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I would still think both would prefer to be something else. Though the thought of Shiida being a general is pretty lulzy.

Her stats are more or less Palla and Catria's. You said Catria would make use of it, why not her?

*stuff about general cecile*

I said suck less, dude.

Also, by 20+ defense, I did indeed mean 20 or more total.

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Her stats are more or less Palla and Catria's. You said Catria would make use of it, why not her?

Shiida's barely better off than Cecile when it comes to durability.

I said suck less, dude.

The problem is she still sucks with it, which comes back to my point that barely any females even put the class to good use.

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Catria has a whole 3 HP and 1 def over Sheeda, I'm not seein a big difference.

As for Cecile, I think that's more of a problem with her, than it is with the class.

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Catria has a whole 3 HP and 1 def over Sheeda, I'm not seein a big difference.

It is when we stack better growths on top of it.

As for Cecile, I think that's more of a problem with her, than it is with the class.

Then what is the point other than to make Catria awesome, which she hardly needs the class to pull off?

That's my main complaint, they have the class and none of them save Catria put it to any use.

Edited by Etzel's Hips
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It is when we stack better growths on top of it.

Yeah, that 20% higher growth will give her one extra HP every five levels, and that 5% higher def will give her one every 20. The first mmmmmmight matter if we were using this class for very long, but we're not.

Then what is the point other than to make Catria awesome, which she hardly needs the class to pull off?

That's my main complaint, they have the class and none of them save Catria put it to any use.

I gave you two other examples and you brushed them off. I also don't see why Palla can't do it either.

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Shiida's barely better off than Cecile when it comes to durability.

Shiida can take a hit and has the Wing Spear to make up for it which helps through chapters 5-8 and will help again in the late-midgame chapters. She also has extremely good growths in this game save for strength which is still an improvement over her SD counterpart.

Edited by Joey
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Someone suggested the game flags whether you go to the gaiden or not based on which turn you defeat the boss, not which turn you complete the chapter. Has anyone tested for this?

I tested it. Defeat the boss in turn 51 (normal classic mode), can go to chapter 3x.

about chapter 6, I kill the boss on turn 33 and can go to chapter 6x

then I try to suicide Ricard and kill the boss on turn 33 - I can't go to 6x

so I guess Ricard is the requirement for 6x but I still can't figure about 3x. hmmmm so confusing.

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I used the bridge key, didn't recruit Matthis, Julian, or Bord and finished the chapter in turn 14 on normal.

Still got to the gaiden chapter.

Edited by Kelsper
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Killing boss on turn 23 and capturing on 24: Got gaiden.

Killing boss on turn 24 and capturing on 25: Got gaiden.

Killing boss on turn 26 and caputring on 27: Got gaiden.


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Killing boss on turn 23 and capturing on 24: Got gaiden.

Killing boss on turn 24 and capturing on 25: Got gaiden.

Killing boss on turn 26 and caputring on 27: Got gaiden.


This is making me pretty sure that it is dependant on a particular someone's survival.

.......but who >.>

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It's worth noting my unit was level 7 at this point; it might be if your my unit is under level 5?

Hmm, it's worth a try.

Also, insane idea, what if Riff died in the prologue?

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Well this time I tried to kill everyone in the chapter besides MU and Marth, but I still went to the gaiden chapter. I'm stumped.

Also, replacement characters.


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Well this time I tried to kill everyone in the chapter besides MU and Marth, but I still went to the gaiden chapter. I'm stumped.

Also, replacement characters.


Wow ._.

Sooooo...my idea of killing of Riff in the prologue suddenly sounds less insane to me >.>

Also, lol, welcome back Ains =3

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Maybe a (rough) translation of text from the gaiden chapters would help. Im thinking that the conversations leading into the chapter might be more of a clue to what unlocks them?

Really just a blind guess tho, i havent played the game at all yet.

EDIT: Also another thought coudl be that there are multiple conditions that need meeting but the numberof coditions change according to difficulty, so if the higher difficulty chapers are more forgiving on the gaiden pre-conditions as some ppl are suggesting then they may only need 1 out of 4 conditions forfilled. On a lower difficulty you may need 3 out of 4? Again just a bline guess, i really have little better else to be doing at work today :P

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Maybe a (rough) translation of text from the gaiden chapters would help. Im thinking that the conversations leading into the chapter might be more of a clue to what unlocks them?

Really just a blind guess tho, i havent played the game at all yet.

I've thought so too. I guess I could /try/ asking TE..

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I can't wait for the return of 'Auffle', 'Wymp', 'Laim', 'Rejec', and 'Lucer'.

Thaha, were those the American replacements? Because they got different names in Europe, Japan and America.

Edited by Enjolras
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Thaha, were those the American replacements? Because they got different names in Europe, Japan and America.

Yeah, America names. I live in europe but I got the names off the main site xP.

Well, I killed off Wrys in the prologue, and had my unit at level 3, yet it still let me go to 3x.

Edited by Sirius
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Destroy all the villages?

I don't see the main point in skipping the Gaidens anyhow, but it is just me on this opinion. It would be nice to know the requirements for the others though, for sure.

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What most everyone is saying is right, though. Not many females even get General to much use, although for some darn reason Norne actually turned out to be a pretty good one for me in Normal. Managed to Cap Spd, Def, and even get into the 50s HP wise.

I'm absolutely certain they all involve MU, because I've intentionally tried wasting as many turns as possible on Chapter 13 and still got 13x.

The cap is actually 23.

...Wow, its even worse off in Lunatic than I first thought. Thanks for the clarification...OUCH.

Edited by Chainy
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