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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 10: Flying Supermodel Assault!


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Irina and Lev

Irina quickly took Aiya's hand. After she helped her up onto Ulfhrahn's back, she looked back at Lev. He smiled at the both of them, and without saying a word, he waved a simple goodbye.


While she slept, she was having a dream ... more like a nightmare. She was standing in the streets of Ilyphina surrounded by the corpses of people she knew, even people that were supposedly still alive. Even Conrad her commanding officer was among the dead! The streets were lined with blood, and at the end of the road was a the largest bull wyvern she'd ever seen killing the last person in the dream other than herself! Upon ripping the person apart, the wyvern turned to face her, his red irises capturing her blue ones. On his snout was a black diamond shape, it was the same wyvern that killed her brother. She had this same dream far too often, though those who died in the dream were sometimes new or different depending on when and where she was.

EDIT: Typo

Edited by Phoenix
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"All ready?And,time to fly!" At the sound of the command,Ulfhrahn quickly launched himself into the sky.

The acceleration was much higher when riding a Bull than normal,and at the sudden jolt,Irina nearly fell off!Aiya quickly grabbed her and steadied her.

"Wrap your arms around my stomach and don't let go.Ulfhrahn flies a lot faster than you're used too,okay?"

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"I'm not suicidal." Kelas glowered. "I just apparently have everything trying to kill me. Least I'm not wielding anything that will kill me." She closed her eyes for a moment, looking for the best way to put what she meant: "Just... be more careful, hey? People actually give a damn about you, you know."

"I suppose I could try," Isotov replied, "but when it comes down to risking my own life rather than hoping the enemies leave my sister and friends be, I'm going to choose risking my life every time. It may not end well, but it's worth the risk."

"Ever consider that maybe you're not the only one fighting for them? Sure, we're a dysfunctional band of misfits, but most of us are pretty well against letting anyone of ours die. I already said I'd help," Kelas added.

"I know the group won't just up and let them die, and I do appreciate your help, Kelas, I'm just so used to watching people I care for die. I don't know how long it will take to get used to everyone surviving. All of this is rather foreign to me." Isotov put his head down a bit hoping not to indirectly insult the entire group with what he said next. "I fully expected to see each and every person in this group of ours to be killed at some point. What we've gone through makes absolutely no sense to me."

...What happened to him?! Kelas thought, startled. It occurred to her that she'd had people dying on her for years, too... but their deaths had been unrelated, and she'd never gotten used to it. "...Maybe we don't question it, maybe we just make sure that we keep... surviving, however we've been doing it?"

"Perhaps it's destiny ... but I don't want to call it that. People who think they're destined to succeed take too many risks. Better to assume we'll all be killed if we don't watch our backs from now on, but that's only my opinion."

Kelas shrugged, shaking her head. "If it was destiny, we'd not have run into half the crazy things we've seen in the first place... We just can't assume we're going to fail, though, I meant before. If there's a way not to fail, we just... make sure we take it." Pause, sigh. "You're right though, it's hard, especially with every conceivable danger somehow finding us..." She grimaced for a split second. "Destiny? If anything, it's out to get us," she said finally, in grim good humor. "So to hell with it. ...I must be tired, I've gone all dramatic," she yawned. "Anyway, I s'pose we could ask the innkeeper if there's a healer around, patch you up before you pass out again..."

"A healer would be nice..." Isotov admitted. "If I'm going to kick destiny in the teeth, I'd better be in good condition first. Luckily Charlotte managed to keep me alive."

"Right, then, I'll go see if the innkeeper knows of any in town." She got up.

"I'll wait here," Isotov agreed.

"Good. You're learning."

Kelas headed for the innkeeper's desk again. "There any good healers around here?"


After eating some bread begged for the kitchen, Arrin's mind cleared a bit. Still hungry, he went back for more, getting an extra plate for Tessa, then went back to the common room, looking for her.

OOC: Assuming the innkeeper belongs to Snowy, and responses will come from him.

And about where is Tessa anyway?

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"Hey, Morgan, I've been wondering... why do you always act so reserved and withdrawn? Are you not used to big groups?" Chase asked her while he was waiting for a response to the room offer. "I bet people wouldn't mind being with you if you talked to them more. I didn't think people would like me here either, because of my reputation. But I feel like I fit in here, in a way."

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Morgan raised her eyebrow at Chase. "Reserved and withdrawn you say? An interesting assessment, though not one you are probably qualified to make. I believe I have been very forthcoming and vocal."

