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Train Mafia II Postgame

General Spoon

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1.Announcers announcing

2.The Emperor starting to fake his death

3.Light Yagami killing/taking a potato chip and eating it

4.Kefka doing reverse-martyr



7.Doctor stopping kills

8.Mafia kills and vigilante kill

9.Universal Backup activating

If The Emperor is killed by somebody he stalks (or is allied with somebody he stalks) AND is protected by the doctor, his death will still be faked.

Priority for Taking Dead Power Roles

1. Rolecop

2. Doctor

3. Vigilante

4. Roleblocker

5. Reverse-Martyr

6. Rouge


Rolecop- Can only investigate every other night

Doctor- Can only protect every other night

Vigilante- Can only make 1 kill

Roleblocker- Can only block every other night

Reverse-Martyr- Can only perform action every other night

Rouge- No limitations

All the actions and stuff

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Player - Alias - Status

The Assembly of Various Villains

Spike - Pluto - Killed Night 1

Dear Pluto,

You are Count Olaf, The Awful Guardian.


You are a former member of the secret organization called V.F.D., and have a tattoo of an eye on your ankle, in addition to having a unibrow. You've basically performed every crime in the book in the pursuit of your goals. You are guilty of arson, first degree murder, second degree murder, attempted murder, frameup, identity theft, kidnapping, forced marriage, false imprisonment, theft, attempted theft, fraud, falsification of evidence, harassment, child endangerment, child abuse, forced marriage, criminal facilitation, animal abuse, conspiracy, and numerous counts of aiding and abetting. You are currently on the Millennium Zephyr in pursuit of the Baudelaire fortune.

You are a master of disguise. As such, if a power role allied with you dies, you will wear a disguise and gain powers similar to what that role had. The powers you gain will almost always be more limited than the powers of the actual role.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.

“Why, you're all grown up! The last time I saw you I was trying to throw thumbtacks into your cradle!”

Comments: Spike seemed to be quite pleased with this role. It didn't have any importance until after one of his team's power roles died, but he seemed just fine with that. Unfortunately, Fayt decided to random-kill him on night 1. Killjoy.

Life - Tramp - Killed Night 2

Dear Tramp,

You are Mateus, The Emperor.


You are a man whose ambition knows absolutely no bounds whatsoever. You are The Emperor of Palamecia, and aim to take over the entire world. You are an exceedingly powerful magic user, and even summon hellspawn to use in your quest for domination. With the addition of demons to your army, the entire world has a difficult time resisting. You are incredibly intelligent, and very manipulative.

Even death cannot stop you. At night you may send me a PM entitled “NIGHT x – Go to Hell at the hands of USER” If USER or anybody who is allied with USER kills you that night, you will fake your death, and this paragraph of your role PM will not be displayed. After you have faked your death, you can come back to life at any time by making a post in the main thread saying “This world can have but one Emperor, and I am he!” I will then publicly say that you have returned from Hell. You may not fake your death again after that.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.

“You have braved the depths of Hell to reach me.”

Role: This is a variant of the rouge role I've seen in Smogon mafia, and I decided to give it to Life because I thought he'd have fun with it since the usefulness of this sort of role will drop off a cliff now that people know about it.

Comments: Life wasted no time in creating the fake Wiseman Role PM, and he also got into contact with the mafias rather quickly. He get Bizz to reveal the OoR's goon and godfather, and he got Faty to reveal that he was the GwDM's godfather and the presence of announcers. Nobody suspected anything, except for Raymond and Ether who Life revealed his actual role and info about the mafia's to. Life had things all lined up so that he would be picking RinTinTin on the night the OoR killed him. And that's were Tables came in with his high-priority kill. Killing Life was a pretty good move, and it was swept under the rug extremely well by people thinking that a vigilante had killed Life or that Life had been hooked or something. He thought he broke my game, and it likely would have been broken if not for the existence of Tables.

Dracohon - Pongo - Killed Night 4

Dear Pongo,

You are Dr. Claw, The Boss of M.A.D.


You are the head of the crime syndicate known as M.A.D. Only your gloved hand is ever seen, though M.A.D. Cat does at times convey what your emotions are. Your voice is incredibly deep, and it oozes power. M.A.D. is a very large crime syndicate, having agents in many places. Your primary foe is the Metro City Police, whose jurisdiction reaches seemingly everywhere. You have a large camera network that can basically show you what's going on anywhere in the world. You are on the Millennium Zephyr as part of one of your latest schemes.

