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New masked character

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This probably doesn't deserve its own topic, but I couldn't think of anywhere else to put it. The 20th anniversary book came out today and amongst the FE3 DS artwork was a new character Roro. Apparently Hardin also has artwork, but that's about it from FE3 DS.

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I highly doubt that's Frey. If that is him, he seriously bulked up.

I highly doubt that's Ymir. If so, he sure lost a lot of fat.

My theory is that he's simply a bloodthirsty savage/berserker from the valley. In fact, who wants to bet he's THE berserker from that wasteland chapter?

that, or he's actually Dice just given a new nickname. That would be annoying, because Dice sounds a hell of a lot cooler than Roro. My only complaint about him, his name is stupid.

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Frey's hair is blue, this new guy's hair is brown. Unless for some reason he decided to dye his hair (a sin in animeland, I'll have you know) and also magically come back to life, it can't be him.

Part of me wants to say that calling him a masked man is a little misleading. The design doesn't strike me as "mysterious", meaning the guy could just be wearing the mask for protection. I'd actually kind of like that as a little red herring.

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Could this guy be the very yellow barbairan as seen from this shot: b004.PNG

Big axe... yellow clothing.. maybe?Its probably artwork for a boss of that group or perhaps a recruitable character from that perticular band of bandits like darros was in SD? No clue tbh, im just blind guessing, we will find out in a month anyway.

Edited by Merric
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Could this guy be the very yellow barbairan as seen from this shot: b004.PNG

Big axe... yellow clothing.. maybe?Its probably artwork for a boss of that group or perhaps a recruitable character from that perticular band of bandits like darros was in SD? No clue tbh, im just blind guessing, we will find out in a month anyway.

Nope, that guy's name is NarasusomekanjiIcan'treadyet. Definitely not Roro.

Edit: Whaddaya think his name'll be in the NA/PAL versions? I'll laugh if it's Roar.

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It's a generic name for a category of enemies. Character names in FE are always katakana.

Specifically, it says narasu shya, implying he's a barbaric man (I think that's what narasu means). A barbarian.

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Hmm. Is he one of our fighters seen in the reclassing screen shot or added latter? If he is after that, then it would seem they are trying to make axe users have a solid presence (unlike their 0 player characters in the original FE3).

Either way the "mask" looks more like armor to me.

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What a bad ass looking character, but I doubt he'll get much of a background on him. But that's all good, he'll fit in nicely with many of the cast with little backgrounds.

Edited by Yaranaika
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This probably doesn't deserve its own topic, but I couldn't think of anywhere else to put it. The 20th anniversary book came out today and amongst the FE3 DS artwork was a new character Roro. Apparently Hardin also has artwork, but that's about it from FE3 DS.

Huh, Maris reminds me a bit too strongly of Naliah. I mean, Eye-Patch Cloth, Shirt-thing, even the hair to an extent.

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Roro is an alternate costume for Sirius

Bad jokes aside, I'm liking this guy. It's good to see some axemen being added to the mix. Is it just me, or was anyone else reminded of Dozla when they saw Roro? It's probably the armor.

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