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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 12: *This Title has been stolen*


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Cess took the one map with the grave marker. It held the most promise out of them all. He picked an apple off the empty dining table, cold with the dishes from breakfast, and went back to his room. He put the rest of his clothes in his pack along with the apple, and took his tome, the map, and the pack with him back to the rest of the group.

"Everyone get ready. I think I've found the graveyard's location. Let's get going before it get's dark."



Pary excused himself from his new employer's room and escorted Charlotte back to her room. He still had his things with him and all his staves. He should go look for that little kid to tell him he could keep the book.

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"I can't believe I'm actually glad to see her," Kelas commented as Morgan appeared to sort things out. "Reckon if we get packed, maybe she scares some of that lot away, maybe we can actually get going."


Bags now packed, Arrin headed out to find the stables: surely if they were leaving, people would be around there? He set off across the grounds.

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Cess waited for the group to pack and headed to get Morrey out of the stables. He had been neglecting the horse, and felt sorry.

"Hey there boy.I got something for you." Cess gave the horse the apple. The trainers had been feeding him, but it was probably just feed and filler, nothing of substance.

He made sure he was in riding condition, and walked him out of the stables. He bumped into Arrin on his way out.

"Oh Arrin. Are you ready to go? I found a map to the graveyard."

Edited by psychout50
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"Well I think Amari and Francis aren't in here, so Tessa and your sister already got them. Damian and Morgan will probably calm them all down."

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Morgan came downstairs and overheard people talking "So, we have a location to the dragon graveyard? Excellent. Everyone pack yourselves up and be prepared to leave quickly. Move it." she said to the assorted group in the common area. She did a quick headcount, Esphyr, Damian, and Tessa were missing. Tessa was out riding, but at least that meant she was probably packed.

Morgan wandered outside and managed to find Esphyr and Damian. "We've found the location of the dragon graveyard, time to get moving. You two can fraternize later." she said brusquely.

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"We weren't fraternizing." said Esphyr as Morgan came up to her. "There was an important issue involving my status as Damian's employee. It's been resolved, but it was in no way fraternizing."

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"When I am negotiating contracts with mercenaries, I tend not to get so intimate." Morgan said, raising her eyebrow. "Regardless, if you see any of the others, tell them to get ready as quickly as possible." She turned back towards the manor, trying to prepare everyone as quickly as possible.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Isotov and Irina

Irina: Yeah ... time to pack (What a waste of a trip ... :sob: )

Iso: Alright. I'll go grab my things, help Irina pack her bags, and I guess we can meet you outside?


Krinkov was waiting for Lev close to the aeries. The wyvern lord walked right up to the wyvern and started leaning against his side.

Lev: *sigh* I can't help but worry about those three ... Iso, Irina, Kitty ... this isn't the ideal set up is it?


Quickly leaving the dining hall area, she headed upstairs to the room she was to be using. She had to get ready but she hadn't yet remembered that she had two massive orange cases, each a hundred pounds that needed transporting. When she finally realized it, she stopped cold.

Viveka: ... uh oh.

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I'm not heartless. If Iso, you, or another asked, I would try. wrote Katie, giving a soft smile as she wrote.

"Well, if the dragon Graveyard is your choice, it's best I tag along as well." said the HM. "If Helenos tries to attack, the water tome is safest in my possession, and the safest place is still likely surrounded by you guys despite Pary's poisoning attempt."


"You hire mercenaries? Oh wait. Dragon Bit-I mean Irina." said Esphyr crudely before she tapped Damian on the arm to pull him along back to the house.

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"Sounds good." Kelas headed to her room, quickly packing, swinging by the armory on the way out on a whim: a sword was added to her list of possessions. It looked like Eric wouldn't have time to teach her today, but she'd find time at some point.

The others weren't outside yet, but Amari was, grazing on the lawn. Kelas led the mare to the stable, properly saddling her and strapping packs and sword onto the saddle. "You ready to go?" she asked Arrin, seeing him by the barn.

"Yes. Are the others?"

"They will be soon enough. Morgan's ordering them about."

Arrin grimaced slightly: the shaman still scared him a bit. "All right, then. Shall I get Francis out, then?"

"Yeah, do that. Come up the hill after you do, I'll be waiting for the others there." She headed out, walking back up the hill to wait.

"Well, I guess we are leaving, then," Arrin said to Cess. He carefully tacked Francis, making sure to give the gelding some sugar cubes snuck out from breakfast tea. "...If Tessa isn't waiting, I wonder where she went?" he mused.

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Isotov and Irina

As they entered the room, Irina gestured for Iso to turn around while she changed clothes. While he stared at the ground facing the other way, she quickly took off her shirt and shorts before grabbing her riding pants and some other unmentionables.

Iso: You don't seem so well, Irina.

Irina: I know ... these past two weeks have been a nightmare ... I just want to have a little fun once in awhile. That game of truth or dare was so exciting I couldn't help myself. For the first time since joining the group we had a chance to just relax, but as soon as we fall asleep we get ambushed.

Iso: Well ...

As she pulled up her pants she reached over and grabbed her shirt and some other bra-esque thing.

Iso: ... at least we enjoyed it. Didn't think I'd be kissing Katie that soon.