You plan to use your camera network in order to gain information. At night you may send me a PM entitled “NIGHT x – Focusing cameras on USER” You will watch USER all night from your cameras, and will know USER's Role PM by morning.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.

“I'll get you next time, Gadget... Next time!”

Comments: Dracohon investigated Bizz on the first night, and then got Balcerzak on the second night. He gave these results to Raymond, which led to those two being killed. Unfortunately for him he had been voting for his guilties, and Tables figured it out and killed him. He did not seem to realize that he didn't have to stick his neck out at all, and could've instead just pasted his investigation results into the game thread on SF (or at least I never got the feeling the thought had crossed his mind).

Snike - Underdog - Lynched Day 7

Dear Underdog,

You are Mr. Burns, The Billionaire.


You are extremely greedy, extremely rich, extremely tight-fisted, extremely old, and you seem to be senile at times. You own The Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, which is the primary source of electricity in Springfield. You are the richest and most powerful citizen in Springfield. You use your power and wealth to do whatever you want, usually without regard for consequences and without interference from the authorities. You are currently on the Millennium Zephyr to take a vacation.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.


Comments: A generic townie, and for some reason it took this long for one of them to die. Oh well. He stopped paying attention, which led to his lynch.

Lightning - Samantha - Killed Night 7

Dear Samantha,

You are Jack the Ripper, The English Folk Hero.


In 1888 you gained notoriety in London for your campaign to end prostitution. It has never been discovered who you really are. The way you fought to end prostitution was simple, yet effective. You would get a prostitute, and then cut her throat. You would then proceed to mutilate the abdominal area with your knife. You then remove some internal organs. You are currently on The Millennium Zephyr to continue your campaign to end prostitution.

You have plenty of experience taking the law into your own hands. As a result, it is easy for you to kill somebody at night. At night you may send me a PM entitled “NIGHT x – Kill and eviscerate USER” You will then kill USER. You can only kill and eviscerate 2 times during the game.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.

“Catch me when you can Mishter Lusk.”

Comments: I decided to have Lightning be the vigilante mostly because I wanted to see what would happen. I had expected him to kill somebody on impulse (he tried to kill Life on impulse, or at least I think it was impulse, but Tables killed Life first), and only ended up killing Balcerzak. Tables eventually had Lightning shoot himself, though if he had told Lightning to commit suicide it would have had Lightning's kill flavor in it.

EmeraldFox/Pride - Marley - Lynched Day 8

Dear Marley,

You are Arthas Menethil, The Fallen Prince.


You were once a warrior of the light. But your country was being subjected to a plague of undeath, and you sought to stop it by killing those responsible for it. In your quest for revenge against the ones responsible for the horrible plague, you lost parts of yourself. Preemptively slaughtering an infected town, following a leader of the plague to the roof of the world, and then burning your ships to prevent your men from returning home without killing your target, these are things that you did. After killing your target, you took an even further fall from glory, and became a servant of the master of the plague of undeath. You are currently on the Millennium Zephyr to scout out new talent for you master.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.

“Succeeding you, father...”

Comments: What comments? Both of them were inactive during the whole time they were alive, leading to their lynch.

Raymond - Toto - Killed Night 8

Dear Toto,

You are Kefka Palazzo, The Psycho Clown.


You are completely insane, and incredibly evil. Your fun usually involves the death of other people. You have absolutely no morals. Man, woman, child, magical being, none of them are safe when you want to have a good slaughter. Mass poisoning, firing magical lasers, punting an old man off of a giant floating rock to his death, no method is too vile for you. You are on the Millennium Zephyr so that you can burn down the countryside as you go past it.

You are so despicably evil that people actually hate you enough to target you instead of their intended target. At night you may send me a PM entitled “NIGHT x – Standing by USER” While you are standing by USER, any actions that are done to USER will be done to you instead. You will not be informed about the success or failure of this action.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.

“Nothing can beat the music of hundreds of voices screaming in unison!”

Comments: Another role borrowed from Smogon mafia, a reverse-martyr. Raymond claimed be be a doctor with "complications" all game, which isn't that accurate of a way to put it IMO. He got claims, and led The Assembly of Various Villains for quite awhile, and then got killed when he was keeping Furetchen from being hit by the mafias.

