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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 47


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Except in FE4, where Light magic is literally God.

Except for durability, it was decent in FE5 too, More MT than the anima, more accuracy except against Wind and 20 base crit. Then there's Resire for Homeros or Linoan.

Edited by Sirius
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Best: Swords. I think that's pretty expected of me, being a SM fangirl to say that. It's got the most variety, for one, and lots of hit, on another. Especially in FE4, where swords >>>> all other physical weapon types.

Wind Magic gets honorable mention, though. LOLSETY. So do FE11 Lances for Ridersbane, Javelins, and Wing Spear.

Worst: Knives. Only because their Mt is ridiculous low. I was going to say Axes but it really depends on the series. Axes are pretty awesome in 5 for the bit I've played (mainly because of Othin), in 6-8 we got the Heroes, since they have high SKL to counterbalance the low hit, but I can never train axe users otherwise, and 9-11 they're pretty awesome. But in 4, GAAAAAAH. The only good Axe is Hero Axe and the other Hero weapons beat it anyway.

And IMO, Light Magic + Lucius = PWN. Even though he doesn't get that overkill Slayer like in FE8.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Except for durability, it was decent in FE5 too, More MT than the anima, more accuracy except against Wind and 20 base crit. Then there's Resire for Homeros or Linoan.

I suppose Starlight and Archanea!Aura don't count as Light magic?

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Best: Lances. Most of the best units have them, and they've stayed consistently good throughout the series while most other weapons have ups and downs.

Worst: Dark Magic. It's more a case of the users than the actual weapons themselves (though that should already be obvious). At least Knives have FE10 Sothe and Volke to put them to good use without too much else to drag them down. Light Magic alone might not be too good, but it's got some really good units using it (Serra, Moulder, Natasha, Artur, Micaiah w/Thani, maybe Lucius) as well as Resire and Narga.

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I don't get everyone's hate with knives. They sucked in FE9, but they're actually pretty good in FE10 in the right hands (AKA, not Heather). Beastslayer's nice to have around, and having a 9 might 1-2 range forge ain't bad. Only reason it's screwed lategame is because the knife users are A. Sothe, who's grown weaksauce (sorta, I know he's pretty damn easy to get some BEXP into him to keep his speed up, though his might's on the low side), B. Heather (who's got some of the worst combat out there for someone who doubles), or C. Volke who is severely outclassed when he shows up (thanks IS for the royals, so much fun...*rolls eyes* )

Anyways, up to the topic.

Best: Lances, and I defy you to prove me wrong. They have the best slayers (Horseslayer is accurate and still mighty compared to that piece of shit Halberd), the people using them generally aren't disabled by them in the least (unless you're lol Amelia or Wendy), the weapon of choice for fliers, and they get a special slice of heaven in FEDS when theyr'e the earliest and easiest to buy in masse slayers make them king thanks to the forge, along with lolWing Spear. Even if FE1 and 3, gave the benefit of giving an early range option to units like cavaliers with the javelin. The only times spears sucked were in FE4, and even then there was lolflying Gae Bolg, and the Hero Lance, something that makes Fin in FE5 near-hilarious. The worst they've ever been was in FE4, and it was mainly because it wasn't swords or wind. I'd gladly take lances over thunder/fire/light/dark/axes/bows in that game....Well, bows might be pushing it for FE4.

Also, Reigenleif

Worst: Dark Magic. I hate to say it, but these heavy innacurate pieces of shit when wielded by these crappy units does not do justice to something that should kick ass. Only time it's ever been good was in FE7, when it got the full variety of utility to make up for them being heavy pieces of shit wielded by a rather meh stat unit, and was fighting slow and 0 luck pathetic shitbomb enemies. Hey IS, mind giving us a Dark Mage that isn't meh at best?


Oh blow it out your ass, he's only good because of staffhax!

Edited by Master Tang
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Best; Tempted to say lances, but I'll vote axes instead.

Worst; Tempted to say swords, but I'll vote knives instead.

Edited by Yossarian
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Best: Lances, and I defy you to prove me wrong.


Gaiden: Says on the site that it has Gradius but I bet it comes too late and is arguably beaten by the Thunder Sword which can be slapped on any Mercenary early on to have him 1RKO stuff and save turns. Even in chapter 4 on the Villager of Alm's group with the highest STR growth, it still remains the better choice for Grey.

