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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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[spoiler=Tale 5]How do I get Erik to change sides in Tale 5? He won't talk to Hector, Hector won't talk to him and I tried waiting but to no avail. I'm going to try patching another ROM and see if that works.

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There was definitely a side-story in there with Prasad that, if you just beat the chapter normally, doesn't really get "answered"... so I'm guessing just have Prasad talk to everyone he can and then kill the boss and we should be fine? XD

But that would be inefficient.

On a serious note, is there even a requirement for 1x? If there is, it's really easy to meet...

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Hmm, I don't know, but it might be getting Lobera. IIRC that chest had a dialog conversation attached to it, which is just kind of... suspicious. It's also possible it's automatic because the main plot of chapter 1 and the main plot of chapter 1x are directly related (chapter 1x is more like a "part 2" than a "side-story", IMO).

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I know for a fact that's not true, becuase in one of the early versions I didnt get Lobera and still got 1x. Or that early version just had something else in it. But thing is, Lobera doesnt have anything to do with 1x. In fact, nothing has.

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Minor error, but in Tale 3, if you get the Delphi Shield and replay it Florina still has it when she joins on turn 2.

EDIT: Actually none of her weapons or even her level resets at all.

Edited by JBCWK
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Minor error, but in Tale 3, if you get the Delphi Shield and replay it Florina still has it when she joins on turn 2.

EDIT: Actually none of her weapons or even her level resets at all.

This happened to me with Louise in Tale 4, who kept her stats and items going into Tale 4x. Resetting fixed the problem.

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I have the newest version but when I replay Eliwoods Tale the 4th time Harken dissappears when I start the Tale.

Since Elibian Nights is such a masterpiece you should make another for FE8 XD

Edited by Masterplan201
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[spoiler=Tale 5]I think my problem was that I thought Erik would self-recruit (given his dialogue) but he attacked Hector and after that Hector couldn't talk to him. He also still had his boss conversation from the original FE7 (I think). Anyway, it's working fine for me now.

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Since Elibian Nights is such a masterpiece you should make another for FE8

I discussed this with someone (forget who) and we decided that FE8 didn't have any potential for such a hack--the story just ends and there's nothing really left to build on, no loose ends, etc... stinks, huh? =(

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How about this for potential stories for an FE8 hack:

-Joshua returns to rebuild his kingdom but faces opposition from some Jehanna lord

-Ephraim and Eirika have to defend Renais from bandits

-Frelia has another war with Carcino

-L'arachel heads to Darkling Woods or the Lagdou Ruins to clear away the remaining monsters

-Grado has an earthquake... but I'm not sure how that could make a chapter, I'm sure there's something there.

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How about this for potential stories for an FE8 hack:

-Joshua returns to rebuild his kingdom but faces opposition from some Jehanna lord

-Ephraim and Eirika have to defend Renais from bandits

-Frelia has another war with Carcino

-L'arachel heads to Darkling Woods or the Lagdou Ruins to clear away the remaining monsters

-Grado has an earthquake... but I'm not sure how that could make a chapter, I'm sure there's something there.

I don't mean to come across as rude, but none of these ideas appeal to me in any way. I can't think of anything, other than a full-blown FE8 sequel about the chaos brought on by Grado's earthquake, that would be remotely interesting to do a Magvel hack on. "FE8 Elibian Nights" doesn't have enough potential for interesting stories. Part of what I think makes Elibian Nights what it is, is that there aren't just stories, but the stories make sense, are interesting, show character growth, and aren't just "hey, we need something to happen so we can have a sequel."

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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I don't mean to come across as rude, but none of these ideas appeal to me in any way. I can't think of anything, other than a full-blown FE8 sequel about the chaos brought on by Grado's earthquake, that would be remotely interesting to do a Magvel hack on. FE8 Elibian Nights doesn't have enough potential for interesting stories. Part of what I think makes Elibian Nights what it is, is that there aren't just stories, but the stories make sense, are interesting, show character growth, and aren't just "hey, we need something to happen so we can have a sequel."

But most of them are very similar to the stories you used. Hector facing a rebellion, Eliwood facing bandits, Pent returning to the location of a former climactic battle to see what's been left behind. Obviously, you want to put in some character development as well, but there's no reason you can't do that. Perhaps Joshua learns to appreciate that he has a responsibility to Jehanna to rebuild it. Perhaps L'arachel realises that she should learn to let go of her parent's death at the hands of monsters. Perhaps Ephraim realises that being King often means having to make difficult decisions. There are plenty of possibilities and I think that you're wrong to just reject the idea. Certainly, FE8 has a smaller cast than FE7, so it would be shorter, but oh well.

