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Does anyone know if the holy weapons have any special effects in the attack animations other than the light flash before each attack? I remember original FE3's partia having a fire effect. Maybe I'm just delusional.

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It seems that all items you get from base conversations go straight to the convoy. These are some brand new items that give you a stat boost for a single map. The icons all look like a smaller version of the original with a ring (bracelet?) by its side. The Speed Boost item, for example, is a small feather and a ring.

Also, I'm not 100% sure on this, but it seems that if you're playing casual mode and you let a unit die, you can't trigger any conversations with that unit on the next battle preparations.

And I also got a convo between Sheeda an Maleissa.

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Is My Unit's first level up fixed? Because, if not, mine just got a level up consist of just HP, but it was +2 HP which would obviously mean he had greater than 100% in his HP growth.

Edit: Ok, I think he may have just gotten an awesome HP growth and horrible growths in everything else. He only got +1 HP on his second level.

Edited by Suichimo
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Sorry if this has been asked already (I tried reading the topic, but it's rather large and I may have missed a few posts), but has anyone figured out what the My Unit past/present/future things effect?

I'm pretty sure the first one (Past?) changes base stats slightly, but I haven't delved into growth rates at all so I have no clue about the other two.

Edited by Jedor
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My female Archer my unit wo was 20/20 (Was Archer > Sniper the whole time, except for very last level, which was bishop) capped HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, and Defense. Luck was really high too. Magic was like, 12 too.

Yet she never gained a point of resistance.

Edited by Alex345
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Sorry if this has been asked already (I tried reading the topic, but it's rather large and I may have missed a few posts), but has anyone figured out what the My Unit past/present/future things effect?

I'm pretty sure the first one (Past?) changes base stats slightly, but I haven't delved into growth rates at all so I have no clue about the other two.

The past and present options affect your base stats, while the present and future options appear to affect your growths.


Noble's child: Skl +2, Spd +2

Orphan: Str +2, Mag +2

Farmer's child: HP +4

Cleric's child: Def +2

Merchant's child: Lck +2, Res +2


Beautiful: Skl +1, Spd +1

Diverse: Str +1, Mag +1

Srong: HP +2

Kind: Def +1

Wise: Lck +1, Res +1

Note: I haven't checked if they're the same order as what you see in the game.

You can't choose later options that have the same stat bonuses. Eg. you can't go Noble's child and Beautiful. Same with Future, even though you don't see any changes (Humanitarian appears to boost Def growth, so it can't be used with Cleric's child or Kind).

Edited by VincentASM
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Ugh. Noblemen and Beautiful people get the goddamn speed bonuses. I'm preserving my dignity and going Strong Orphan. It's what I always imagine Cliff Lee as, anyway.

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Mine's a Merc, and he got it reasonably regularly. He capped at 20/11. I'm fairly sure I picked the HP option in the second question. I picked all second options, which is basically all but the first and last.

EDIT: I would assume Pirate and definitely Armour Knight. Possibly Cavalier too. I'd wait for conformation from someone who's using one though.

Edited by CO_Fimbulvetr
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Looking at the support bonuses page, I'm noticing Sirius has 0 0 0 with Nyna. Since the 99's seem to denote impossible supports, I'm guessing this means an automatic A. Could help whwn fighting Medeus.

Actually, it seems the 4 girls all have automatic A's with the ones who recruit them. (they're two-way too) Maria has an auto-A with Michalis too, but it's not quite as useful, since he only has an auto-C with her.

The Wolfguard all have auto-C's with eachother. I wonder if this affects them as enemies...

And is the deploy count really reduced for the final chapter? That'd be a pretty dick move considering they added 20+ new characters to choose from.

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Deploy counts are all round down, I think. The side story chapters give you 6 or 7 each, which is a pain for some of them (I'm looking at you 10x!).

Michalis got the bonuses in Shadow Dragon for his supports with player characters, and this has occurred pretty much always through the series (Olwen/Reinhardt too). So Wolf and Co. probably do get them.

EDIT: That option below base conversations that gives you free stuff is based on time. I left my game for a day and it was full. Not sure how much time each quarter is worth though.

The things I think you can get from it are experience (10-40, mostly), support level up with My Unit, any of the 'custom' items that are at the bottom of the weapons list (eg. Camus' Lance, Merric's Tome), temporary stat boosts (similar to the those temp booster items, this one's usually +2 in two stats at random) and a few rare items like Elixirs.

Further edit: The actual rewards you get are totally random as far as I can tell. They change every chapter you play (save stating/saving will not change them on the same chapter).

Edited by CO_Fimbulvetr
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The past and present options affect your base stats, while the present and future options appear to affect your growths.


Noble's child: Skl +2, Spd +2

Orphan: Str +2, Mag +2

Farmer's child: HP +4

Cleric's child: Def +2

Merchant's child: Lck +2, Res +2


Beautiful: Skl +1, Spd +1

Diverse: Str +1, Mag +1

Srong: HP +2

Kind: Def +1

Wise: Lck +1, Res +1

Note: I haven't checked if they're the same order as what you see in the game.

You can't choose later options that have the same stat bonuses. Eg. you can't go Noble's child and Beautiful. Same with Future, even though you don't see any changes (Humanitarian appears to boost Def growth, so it can't be used with Cleric's child or Kind).

Nice, nice.

Edited by Mr. Facepalm
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The items hidden in the desert...are basically in the same locations as they were in FE3. Though I believe I got "A" in the space to the right of it in this map. And "E" either one up or down from where it is shown.

I'm also disappointed that the huge bone piles have been removed.

EDIT: Don't recall what the treasure in the locations were though. But I certainly did not get gold at each silver axe location.

EDIT: I remember getting the Elysian Whip at location "A".

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Some of them have moved a bit though. I was posting these mostly so we knew what was where. Especially that whip.

EDIT: I think including the ones I posted on my first playthrough, I've got them all now.

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So anybody wanna try compiling a list with all the pairings that can get base convos? So far I've gotten the following: (I'm at chapter 13x)

- Marth x Sheeda

- Sheeda x Ogma

- Sheeda x Maleissa

- Rody x Luke

- Palla x Catria

- Merric x Linde

Plus, My Unit can converse with pretty much everyone.

Who else have you gotten?

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