Sync - Courage - Lynched Day 9

Dear Courage,

You are Whitney's Miltank, The Jerk.


You are used by Whitney, the Gym Leader of Goldenrod City. The Goldenrod City Gym is the third gym in the Jhoto region. You have high defense, which makes it infuriating to do damage to you. You also have the move known as Milk Drink, which allows you to replenish your HP, further adding to the pain you cause the player. You also have the move Attract, which can completely incapacitate male opponents. And to top it all off, you have the move Rollout, which gets stronger each time it hits. You're a pretty big jerk to all of the players who fight you. You are on the Millennium Zephyr because there are plenty of people here who are unsuspecting of how big of a jerk you are.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.


Comments: Was inactive for awhile, which I believe led to his lynch.

Core - Lassie - Lynched Day 10

Dear Lassie,

You are Cruella de Vil, The Fashion Queen.


You are an heiress, who is never wanting for money. What you desire is animal fur for your fancy clothing. Your favorite piece of clothing is your white mink cloak. The newest piece for your wardrobe will require the fur of many dalmatian puppies. You've hired Jaspar and Horace to do dirty work for you, but they're nowhere to be found, though you suspect they are slacking off like they like to do. You are currently on the Millennium Zephyr because you are going to pick up many dalmatian puppies at the last stop.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.

“I've got no time to argue. I tell you, it's got to be done tonight!”

Comments: Got lynched for some of his posts he made or something like that.

Ether - Interceptor - Killed Night 10

Dear Interceptor,

You are Wiegraf Folles, The Leader of the Corpse Brigade.


You are the leader of the Corpse Brigade, which is a terrorist organization formed by a group of peasant soldiers who were denied their pay after The Fifty Year's War. You hate the aristocracy of Ivalice, and your goal is to free Ivalice from the aristocracy. You lose much while you are attempting to bring about this goal, and you lose even more when you attempt to avenge the losses you've suffered as a result of your goal.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.

“All such tales of gods and their miracles are false.”

Comments: Was told by Life that Crysta was mafia, but this was after Life would have been dead if I hadn't been shingling a roof, so I decided that it would just be best to silence him for a day and a night. He didn't do much more after outing Crysta as mafia, IIRC.

cheezperson/BK-201 - Copper - Lynched Day 12

Dear Copper,

You are Swiper the Fox, The Sly Thief.


You love to steal things. Your entrance even comes complete with your own theme music. You are good at stalking people to steal their stuff. They can stop you by saying “Swiper no swiping” three times. But if they don't notice you or don't manage to do that, you will easily pilfer something from them. Curiously, you don't actually care about what you steal, since you just throw it into the bushes or something. It seems you just like the act of stealing. You are currently on the Millennium Zephyr because there is plenty of stuff to steal here.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.

“You'll never find it now!”

Comments: Because of cheezperson's vacation that he as not told of until he was on it, I had no notice that he was going to be gone. BK-201 was subbed in for him, but he wasn't able to be all that active either. Got lynched at the end.

Furetchen - OldYeller - Killed Day 12

Dear OldYeller,

You are Josef Mengele, The Angel of Death.


You are a Nazi doctor who performed many grisly experiments on humans at the concentration camp of Auschwitz. You were particularly interested in performing experiments on identical twins. Your experiments were horrible. One of your duties was to decide which new arrivals would become labor, and which ones would be gassed right away. You settled down in South America like a bunch of other Nazi war criminals. You are currently on the Millennium Zephyr because you are fleeing from your pursuers.

You are still a doctor. As such, you can actually heal people. At night you may send me a PM entitled “NIGHT x – Being a good doctor for USER” If USER is killed that night, you will bring USER back to life. You cannot be a good doctor for yourself. You will not be informed about the success or failure of this action.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.

“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”

Comments: He was rather inactive in the discussions, but he really stopped kills at night. Over the course of the game he was responsible for the failure of three kills.

Ninji - Spike - Killed Day 12

Dear Spike,

You are Carmen Sandiego, The Master Thief.


You are the head of V.I.L.E., a criminal organization. The only criminal activity you partake in is theft. But you're not content with being a regular thief. Whereas a regular thief would content himself with stealing things like money and cars, you prefer to steal things like the Nile River Delta, the salt from the Dead Sea, and the island of Bali. Basically, if it exists, you can steal it. And if it doesn't exist, you might still be able to steal it. After your theft of a landmark or something similarly difficult to steal, you just like to run around the world with it. You are currently on the Millennium Zephyr because you are going to be stealing landmarks at every stop.

