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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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OOC: I'm pretty sure it's Vaorin >_>

Everyone ... and I do mean everyone

Kiev decided to go back to cleaning Katie, who was still a bit shaken up by his first attempts. Krinkov quickly gnawed off the last rope and Viveka's second case along with Charlotte's cases fell from his back! Viveka's case opened up slightly, and a few items fell out, including a bra, fingerless fighting glove, and a three inch stiletto. Krinkov lunged at Kiev before he licked Katie again and the two wyverns tumbled passed Katie like a giant boulder! As the two fought, their snarls cut through the air! Within seconds of their roars, a third and massive roar completely drowned out theirs! Anything made of glass in the entire area shattered, and some people had to cover their ears! From behind some rubble in the distance, a massive black metallic being stepped out into the open. Its red irises glared at the two wyverns! They both knew it was their father, Victor and immediately released each other!

There was no rider on top of the bull wyvern and the two shields were also missing as well were all the weapons. Victor slowly approached the two wyverns with fury in his eyes, and the both of them backed away hoping not to be backed into a corner. Victor smelled both of them from a short distance. Kiev was giving off pheromones with not a single female in the area, and Krinkov was attacking him because of it. Victor quickly realized that Krinkov was preventing his adolescent brother from doing something incredibly stupid. Only Kiev was going to feel his wrath! With a lightning quick dash! Victor tackled Kiev and pinned him to the ground! Krinkov immediately backed off!

Close by, Iso looked over his shoulder! Irina did the same, and gasped! The only wyvern she knew that was that large was Victor, Ivanko's mount! She cringed when she saw Kiev get pinned to the ground, but if she ran over she knew the enraged bull would kill her in one blow! She started crying on the spot, unable to help her wyvern.

Irina: Victor ... p-please d-don't hurt him ... please ...

Levski flinched realizing that Ivanko had to be nearby! Krikov quickly came over and sat down by his rider. Hopefully being well disciplined would spare him a mauling by his father. Meanwhile Viveka was shivering on top of her saddle like a rattlesnake's tail. She didn't recognize this wyvern but it was a frightening reminder of what had happened to her brother! Even worse, it had the same blood red irises she remembered so vividly from her dreams. She herself was nearly in tears at the sight of that wyvern.

As Victor held Kiev to the ground by his neck, he roared and snarled at him! Since he had an opening, Iso rushed over to Katie and helped her up before putting himself between Victor's nearby wandering tail and her form. He slowly backed away with her right behind him. Iso's eyes darted every which way searching for the rider who was no where in sight!

Iso: Where's Ivanko ...? Dammit, where is he?!

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"... Yeah, like I was saying, just when you think things can't get any weirder... well, it does." Chase exclaimed.

"Huh. I've never seen a dragon before... Impressive." Conrad mused, in respect of the new sight.

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"...Holy hell! Did we wake up another one?!" Kelas had her bow up, trained on the huge beast's eye. Amari backed her up, but the mare was shaking; other horses were turning to run. "If there's any reason I shouldn't shoot tell me now!" she shouted.

Arrin was on his feet, Daranau out, scooting between Victor and Tessa. "This one isn't a dragon, is it?" he mumbled, backing away.

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After the bandaging had gone through without much of a hitch,Esphyr had gone to tend to Alferis.

Both Tessa and Arrin had expressed confusion at his statement, "Well Arrin,if you don't know what it means,then I don't need to worry about you for now,so it doesn't matter."


"H-hey Damian?Are you sure that you're okay?After what happened?" She said,concerned,while she had his head cradled in her lap,as he was still exhausted.

"Yeah,I'm fine.Tessa got it locked up before it could do any major damage,I'm just tired as hell,and will probably be a bit more violent towards our next batch of enemies."

"So,you won't go...insane again...?" She asked,the memories still haunting her.

"Not from this,not now.That much,I can promise you."

"Damian...I'm scared...I don't trust it...why can't we just get rid of the Lord of Azure Flame already,so we can get that spear out of you?" She asked,trembling,and beginning to tear up.

"Aiya..." Damian reached up and cupped her cheek.

"I won't let this thing beat me...I've held it back for too long to lose,now that we're so close...so don't cry over something like that..."

"Alright...Damian...I won't cry...just,promise me that you won't give in to that thing...promise me that you'll fight it and win...and stay with me..."

"I promise,Aiya...I promise..."


Ulfhrahn watched Kiev and Krinkov have their brother's quarrel.It was actually quite entertaining.The entertainment was cut short by Victor's appearance,however.

Ulfhrahn backed away slightly.That Wyvern was massive.He figured it best not to get involved,if possible,and turned to watch his riders.He could tell by the change in their scents that the two humans had finally mated,and that put him at ease.

