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[FE10] Draft Playthrough

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But not completely ( I didn't finish, but I kind of gave up after doing 3-3 with only Ike, Rhys, Mist and Brom (Soren came along but could only burn shit).

Anyhow, considering my computer is down which renders all my other commitments/etc defunct, I figured I would make one of these (I'll be using my Wii a lot more at least).

Hopefully I can get enough interest. I'll probably use the same rules as the previous one, which are below if you want to see them, but if enough people want changes, I guess we could make changes.

- No transfers or battle save abuse.

- The only characters you can deploy are those you drafted, or those who are needed to recruit another character(can be any character). Also as always the recruiter characters can't fight or heal unless you want to take a penalty. Forced units that you did not choose must not be used at all. NO ferrying, shoving, visiting houses, getting items off the ground, meatshielding.

- Certain chapters where you do not have a character, you pay a penalty for using a character that you do not have. The turn penalty is below.

- BK is fair game in all chapters were he is forced(1-9 and 3-6).

- You can move skills around freely.

- Bexp use is allowed.

Lords and Drafted Characters

During this draft, each participant (the order is predetermined but randomly decided) will be allowed to choose a single character per round out of the list to use during this play through, excluding the lords which everyone can use, and no one else may use them unless they pay a penalty based on their placement on the tier list. As each round progresses, the number of units remaining will decrease so make sure to grab any units you'll be wanting to use early because they are likely to be gone fairly quick.

What can't a non lord/non selected forced unit do, without incurring a penalty?

1. Engage in combat. So either keep them out of the enemies range or you will take a penalty. This includes meatshielding

2. Steal or find hidden items.

3. Heal units

4. Create supports

5. Shove

6. Ferry units

7. Visit houses

Forced Character Penalties

1-P: Edward(3) Leo(2)

1-1: Edward/Nolan (3) Leo(2)

1-2: Edward/Nolan/Laura (3 ) Leo(2 )

1-3: Edward/Nolan/Laura/Illyana (3) Leo/Aran(2)

1-4: None*

1-5: Volug(5) it's a defend map so don't let him attack

1-6-1: Tauroneo(6) Volug(4)

1-6-2: Same as above^

1-7: Volug/Muarim/Tormod(4) Vika(3)

1-8: Nailah/Rafiel(6), Tormod/Maurim/Volug(4) Vika(3)

1-9: None*

1-E: Volug (4)

2-P : 3 for everyone, one non drafted character may be used free of penalty

2-1 : Neph/Brom(3)

2-2 : Lucia/Mordy(4) The rest(3 each)

2-3 : Kieran/Geoffrey(3)

2-E : Elincia(5) Marcia/CRK(3)

3-P : Gatrie/Titania(5) Shinon/Oscar//Boyd/Mia(4) Rhys/Mist/Soren/Rolf(3)

3-1 : Gatrie/Titania(5) Shinon/Oscar//Boyd/Mia(4) Rhys/Mist/Soren/Rolf(3)

3-2 : None*

3-3 : None* You can deploy one undrafted 6 move unit to 3-3 without penalty.

3-4 : Ranulf(4)

3-5 : None*

3-6 : None*

3-7 : Ranulf/Zihark/Jill/Janaff/Ulki(4)

3-8 : Ranulf(4)

3-9 : Geoffrey(3)

3-10 : Ranulf(4)

3-11 : Leanne(5) Ranulf(4) Sigurn/Tanith(3)

3-12 : Tauroneo (6)

3-13 : Same as 3-12

3-E : Ranulf/Sigurn/Jill/Zihark(3)

4-P : Skrimir /Naesala(5) Sigurn/Sanaki(3)

4-1 : None*

4-2 : Tibarn (7) Elincia (4)

4-3 : Skrimir(5) Sigurn/Sanaki/Stefan(3)

4-4 : Muarim/Tormod/Vika(3)

4-5 : Tibarn (7) Elincia (4)

* The chapters with no penalties do NOT mean you can use anybody in that chapter. They just mean that no one besides Ike/Micaiah/Sothe are forced, and therefore the only people in play should be them and the people you drafted.

Oh yeah, Normal Mode, and everyone gets Sothe, Ike, and Micaiah. Again, tell me if you think a rule should be changed, and perhaps it will be.

The Players/Teams













































5)Fayt Zelpher:

































Available Units (stolen from Tier List, just because that was easy):



Upper Middle


Lower Middle



Edited by Dark Elves Suck
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I'll join this one, if I may. The rules seem fine to me.

No penalties for endgame? I suppose that makes sense.

You can choose who you deploy. That means that if Ena and Kurth aren't in your picks, don't deploy them. There is no reason for a penalty if you aren't supposed to deploy that units that would cause a penalty.