"I do not care if people mind being with me. If people wish to be my friend, they have to be display a certain degree of intelligence, one that is definitely lacking in this group. Excuse me if I do not wish to partake in pointless parlor games that involve us giggling over who we touched last." Morgan rolled her eyes as she snorted derisively.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Esphyr was pretty absorbed in her training, so Alferis went back in. Things weren't exactly looking good for him right now. He wished he could go asleep, go asleep. He went up to his room, hoping that Reika was asleep. She didn't seem to notice his approach. He put his axes on the floor, got under the covers and went to sleep.

"But I don't want him Maggie. Why can't you see that?"

"But he's our babie Gilmie. He's our baby! You can't just-"

A slap across her face.

"Shut up! Ever since I had this kid, nothing's went right for us. Cursed child. Look at him. Doesn't even bat an eyelash. He takes up all our time, our effort, our money."

"But he's your kin Gilmie! He's your son! Don't you care about him!"

"Why should I give a rat's ass about a leech like him? He's going out on the streets *hic* tonight."

"No. NO! You can't do this to him Gilmie! You can't do this to me!"

"If ya really love me *hic* ya'd go an' leave 'im out. Don't forget, if you leave me, I'll drag you back. Even if ya *hic* do escape me, ya have no where to go, nothing to do. Now go put him out, or I'll beat you black and blue and I'll do it myself."

Silence. The woman bows her head, tears dripping down her cheeks. She doesn't say anything. She leaves. She leaves a place near the entrance of the town. She kisses him as she sets him down."

"Goodbye my baby. Goodbye ------"

Alferis awoke with a start.

OOC: And yes, this is Alferis's past. I will show it in dreams, just like with Shadow in FF6. Some dreams he knows they're his memories, some he doesn't.

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"Thanks." said Esphyr, taking the leg guard. She bent down, her head near his groin, as she carefully tied it on. The leg guard fit, though not perfectly. It was designed for a male after all, and her female form was simply slimmer than his. "It's not about rights or selfishness though Damian. It's... I've known you for what? Three days? Possibly four? I may have been a citizen of Elyisima, but... the Elyisiam romance is... Look. I'm just... Uggg! Why does it have to be so complicated! Whatever happened to a man clubbing a woman over the head and dragging her off to a cave or that simple love story in bard tails?" exclaimed Esphyr in frustration as Alferis entered the room.

"Excuse me," she said, still bending down at Damian's crotch. "We were in the middle of something. But..."

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OOC: Experimenting to preserve Ether's style at least a little bit.

I was seriously tempted but no sexual innuendo here folks.

Aiya and Irina

As Ulfhrahn left Alburny carrying Aiya and Irina, the two started talking to pass the time.

Irina: Whoaaa ... this reminds me of my ride on Victor, just less rocking.

Aiya: Victor,your uncle's wyvern?

Irina: Yeah, he's flipping huge, and he rocked on purpose to try to knock me off.

As she said that she gently placed her head down against the back of Aiya's left shoulder. She could see Ulfhrahn's wing flapping up and down in unison with the other keeping them aloft. They still weren't near any decent hunting grounds, so Aiya decided to inquire a little further.

Aiya: Why would Victor try to throw you off?

Irina kept her head right where it was and kept staring at Ulfhrahn's wing as she answered.

Irina: Victor's been trying to kill my uncle for years. When my uncle took me up riding, Victor started thrashing around hoping I would fall off. My uncle later told me that if I'd fallen off, he'd have jumped after me. Victor wouldn't catch him if he ever fell off, so knocking me off would be taking out two birds with one stone.

She seemed awfully calm about something like that.

Aiya: Victor is trying to kill your uncle? He didn't train him,did he?

Irina: ... nope. There's nothing I can do about it though.

The last time she'd seen Ivanko, Victor seemed well behaved enough, if not a little peeved. It seemed a little strange to her that someone would keep around an almost completely wild bull wyvern without training it. Something like that could only end badly and she knew it. Ivanko didn't seem insane though so he must have had reasons.

Aiya: You should talk to him, if not for his own safety then for everyone elses. What would happen if someone got hurt?

Irina: ... that actually happens pretty often. He's not going to listen to me though.

Suddenly Ulfhrahn gave a low pitched snarl to let them both know that they had arrived. Anything louder than that would have scared away the bigger animals that they were hunting.

Aiya: Alright,Irina,we're here! I'm sure we can find something nice and big for Kiev out here.

Once they landed amongst the trees, the two wyvern riders hopped down from Ulfhrahn as he began looking for scents. Once he found the scent of one of the bigger animals that he himself was used to eating, he turned back to Aiya.

Aiya: Ulfhrahn has something!

Irina: What do you think it is?

Aiya: It must be something big.

Ulfhrahn quietly began skulking through the forest as the girls followed closely behind. Eventually they happened upon two deers, a buck and a doe. They were both sleeping. Aiya and Irina stayed low while Ulfhrahn eyed the both of them.