And no offense, but I didn't find the stories in this hack to be particularly compelling. I haven't seen any of the gaidens yet or played past Tale 5, so maybe they get better.

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But most of them are very similar to the stories you used. Hector facing a rebellion, Eliwood facing bandits, Pent returning to the location of a former climactic battle to see what's been left behind. Obviously, you want to put in some character development as well, but there's no reason you can't do that. Perhaps Joshua learns to appreciate that he has a responsibility to Jehanna to rebuild it. Perhaps L'arachel realises that she should learn to let go of her parent's death at the hands of monsters. Perhaps Ephraim realises that being King often means having to make difficult decisions. There are plenty of possibilities and I think that you're wrong to just reject the idea. Certainly, FE8 has a smaller cast than FE7, so it would be shorter, but oh well.

And no offense, but I didn't find the stories in this hack to be particularly compelling. I haven't seen any of the gaidens yet or played past Tale 5, so maybe they get better.

I'm not "wrong" to reject any idea. I'm not forced to ponder every idea, no matter who thinks of them. I'd be the one making an "FE8 Elibian Nights," and if an idea doesn't really resonate with me then I'll usually end up abandoning it. Sorry, but your ideas don't resonate. I honestly don't want to do another Elibian Nights-styled hack period. I feel that copying the format takes away from the original hack's creativity. FE8 doesn't offer anything really unique either; the tales would be copies of the FE7 ones, and that just won't do. Sorry bro, if you're really that supportive of an "FE8 Elibian Nights" maybe you should look up my tutorial and start jotting down ideas. I'm definitely not going to do it.

Edited by Optimus OVERTROLL
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How about "Tellian Nights" with FE9/10 characters? :awesome: Certainly more potential than a "Magvellian Nights" or whatever. Oh but that'd involve creating new mugs for everyone, redoing maps to resemble Tellius, and overall be more trouble than its worth. Well a guy can dream. :P

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How about "Tellian Nights" with FE9/10 characters? :awesome: Certainly more potential than a "Magvellian Nights" or whatever. Oh but that'd involve creating new mugs for everyone, redoing maps to resemble Tellius, and overall be more trouble than its worth. Well a guy can dream. :P

Someone actually beat you to that. I remember there being a topic for another person's Elibian Nights knock-off using Tellius characters. Not likely going to happen either. The probability of me doing a second "Elibian Nights" on ANY continent is near zero.

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The reason fe8 magvalian nights wouldn't work to well is it wasn't designed to go hand in hand with a sequel like fe6-7 and with the 20 year gap there was room for fandom to create bridges and such to tie up some of the loose ends that remained.

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I'm not "wrong" to reject any idea. I'm not forced to ponder every idea, no matter who thinks of them. I'd be the one making an "FE8 Elibian Nights," and if an idea doesn't really resonate with me then I'll usually end up abandoning it. Sorry, but your ideas don't resonate. I honestly don't want to do another Elibian Nights-styled hack period. I feel that copying the format takes away from the original hack's creativity. FE8 doesn't offer anything really unique either; the tales would be copies of the FE7 ones, and that just won't do. Sorry bro, if you're really that supportive of an "FE8 Elibian Nights" maybe you should look up my tutorial and start jotting down ideas. I'm definitely not going to do it.

I'm not saying you should do a FE8 hack in this style. There are plenty of possible reasons not to do so. You might not have the time to, or you might not like the characters or setting, or you might just not be familiar with the game. If you don't feel like it, for whatever reason, then it's your decision. I just disagree when you imply that an FE8 hack in this style is inherently flawed.

How about "Tellian Nights" with FE9/10 characters? :awesome: Certainly more potential than a "Magvellian Nights" or whatever. Oh but that'd involve creating new mugs for everyone, redoing maps to resemble Tellius, and overall be more trouble than its worth. Well a guy can dream. :P

FE10 ended on too high a note. I guess that's also part of the problem with FE8. Because it has a happy ending with most loose ends tied up, it's difficult to figure out what a hack would look like. FE7 is in some ways perfect for this since it doesn't end that way, rather there's a lot of grey area to play with in between this game and the beginning of FE6. You could also do something similar in between Gen. 1 and Gen. 2 of FE4. That would be a cool hack. What I'd like to see most is a 'Begnion 776' hack that shows Sanaki and the Holy Guards starting the rebellion in Begnion and escaping (during Part 3 of Radiant Dawn). Mainly because Tanith could be a main character :)

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Magvellian Knights sounds like a good side project to do. If you guys don't mind I might take that idea.

I would personally prefer it not be called "Magvellian Nights." But other than that I have no objections.

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