(I don't know if you knew that, I just thought that it seemed possible you didn't so I'd point it out to you and anyone else that thinks you can use Ena/Kurth for free even if you don't pick them. Ditto Nasir/Gareth.)

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You can choose who you deploy. That means that if Ena and Kurth aren't in your picks, don't deploy them. There is no reason for a penalty if you aren't supposed to deploy that units that would cause a penalty.

(I don't know if you knew that, I just thought that it seemed possible you didn't so I'd point it out to you and anyone else that thinks you can use Ena/Kurth for free even if you don't pick them. Ditto Nasir/Gareth.)

Ah, I forgot the penalties were there for forced units, somehow. I don't know how I screwed that up.

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I'd be happy to toss my lot into this.

First though, define Battle Save Abuse. No battle saving period or some less obvious definition?

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Normal Mode, right? Fayt'll step in, I think. Probably won't win since I don't play efficiency, but why not?

EDIT: By recruitment, does that include re-recruitment? As in, if I take Jill as one of my draft picks, I can deploy Haar to recruit Jill in 3-7 to take her over to the GM's, right?

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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Normal Mode, right? Fayt'll step in, I think. Probably won't win since I don't play efficiency, but why not?

EDIT: By recruitment, does that include re-recruitment? As in, if I take Jill as one of my draft picks, I can deploy Haar to recruit Jill in 3-7 to take her over to the GM's, right?

I'd assume that there would be no problem with that. Don't know why you'd do that, though. You'll likely have limited DB to work with in the first place.

First though, define Battle Save Abuse. No battle saving period or some less obvious definition

Just don't battle save to force an unlikely result to happen and you'll be fine.

Other than that, why are there penalties for maps I can't reduce turn count on anyways? Seriously, no matter how many OP units I could be given in 1-5, 2-P, and 3-7 my turn counts wouldn't change. Especially 2-P. I mean, it's basically just going to mean that whoever didn't get Nealuchi/Elincia/Marcia/Haar is going to pick up 3 - 12 turns for no apparent reason. That's real fair.

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What's the rule on using Tibarn as a yellow unit in 3-11?

And I'd like to propose that everyone gets one free unit in addition to whatever units they drafted for 2-P.

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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I'd be happy to toss my lot into this.

First though, define Battle Save Abuse. No battle saving period or some less obvious definition?

You can Battle Save, but no Battle Saving, then doing something, and reloading if it doesn't turn out the way you want, then repeating. Essentially, no RNG abuse.

Normal Mode, right? Fayt'll step in, I think. Probably won't win since I don't play efficiency, but why not?

EDIT: By recruitment, does that include re-recruitment? As in, if I take Jill as one of my draft picks, I can deploy Haar to recruit Jill in 3-7 to take her over to the GM's, right?

Yep, it includes Re-recruitment.

Other than that, why are there penalties for maps I can't reduce turn count on anyways? Seriously, no matter how many OP units I could be given in 1-5, 2-P, and 3-7 my turn counts wouldn't change. Especially 2-P. I mean, it's basically just going to mean that whoever didn't get Nealuchi/Elincia/Marcia/Haar is going to pick up 3 - 12 turns for no apparent reason. That's real fair.

I'm kind of torn on this. I believe the idea is that you're not SUPPOSED to be using other units, whether they help turn count or not, and the easiest method of dissuasion (while still leaving them there in case they're needed) is Turn Count penalties. I guess the idea is that if you cannot complete a chapter like 1-5 without, say, Volug, even if it doesn't reduce your turns, you should still pay a penalty because your team was not capable of completing the chapter.

What's the rule on using Tibarn as a yellow unit in 3-11?

And I'd like to propose that everyone gets one free unit in addition to whatever units they drafted for 2-P.

I'm going to think about the 1 free unit thing, because it does have its draws.

EDIT: Added a list of players to the first post. We need 3 more before we can start a 10 pick each draft.

Edited by Dark Elves Suck
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My take on the matter is it really only applies to 2-P in my head.

The thing with 2-P is there are 4 (5 leanne?) units who are all forced and who will probably all engage in combat. You can't clear the chapter faster for turns even if all the dracoknights die, you can't reliably hunker down and avoid exposing anybody to combat, so on. Essentially, everybody who didn't draft Elincia is going to take a hefty penalty, and whoever drafted Elincia won't.

Now, let's take 3-7 as a counterpart. You can still hunker down with Ike and one other unit, limit exposure to combat and accept the full survival turn count. Say somebody drafted Gatrie, that alone is enough to avoid letting anybody else take hits because you can also undeploy units unlike 2-P. Hell, you could undeploy everybody and put Ike + Swords + Vulneraries on the point if you wanted to.

