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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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"It is unreasonable if you just wish to remain friends." said Charlotte. "Which of course you don't. You want to hold her hand, and stare into her eyes, and cuddle up next to her, and maybe even kiss her, things that people who are more than friends do. Trust me, I can tell." Charlotte gave a girlish squeal at the excitement of it all.

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"Does it always take this long to move out?" Alferis asked Reika.

"Nah. Actually, this is remarkably short for them to get moving."

"I can tell..."

They continued to sit in silence for awhile.

"Had another dream?" Reika asked.

"Yeah. I dreamed that I was a child again. And then, all the people I killed appeared."

"Another of those guilt dreams huh? You're soft. I can tell. I thought you would have gotten used to them after awhile, considering your old, erm, occupations."

"Yeah well, I'm not exactly what you call heartless. I took someone's life away from them. It just...It just feels wrong."

"Right, wrong," Reika waved her hand.

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"You should start enjoying your work and forget about it, like me."

"I just can't. Sometimes I wished I was like my father but otherwise..."

"Your father was a bandit? And he knew you? I didn't think bandits kept wives."

"No. He took me in when I was a baby. See, my parents abandoned me and he found me and added me to the band."

"And you're telling me this why?"

"Lots of people were left outside the town like I was. It's not like you know many details about me or what happened anyway, so I'm safe telling you."

She nodded. It made sense.

"You think they'll be ready soon?" asked Alferis.

"Why don't you go ask them yourself?"

"...I'll just wait till they're ready."

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"You'll get it eventually." said Charlotte. "Anyway, if you ever wanted to impress Tessa, even just "as a friend," she added those last words with a sly smile "then maybe you could consider telling her how pretty she is. Also, maybe give her a gift of some kind, one...suitable for your relationship." she said.

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"Why do you stick with them?" she asked him.

"Well, I don't really have a home, and they're the closest I've got so far. Safety in numbers and all."

"And me? Why do you stick with me? You plan on selling me off to somebody?"


"You're gonna stab me in the back. I know that. You might as well admit it out front, because I'm gonna make you suffer before I do find out if you're lying."

"But I'm not going to! I just, well, enjoy your company.

"That's a laugh. Like I said before, we're not here to make friends, or did you not grow up and realize that?"

"Don't be difficult."

"Don't tell me what to do," she whirled, pointing her knife at him."

"Let's just go away for awhile ok?"

Reika merely grunted in response. She slid the dagger back and began to walk her horse a bit ahead of the group, near Heinz. She was going to keep an eye on him.

As for Alferis, he just stood, watching the rest as they gathered their belongings and got ready to go. Maybe tommorow would be a better day.

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The others were leaving; she'd been forgotten again. Consciousness threatening to desert her again, Kelas dug in her heels, convincing Amari to walk forward. "Catch up," Kelas asked the mare, before slumping over in the saddle, dangerously close to falling.

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Once he was ready, Ivanko saddled up and left atop Victor, while Ivan tearfully left atop his wyvern. They left the four magic imbued shields with the group. Unable to decide what to do, Iso walked alongside Amari to make sure Kelas didn't fall off, but he was a little distracted since Katie wanted to ride with him. He made a fun compromise. He decided to stay in shape by carrying her on his back a good length of the way there.

OOC: Snowy probably wouldn't disapprove so gogo IsoxKatie!

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Amari stopped as her rider lost consciousness, but was unable to prevent Kelas from falling off. Kelas landed in a heap on the ground, not injured further, but not waking. The mare whinnied shrilly: if nobody came to help this time, she was going to start biting people, "behaving" be damned.

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Everyone who matters

As Kelas took a fall, Iso quickly let Katie down so he could make sure she didn't bang her head or anything!

Iso: Crap! (In hindsight we probably should have used a rope or something ...) Kelas! Are you alright?!

He quickly lifted her up from the dirt and put her arm over his shoulder.

Iso: Damn Victor ...

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Pary began the march with the rest of the group. He looked ahead. Amari had stopped. Kelas had fallen off her horse.

He ran over. "Why didn't you tell me you were dizzy? If the healing wasn't fully completed, it could have complications." He held the staff over her closed up wound, then her head. The light seeped into her body, energizing her cells.

Kelas sat up. He pulled some herbs out of his bag. "Here, eat these. They should help your blood flow and replenish."

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He continued to ride with the rest. Good thing they were done now. He approached Irina, awestruck that she was his idol's niece.

"Excuse me, but are you really Mr. Ivanko's niece?

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OOC: Ivanko already left(see second to last post for details. Try again later >_>

Iso: Yeah, that's what I was thinking actually. I wonder if anyone has some rope we could use if we need it.

Levski was bored so he took out a small novel he kept on hand and began to read ...

Lev: ... ... .... (Heheh.)

Alferis approached Irina but she was barely visible beyond the shields that were tied to both of Kiev's sides.

Irina: Alferis? Is that you? Oh, umm yeah, I am his niece. The only one too.

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Cess mounted his horse and walked with the rest of the group. He spotted Lev sitting on Krinkov alone.

"What are you reading?"

OOC: Lev: Porno.

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Lev: I'm reading a little book Irina's mother wrote. It's titled 101 Ways To Kill Something With Fire . #56 is f*cking hilarious.

Krinkov kept a close eye on his brother. The blue one was still close by.

EDIT: Added Krin's Doberman-ness.

Iso: Alright, Kelas, get back up on Amari. Katie, you ride behind her, and I'll keep hold of the reins or something. All you have to do is make sure she doesn't fall off.

EDIT: Added in Iso and his leadership skills which only appear when dealing with women for some reason.

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With a bit of a struggle, Kelas made it back into the saddle, indicating that Katie ride behind. "I can't hang on too well if I pass out again," she explained. "Hopefully if I pass out you'll keep me in place." She saw Amari's jaws open furtively: "And no biting," she added to the mare tiredly. "Nobody's in the mood for that."

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Katie jotted down one last message before hopping on ...

Who's going to keep me from falling?

Iso: Huh?! Uh ... right, you might not be balanced on horses yet. Wyverns are easy to stay on because their hides are coarse and rough. Not to mention they're wider. Hmm.

Before he could figure out anything to add to that, she had climbed up onto Amari behind Kelas.

Iso: Well you look okay up there. Just make sure only one of you falls off at a time. I don't know if I can catch both of you >_>'

... okay ready to go?

Not far away, Irina continued her discussion with Alferis.

Irina: Heheh, haven't I answered this question before? It all depends on who you ask :lol:

EDIT: Added Irina-chan

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"Well in your point of view. You see, I'm curious because when I was a kid, I used to hear stories about Ivanko all the time, and he was my idol. So I'm wondering if he's really a good person to you and if you've seen him good to strangers."

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Levski: Look at this one, Cess ...

#13 The Zaftran Fragmentation Grenade

Step #1

Gather twenty or more fire stones

At least fifty pebbles

A small amount of tar

A leather hide

A fire tome that still works

and some string

Step #2

Cut the leather hide according to the size you want the bomb to be

Step #3

Overcharge the fire stones (this can be done by directing a strong fire spell directly into them but be sure not to exceed the stone's capacity or you'll have a premature detonation)

Step #4

Cover the fire stones in tar, place the pebbles on the hide covering, and then place the tar covered stones on the hide at the center.

Step #5

Wrap the ingredients in the hide and string it tightly.

Step #6

Set the hide on fire, toss the thing, and run like hell! <--- Run like hell

Irina: Well if you ask me, I'd say yes, but that's just personal experience mostly. He's typically nice to outsiders, but men under his command get pretty strict treatment. Even I get chewed out once in a blue moon >_>'

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