You are good at stealing things. At night you may send me a PM entitled “NIGHT x – Stealing something spectacular from USER” You will then steal something spectacular from USER, which will cause USER to spend all night chasing you. As USER will be busy chasing you all night, USER will be unable to perform any actions that night. You will not be informed about the success or failure of this action.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.

"Never let the enemy know your secrets."

Comments: A standard town roleblocker. He made the incredibly stupid decision to hook somebody on night 1, and somehow managed to hit one of the mafia investigators. He then kept on blocking random people, somehow doing more good than harm for his team.

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The Gentlemen with Differing Motives

Fayt Zelpher - Snoopy - Lynched Day 2

Dear Snoopy,

You are Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, The Penguin.


You are a criminal mastermind. You used to actually commit crimes yourself. You used things like trick umbrellas, and your mastery of Judo for hand-to-hand combat. But recently, you've found that not committing crimes yourself is actually a better deal. After opening a restaurant & nightclub that serves as a front for your various underworld activities, your network of associates has basically made you an underworld boss. You formed The Gentlemen with Differing Motives for the purpose of advancing the goals of its members. Your motive is to gain money from passengers on the Millennium Zephyr, and to assimilate any surviving passengers into your network.

Since you had your criminal record expunged, you have gained social appreciation as a businessman and celebrity host of a successful restaurant and nightclub, you are certainly good at having a good public image. As such, you will appear as the following when investigated.

Dear Snoopy,

You are Blue, The Rival.


You are the grandson of Professor Oak, and the rival of Red. Red had first pick of a Pokemon when your grandfather gave them to you two, and you picked the Pokemon that had a type advantage over his, and promptly battled Red. You meet Red several times throughout your journeys across Kanto, and battle him several times as well. You always seem to be one step ahead of Red. You are currently on The Millennium Zephyr to further your training.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.

“I am the most powerful Trainer in the world!”

On odd nights you may make a post in the thread “Gentlemanly Activities” containing “NIGHT x – TEAMMATE will kill USER” Your specified TEAMMATE will then kill USER.

You are allied with The Gentlemen with Differing Motives. You win if The Gentlemen with Differing Motives wins.

“But when it comes down to it, who's holding the umbrella?”

Comments: Fayt seemed to be pleased to get godfather. Unfortunately, he fell victim to Life's fake PM. The circumstances around Life outing Fayt were this. Fayt showed Life their announcer role, and planned to have Life's death faked so that Life could kill for them. Even if Life actually had the Wiseman role, this would be a horrible deal for him, as he would basically be at the mercy of the GwDM. Life tried to point this out to Fayt, but Fayt interpreted it as a threat, at which point Life told me he said "screw it, you're gonna hang".

Balcerzak - Blue - Killed Night 3

Dear Blue,

You are Justice Wargrave, The Hanging Judge.


You are a retired English judge. You were known for liberally handing out the death penalty. You have a large enough fortune, with which you've purchased an island for the purpose of murdering people that the law cannot touch. All your life you've wanted to take life, and the lives of criminals aren't missed. You've joined The Gentlemen with Differing Motives to further your goal of taking the lives of criminals.

You are good at getting your post across anonymously. As such, you can prepare a gramophone record to play during the next update. AT ANY TIME you may make a post in the “Gentlemanly Activities” thread saying “Preparing this Gramophone Record for the Next Update” at the top of the post. Anything that is said beneath that in the post will be placed in the next update, and there will be no differentiation between what you are saying and my update. If you are careful enough to word it so that it sounds like GeneralSpoon's words, people might believe what you said is true. Additionally, if anybody asks about that section of the update, I will tell them to go read the update. You can only Prepare this Gramophone Record for the Next Update once during the game.

You are allied with The Gentlemen with Differing Motives. You win if The Gentlemen with Differing Motives win.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Silence, please!”

Comments: Another role I borrowed from Smogon mafia, an announcer. I felt that Balcerzak could make good use of it (meaning make his announcement convincing). Unfortunately he was investigated night 2, and Lightning vig'd him. He did continue to help his team by providing Ulki with his fakeclaim, which was nice.