Essentially, 2-P is all forced units who must each be drafted and who are very likely to engage enemies whether you want them to or not on a chapter that physically cannot be completed in under 8 turns.

I believe it is unique in the sum total of these facets.

Edited by Integrity
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I think you should establish a rule that all forced characters are free (for only their forced maps, obviously).

Actually, I like this. Similar to what I do in random deployment runs of various games.

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My take on the matter is it really only applies to 2-P in my head.

The thing with 2-P is there are 4 (5 leanne?) units who are all forced and who will probably all engage in combat. You can't clear the chapter faster for turns even if all the dracoknights die, you can't reliably hunker down and avoid exposing anybody to combat, so on. Essentially, everybody who didn't draft Elincia is going to take a hefty penalty, and whoever drafted Elincia won't.

It's 3 Units + Leanne - you don't have to recruit Haar.

Marcia, Nealuchi, and Elincia. Of course, recruiting Haar gives you a Physic staff in 2-E, but that's irrelevant. I'm just of the opinion that 2-P needs to have a free unit there so you can actually do something. Simply because you have to fight with all units and it's difficult (if not impossible) to get them to avoid combat. At least in 2-3 and 3-9, you can rush the boss with Geoffrey, take the penalty, and get a decent turncount. 1-5 you have Mickey and Sothe, and 3-7 you have Ike (and probably one merc as well). That's my take on why 2-P should come with a free unit in addition to any that you draft.

I'll join, a question though.

Can we use the lords and get no penalty?

As mentioned in the OP, Ike, Sothe, and Micaiah can be deployed and used with no penalty.

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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I'll join.

One question. For those units that aren't draft can they still be use for support on the stages they are force deploy

For forming supports, no.

For supporting the main force, that's what we're hammering out.

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Can i join?

also, how many people are going to be drafting?

and do we have to do like X amount to Y amount of chapters a day?

Edited by Fenrir
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also, how many people are going to be drafting?

My guess is that there will be 7 people drafting. There are 77 units in the game. So, not counting Ike, Sothe, and Micaiah (who are all forced and aren't drafted), Lehran (who is there for all of 2 turns), and the BK (see the OP), there's enough for everyone to take 10 units plus the three lords.

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My guess is that there will be 7 people drafting. There are 77 units in the game. So, not counting Ike, Sothe, and Micaiah (who are all forced and aren't drafted), Lehran (who is there for all of 2 turns), and the BK (see the OP), there's enough for everyone to take 10 units plus the three lords.

Ok, so if it's alright i'll join cause these have always sounded awesome :awesome:

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Essentially, 2-P is all forced units who must each be drafted and who are very likely to engage enemies whether you want them to or not on a chapter that physically cannot be completed in under 8 turns.

I believe it is unique in the sum total of these facets.

I have to agree here... 2-P's a survival chapter with no alternate win condition. Everybody's going to take a huge penalty no matter what, especially if getting captured counts as meatshielding against Leanne. Avoiding that, I see the minimum penalty in this chapter being nine turns (I'm pretty sure Green!Haar stays put and the enemies ignore him), six if you're really good/lucky, and this is assuming you drafted precisely one 2-P unit. It ought to be a free chapter.

Everyone, I thiiiink Dark Cybaster was the seventh person to the buzzer. That could be played for ten units each. Or we could go on with ten people and get seven units each, which will be rough, but I think it's the better idea. So far we have nine people who want in.

Edited by Naglfar
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Alright, I've changed the rules to allow 1 undrafted character for free in 2-P. We're ready to go with 7 players, (everyone up to and including Fenrir got in), but if all the players agree, and we can get enough people, we can go to ten, so everyone please post whether you are alright with this or not. If we go to 10 people, I think we might want to relax the penalties or maybe even go with dondon's idea.

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Alright, I've changed the rules to allow 1 undrafted character for free in 2-P. We're ready to go with 7 players, (everyone up to and including Fenrir got in), but if all the players agree, and we can get enough people, we can go to ten, so everyone please post whether you are alright with this or not. If we go to 10 people, I think we might want to relax the penalties or maybe even go with dondon's idea.

About 2-P, it's basically the motivation to draft a unit like Marcia or Nealuchi. Granted it is NM so Marcia can actually be good in 4-E without any difficulty, but it's basically a reward for picking certain units with lower availability.

Except Haar, of course. You don't need a reward for picking him. You might as well just specify "you get Haar for free in 2-P". Partial punishment for picking Haar (you only get him, probably, since others may take Elincia, Neal, and Marcia). I'm not certain you can avoid combat until you can recruit Haar, though, so some might need to take a penalty. But that's only fair given how this is a drafting tournament. You should get something out of picking certain characters.

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