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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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"Yes, actually. I had vaguely discribed her to Esphyr before I think. She's uses a style more like you than Esphyr and Derek. She'd always rope me into training. I got a few nicks here and there. She came to Eliysima to become a mercenary, and dragged me along. I don't think if she hadn't, I wouldn't be in the group. We got seperated about a week before I met you all in the capital."

The horse finished eating the apple, and spat the core on the ground. "I think she had said something about going to Septimus though. I wonder where she is...."



"But I wonder if it's thicker, or more heat-resistant or something. There might be something advantagous about the hardened skin."

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Irina: Not really ... it's less flexible once it's hardened, and it's not quite as strong as the original scales. The only advantage I could thing of is that at least you can't rip the same scales off twice. It causes them so much pain.

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Looking upwards again at Charlotte's voice, Tessa replied, "You really think so? I... just tried to do the best I could. Poor guy didn't give much to work with. I hope he's alright, we obviously hurt and frightened him something fierce..."

Another glance told her something more. The cleric seemed to be sniffling a bit, and it looked almost as though she were trying to hold back tears.

"...Are you... alright, Charlotte? It's okay to cry if you want to. Lots of people cry at funerals, after all, and none of us would tease you for that." Tessa wiped her own eyes before adding, "See, I'm leaking a bit too."

It wasn't a lot, and the troubadour certainly wasn't about to break down, but one could hardly help getting at least a little watery. Especially because she didn't really have parents of her own, and the monks that had served as her only family were still missing somewhere. She had almost been eulogizing for herself there... But no, they were surely still alive. Surely.

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"I don't see how looping a shaman in to training would work," Eric noted, stopping his training. "But, anyways... You don't want to go find her?"

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"Well we grew up together. We were neighbors, and her and her brother were really close to my sister and me. She'd always talk about going to see the world and how she wanted to be a master swordsman. I do want to find her, it's just...she's not exactly easy to pin down. She's always moving around and really excited. A little like Dani, actually. I have a feeling we'll run into each other again soon though. With her, you can tell she's coming from a mile away."

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"No, I'm...all right." said Charlotte. To her surprise, the words felt true. She somehow felt better than she had for a long time...more serene, at peace. It was hard to describe why or how, but it was as if a burden had been lifted.

"If you are finished, I suppose we should head back to the others." Charlotte said, turning to leave.

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Seeing Arrin rushing over to Kelas, Iso sighed.

Arrin: What happened?!

Iso: ... how to explain this ... well ... ... Victor ... the giant wyvern over there ... he smacked a bone into the air ... he basically shot Kelas with it. We saved her but that wyvern is vicious.

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"Hmm, we should move, but to where I am not sure." Morgan said to anyone nearby, putting her hand to her chin. "I am not sure of any towns nearby, and I am hesitant to go deeper into the ruins. We could always sleep outdoors I suppose."

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He wispered to Morgan. "I'll spend it anywhere where we're not near that wyvern." He said gesturing towards Victor. "I'm not sure we need to spend any more time here myself. We have the sword, and we saw that dragon girl. We could try to follow her and see if she headed towards a town..."



Pary heard bits of the conversation around him. "We're leaving? I'll find Charlotte and Tessa. They headed towards the church."

Pary stood up from examining Kiev, and headed towards the large church.

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"Ivanko says he has Victor under control, as long as he is with us, so is the wyvern." Morgan said authoritatively.

"The earth dragon is probably going to go counteract the rot, not head for town." Morgan guessed.

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"Well if I'm going to be eaten, I guess I'd rather have it be by that thing. Everyone seems to be together for once. I say we head for town."

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"Which town?" asked Morgan quizically. "The last civilization we saw was Damian's manor and that was two days away. I am no geographical expert, do you know where the nearest town is?"

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"No, not exactly, but I can deduce where it would be." Cess took out the map he had taken from Damian's house regarding the graveyard.

"The Manor was to the West, before that we came from the Southwest, and there are mountains that way. Septimus is to the Northwest, and no one seems to keen to head that way, so we might as well head to the East. The map shows very little around the graveyard, but it's worth a shot."

OOC: Tell me if I need to retcon directions.

