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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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Turning from the falling enemy, Kelas saw Isotov kill a skeleton in one hit. As he paused to admire his work, though, another snuck up behind him. "Mind your back!" she called as she fired.

Kelas: (5,4,6) Hit! Kelas does 4 damage!

She loosed again.

Kelas: (6,4,2) Hit! Kelas does 4 damage!

The skeleton was still standing, but hopefully she'd got his attention...

"You... you witch!" Arrin shouted for lack of a better insult, hurling an attack at the mage who'd attacked Tessa.

Arrin: (6,1,2) Hit! Arrin does 3 damage! Arrin loses 1 HP!

Lance Skeleton X 1 HP, Berry 6/9 HP, Kelas 7/12, Arrin 7/9

Kelas 1 EXP, Arrin 5 EXP

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Cess vs. Lance Skeleton

Roll: 6,1,1 Link

Hit! Critical! Skeleton KO'd!



Pary moved towards Conrad. He lifted his staff above his head. Conrad 9/9



Berry vs. Damian

Roll: 5,3,3 Link

Hit! Critical! Damage delt 12! Damian KO'd!



Verry vs. Esphyr

Roll: 5,6,2 Link

Hit! Damage delt 8! Esphyr KO'd!



Marry Vs. Irina

Roll: 6,1,6 Link

Hit! Damage delt 6! Irina 1/12

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Aiya felt her consciousness slipping away quickly.The two blasts of magic had knocked her out of the sky,and Ulfhrahn stood protectively over her.

'Again...this is happening...a lot lately...here,and that...pegasus knight...'

The world was starting to fade,she couldn't keep her eyes open...she was going to black out.


The blast of magic slammed into Damian's chest,and sent him flying backward,landing near Aiya.


She could see his eyes,they were blank,and blood streamed from his mouth.

"Damian...are you alright?!"

She was panicked,but her voice was little more than a light croak now.The world faded,her last sight before blacking out,the fact that she just couldn't reach him...

Edited by Ether
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A blast of magic slammed firmly into Esphyr, sending the mercenary woman flying back as well; smacking into the wall. As she hit it, she could feel her ribs cracking, her bones crying out in pain. As she hit the ground, she knew she wouldn't be rising up in this fight again. She was out of it.

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Morgan saw various people fall before the magic of the sisters and decided they were the toughest targets. She focused her magic on Berry!

(6,6,6) For serious, I think I'm channeling Arrin

Berry was knocked out.

Charlotte was unsure of what to do, so many bodies...she eventually managed to bop Kiev with her staff (Irina 7/12)

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Pary moved towards Conrad. He lifted his staff above his head. Conrad 9/9

That's 12/12 but whatever.

"Thanks, Father... what's your name? Ah, that's unimportant right now. First, we'll have to get rid of these demons. Then we can talk."

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The skeleton warriors faltered a bit when one of the mage trio hit the deck. "Now's our chance, Arrin." Grabbing him by the hand she burst through the gap in their ranks, and made it over to where Kelas was still firing her bow. Seeing that she'd been hit by return arrows from one of the skeletal archers, Tessa quickly did her best to patch her up.

(Kelas 7/12 -> 12/12)

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Reika saw Aiya, Esphyr and Damian go down.

"That fills me with confidence. How am I going to survive this?" she asked to herself. Now she wished Alf was up. He was a good meat shield. Well, as much as you could say for what happened with the skeleton.

She pounced on a spear wielding skeleton. She sliced his skull evenly in half, but the toll of the Crimson weapon was wearing on her.

Reika (3,2,2) (I swear I'm not giving Reika criticals on purpose) Hit! Critical! 2+3= 5-2= 3x2= 6 Skeleton 3/9 Reika 5/9

Skeleton (3,4,6) Miss!

Reika (4,5,1) Hit! 5+3= 8-2= 6 Skeleton 0/9 Reika 4/9

Reika gains 3 EXP.

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"Owww." Berry clutched her arm. It was clearly bleeding, and she was in no condition to fight.

"Berry! No! Sis!"

"Verry! Stay focused! You and Marry can do it! Even if we only get one tome, we did good! Focus on the thunder mage! I'll be fine! I'll be at the rondevu point. You're doing good. Now, take him down!"