Irina: Which one?

Aiya: Why can't we get both?

Irina: You know that old saying "He who chases two rabbits catches none"?

Aiya: You haven't seen Ulfhrahn in action have you?

Aiya smiled while Ulfhrahn carefully watched both of the deers. He wanted to take the buck for himself and let Kiev have all of the doe to himself, so catching both was essential. Once the bull wyvern formulated his plan, he pounced! Both deer sprung up and started to run in opposite directions! Ulfhrahn landed right on top of the buck and bit down on its neck just as he swiped his tail! The long serrated tail struck the doe in the head so hard that it died instantly and flipped to the ground as he bit down and crushed the buck's neck!

Irina: ... well ... damn.

Aiya: Come on. Time to get Kiev fed.

They both smiled at each other as they headed over to the victorious hunter.


Lev: ♫ Beautiful womaaan! ♫ Why can't you stay why must you goooo?! Beautiful womaaaaan! ♫ Oh don't you know I love you sooooo! ♫ If you walk out of my life, you'll have no idea how much strife I'll have to go throoooough! ... ... ... ♫ Will there be anotha? ♫ Who cares cause you're my lova so staaaaaay and don't goooooo-ooooo-oooooo!

Krinkov sat there listening, waiting for Lev to stop his human thing so he could resume listening for enemies. As good as Lev was at singing, his wyvern had no taste for it, and just wanted him to stop.

Lev: Thoughts, Krinkov?

The wyvern turned away, snorted, and lied down. His master could carry a note, but couldn't carry the weight of the situation on his shoulders apparently. Danger was afoot, and his master was doing ... stupid human things. Maybe ignoring his master would discourage him from continuing. If not, perhaps a nearby rooftop would suffice as a decent musicless over watch position.

Lev: Urgh. You have no music in your soul <_<

OOC: Yes, Krinkov is the wyvern Amari.

I can't really convey music of the RnB variety with how they change notes and do that pitch changing up and down and stuff so I'm just pointing out that he's actually good at this though the writing itself is utter garbage.

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"Hnn..hnnn...huhhh..." Alferis was breathing pretty hard after that dream. It was sad. He kept having it over and over again. Why? What did it mean? Why didn't they just go away?

He placed his head in his hand. His head hurt. Sleep was out of the question now. He'd have to talk with people. Maybe Reika? No, she'd probably kill him. He could apologize for making himself sound bad, but he wasn't sure whether or not she would accept it. The rest were pretty busy. Maybe he would go back to sleep. No more nightmares...maybe.

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Petros stood upon the Haltonian plains, as he had been for the last several hours. Evnetually he saw a dark-haired woman approach with a purple cat by her side.

"You're late." he said simply, in a low, gravelly voice. "Give me a status report on the mission."

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OOC: Going with "He" for Shanice in story for now since that's easier on my short term memory


The purple cat quickly transformed into a tightly clothed assassin with bright purple hair and gauntlets with ice flowing up both arms. The assassin had an annoyed look on his face.

???: Grrr ... Megae stabbed a lot of them but no one died from what I can remember ... and I didn't get my prize!

He ground his teeth at the thought of the nomad filling him full of arrows.

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"They shoulda died," the woman-- Megae-- grumbled. "They were shriekin' a lot, but those damn healers... I coulda finished those off, but one of the red ones was about to blast me." She shrugged. "Fun though."

OOC: Snowy if the innkeeper does not respond to Kelas I will have him respond myself

except I don't know the answer to her question (is there a good healer in town) either


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"If you would focus less on sexual prizes and pure sadism, perhaps we could actually accomplish something." said Petros in a low, stern voice.

"Healers, you say? Taking them out would be quite a crippling blow to their group, and none of them hold Crimson Weapons. Next mission I will be accompanying you, and we will make a precise blow against their numbers. Focus on the staff wielders for your reconnaissance from now on."

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(OOC: I'm gonna swipe Helenos scripting from Snowy for just a moment here, since I came up with her evil plan)

The three figures stood at the crest of the hill, the moonlight making them little more than figures. A fourth figure walked slowly to them.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm here. Doesn't matter. I gave one of the idiots some tools to take care of them. I hate that little mute with a passion."

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"I hope these tools are not too...deadly." Petros replied. "We do not want to kill any Crimson Weapon wielders after all."

"I fail to see how a mute mage is our greatest hindrance at the moment. Did she write something insulting down about you?" Petros asked with a small smile on his face.