Hikarusa - ScoobyDoo - Lynched Day 6

Dear ScoobyDoo,

You are Francisco Scaramanga, The Man with the Golden Gun.


You are a high priced assassin, and one of the best assassins in the world as well. You charge $1,000,000 for every kill you make. The only bullets that you use are made of gold and in a 4.2 mm cartridge. All it ever takes you to kill somebody is one shot. You live on an island that you own, along with a few people that you have hired. You are also gentlemanly and have a butler of sorts. You have been employed by The Gentlemen with Differing Motives, and are working for them for a large sum of money.

You are allied with The Gentlemen with Differing Motives. You win if The Gentlemen with Differing Motives wins.

“I only need one, Mr. Bond.”

Comments: He was mostly along for the ride, if I have a correct grasp of things (and remember them correctly). He was hooked by Ninji on Night 5 and there was no kill, so Ninji correctly assumed that he had hooked a mafia member, which led to his being lynched.

Ulki - Clifford - Lynched Day 11

Dear Clifford,

You are Claudius, King of Denmark.


You are a terrible person. Your brother was the King of Denmark, and his son Hamlet was next in line for the throne. However, you murdered your brother while he was sleeping, and then seduced his wife the Queen and married her, making yourself the King of Denmark. All the while you maintain your noble appearance. You are greatly suspicious of your nephew Hamlet. You have joined up with The Gentlemen with Differing Motives to further your ambition.

At night you may make a post in the thread “Gentlemanly Activities” saying “NIGHT x – Send childhood friends to spy on USER” While they will not discover the reason for Hamlet's madness, they will tell you USER's Role PM.

You are allied with The Gentlemen with Differing Motives. You win if The Gentlemen with Differing Motives wins.

“Give me some light!”

Comments: Managed to stay hidden for most of the game, and got a fake PM from Balcerzak which he gave to Raymond. He was going to be lynched Day 10, but he managed to push it of himself. But then he rolled over and died on Day 11.

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The Order of Ruthlessness

WoMC - RinTinTin- Lynched Day 3

Dear RinTinTin,

You are Giovanni, The Boss.


You are the head of Team Rocket, one of the most ruthless crime syndicates ever. Under your command, Team Rocket has killed Cubone's mother, run a casino that doubles as a front for trafficking rare and presumably illegally obtained Pokemon, and taken over Silph Co. and held its President hostage. To top it all off you are the Viridian City Gym Leader, so you're pretty damn good at hiding your illegal activities. Your current objective is to take possession of everything on this train. This works much better with the other passengers dead, so you've formed an alliance with a few other passengers to further this goal.

Because you are so good at maintaining a convincing facade, you will appear as the following if you are investigated.

Dear RinTinTin,

You are Oddjob, The Mute.


You are under the employ of your boss, Auric Goldfinger. You serve as Goldfinger's personal chauffer, bodyguard, and also as his golf caddy. A better description of your line of work would be “manservant” or “butler.” Physically, you are incredibly strong. You don't even flinch when a bar of gold slams into you. And your hat has a metal razor disk in its rim, which causes your hat to be a lethal weapon when thrown. You are currently on this train because Goldfinger told you to be here. Its as simple as that.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.

"Ah! Ah!"

On even nights you may make a post in the thread “Ruthless Orders” containing “NIGHT x – TEAMMATE will kill USER” Your specified TEAMMATE will then kill USER.

You are allied with The Order of Ruthlessness. You win if The Order of Ruthlessness wins.

“So! I am impressed that you got here."

Comments: After Life contacted him he didn't deny being the godfather. This led to his downfall. There isn't much else to say.

Bizz - Balto - Lynched Day 4

Dear Balto,

You are Steven Fabian, The “News” Anchor without Morals


You are one of the hosts of Channel One “News.” You bring current and up-to-date “news” to high school students across the United States who are forced to watch it. Of course, your idea of “news” is actually lots and lots of commercials, and a few segments that you think have “cool” sounding names. There's even a segment that would probably be best named as “Bono-wannabe of the Week,” though I haven't any clue why it hasn't been named that yet. Anyways, you've joined up with The Order of Ruthlessness because you think they have a “cool” name.

