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Speedwing on Haar? He keeps giving me the finger, Speed-wise, and it looks like he's the slowest of the bunch (and has the least amount of time to do anything about it).

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With a Spd-screwed Nolan you have to play a little weirder but it certainly can work in your favor still. I'd assume that at the worst he'd be a point off in Spd.

First turn you can have Jill weaken the Warrior then have Nolan kill it from afar. So long as both Jill's hits connect it should work. Uf you need to, just have her Canto back. Eventually the setup needs to be:




J - Jill

E - Empty

R - Rock

N - Nolan

How it should work is that Nolan and Jill should be able to block off any advances from the enemy. Meanwhile, Nolan should be able to face 3 enemies at once. Now keep in mind that you need Allies on Roam and one of the Halberdiers will move South. Have Fiona pick him up. Have Jill kill on the player phase, maybe Canto forward on an ocassion if you want Jill to have a little action.

Basically, the key is exposing Nolan as much as possible. +Def and / or Avo helps, which is why I regret not giving him a temp support then going C Jill or something.

Edited by Tyranel M
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  • 2 weeks later...


Turns - 5/92

BEXP - 7873/12817

BEXP'd Ike to 20, Shinon was promoted as well as Nephenee. Team badass? Very much so. Janaff BEXPd and learns Tear. He also gets the Rescue Staff for me.

Turn 1 - Pretty much positioning turn. Titania picks up Mist.

Turn 2 - Kill everything, have Titania so that she is 1 space away from the Horseslayer Halberdier.

Turn 3 - More killing... I obtain Rescue with Janaff, who was at Best Bio (41% chance of finding it I think)

Turn 4 - Almost got Haar killed with the Wyrmslayer dude

Turn 5 - Cleanup. Jill was recruited too just to kill a DragonMaster.

Titania gets MVP award for killing the most enemies on the field I believe. Too bad I had her run out on her Hand Axe forge (it had 16 uses to be fair), but oh well. As far as Skill activations, Adept activated once with Shinon, Impale activated once for Nephenee (but she would've KOed anyway), Titania activated Sol once, and Mia crit Nolan on the first strike (thank God because Super Nolan would be scary to face. Maybe it was a good thing he wasn't Tier 3). Overall the chapter went along smoothly. Would've helped if I had Nullify though, which I regret not getting.

Ike (20/1) - 54 HP | 29 Str | 6 Mag | 32 Skl | 31 Spd | 18 Luck | 28 Def | 12 Res
Titania (3.43) - 44 HP | 29 Str | 15 Mag | 26 Skl | 28 Spd | 19 Luck | 25 Def | 20 Res
Shinon (2.18) - 50 HP | 27 Str | 11 Mag | 33 Skl | 29 Spd | 18 Luck | 27 Def | 20 Res
Rhys (6.83)
Mia (1.83) - 43 HP | 26 Str | 10 Mag | 31 Skl | 32 Spd | 22 Luck | 20 Def | 13 Res
Haar (4.58) - 52 HP | 30 Str | 6 Mag | 30 Skl | 27 Spd | 15 Luck | 30 Def | 12 Res
Jill (2.24) - 54 HP | 25 Str | 9 Mag | 25 Skl | 28 Spd | 23 Luck | 28 Def | 17 Res - I hate how blessed she is too
Sigrun (19.48)
Ranulf (26.08)
Janaff (30.03) - 58 HP | 16 Str | 2 Mag | 20 Skl | 17 Spd | 31 Luck | 12 Def | 8 Res - Inches from S Strike
Ulki (28.59) - 59 HP | 16 Str | 3 Mag | 17 Skl | 18 Spd | 25 Luck | 11 Def | 10 Res
Nephinel (1.66) - 42 HP | 27 Str | 12 Mag | 28 Skl | 29 Spd | 17 Luck | 22 Def | 22 Res

On top of that I have Nolan to work with, who I noted up above.

Total Turns - 92/193


Time to make preparations for Part 4. I'm kind of excited, but scared at the same time.

Biggest notes are that Hawk Army will likely be the weakest. They have a priority in taking out 1 Rout map, and they technically have... Tibarn. Seems to me that anyone is safe on any route AS-wise. As for pairings:

- Nephenee / Shinon

- Mist / Titania

- Mia / Ike

This means Mia is locked onto GMs, so Nephenee and Shinon have freedom. I decided to do this:

Silver Route - Jill, Haar, Nolan?

Greil Route - Mia probably, Janaff, Heather, Neph / Shinon might be nice though

Hawk Army - Maybe Neph / Shinon

The biggest disadvantage I have here is the sheer # of people I have to work with. That's probably the biggest liability on pulling full steam ahead on both GMs and DB chapters at a glance. 4-4 is probably going to be a Nightmare from hell, though Ike / Mia / Titania / Nailah make it easier to work with. If someone goes with Hawk Army, they are guaranteed a Paragon just because they only have one chapter to work with. Nolan will take the last Crown. Might BEXP a Level or two on him just to get him up on Str, then go to town.

