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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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Does this mean Tale 8 is playable?

Yeah, it legitimately fixes that issue. At the end of Tale 7 you'd go to the game's "purgatory" (at least, that's what I think of it as), Ch10 Lyn's Mode. So you can't progress further because you cannot select a tale from Ch10. That was on account of me switching arrangement of the chapters for v5; I updated some language in EA to accommodate, and it accidentally borked the game's progression by sending you to purgatory by mistake. It was an easy little fix, I'm sorry that I didn't do it earlier.

Edited by Arch
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Are we going to get any tales focussing more on the red team? The Ephidel thing was cool, but I sense a distinct lack of explanation for how Zephiel becomes who he does. Dialog with a teenaged Guinevere, older Vaida and younger (does it matter?) Yahn could be a lot of fun, too.

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a minor bug in that new patch is all thing that earlier said "Zealot" now say "Vergil" just a minor bug though.

Edit: the same happens with Pent, Raven, Hector and Eliwood and Lyn is called Vergilyn is this some kind of april fools prank?

Edited by saifors
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a minor bug in that new patch is all thing that earlier said "Zealot" now say "Vergil" just a minor bug though.

Edit: the same happens with Pent, Raven, Hector and Eliwood and Lyn is called Vergilyn is this some kind of april fools prank?

Also, since I've noticed quite a few budding "translation fixes" and localization attempts, I decided to do some "fixing" with my hack too. See if you can spot the changes :P:.

I'm assuming it was a joke and that's what he was talking about.

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actually ARCH you'll find that Virgilyn or even Virigilyn is a better fit for the kana

d'oh... Why didn't I think of that?

リンディス: Judging from my extensive kana knowledge...yup. Looks like "Vergilyn" to me. Guess I'm gonna have to go fix IS's mistake.

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Because, Arch, you're not a professional localizer. :P

I've got my PhD in "localization and botchery," man. Besides, it's not even that hard. Turn moonspeak into English letters, then look at letters, and make names resembling the sounds and letters that are English. That might've gone over your head, because I don't believe you went to Harvard graduate school to study this stuff, but I hope you can grasp what I'm saying.

Academic talk aside... I see "Rindisu," and clearly, with proper localizational arrangement, that comes out as "Vergilyn."

But I wouldn't expect you to understand, as you're not a professional localizer :P:.

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Nope, you got me, Arch. I didn't understand a word you said. But it's okay, because it's not the journey, it's the destination, and Vergilyn sounds so sexy I want to turn virginlyn into birthilyn

Also by the sequence of statements weve been following you must not understand your own words :P

P.s. I know your sense of humor is as shallow as your vagina but nothing I've said so far has had any seriousness or thinking applied to it ^_^

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P.s. I know your sense of humor is as shallow as your vagina but nothing I've said so far has had any seriousness or thinking applied to it ^_^

I know you were trying your best to make a joke here... but that was the stupidest analogy I've ever heard.

That was honestly worse than some of the things Klok regrets saying.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Hey I read this topic too, fag

Should I quote that PM you had with me where you SERIOUSLY regretted saying something? THAT's what I meant. Geez. It's not like I'm ALWAYS out to demean you. It just so happens that the WORST thing I heard till now was your PM comment back then.

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yes blazer i am convinced that you aren't sheltered after you used the kind of insult that wouldn't seem out of place said by a mouthy twelve-year old

supar egdy

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I vote that we forget about it and get back on topic before this "discussion" turns into something more than it needs to be :P:. I imagine the OP would appreciate that as well!

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Anyway. Zephiel's tale? Yay? Nay? C'mon...

Only time will tell, Zahlman... There are still two tales that haven't been revealed, so you might just get your wish. Or, maybe not. Who knows?

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