Your “expertise” at being a “news” anchor allows you to spread misinformation. AT ANY TIME you may make a post in the “Ruthless Orders” thread saying “Spreading Misinformation in Next Update” at the top of the post. Anything that is said beneath that in the post will be placed in the next update, and there will be no differentiation between your misinformation and my update. If you are careful enough to word it so that it sounds like GeneralSpoon's words, people might believe what you said is true. Additionally, if anybody asks about that section of the update, I will tell them to go read the update. You can only Spread Misinformation in Next Update once during the game.

You are allied with The Order of Ruthlessness. You win if The Order of Ruthlessness wins.

“I'm Steven Fabian.”

Comments: And this was The Order of Ruthlessness's announcer. Bizz was tricked by Life into giving him the aliases of two of her teammates, and she was investigated on night 1. She lost interest in the game pretty quickly.

Crysta - KKSlider - Lynched Day 5

Dear KKSlider,

You are King Dodongo, The Infernal Dinosaur.


You are a giant Dodongo, a species of dinosaur that breathes fire. You also have the ability to roll into a ball and roll around crushing stuff. You like to eat Gorons. This once posed quite a problem to the Gorons of Death Mountain when you decided to live in the same cavern that they get their food from. So the Gorons hired some forest kid to kill you. You died that day. But your master Ganondorf has brought you back to life. You are currently on loan to The Order of Ruthlessness from Ganondorf.

You are allied with The Order of Ruthlessness. You win if The Order of Ruthlessness wins.


Comments: Her alias was given to Life by Bizz, which Life passed on to Interceptor, which eventually got out and got Crysta hung. After Rhythm disappeared she basically took over for her faction. Easily the MVP of the OoR.

Rhythm - Babe - Killed Night 11

Dear Babe,

Your are L. Ron Hubbard, The Dangerous Cult Founder


You were a completely unremarkable figure for quite some time. You entered the navy for a while. You wrote many science fiction and adventure novels. But that's where you stopped being unremarkable. You then went on to found the religion known as “Scientology.” The shortened version of Scientology involves the souls of dead aliens being inside of all of us, and getting them out of us. This did not stop you faking making a bunch of money off of this religion. You are currently on the Millennium Zephyr to further your goal of making even more money. To that end, you've joined up with The Order of Ruthlessness.

You're pretty skilled at using a device called an “E-meter,” and you can use it to help your group come out on top. At night you may make a post in the “Ruthless Orders” thread containing “NIGHT x – Auditing USER” By the end of the night, USER will have divulged their financial information and their Role PM to you.

You are allied with The Order of Ruthlessness. You win if The Order of Ruthlessness wins.

“If you want to make a little money, write a book. If you want to make a lot of money, create a religion.”

Comments: Was inactive like all game. Crysta eventually took over for her, as she seemed to basically be the only one on her team who still wanted to win. She found and teamed up with Ulki late in the game, but it was too late to make much difference. I'm still unsure why nobody lynched her for inactivity.

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The Winner

The Wolf

I Eat Tables - Otis - Survived

Dear Otis,

You are Light Yagami, Kira.


You are one of Japan's best and brightest students, scoring a perfect score on your university's entrance exam. One day you found the Death Note, a notebook belonging to a Shinigami, which will kill the person whose name is written in it. You have begun a quest to clean up the world by using the Death Note to kill criminals. Eventually the world's best detective noticed what you were doing, and tried to stop you, but you succeeded in killing him. You are now poised to become the God of the New World you've created. But the criminals on the Millennium Zephyr are still standing in your way, and you must eliminate them first.

Every night you may choose to perform one of two actions. The actions are as follows. The thread “Your Actions” is located on your hidden board.

1. You may make a post in the thread “Your Actions” saying “NIGHT x – Writing USER'S name in the Death Note” USER will then die. You may give write down details concerning USER'S death in order to help keep suspicion off of you. If you do not write down any details, USER will simply die of a heart attack. Additionally, if it would be impossible for USER to die the way you detail it, or if the details involve the deaths of others, USER will simply die of a heart attack. Your kill is faster than the other kills in the game, and several abilities in the game as well. So if you kill somebody who was going to perform a kill that night, their kill would fail.


2. You may make a post in the thread “Your Actions” saying “NIGHT x – Taking a potato chip...AND EATING IT” When you take a potato chip...AND EAT IT all actions done to you that night will fail. Players performing actions on you this night will be told that their actions have failed, but they will not be told why they failed, though there may be roles that are not told whether or not their action succeeds. You will not be told if this causes any actions to fail. Taking a potato chip...AND EATING IT will occur before all relevant night actions.

