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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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Well, it's possible to do an event that checks if a certain enemy died (and therefore dropped his weapon). It's possible to check if a certain chest was opened. However, event-wise, there's no way to read if an item still exists in someone's inventory, capiche? Because of this, I could grab the item and immediately drop it, still getting the achievement.

Plus, I specified 'at full uses'. I highly doubt there is any easy way for the game to check the number of uses an item has remaining.

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Well, it's possible to do an event that checks if a certain enemy died (and therefore dropped his weapon). It's possible to check if a certain chest was opened. However, event-wise, there's no way to read if an item still exists in someone's inventory, capiche? Because of this, I could grab the item and immediately drop it, still getting the achievement.

Well that's why I suggest a different way of going about it, rather than check for items :rolleyes:

Did FE8 have any events which checked inventory against something else? The bracelets are standing out to me for some reason, though, I think what it is is the game offering a promotion with them before(?) you actually have them in your inventory.

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Well that's why I suggest a different way of going about it, rather than check for items :rolleyes:

Did FE8 have any events which checked inventory against something else? The bracelets are standing out to me for some reason, though, I think what it is is the game offering a promotion with them before(?) you actually have them in your inventory.

Even if FE8 does it, it makes no difference because FE8 events are structured waaaaaay differently than FE7 ones. There are a lot of codes and shit that work in FE8 but not in FE6/7. So your point is completely moot anyway.

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Well there IS the thing in FE 6 that requires you to have the holy weapons in tact to gain access to chapter 23 and on. But yeah, that's not at full use, but if they still exist at all.

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Well that's why I suggest a different way of going about it, rather than check for items :rolleyes:

Did FE8 have any events which checked inventory against something else? The bracelets are standing out to me for some reason, though, I think what it is is the game offering a promotion with them before(?) you actually have them in your inventory.

The game asks you if you want to promote Ephraim/Eirika. If you say no, then they get the Lunar or Solar Brace. I don't think it ever checks your inventory.

Edited by Black★Star
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Well there IS the thing in FE 6 that requires you to have the holy weapons in tact to gain access to chapter 23 and on. But yeah, that's not at full use, but if they still exist at all.

FE6 =/= FE7

Secret shops check for inventory as well.

Secret shops are hardcoded to check for the Member Card.

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Well, I've got an awesome WIP title screen thanks to AstraLunaSol.


I'm going to look into getting rid of Durandal, replacing Armads with a book, and then obviously replacing 'Fire Emblem' with 'Elibian Nights.'

Some other notable updates from my hacking time today:


And hey, keep those achievement ideas coming! I've seen quite a few good ones that will be included already!

Edited by Rodimus Supreme OVERTROLL
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Updates are looking good. I'm looking forward to some overall game graphic updates, if they're coming (the title screen is a great start!). If it helps, I think Nintenlord had some information on editing the tricky TSA of Armads. Getting rid of Durandal should be less problematic, I'm guessing. Maybe even easier to get rid of Armads and have the book replace Durandal, idk.

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Updates are looking good. I'm looking forward to some overall game graphic updates, if they're coming (the title screen is a great start!). If it helps, I think Nintenlord had some information on editing the tricky TSA of Armads. Getting rid of Durandal should be less problematic, I'm guessing. Maybe even easier to get rid of Armads and have the book replace Durandal, idk.

Durandal's just an image in the game data; it's just a sprite that can be edited in GBAGE, or UNLZ-GBA. The Armads is TSA.

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Tricky TSA? I seem to recall most GBA games sharing the same way TSA works, since it's pulled out of the ARM7 or whatever jargonous thinger is in there, not the games--the function is universal. If so, the only trick to it is understanding how it works.

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See, that's the hard part. As far as I know, there are only like four three people (well, fairly well-known people) who can do TSA.

FlyingAce, Nintenlord, shadowofchaos and Astra. (and I"m not sure about that last one)

Edited by Camtech075
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Well then, why don't YOU try and edit it. Firstly, that page is complicated as fuck. Secondly, understanding =/= able to do it. Astra and I both GET how it works, but we can't actually DO it.

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Why would I waste my time with a game I'm not interested in? Other people with interest vested in a GameBoy Advance game can make better use of the information than I. And its not really complicated--it's probably just foreign to you, and possibly disorienting. It's really quite simple. You have to understand what's being talked about, however. Something this board doesn't really venture into--it's more concerned with only a very specific, limited number of games, and the specific tools and add-ons made to edit said games. Not really the interest in games in general, of any kind.

Have you tried to do it? That page essentially tells you a step-by-step to editing any OAM or whatever the acronym was image, which that axe (going by the context before) should be. It tells you how to edit the tilemap, and then how to recognize it--which isn't hard, considering NO$GBA and VBA both have a raw OAM viewer to see the tilemap with. Games have just, for the most part, become a lot more simple to edit than before. Generalizing, but for the most part, true still :P

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I've done TSA hacks too. >___> And you forgot Ryrumeli, who taught Shadowofchaos... and there are others, like Kate... >___> haha, perhaps it's just better not to mention them...