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As Charlotte clung to him, Eric wrapped his arms around her, patting her on the back. He had no idea what to say, so, he said nothing, as the princess cried.


When the giant bull wyvern landed, Derek involuntarily took a step back from it. Stiffening, he drew his sword, in case it attacked.

Edited by Snike
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Everyone (Now with 100% more frightened)

Victor's paw was pressed down against Keiv's neck forcing his head onto the ground! The rest of the wyvern's body was struggling to move under the tons of muscle that made up his father!

Iso: Damn, where's Ivanko?! Kelas, that's Ivanko's wyvern, Victor ... we've got to be careful here.

He quickly turned to see Irina frozen in absolute terror, tears already drying to be replaced by new ones. Her hands were over her heart, which was racing. She knew what Victor was like, and that one wrong move from anyone could be the end of her beloved wyvern.

Iso: Irina! What's Victor doing?!

Irina: He's ... punishing Kiev ...

She quickly put her head down, and Iso left Katie by Kelas before coming closer to her.

Iso: Punish?

Irina: I can tell ... he's going to hurt him. Badly ... and I can't do anything to stop him.

Iso: But where's Ivanko?! He can stop this!

Irina: I DON'T KNOW!!!

Before Iso could reach out to her she fell down to her knees, and her hands hit the ground completely unresponsive.

Iso: Irina ... it's alright. Kiev is Victor's own child right? He won't kill his own children will he?

Irina: You don't know anything! Victor kills his kids all the time!! He has so many of them that sometimes he just kills them for being too weak!! You don't have any idea how much danger Kiev is in ... and I can't do anything ... ... I don't want to lose him ....

Levski kept an eye out for Ivanko hoping to spot him. Something was off. Did Victor often wander decimated battlefields alone? Yes, but did it take Ivanko this long to shop up once the wyvern roared like that? No. If he didn't show up soon, Kiev was going to be maimed or even killed. As if to confirm Irina's fears, Victor quickly hissed down at Kiev who was too tightly pressed to form even a weak yelp!

After a few moments, Victor accidentally released some of the pressure on Kiev's neck, and the wyvern immediately rolled out from under him! As Kiev tried to take off into the air, Victor bit down on his tail and slammed him onto the ground! The thud made Irina cringe! Kiev quickly flipped over onto his back and tried to bite his father on the nose, but Victor's head moved back in a perfect dodge, and then shot forward slamming into Kiev! The sound of their skulls smashing into each other bone on metal on bone was intense, and Kiev was nearly knocked cold by it! Without giving the wyvern a chance to recover, Victor bit down on his left shoulder and kept applying more and more pressure until the only thing that could be heard over the sounds of bones fracturing, were Kiev's cries! Once several bones snapped, Victor let go, and stepped off of him, and Irina didn't care anymore! She rushed to his side ignoring the fact that she was in range of Victor's jaws just like Kiev was!

Iso: Irina wait!!

Once she reached Kiev should kneeled down and hugged him! He was extremely quiet for an animal with newly broken bones, torn muscles, and pierced scales. He was barely conscious now and barely moving. Victor listened to her as she tried to sooth Kiev with words but then put his head extremely close to her, intent on getting her attention.

Irina: ... I ... hate ... you ... Victor ... I HATE you ... I HATE YOU!!!

The bull wyvern snorted at her, and the wind from that forced her head back, evaporated some of her tears, and caused her to fall onto her rear! He then shrugged and left them where they were, making his way to an open space. Once he was there, he lied down and curled up. Ivanko would show up soon he figured, and it was obvious that this group of meat bags wasn't up to the challenge. Not only that, but if they were the ones Ivanko was searching for, then they were best kept alive. He wasn't ready to kill Ivanko just yet. First he had to destroy those weapons the Wyvern Master carried.

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"Eep. I feel really bad for her..." Chase muttered as he witnessed the bloody spectacle, too terrified to act. "Wow, Viveka... now I know what you mean by that wyvern being horrifying. Losing your brother to something like that... I can't even imagine how you must've felt. The closest family I've really had was my step-sister, and I haven't seen her in years... I'm sorry for not taking you seriously before."

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Aiya looked on in horror as Victor assaulted Kiev.Receiving a squeeze of her hand from Damian as confirmation,she placed him back down and cautiously began to move towards the pair of wyverns.

Then Irina ran in to the fray.

Aiya had been about to yell to her,but aggravating the bull even more would likely get both Irina and Kiev killed.As soon as Victor retreated,Aiya ran over.

"Irina,are you alright?How bad is Kiev?You,go get a healer!" She both asked and barked out,soldier's instincts kicking in,and practically ordered Isotov to fetch a healer.