You may use these actions as many times as you want. You cannot perform both of your actions on the same night.

You are allied with yourself. You win if you are the last man standing.

“If we catch Kira, he is evil. If he rules the world, he is justice.”

Comments: I suppose you might call this role a serial killer, but I think that wolf is more accurate because serial killer implies that he only kills and doesn't have any tricks up his sleeve. Anyways, this role was designed to give the wolf a chance. It had the ability to be not be investigated or killed, and its kills were faster than even hooking or protection. Additionally I allowed this role to request three fake claims from me. In hindsight, this role was too powerful. I gave it to I Eat Tables because I wanted to see what he could do with it.

What he did was have stupidly incredible laser-guided luck. His night 2 kill of Life was covered up by the OoR's kill of Life being slower than his, his night 4 kill of Dracohon was covered up by the OoR's kill being blocked by Furetchen, his night 7 kill of Lightning was covered up by the GwDM's kill being hooked by Ninji, his night 10 kill of Ether was covered up by Crysta's Rhythm's kill being hooked by Ninji, and finally his night 11 kill of Crysta Rhythm was covered up by making it look like a godkill.

And then there was his ability to block night actions. He even had me screwing up on his side. On night 3 he first wanted to block actions, but then later changed it to killing Dracohon, but I didn't see the order change since it was on his hidden board that I didn't check again, and he was being investigated by Rhythm. He also blocked another investigation on him on night 8.

I would definitely not make a wolf this powerful in a game of this size again.

Edited by General Spoon
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I lost interest after most actions were for some reason blocked or did not worked. I thought the thief was onto me but he never said anything until day 10. Plus i think he said something on day 8 that said i was stopped, but people forgot that/ignored iirc... (Must have read wrong i suppose)

Oh well. It was fun...

Edited by Ulki
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Hah, I knew I got lucky, but not THAT lucky :awesome:.

Town deserved to win. While a few of my strategies seemed to work, others should have been the death of me, but weren't. I made up for the shortcomings with a fair bit of clever play, a few well placed lies and lots of somewhat mediocrly placed lies, and three trucks worth of luck.

These were the fake PMs I figured I might need. One should be obvious. The other actually saw some use, I used it to try and keep the OoR off of my back:

Dear Otis,

You are Darth Vader, The Fallen Jedi.


You were once a great Jedi knight, but that was a while ago. It was before you were converted to the Dark Side of The Force by Darth Sidious. Darth Sidious became your new master, and you carried out his orders. Not long after he converted you, you lost a battle against your former mentor, and became heavily crippled. You were operated on, and your body was enhanced, but the suit you now wear is what sustains your life. You are on the Millennium Zephyr under the orders of Darth Sidious.

You have great mastery of the force, and can sense the presence of others and prepare appropriately. As such, any actions performed against you at night will fail.

You are allied with The Assembly of Various Villains. You win if The Assembly of Various Villains wins.

“Luke, I am your father!”

Dear Otis,

You are Humperdinck, Prince of Florin.


You are a peerless hunter and tracker. You can even track a falcon on a cloudy day. You keep many kinds of deadly animals, and you enjoy pitting yourself against them and killing them. You also have a great deal of ambition, leading you to want to start a war with your neighbor, the nation of Guilder. You are not certain how you got on the Millennium Zephyr but you plan to leave alive.

You are an exceptional hunter, and may choose to perform one of these actions at night.

1. At night you may send me a PM entitled “NIGHT x – Hunting USER” You will then hunt down and kill USER. You may only go on two hunts over the course of the game.


2. At night you may send me a PM entitled “NIGHT x – Pitching tent behind USER” While your tent is pitched behind USER, any actions performed on you at night will fail. If USER is killed while your tent is pitched behind USER, then you will die as well. You cannot pitch your tent behind yourself.

You cannot perform both of these actions on the same night.

You are allied with yourself. You win if you are alive when the game ends.

“For the last time, surrender!”

Overall, it was... a generally decent game, although the town got it's fair share of luck too (after Life's gamewinner, the cop got two guilties, almost me, and Spike did well too). Still, I played to win, and managed it. Yay!

