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Fire Emblem - Fūin no Tsurugi (Remake)


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@ Bunny: Sorry about that. However I do disagree with you on many points, many of the characters if were removed would remain as NPC since most characters to have some roll to play even if it is simply enhancing other characters personalities, such as Dorothy and Saul. In the same way in FE7 characters like Geitz, Wallace and Karla, could be removed. And since all the characters would be kept as NPCs not matter what I decided, I felt it only right that there was the option to use them in battle as well.

For FE7 specifically, this argument is probably true. No need to short hand characters.

However, in FE6, it's kind of. . . negligible. All characters are, for some reason, in support circles that, quite frankly, don't work how the game intended because of how they are formed. lol Bors, Barth, Wendy, Lilina, OJ supporting, for the most part, only each other. So when it comes to Lott and Wade, where the only difference is the. . . age of their sister and the corresponding Paladin in their support circle, they kind of overlap. It's not wrong to keep both, but it's not necessary. Unless, of course, you plan on putting in extra work. . .

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Chapter 6 is well underway. I have made few edits to the intro scenes, making them both more visual and advanced utilizing the teleportation animation from FE7.


Next up I'll be finishing the trigger-able tile changes. Saul is now a Monk since you already have 2 healers at this point.

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Superluigi, they say great minds think alike; ours' must roll around in the same gutter. I was just going to PM you with the suggestion that Saul be a Monk since there are none in FE6. I'm glad to see Chapter 6 is coming along, if you need help with those pesky map changes just PM me. I just recently figured out vertical doors and roofs.

Edited by General Archibald
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"traitor who betrayed" is kinda redundant don't you think? Like a sailor who sails?

"A traitor who killed his master" would prolly work a lot better. He did kill him right?

This is looking pretty awesome. It's amazing how just updating the palettes to FE8's quality is helping so much. Can't wait for this to come out. :D

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Oh Yeah! Epic Tile changes! And a couple of other Random text filled screnes. That is all.


@Sploosh: There will be manaketes, they just won't transform in battle.

@H3X/AntiStyle: Thankyou, I've now changed the text.

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Go, go double post. What a sin!

Chapter 6 is at last complete. With quite a few changes from the original including different weapons available from chests and new reinforcements locations and timings, which will not be disclosed.

Anyway enjoy the screens. And despite this being the hardest chapter to script in the game I have to admit it has definitely been one of the most fulfilling to do.

[spoiler=Chapter 6 Screens]fesosscrns6.png

Edited by Superluigi
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Looks definetly great, I... can't really say anything else^^"

I would offer you my help, but I don't know if I could help you anyhow^^" You don't need sprites, I can't hack...

Ah, but I could beta-test the hack for you. I've got some experience in this, and I always try to visit every house, trigger every event and so on, so I could gather you some detailed information if I ever find errors or glitches.

If you need somebody like me, I'd be glad to help you.

If not, I can just repeat myself: this project is damn good, you're doing a great job.^^

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Mkay, so, after reading over this and seeing all the screenshots, I WILL be LPing this when you're finished.

If you want me to to that is.

Can't wait to see what you do with the gaiden chapters, or rather, how you add them in.

ANYWAY, want to see more of this! Keep it up Luigi.

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To have FE7's improved features. Just like "there isn't much point" for simple nightmare edits, it's to get a fresh "feeling" from an old game. This is usually the point of any hacking project.

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To have FE7's improved features. Just like "there isn't much point" for simple nightmare edits, it's to get a fresh "feeling" from an old game. This is usually the point of any hacking project.

That makes a lot more sense. Sometimes I need things explained. Thanks, I can't wait to play this

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I'm excited to see this! this means that theifs can promote too! Which means I'll actually use Chad/Cath for stuff other then picking locks.

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@Xiltas: Thank you. It would be great to have the game thoroughly tested before the next patch release, so I'll keep your offer in mind.

@Seph: Sure, real free to 'lets play' the hack when it's finished, or at least when it's of a sizable length.

And a quick update to pipe some interest. Not much show, just a few screens to show the new chapter 7 setup.


And a few test screens of the new condition event. That being if Lance is still alive or not. It's not much but conditions are always fun to script.


Edited by Superluigi
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Nice! Giving some minor characters some roles is fun, even though you either have to give them a "retreat" death quote or use conditoins. XD

Do the villages give the same weapons as the chests that were once there did?

Nice job overall, by the way. ^_^

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Omnomnom this looks awesome. I now see the benefits of this and being able to use Cath or Chad as an Assassin would be absolutely beastly and I would be giving you so many props, because you have NO idea how much I have always wanted those Theives as Assassins.

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Omnomnom this looks awesome. I now see the benefits of this and being able to use Cath or Chad as an Assassin would be absolutely beastly and I would be giving you so many props, because you have NO idea how much I have always wanted those Theives as Assassins.

They were only good, really, because they were designed to not promote.

Edited by bunny: Now with Pancakes
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@Blazer: You'll be able to get everything but the second Rapier, since your initial rapier has 20 more uses.

@Blazing_Soul: Thanks.

@alexandreH1: Theives will promote into Rogues, not Assassins, just to clarify.

And since I'm making a post I may as well spoil Leygance's new mug, nothing much but at least the cape design doesn't suck this time around!


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aww no assassins? that means no lethality! oh well, at least they can promote and continue to steal upon promotion.

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