining armor, or unnecessarily cruel and selfish. While I've often daydreamed about what I'd do if I were a princess, now that I actually can... many of the things, I can't find myself able to really ask... Maybe, I should ask Dani for advice... when we get where we're going.

On the ride over, she drifted in and out of sleep several more times, and each time woke back up to the gentle but firm touch of Arrin's hands on her own, as he'd reached forward to mind the reins while she wasn't. A far cry from his first episodes on horseback, the lessons really had been paying off and he'd actually learned a good deal. Thinking that he definitely wasn't as unreliable as he looked, Tessa allowed herself to continue to fade in and out, rather than forcing herself into a state of higher awareness.

OOC: Post time-skip

After waiting around in the common room for a bit, having drunk some tea, Tessa decided to get up, and follow through with her previous thought. She headed off to find Dani, and ask her for any last-minute ideas. Though the contract had technically already passed when the sun dipped below the horizon, she felt she might be able to argue a small extension based on last night's attack's interruption leading to a delayed start.

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"Ah,General Conrad Jackson of Elyisimia." Damian stepped up to speak to Conrad,not even flinching at the tremor caused by his axe.

"I've been looking to speak with you for a long while,we sent Viveka after you,but it seems she missed you on the way.I'm sure she will find her way here." Damian commented,before continuing.

"Anyway,I am Colonel Damian Kleine of Halton,wielder of the Crimson Lance...Gae-Borg." To prove his statement,as he spoke it's name,the Gae-Borg materialized in Damian's hand!The aura of the lance was nearly visible,it was so thick in the air,a feeling of intimidation and fear filled the air,before Damian dissolved the lance back into him.


"So this blacksmith was nothing but a sham,eh?" Aiya said dejectedly at the news,seeing the claymore that had easily broken.

"Expect the military to come here with a search warrant in a couple of weeks,scum.If you haven't cleaned up your act by then,you'll be shut down." She said to the con-artist Smith coldly.

"I guess we will just have to get a blade somewhere else."

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OOC: 2 things. 1, I'm going to differentiate what my characters are doing, similar to Phoenix, from now on. 2, This is pre-timeskip, I would assume.


Upon hearing Esphyr's question, Eric shook his head. "I'm tired, but I can't really relax. I need something to focus on, so I'm wondering if you'd like to have a duel, or something," he said. "If you're too tired for that, though, I'll just go ask someone else."

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"No." said Esphyr, pulling herself up a bit from the floor. "I would be alright having a duel with you. Just... Keep it simple and keep it controlled? I would rather nor have to put my armor back on."

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"No problem," Eric said, drawing his sword. "Control is what I specialize in. We'll take it outside,then. No need to be thrown out for a simple duel." Resting the sword on his shoulder, the traveler slowly walked out of the inn, then the town, and waited.

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