Irina: What's with you two?

Iso: I like her. That's about all there is to it.

Irina: I thought you just liked the cooking.

Iso: The cooking ... my being her bodyguard ... those are just convenient excuses to me. I just like being with her. I'll admit, she's definitely becoming a good cook though. Still just a bonus though, not really my main concern.

Irina: Oh.

After putting her shirt on, she quickly started adding on her armor.

Iso: I've ... been neglecting to spend time with you, and for that I'm sorry.

Irina: Huh?! Oh ... don't mind me ... Lev's here ... heh ... at least for a little while longer. He'll leave once he runs out of girls to hit on. *sigh* then I'll worry about being neglected.

Iso: I do mind. You're my sister, and the my entire reason for leaving was to protect you. I've got no excuse for distancing myself. None. So I won't.

She held her head low for a moment, and then smiled.

Irina: ... thanks ... oh! You can turn around now. I'm completely covered now and ... it's uncomfortable ... just like always.

Iso: I can't imagine.

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"Ok, I should get ready." And with that, Alferis left the room.

"Hey, I just want to know why you insisted on defending me?" said Reika accosting Alferis.

"Because he's scum, because of all the evidence, and because I like you." he explained.

"Like me. Right. Don't expect me to believe you for a second. Like me? A thief? A murderer? Don't make me laugh. I don't know what your game is, but you better not hurt me." Reika began to turn away but faced him again.

"Oh yeah, and if you do like me, you're best staying away from me. I'm bad luck."

"But I don't think that."

"Well you should. Trust me on this. Ask the others."

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Charlotte began packing away her things. She looked longingly at the dresses in the closet. And the shoes. Oh, such beautiful shoes.

"Could I, perhaps, borrow some of the dresses and shoes?" she asked one of the servant girls.

"Well, Master Kleine is leaving and he probably won't be having any female guests for a while, it should be all right." said one of the servant girls.

"Thnak you." said Charlotte, packing up some of the dresses and shoes into two more suitcases. Perhaps I should thank Damian later. But...I don't want to give off the impression that I want to be one of his wives. Not to mention he's the son of one of the Six Heroes.

She managed to drag the 3 suitcases to the door before having to stop. "I could use some help here." she said to anyone that was around.

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"Um I think I saw someone riding around the grounds. That could've been her. She had gone out earlier. You might ask Morgan though. I'm headed to show her the map."

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"I was planning on it actually." said Charlotte, replying to Kelas. "A lady must always look her best you know, and shabby cleric's robes are just not going to cut it. We have a lot of strong men and pack animals in this group, I'm sure it will all fit."

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Viveka Lucille and Jasmine

When Viveka made it back to the room they were using she opened the door to find both Lucille and Jasmine staring at the orange cases, which were packed up mostly, but too heavy to carry. They were dressed up in their military uniforms and ready to leave, but those cases. They had no idea what to do about those.

Lucille: ... ... ....

Jasmine: ... ... ....

Viveka: ... ... ... ... ... ... urrrgh.

The two knights turned around and gave Viveka really sad looks.

Jasmine: What do we do? We can't let you carry both of these yourself. They're too heavy, even we barely managed to get them on our pegasi before we left.

Viveka: You'll have to tell me how you managed that later, but for now I'll just make Lev do it.

Jasmine: The cute wyvern lord? Are you sure he'll do it?

Viveka: I've got some money left, and I have other cards I can play. Don't worry about it. Just get to the General alright ... oh and don't head back to Ilyphina just yet.

Lucille: What? Why not?

Viveka: You two are officially on extended leave. I have to stay with the group at all times, but you two are free to come and go as you please. That means you're officially my errand girls ^_^

Lucille/Jasmine: ... crap! >_<

Viveka: Nyehahahahaaaaah. You can scout around for me. Go pick up items. Deliver messages. You are now in service to Viveka the Vain, hahahaaaah!

Lucille/Jasmine: ... CRAP!!! >_<

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"Look why can't you accept that I like you?"

"Because I don't care. Get it into that thick skull of yours."

Alferis stood uneasily. She's mean, but there's something about her...

"Just accept it ok? It's how I feel and I don't think there's much you can do about it."

He walked down the stairs not looking back.

Reika was amused. Like her? That's a new one. Reika was not exactly familiar with having a friendship. She knew what it would do to people, but it was sort of a passive view. Having one was uneasy for her.

The presumptuous fool, thinking he could try to open me up, but he's amusing to have around. He's certainly more tolerable than the others, that's a given.

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"Mostly we've just got riding mounts," Kelas pointed out. "Look, Sister, if something ends up chasing us, we're going to need people on those horses and wyverns, and you'll have more to worry about than just clothes. Maybe just take the traveling clothes, and bring along an outfit or two for if we end up somewhere respectable?"


"Well, shall we look for Tessa then?" Arrin asked Francis and the cat. The cat hopped onto the saddlehorn as Arrin mounted up, then back onto his shoulder once he was seated. Arrin turned up the hill, thinking to check by the house first before setting off across the grounds.

OOC: Just wanting to point out a tone thing, since text isn't good at that: "Sister" is meant as a respectful title, not a casual term of annoyance.

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