"Stolos says (01:31):

spoongeneral@hotmail.com says (01:19):

God, wait until you see how damn lucky you were in the postgame

~°∆°[[bizz] says (01:35):


Stolos says (01:35):


~°∆°[[bizz] says (01:35):

maybe my SF luck turned into my CARA luck and I gave my SF luck to you because you don';t seem to die early anymore


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I decided I didn't care because if the town can't win by trickery then they can go ahead and be sheep. In the end, Tables deserved to win. I have nothing else to say.

By the way, if anyone who is ACTIVE AND DEDICATED TO MAFIA is interested in joining my friend's Asylum-themed game on another forum, please PM me and I will fill you in. He's looking for players, and the more players he has, the more fun his roles will be. Everyone gets a mental disorder, and Asylum Mafia I was easily the greatest mafia game I have ever taken part in.

Edited by Bizz
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Dracohon investigated Bizz on the first night, and then got Balcerzak on the second night. He gave these results to Raymond, which led to those two being killed. Unfortunately for him he had been voting for his guilties, and Tables figured it out and killed him. He did not seem to realize that he didn't have to stick his neck out at all, and could've instead just pasted his investigation results into the game thread on SF (or at least I never got the feeling the thought had crossed his mind)..

No, it never occurred to him...

At all...


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I ALMOST broke this game with a Rogue role. Unforetunately, Tables DID break it with an overpowered Serial Killer role.

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Three times I stopped kills? I only picked four targets over the course of the game, man. The mafia should learn when to give up on a target.

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Raymond claimed be be a doctor with "complications" all game, which isn't that accurate of a way to put it IMO.

Yeah, at the time I claimed, it didn't occur to me that a bodyguard probably is closer to what my actual role was. Still, in the end I was quite happy with having claimed self-protecting doctor, as it looked like the mafias had actually bought it. Turns out that they hadn't, and I only lived because I got protected by the actual doctor on both night 3 and night 4, when both mafias consecutively tried to kill me. Quite hilarious bad luck for the mafias, actually. :P

But in the end, it looks like we all got duped by Tables. gg.

Edited by Raymond
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Ninji - Spike - Killed Day 12

Comments: A standard town roleblocker. He made the incredibly stupid decision to hook somebody on night 1, and somehow managed to hit one of the mafia investigators. He then kept on blocking random people, somehow doing more good than harm for his team.

I get lucky a lot. Sue me.

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I didn't kill Life on impulse, actually, I thought he was trying to BS his way into looking innocent and was really a mafia. While I ended up wrong... well, that's what happened. I don't really think I quite ended up killing myself, though... I don't think I ever used the second bullet.

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I'm just honoured not to have been given the role of a generic townie.

I felt it was a good game, personally, and would be happy to join another like it.

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I didn't kill Life on impulse, actually, I thought he was trying to BS his way into looking innocent and was really a mafia. While I ended up wrong... well, that's what happened. I don't really think I quite ended up killing myself, though... I don't think I ever used the second bullet.

You didn't kill yourself. Tables killed you, and the flavor he choose for your death was for you to shoot yourself.

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Yeah, I think my ability to choose how people die, at first, seemed like a gimmick, but eventually, I realised it's potential. Make it look like the mafia has a driver. Make it look like someone was modkilled. Both worked, although unfortunately the driver one didn't since Ninji saw though the ruse.

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True :P. At that point I kinda wanted to kill Babe to add a bit of weird into the game :P. I... guess it worked. I should have killed someone else, since I kinda thought she was a mafioso ¬_¬.

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Somehow the rest of the OoR turned out to be even lazier than I was. I don't really get it.

But it's nice to see my decision to investigate Otis a second time instead of killing him would have yielded the same amount of success anyway lol.

I figured suddenly talking would work more against me than for me, but at the same time I figured not talking would probably drastically reduce my already slim chances of winning, so once I found the other mafia I contacted him and tried to get an effective counter-alliance going. But, as Spoony said, it was a little too late.

Then I died and WTF'd when the game wasn't over. Though in hindsight, even if I figured out what Otis actually was, I would have probably just helped him out anyway (though it's obvious he'd hardly need it). I just didn't want the town to win. I hate those guys.

EDIT: Actually if I read correctly killing Otis would have actually worked... sort of. I'm not sure if either Ulki or I could have won though. >_>;

Edited by Crysta
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You didn't say anything? Aww :(. Maybe I would have had to rely on a little less luck if you had. I was kinda expecting you to just post it in the OoR thread or whatever.

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