And with that, Berry melted into the ground.

"Hissssss!" The spiders gave a blood-curdling scream. They were hungry, and moving closer towards the group. Horses. Yes, horses. They were a good snack, and had hardly eated in a while. They saw an archer atop her horse, and aimed for her. Human and horse, turf and more turf.

"Ugh! Ugh ugh!"

"Get them you big creepy crawlies! We gotta beat them for Berry!"

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"... Are they serious? Giant spiders? Let me handle this," Conrad exclaimed, and heaved the Earthshaker over his head, then swung it...


Several of the spiders fell to the ground dead, while the rest stopped in their tracks for a moment.

Edited by Lightning
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Helios vs Lance Skeleton

Helios flung a spell at the skeleton dealing 7 damage

The skeleton rushed over and stabbed Helios for 7 damage.

Helios finished off the skeleton


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"Ugh! Guh! Gah!"

The archers went for the fire mage! Flinging arrow after arrow, they aimed for the wyvern rider and her passenger as well. The arrows would hit one of them, or they'd end up falling off from dodging.

Delicous horse meat! She had the scent of the Thunder mage on her. Good...the spiders could use her. They moved in closer.

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Spotting another skeleton, this one seeming nearly dead, Viveka ran it down into the ground, shoving her lance through the back of its skull, and yanking it out again as Susann trampled the corpse!

As the two remaining archers opened fire on them, Iso flung a small fireball at them to deflect the arrows! The first destroyed a single arrow, but the second struck Irina's left arm! She let out a loud cry as she leaned back! Iso quickly pulled out the arrow so Irina wouldn't lose her grip on the reins! Kiev quickly dived below the rest of the arrows but was struck on his tail during the dive! They swooped down to launch a dual attack on the archers!

Iso replaced Proxima with his normal fire tome and cast a fire attack on the archer! The attack hit but it was still standing and quickly shot an arrow straight into his chest! Without thinking, Iso called Proxima back to his hand and the cursed tome incinerated the arrow, and his wound closed stopping the bleeding! Irina quickly stabbed the archer through the skull during their pass!

Viveka rolls 1,2,2


HIT 3 vs Evade 2 = HIT

DMG 4 vs DEF 2 = -2 hp

Skeleton L HP 0/9

Viveka HP 12/12

Viveka Exp: +5

Iso rolls 6,1,5


HIT 10 vs Evade 2 = HIT

DMG 4 vs RES 0 = -4 dmg

Skeleton A rolls 5,6,4


HIT 9 vs Evade 4 = HIT

DMG 10 vs DEF 1 = -9 hp


Iso: 1/9

Irina rolls 1,3,1


HIT 4 vs Evade 2 = HIT

DMG 9 vs DEF 2 = -7 hp

Iso HP 1/9

Irina HP 7/12

Skeleton A HP 0/9

Iso Exp: +3

Irina Exp: +5

EDIT: Added the other two battles.

OOC: And that's it for us. Without Snike we're pretty much finished.

Edited by Phoenix
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Marry vs. Helios

Roll: 6,5,2 Link

Hit! Damage delt 7! Helios KO'd!


Verry vs. Arrin

Roll: 6,5,6 Link

Hit! Damage delt 7! Arrin KO'd!


"We did it Marry! We got the mages! Now to get that stupid fire mage and his ugly sister!"

"Guh! Gah!"

Skeletons ran over to Helios and Arrin, restraining their hands.

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Those spiders were far too close for comfort.

Ulfhrahn snarled,the warning having no effect.While his unconscious riders were not the primary targets,those oversized arachnids had just come too close.

A full power swing.Ulfhrahn's deadly tail whipped towards a spider,splattering it across the battlefield,and gave a resounding roar!

OOC:You want plot creatures,psych?There's a reason I can't stat Ulfy.

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Berry popped up out of the shadows. "You got the mages! Fantastic Verry! Get that fire mage!"

Berry 1/9

Berry chugged a vulneary.

Berry 4/9

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The giant spiders started coming out. Reika groaned in exasperation.