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And suddenly Levski and Morgan started kissing right there! She'd finally come out of her shell, thanks to his witty charm and no nonsense attitude! Their lips met like the nebulae of the great cosmos, and the area filled with passion as lust flowed through them! It was epic!


Kiev finally woke up but didn't move much. The only cue that he was actually conscious were his eyes. They were reddened from the stress. His father snorted from where he was reminding his son that he was still there, and still close enough to finish him if he did anything suspicious again. Irina quickly spotted his open eyes and tried to hug him but he nudged away a little bit, partly out of frustration, partly out of fear. His father was just a little too close.

Irina: What ...? What's wrong?

She looked over at Victor who gave her the same angry look.

Irina: So what?! He can't even be nice to me now?! Grow up, you big stupid ugly dragon!

Victor tilted his head in curiosity. Irina had been annoyed with him before, but this ... was different. He wondered what she would say to him next. Though he could only gather a little, the message was fairly obvious.

Irina: I hate you, you monster. Picking on your own kids, killing them if they can't fight or aren't up to snuff! What do you want, you evil bastard?!

Now Victor was amused. She was genuinely upset, and not just upset, hateful. Throwing even words at him hoping to hurt him. He understood. She was too weak to do anything but shout from a distance. Safer for her, and entertaining for him to watch ...

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Susann didn't seem to have any satisfactory explanation for her attitude, so Amari moved off. Kiev had been hurt, and though silly, the wyvern was nonetheless part of their strange little herd... Amari trotted over and nosed the wyvern on a bit of the shoulder that didn't look injured.


Kelas blinked back into semiconsciousness, unsuccessfully attempting to clear the fuzz out of her vision. "Damn, I passed out, didn't I...? Wha'd I miss?" she mumbled, again trying and failing to sit up.

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Morgan then revealed she was Shanice, turned into a giant purple wyvern and promptly devoured Lev

"Not much." said Morgan, responding to Kelas. "We are just about to leave, so get yourself ready for travel."

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But then Shanice got indigestion and spit Lev out, who proceeded to kick his purple ass. After finding the real Morgan, he opened her up the old fashion way, with love ... and sincerity, and the two lived happily ever after ... THE END >_>'


Iso: Oh! You're awake ... try not to exert yourself. I think we'll be leaving soon ...

While Irina shouted at Victor from a seemingly safe distance, Kiev looked up at Amari. He was almost happy to see her, but ... at the same time, Victor was just too close for comfort, and he even caught his father looking at him for a split second before returning his glare to Irina. That made him flinch! Not sure what to do, he laid his head down, trying to be too open or friendly. He wanted to show his appreciation, but was far too scared. Irina on the other hand had had enough ...

Irina: Who do you think you are?! Huh?!

The wyvern finally stood up and stretched a little while yawning, his massive wings unfolded and came out as far as they could, causing shadows to fan out over a part of the area. After he stretched, he began shaking himself off, and then stood firm. He wondered how she would behave now that he could pounce on her. He didn't plan to kill her do to Ivanko being so close by, but he definitely get a kick out of defeating her mentally. That was always fun to do to would-be wyvern lords.

Irina: I don't understand you ... why are you so evil? Why?!

The massive wyvern snorted at her and turned his head away ...

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"Leaving? Right then..." Kelas managed to sit up this time, but had no luck with standing. "Oi, Amari, c'mere," she mumbled. The mare nosed Kiev once for encouragement, then trotted over, looking down at Kelas. Kelas grabbed one of the stirrups and used her saddle and some shoving from Amari to pull herself to her feet. Immediately she had to lean against the saddle from dizziness: "Curst blood loss," she muttered. An attempt to get a foot into the stirrup ended with her sitting on the ground again. "Oh, this is not going to work..." she grumbled.

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Standing close by, Iso watched for a moment as Kelas tried to get mounted. Once it was clear that she needed help, he came a little closer.

Iso: You don't have to do this all by yourself, you know. Let me help you ...

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"Hmm, that won't do." said Morgan, seeing Kelas fall. "You will have to find a riding partner I believe, and perhaps someone else can take Amari for a while?" she suggested.

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