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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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A lone hero waited outside his now nearly abandoned fortress when he saw a large blue shape traveling through the sky. As it got closer, Travis recogenized the large creature as a sea wyvern, and it had a rider on its back.

The sea wyvern landed, and the rider took off her helmet, revealing locks of black hair. Her lance was as sharp as her wyvern's tail.

"Hey beautful." said Travis. "Come to join Captain Travis's band of mercenaries? Captain Travis, he's a-"

"Shut it." snapped the woman. "You were apparently the last person to see the princess of Jerdon, yes? Tell me where she is." Her lance pointed threateningly in Travis's direction.

"Don't you know how to say please?" asked Travis with a sly smile. "Anyway, I'm not seeing a reason to tell you at the moment."

"Hmph." she replied, frowning. "How about the fact you won't be able to catch up with them on foot? I suppose it's for the best we work together for now. You have information, I have transportation and power."

"I'm no slouch in combat myself you know." said Travis, clenching his fist. "Still, you make a fair point. All right then, Caw saw them heading from Kleine manor further west into Halton. She's made a lot of allies though, you won't be able to take them alone. Not to mention I doubt you know what she looks like."

"Hmph." said the woman again, crossing her arms. "I suppose we should work together then...for now. Not that I enjoy working with others much, there's a reason I left Ivanko's mercenaries you know. There's no room for morality in a mercenary's world. Anyway, I am Xenia. Get on Svetlana's back behind me, but no funny business or I'll have her impale you with her tail."

Svetlana bared her fangs and raised her tail threateningly at the new man.

"Point taken <_<" said Travis, getting behind Xenia and flying off into the distance.

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OOC: ♫ What is love? ♫ <--- IsoxMorgan theme

OOC: DAMMIT! I was gonna pull that off as a joke ChaseXMiorgan one... curses Feenix!

"What's with you guys and Morgan? Sheesh... I don't think she likes either of you, anyways." Chase whispered to the two wyvern knights, ignoring the fact that he looked up to her.

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Morgan stopped examining the shields and turned around to look at Chase, Ivan, and Lev. "I heard my name, did you want something? Or were you discussing something about me?" She raised an eyebrow at them.

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Chase quickly butted into their discussion.

Lev: Kid, I'm not really interested in whether or not Morgan is head over heels for me. If it started out like that, I wouldn't be having much fun with it-

Ivan: Curse you, Levski! you know how I feel, and you, short one, stay out of this!

When Morgan finally turned around, Ivan flinched, while Levski smiled and crossed his arms chuckling.

Lev: Yeah we were talking about you. Apparently these two are very fond of you.

Ivan: So are you! You are trying to steal her from me!

Lev: Why would I do that? Isn't it obvious that I merely want to assist her in getting these group on the right track? Romance can wait until the demon king is dead.

Ivan: (Sneaky bastard!)

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Ivanko had appeared,putting Victor's rage on hold.Aiya,still gently holding Irina,saw that the girl was not going to divulge any more to her at the moment,and seemed relatively stable,so Aiya stood up to greet Ivanko.

"Glad to see you made it here in one piece,Ivanko,although I'm not surprised." She said,extending her hand for a handshake.


As Damian saw Ivanko appear,and placate Victor,he forced himself to stand.Lying on the ground in the company of such a person could do one no good,and he made his way over,albiet with.unfortunately,rather obvious difficulty.

Supporting himself against the remnants of a stone wall,he greeted Ivanko;

"Ah,Ivanko.It's been a while since we've last worked together,eh?"


'S-So much has happened here...I'm kind of scared...but the skeletons are gone...right!I was supposed to...'

As Cielle remembered why she was here in the first place,she walked up to Morgan,who was nearly surrounded.

"Umm...Ms. Morgan,was there anything you wanted me to translate from Draconic?"

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Ivanko: Indeed it has ... ... are you two alright? I was positive that the skeletons we fought weren't the main force.

Not far away Victor was still lazing about. There were scents all over the place. Nothing interesting though, other than the remnants of some kind of dragon and a trail leading to who knew where. Kiev was still unconscious though, and Irina didn't leave his side.

Lev: Who's the idiot, the man who rolls with the punches or the boy who blows his cover so ungracefully? :/

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Aiya responded to Ivanko's question as he asked it.

"The skeletons weren't the problem,we could have taken out hordes of those things.But there were three mages,apparently half shadow-spirit.Two of them double-teamed me,and one of 'em got a lucky shot on Damian,hit him square in the chest."

"After I got hit,there were some...complications...with my weapon...you know which one I mean." Damian added.

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"I'm...not quite sure what you're talking about." Morgan said, her brow furrowing at the various comments. "Regardless, Lev is right, we should focus on the task at hand."

Morgan's cheeks turned faintly pink as she turned towards Cielle, welcoming the distraction. "Yes, the inscription on this sword reads plagam mortiferam infligere draconis...any idea what that means?"

Edited by -Cynthia-
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The Young and the Restless

Lev: See Ivan? See little guy? "Focus".

Ivan: I hate you >_>' (How does he do that?)

Lev: (I love getting attacked. I can use anything to my advantage heheh.)

Meanwhile over by the downed wyvern ...

Ivanko: Gae-Borg ... that must've been one hell of a lucky shot. If it's over now, then you have to keep training. Get stronger. Don't look back.

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OOC:Can of worms... Opened.


"Ooh, a love cube!" Dani said, jumping into the conversation. "Between Handsome, Curls, Lev, and Morgie! Who would've guessed?"

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"Let's see...it roughly says...'Inflict a Plague upon Dragonkind'...I'd assume it's meant to kill,or weaken dragons." She said,after hearing Morgan recite the verse.


"I plan to,once I can move as normal again...a full possession hasn't happened in years...I feel like I got run over by Victor...and miraculously surviving to feel the injuries..."

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The Bold and The Beautiful

Lev: Sorry, Dani. No cube. I hate sharing ...

Ivan: Grrrrrrrrr-

Close by ...

Ivanko: Whoa. Damn magi. If you're feeling that bad, then you might want to take a seat ... ... before we get down to business, I've been meaning to ask you, what's General Jackson of Elyisima doing here? I know he has the axe, but ...

Viveka quickly flew down from the nearby rooftop and touched down not far from Kiev. She hopped down and Susann stayed as close to Viveka as she could without crowding her.

Viveka: Who spooked Sunny?

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"You don't have to share, then. Go after another girl." Chase whispered at Lev, somewhat harshly, and was about to say more before Viveka interrupted him. "It wasn't me. Susann's nice to me... most of the time..."

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"Sorry, Handsome. Too good to resist!," Dani said, grinning. Turning to Lev, she said, "Aww, but there's more drama that way!"


"The nomad did. It looked like this wyvern was going to eat her, Miss Viveka," Derek said. "Shortly afterwards, she got KO'ed by it."

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"I didn't think it the best idea to sit in front of someone like you,but if you insist." Damian let out,before sliding down the wall and landing on the ground.

"As for Jackson,he has the axe...that's about it for now."

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