"When I find my employer, I'm going to tear his balls off for this." she grunted, charging at another skeleton, one armed with a spear. Her daggers disappeared, she drew her back up dagger and stabbed him. The skeleton whirled, skewering her with the spear. Reika staggered, unbelieving. She never got hit. Why now? She stabbed again, but it was still alive.

Reika (4,3,5) Hit! 3+2= 5-2= 3 Skeleton 6/9

Skeleton (6,1,4) Hit! 1+4= 5-2= 3 Reika 1/9

Reika (2,3,5) Hit! 3+2= 5-2= 3 Skeleton 3/9

Reika gains 1 exp.

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"YOU BITCH!" Kelas shouted, shooting at the mage who was after her brother.

Hawkeye activate!

Kelas (1,6,3) Hit! Kelas does 8 damage! Berry dies!

Miracle activates! Arrin 1/6 HP

Arrin struggled to get up.

OOC: editing more in hangon

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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As the two demons approached the battle they passed skeletal corpses one after another! Just then the battle came into view!

Shanice: What was with that wall of fire behind us? Is this one of ... of course, Helenos made her move! It's time to steal her prize! Megae! Cover me, I can sense several downed crimson weapon wielders! I'm severing their weapons and then you can kill off anyone I miss including her magical pawns heheh! >:)

Shanice quickly leaped into the air and transformed into a hawk! He swooped down to where Helios had fallen and turned into his humanoid form before slicing the skeletons in half! As they fell over, Shanice looked down on the restrained wind mage.

Shanice: Finders keepers HAHAHAAHAHAAAAAH!!! Ready to give up that cursed tome, Toran lordling? >:)

OOC: @ Kiryn XD XD XD

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From the moment the fight had started, the headmaster had been busy. Not engaging with the actual enemy. No. She was not seeking to engage her foe directly. Why bother fighting through hordes upon hordes of minions when flight allowed her the ease of simply flitting above them? Even with archers in the air, they seemed to be more focused on the fighting members than on the headmaster herself. As a result, it was all too easy for her to fly to the side and slip past the assault. Landing atop one of the buildings a moment later, she crouched down low and folded her wings in. For all intents and purposes, she looked identical to one of the gargoyles that lined the building.

Now she had freedom to watch the fight. What she saw was displeasing. The skeletons were far from the most fairest of foes. Indeed, through sheer numbers, they seemed to be wearing the party down. The worst bit came just a moment later though. Three dark spirits took to the field.

"Nyyyyggg...." groaned the headmaster, a dull throb starting to pound through her forehead as she glanced down at the three spirits. Despite the years of training she had been through, one thing had proven to plague the half-spirit. Her weakness. Namely, that her resistance to shadow magic was very low, part of the facet of being a half-spirit. In fact, as each party member got picked off one by one, she could feel a bloodlust starting to rise inside her. It was low, something she could control, but she decided that it was safer for her to remain distant from the action, for now.

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"Grrr! My arm! You'll pay for that!" Berry took an evaluation of the battle field. They had the upperhand at the moment. Then she saw it. The flash of purple, and the being around her catch.

"Shanice! Oh honey! Helenos asked us to take care of this, why whatever are you doing here? This mage is my bounty. You can kill that stupid archer, she practically killed me. Won't you honey? Hmm? ♥"

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"You wish Helios said as wind started to flow from no where. "A little thunder is not going to harm me. Cheater XD. Helios attacked Shanice with Hellsety. The mages were thrown by the air.

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OOC: @ psychout ... ... ... WTF was that? :/

Shanice: No way! Helenos isn't my boss-huh?

Suddenly Shanice was blasted into the air by Helios' attack! He barely managed to land on his feet!

Shanice: Dammit! He looked down for the count! I guess I'll have to knock you up some more.

OOC: Let me know if you guys would like to stat fight him. If not, plot is just fine with me since everyone is KO'd or injured ATM.

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OOC: I was waiting for you to add more bit in Clockwork, but I'll just go with this for now.

As a blast of enemy magic took Arrin to his knees, and he was struggling to stand back up, Tessa was there in an instant. Tending to his wounds first, then helping him up and giving him a shoulder to lean on if he needed it.

"Are you alright? Can you still move?" she asked in concern.

(Arrin 1/9-> 7/9)

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