Durandal's just an image in the game data; it's just a sprite that can be edited in GBAGE, or UNLZ-GBA. The Armads is TSA.

unLZ-GBA is so obsolete I can't even believe it's still considered a hacking programYeah I thought maybe there was something else to Durandal's graphics but I personally like Durandal so I never messed with it, but thanks for the confirmation that it's just the image. I think I have the offset somewhere in my notes but meh, Arch probably won't need it...

And to be fair, what you said is incorrect... but if I said what it technically is someone else would call me out for it and say I'M wrong, so I'll just leave it at that... watch Xeld kill us all for calling it "TSA"

But anyway, to the point, what I meant by tricky TSA (granted it's been forever since I messed with it) was that you couldn't just replace Armads TSA with a completely new one and use a greater amount of tiles. I think the same concept is why editing battle templates (or rather, doing custom battle templates, as in Shadowofchaos' tutorial) is relatively hard, because you can't simply add tiles to the battle template, so the battle template must be simplified, and depending on where you use the amount of tiles you are allowed, you need a certain TSA. Other graphics already have sufficient tile usage or can use more tiles and are much easier to make custom images for (for example, the main screen background, or battle backgrounds).

Oshi-I'm derailing the topic. Whoops...

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The only TSA I know of is... well... said Battle Template ._.

If any of you know how to debug, let me know ._.

And just call me Rey, everyone already does. That name I got from my Pokemon/Yugioh times doesn't really fit me anymore, even though I'll probably always have it

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I've had people ask me "who's Rey?" so when I'm in public territory I'm just kinda trained to say your most familiar alias...

And Rey, you understand how TSA works, both in theory and in actuality, as well as how to use programs like Wingrit, do you not? You know how to use the TSA features of GBAGE, and I'm guessing you know how tile flips, palettes, and graphic-tile assignment works in hex, so that's what I meant. No, I don't know how to debug the game (not well enough, anyway, I've only used a debugger a dozen times), so I think by you're logic, only Xeld, Nintenlord, and Ryrumeli can "truly" work with TSA. Or I'm just misunderstanding again...

but regardless if Arch needed help that's what [a] helpermonkeys are for.

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As a part of my ongoing effort to put a final coat on these tales, I'd like to ask a few questions about character balance.

Which characters did you find utterly useless, and what ideas do you have (if any) to improve them?

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Not useless by any means, but I did think Natalie was a bit...weaker in comparison to the other knights. Her magic was kinda low, so her healing wasn't as good as it could be, and since she was a Bishop, she had a hard time taking damage while not really giving much out. I can't seem to remember if she was doubling consistently though, that could have helped her somewhat.

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I found Louise's defence to be kinda high. IIRC it is higher than Pent's.

I found Dart to be way to OP in 1x as well, although I think that tale is supposed to be pretty easy. Dorcas was pretty useless though.

Lucius was tough to use for offence in Raven's tale, because he got doubled and one rounded by most of the map due to the divine tome.

Oh, and Erik was pretty fail, but I'm pretty sure he's meant to be that way.

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As a part of my ongoing effort to put a final coat on these tales, I'd like to ask a few questions about character balance.

Which characters did you find utterly useless, and what ideas do you have (if any) to improve them?

I don't know how much you've changed things around, but from what I remember:

-Tale 1

Marcus and Lowen were significantly weaker than the others. They do not have enough speed to double reliably and are forced to trade a Steel Sword between them because they only have D Rank swords. Meanwhile, Isadora, Harken, and Eliwood are all decently fast and can all use the Brave Sword to ORKO most enemy types, including the pesky Druids. I'm not sure how this could be corrected, since even against, say, Lancereaver enemies, I don't think they ORKO. I could be wrong, maybe Lowen can OHKO them with the Silver Axe or something.

-Tale 2

Lucius was pretty pants. He had high chip damage but no durability and no Physic access iirc. Wil was just terrible. Even the Cleave Bow does terrible damage to the Generals and he doesn't double reliably or do good damage.

-Tale 3

Guy felt like a serious liability since he completely lacked 1-2 range. And also, he spawns next to Dayan, so obviously he's going to look bad in comparison.

-Tale 4

I didn't really feel like anyone was underpowered in this tale. All of them had various uses in acheiving a 5 turn completion. If I had to pick someone as weakest, probably Louise or Canas. Louise is the only character to lack an enemy phase, and Canas has a unpleasant starting position. Other than that, it's well-balanced, since Renault has good staff rank, Erk has a mount and enough staff rank to use Torch, and Pent is just all-round terrific.

I'm probably not the best person to ask about this chapter since I prefer to warpskip it anyway. Even Canas, I think I only recruited him for his Torch staff.

Edited by Black★Star
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Wil. In both tales he's in he gets overshadowed by 2 characters who can do the same as him.

In Tale 1x, Rebecca doubles more, so that makes her offense better. Meanwhile, in Tale 2, Geitz can use bows as well as Wil (since even though Wil has +1 SPD base IIRC, neither double much), and in addition he can also use Axes.

I think the only way to really improve him is to make him a Nomad Trooper instead of a Sniper, since Rath tries to teach him that in their support conversation.

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