FE3: Obviously not as bad Axes in book 1 but it pretty much fails to compete with Swords early on as it means the difference between doubling and not doubling. Not usable in indoor maps save for Armors and Gradius is usable for only 1 stinking chapter in book 2 while Parthia and Mercury Sword are around a while longer boosting EXP gain among your troops with no fear of loss thanks to the Repair staff and the Star Orb soon enough.

FE4: You already conceded to this one so no point in arguing here. Also, funny thing, it's sometimes better to have Althenna use the Hero Sword than Gae Bolg.

FE5: Again, not usable in indoor maps save for Armors which if you recall, have horrible Lance rank and are likely of no use due to Dark Mages being very common later on. Plus Axes didn't have the problem of weighing down everyone to 0 AS thanks to the introduction of the BLD/CON stat and several Axe users were pretty good while Fin was the only Lance user that really stood out and wasn't anything spectacular in indoor maps (well there's Karin since it's technically her primary weapon but she's much better fighting with Magic Swords than with Lances).

FE6: WTD in the Isles and early on in the game.IIRC, Axes are the best in this one, but that's probably debatable due to the stinking lower accuracy on weapons in this game and enemies having actual avoid and AS

FE7 and FE8: Crap AS among most enemies and Axes here have sufficient accuracy and better MT.

FE9: Lol E ranked Forge-able Steel Axe.

FE10: Looks like Axes win again but not sure on this and don't care, Lances already lost in plenty of others. Seems the Silver Greatlance got the accuracy the Silver Poleaxe should've gotten. If you're taking units into account, Lances have Fiona while Axes have Haar and Nolan.

FE11: Where Lances rule.

Edit: Whoops forgot Dean for FE5.

Edited by Sirius
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FE5: Plus Axes didn't have the problem of weighing down everyone to 0 AS thanks to the introduction of the BLD/CON stat and several Axe users were pretty good while Fin was the only Lance user that really stood out and wasn't anything spectacular in indoor maps (well there's Karin since it's technically her primary weapon but she's much better fighting with Magic Swords than with Lances).

Don't forget you also get a Brave Axe that only requires a D in Axes earlygame along with the Pugi, which is a ridiculously broken axe.

Edited by Joey
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Best: Axes. It took me awhile, but I warmed up to axes. They're just that awesome.

Worst: Knives. Was there ever a point? Why didn't they just stick with swords for thieves?

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FE3: Obviously not as bad Axes in book 1 but it pretty much fails to compete with Swords early on as it means the difference between doubling and not doubling. Not usable in indoor maps save for Armors and Gradius is usable for only 1 stinking chapter in book 2 while Parthia and Mercury Sword are around a while longer boosting EXP gain among your troops with no fear of loss thanks to the Repair staff and the Star Orb soon enough.

FE6: WTD in the Isles and early on in the game.IIRC, Axes are the best in this one, but that's probably debatable due to the stinking lower accuracy on weapons in this game and enemies having actual avoid and AS

FE7 and FE8: Crap AS among most enemies and Axes here have sufficient accuracy and better MT.

FE9: Lol E ranked Forge-able Steel Axe.

FE10: Looks like Axes win again but not sure on this and don't care, Lances already lost in plenty of others. Seems the Silver Greatlance got the accuracy the Silver Poleaxe should've gotten. If you're taking units into account, Lances have Fiona while Axes have Haar and Nolan.

FE11: Where Lances rule.

Edit: Whoops forgot Dean for FE5.

*moans about Gradius only being usable for 1 chapter in Book 2* >_>

And I agree that the best weapon type in FE6 is open for debate, but personally I'd put axes out of the running since their accuracy is ugh >_>

Not sure about FE8, but I've heard that FE7 is a lancefest.

FE9... Yeah, forgeable E rank Steel Axe can't be contested.

RD: I would mention that Wishblade beats Urvan, but...

Kirsche, staves don't count.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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Kirsche, staves don't count.

You're right, didn't see that. I'll fix that.

Wishblade beats Urvan

True, but every other axe > every other lance. Also, very few fail axe users.

Edited by Kirsche
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Best: Lances. Well balanced, have 1-2 range, never really bad except against earlygame bandits

Worst: Bows. Locked to 2 range usually hurts more than it helps (some games like FE6 are exceptions, though god bow users are a little lacking there).

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No wait, I'm changing my answer.

Worst: Broken Axe

First of all, if you want to change your vote, just edit your original post. Secondly I'm going to count that as axes, OK?

Without changing my vote, I'd like to second the nomination for best and worst non-personal/divine/forged/holy weapon.

Again, just edit it in to your original post (I don't do the tallying until just before the new one, so you have plenty of time to edit your post).

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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