Ulfhrahn had moved now,placing himself defensively between the injured Kiev,and Victor.The other wyvern was good company,but not only that,both his rider and a clear friend were tending to the injured wyvern.If this bull wanted to attack again,Ulfhrahn was prepared to do all he could to fight him off.

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Pary watched as the wyverns engaged each other in combat. He walked closer towards Isotov.

"That one's Kiev's father? So that means.....Irina! Do you think I should try to help Kiev? Charlotte and Tessa might be able to help too."


Cess watched as the dragon girl wandered off into the woods. Fresh, green grass followed her path, flowers occassionally popping up.

"Well at least we'll be able to follow her. We're going after her, right Morgan? Who should we give the sword to anyways? Esphyr? Or maybe Erik or Derek...."

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The war horse neighed as he retreated behind Amari. It was shaking with fear while doing so. "Whoa.... Helios said awestruck looking at the Bull Wyvern. "I have never seen such a big Wyvern. Its even bigger then Aiya's......."

Edited by Kai
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OOC: It is a damn good thing that Viveka doesn't recognize Victor under all that armor.


While lying down in wait for his rider and mortal enemy, Victor watched as several humans, and even a much younger bull wyvern came to his side. That explained it he thought. Too much love from humans was causing his son's attachment and weakness. If this kept up, he'd simply kill him. He felt it was best to let them spoil him for the time being. He'd gotten his point across, and that usually spelled the end of unacceptable behavior. Releasing scents to try to befriend humans involuntary or not was unacceptable.

As he surveyed the group, he quickly recognized red haired girl, and the red armored man. They had plenty of golden scales for Ivanko in times passed. Perhaps they were the reason he was made to come out here in the first place. Then something interesting caught his eye ... the woman on the pegasus. She was the one he didn't have a chance to kill. His memories of her backed up against a barn wall while watching the little one crushed between his teeth swelled up. She was clearly scared of him still. He'd be sure to kill her this time if he ever got an opening, but for now ... relaxation. It had been a long and boring battle against the skeleton remnants.

Turning to Chase to confirm what he said, Viveka kept her heart on her chest.

Viveka: My brother was killed by one of those alright. I'll never have any love for those creatures. Why would Ivanko ride something like that?

Irina was very quiet now too, and so was Kiev. Irina was quiet because she couldn't think. Kiev was quiet because in his agony he'd lost consciousness. It was obvious due to the positioning of his wings. If not for his breathing, he would be mistaken for a corpse.

Iso: Pary, can you ... get started on Kiev? It's going to take more than one little round of healing to fix that kind of damage. I'm not even sure how many bones I heard break in there.

Kelas: And you're absolutely sure I shouldn't shoot?!

Iso: Yeah ... don't shoot. Ivanko keeps this thing around for a reason. If we harm it even a little, he's just going to take it out on me or Levski. *sigh* ... Irina ....

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"Then go get Charlotte. I can't do this alone."

Pary walked over to Irina. Her arms were wrapped around Kiev's muzzle, and tears wre rolling down her cheeks. Kiev's shoulders seemed to have taken the most damage. He started there. Aiming the staff over the wound, he focused the light onto the joint directly. Lots of scales had been ripped clean off as well, but the area was only inflammed from that.

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"Irina..." Aiya knew how Irina must feel at the moment,she was quiet,and staring off into space.

"It's okay...Kiev'll be okay,you'll be okay..." Aiya said,hoping to try to comfort her.Isotov had fetched Pary,and while he was not her own ideal choice,they couldn't be picky at the moment.

Gently wrapping her arms around Irina,Aiya pulled her in closer,and began to delicately stroke her hair,hoping to relax her slightly.

"Whatever you have to do,okay Irina?if you need to cry,cry on me,if you need to scream,I'll take it,if you need to hit something,I'll be okay afterward,just let it all out."

Edited by Ether
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Seeing the wyvern's gaze shift, Kelas realized its next target. "Hyah!" She slapped Susann on the rump, hoping the pegasus would spook properly, then brought her bow back up in an instant. "We need to get out of here, it's about to start killing people!"

Arrin linked his arm through Tessa's and took off running.

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OOC: Ivanko ⋆ will most likely show up after I get back. *remembers what happened when Lev showed up* >_>'


Continuing to watch, it became obvious what was happening. Just as he predicted, the magic users were beginning to heal his son's injuries. Good ... if he thought that the wound he'd inflicted couldn't be treated, he'd have not spared him afterward. Ivanko was taking a rather long time. There were many remnants, but was it that difficult to track down and smash them all? They didn't seem that difficult to him. Crushing them with his paws, or swatting the dead pests away seemed easy enough. If Ivanko took too long to show himself, he would probably make an attempt to scatter the group and perhaps finally slaughter that blond one. One live kill for the day would satisfy him, even if it had to be one of Ivanko's allies. Maybe he could get off with a minor injury.