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"Can it you overgrown shadow! She's a stupid alchemist. I'd rather eliminate their kind as a bonus if I can. I made the charms not work on the weilders. The box is up to me when it gets opened"

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OOC: Eh ... going wid-da flow -_-

Shanice: All nine of them ... hmm ... we probably could've taken them back in Ilyphina if not for that surprise raid. Now we've got to deal with all nine of them together? Urgh ... can't we just throw some humans at them? I'm not a fan of being repeatedly shot.

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"They have that Ivanko mercenary with them. If we kill them all, he'll come after us. We might have enough numbers to defeat him, but I'm not placing a bet on it. Appearently some pathetic hero has a grudge against them. Let's see how that plays out."

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Reika glared at the darkness, she'd woken up herself a few moments earlier due to a rather unpleasant dream only to find someone muttering something in one of the beds. The fact that someone had snuck into her room while she slept wasn't that big a deal, the fact she hadn't noticed it was what really pissed her off. She figured the figure was Alferis from his the mutterings, had it been someone else she'd probably have woken up tied up and gagged, just like the group kept threatening to do.

Sighing she got up out of bed, "I must be more tired then I thought" she said before leaving the room and going down stairs, quickly picking the kitchen door, she let herself in, and poured herself a glass of water from a large urn in the corner. Two days already and she still hadn't killed anyone in the group, and her employers hadn't turned up either. Perhaps she should just make a run for it? It's not like this group was worth her time.

Finishing her glass, she filled it again and headed upstairs back to her room. Frowning before opening the door to her room.

Alferis: "Hnn..hnnn...huhhh..."

"Not while I'm in the room..." she complained upon hearing Alferis making sounds, "I go for a few minutes and you stupid males think-" she paused and then went over to her own bed, any lay down. "Bad night for everyone I suppose" she said quietly to herself. The breathing suddenly returned to it's normal pace, and she could sense eyes on her.

"If you've got something to say, then say it" she said while looking up at the ceiling, "I told you not to pry, That doesn't mean I'm not willing to listen to your troubles" she said uncertainly, she didn't really care about what the man would say, it wasn't her business. But she was awake now, and something to talk to would probably be better then staring at the ceiling all night.

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"I just want to go to sleep. I'm sorry I woke you up." he glared in the darkness. He softened, glad that he had someone who would listen.

"I've been having these bad dreams lately. Something about a woman and a baby. I don't know why I keep having them, but they come night after night after night."

"Oh yeah. I'm really sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to sound that way."

Edited by Dark Sage
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Morgan sighed. "Well, Kelas would have been a poor choice, she would have thought that I cursed her or some sort of superstitious nonsense. I do not know anyone who uses a bow, so you were the obvious choice." she said to Chase.

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'It's not about rights or selfishness though Damian. It's... I've known you for what? Three days? Possibly four? I may have been a citizen of Elyisima, but... the Elyisiam romance is... Look. I'm just... Uggg! Why does it have to be so complicated!

Esphyr seemed distraught at their current position,and was beginning to get frustrated.

"It doesn't need to be complicated,Esphyr.Love can blossom in any circumstance,in any condition.Society,customs,none of that has any meaning in the face of love and romance.Who is to say someone cannot feel the same compassion and love on the day they meet someone as another,who has been in love for fourty years?Such things are only the ideals of the church and the traditional."

Damian said,then Alferis entered and quickly left again.

"You just need to worry about what you want,not what the church wants you to do,not what Elyisimia wants you to do,just do what you can to make yourself happy..." Damian continued,gently stroking her face now,as to try to calm her.

'Whatever happened to a man clubbing a woman over the head and dragging her off to a cave or that simple love story in bard tails?'

"Well,if you really want me to,I guess I could knock you out and have my way with you..." Damian joked,trailing off,before raising his hand in what looked like he was about to strike her unconscious,instead stopping short and pulling her against his chest.


"Good job Ulfy~,I told you he could get both easy." Aiya said,patting Ulfhrahn on the snout affectionately.

A low growl from Ulfhrahn asked the question,which Aiya quickly relayed back to Irina.

"Ulfy wants to keep the buck,would Kiev be okay with just the Doe?"

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Irina: J-just the doe? Heheh ... Kiev would split the doe if he was forced to. You're too generous ... both of you.

She smiled to somewhat suppress how nervous the special treatment made her feel.


Lev: *yaaaawn* ...

Lev was still sitting on the steps leading into the inn, and he was now hunched over against the small strut on the left side. Krinkov was still keeping an eye out for activity as usual.


Eventually, Viveka arrived at Alburny ... completely unconscious, and barely secure a top her horse. The horse kept walking through the middle of town waiting for a signal to stop.

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"We came out here to get Kiev something to eat,silly.We aren't going to take all of it." Aiya replied with a smile,looking over to Irina.Her smile seemed...off,almost forced.

"Is something the matter,Irina?"

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