Irina: ... Aiya ...? D-do you remember what I ... told you ... about Victor? This is what he's really like. ... he's probably the only wyvern I hate because he's so heartless. My uncle never broke him ... but now ... I'm wondering if that was ever possible. He's ... so brutal ... ... what if it wasn't even possible? What if Victor is just that evil? Trying to shake me off just to kill my uncle. Killing people just to scare others, stepping on people just to hear them scream, and torturing and killing your own children because they didn't turn out like you wanted? What kind of sick ... twisted ... urgh ... I hate him so much ... I don't like saying it but I hate him!

Just barely overhearing Irina's water-logged mumblings, Viveka was a little surprised by what she'd heard.

Viveka: (A wyvern she hates? Well that's understandable but you justify it by calling him "evil"? That's childish. They're not evil, they're JUST ANIMALS. Not that I want to see this from his point of view, but I hardly think he qualifies as evil ... just a monster that should be wiped off the map.)

Suddenly, Susann spooked! Her wings flared up, and Viveka flinched! Before she could figure out what was going on, the pegasus was skyward! Victor watched as she took off and his head rose, but then he saw the tan one aiming an arrow at him! He kept his attention on the bow wielder, snarling at her as his feet leveled out against the ground!

Viveka: Sunny, what's wrooooong?!!

Iso ran up to her and held his hand out hoping she'd lower the bow!

Iso: Kelas, he's too heavily armored! Let's just calm down and let him re- ... where's Viveka going?

Viveka: Yaaaah! Sunny, slow down! Stop!! Ahhhh!!

EDIT: Gr4mm4r

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Irina had begun to speak.Aiya gently pulled her closer,as her words barely broke her own sobbing.

"I couldn't fully believe it,at first.I don't doubt it now...there was no instinct,no reason in that attack...I didn't think wyverns had quite the capacity for sadism..." Aiya trailed off,still not sure whether to believe her own eyes.

'A wyvern is driven primarily by instinct,training,and command...right?Ivanko wouldn't make Victor this way...could it be true?'

"Ulfy...keep your guard up,I don't want you to get hurt too." She said to her own wyvern,still terrified by what had happened to Kiev.

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Responding to Cess, Morgan shook her head "The earth dragon probably has goals far different from our own, best to leave it be."

She went up the stairs only to find that massive bull wyvern Ivanko was riding earlier thrashing around wildly!

She thrust the Wyrmslayer into Lev's hands. "If it approaches, use this." she said simply.

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OOC: Morgan doesn't mess around XD


Having been handed the wyrmslayer, Levski gulped.

Lev: Awwwwww sh*t .... (Kill Victor, and Ivanko kills me. Don't kill Victor, and Victor kills someone else, and Ivanko still kills me for incompetence ... decisions decisions ....)

Victor stared Kelas down, ready to stop her attack cold, even if it meant blocking the arrow with the armor plating on his forehead. Susann landed on the roof of the church, and Viveka finally calmed her down.

Viveka: What was that about?! Sunny, what's wrong?

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Charlotte stopped crying after about half a minute and looked up at Eric.

"That...was probably not proper behaviour for a princess, but thank you Sir Eric. I feel much better. Let's go insdie for Gornald's fun-"

Her words were interrupted by a large bull wyvern flying overhead! She clung to Eric tightly and it flew off towards the ret of the group and started making a ruckus.

'Um, what should we do?" she asked Eric rather helplessly.

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Kelas' hands and voice shook as the wyvern turned its attention to her: "Its eyes aren't armored, and I'm not about to let it kill anyone," she said, willing her hands to stay put, keeping the bow leveled. "I won't shoot if it doesn't try to."

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"Geez! What's up with that pegasus...?" Chase muttered. "Well, I'm kinda not surprised... that thing's scaring me now..."

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OOC: Kelas vs Victor ... who will be the victor winner?


Keeping his eyes trained on the nomad a distance away from him, Victor slowly opened his mouth to expose his blood drenched teeth. He waited patiently to see what the nomad would do.

Iso: Easy, Kelas ... we don't know what Victor's capable of. (You'd think someone would have shot an eye out by now given what Ivanko does with the thing ... no sure really.)

Lev: Come on, Ivanko, where the hell are you ...? Oh right, Morgan I should probably tell you now that Victor is an asshole. Tell your people to stay back. It's pretty obvious that Vic is hoping to score a kill on one of your guys and consider it self defense.

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