I'd love to get Nolan a support though. He really needs one perhaps, but "too little too late" on that one I guess. As far as Endgame I decided this should work:

- Shinon

- Nephenee

- Mia

- Nolan

- Jill

- Cain

- Giffca

- Tibarn

- Naesala (this is a maybe to be honest, since to be honest he's waaaaay behind in Atk in comparison to Tibarn. 47 vs. 58. With an Energy Drop it'd be 51 vs. 58. Yeah, pretty iffy.

- Nailah can technically be shoehorned in

That's about all I can think of at the moment.

Any suggestions / recommendations?

Edited by Tyranel M
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You're using basically the same team as I did, so I'd suggest the same configuration (which worked for me).

- Hawk: Nephenee and Shinon. 4-2 will be the hardest chapter, but Tibarn helps, and you can have Lucia/Ranulf/Elincia/Tauroneo gang up for teamkills. Ch 4-5 is easy mode, since you can 2-turn with people at base level, and Nephenee/Shinon can take the opportunity to train for Endgame.

- Silver: Jill, Nolan, Haar. You will go through eleventy billion forged Hand Axes, due to the density of 2-range combat. Naesala helps a lot. 4-P is a piece of cake and a great place to train Jill/Nolan in tier 3. Ch 4-3 is a little tougher, but with Celerity Nolan will have 3MV in the desert, so I'd suggest taking Jill and air-dropping him nearby where the BK spawns, on Turn 1. This puts him in range of a ton of people, so Jill/Haar/Naesala can spread out and kill the far-flung enemies. Team Altina and the Seraph Babysitter can do a little bit of damage as well, while you are looting the place with Sothe.

- Greil: Mia, the Hawks, and your forced deploys. GLHF with this bullshit, I hope you saved a torch for Janaff to combine with his Insight skill (Ulki is goddamned blind on 4-1). The best advice that I have for you is to send whatever barely-capable noobshits that you have left over to this army, and use the LEA. Examine the reinforcement positions in 4-4 carefully. Etc.

I prefer Nailah for Endgame over Naesala, but only if you can get her SPD to 20 via BEXP (to allow her to double auras, with +7 mt over what Naesala is capable of). Loss of flight/canto is a factor, but you have Tibarn and Jill. Giffca is a better choice for BEXP if you are running low, though.

Have fun.

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Why didn't you take Janaff to 29.99 and give him Blossom? BEXP goes straight to HP/LUK on him (like all laguz <_< )

I'd field Naesala in Endgame over Nephenee. More movement, easier doubling, can take Drop for +4ATK, might even reach SS Strike (in which case he beats her offensively). Only downside is slightly less attack.

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Nephenee is locked to the underwhelming Javelin forges for 2-range in 4-E-1. She's unlikely to kill anything with them, so why bother? Naesala, on the other hand, has higher skill proc rate and greater mobility.

9 move + Canto is relevant in 4-E-4, where Nephenee is unlikely to be able to do anything.

While Canto and 1-2 range are not the same thing wrt to 4-E-5, they're roughly equivalent advantages. Naesala leaves Tides free for other people and helps set up 4 way Vigors. Nephenee can take Tides that Naesala cannot. There does not seem to be a massive difference.

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Personally I would give Haar your speedwing if you still have it and send him to Hawk. TIbarn going south, Haar taking Hand Axe Forges (Haar one rounds all non-general/swordmasters and two falcoknights, needs a 16mt weapon to get 2 halbs)/Hammer west (accompanied by Elincia, Ranulf and Reyson, I also used Nealuchi for trading out the hammer and next to no chip) should easily 6 turn that map. I was close to 5 turning it but it required Pelleas making a 60% ish Fenrir hit.

Don't forget about the 4-2 Warriors in your starting area too; the CRK (Kieran, Lucia, Danved, etc.) probably have nothing better to do.

I would also send consider sending Ulki to Silver just because if you send Haar only to Hawk, then you don't need him in Greil.

Edited by incognito123
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Nephenee is locked to the underwhelming Javelin forges for 2-range in 4-E-1. She's unlikely to kill anything with them, so why bother? Naesala, on the other hand, has higher skill proc rate and greater mobility.

Impale will kill plenty, and anything she doesn't bury will get ORKO'ed 100% for reals by anyone next round, instead of maybe ORKO'ed. But in the interest of fairness, let's count what the raven king can do on Enemy Phase.

Naesala's effective proc rate on a 2-range enemy: 0%

Relevance that Naesala's mobility has on his 2-range game: 0%

And there you go.

9 move + Canto is relevant in 4-E-4, where Nephenee is unlikely to be able to do anything.

Unlikely to do anything except easily ORKO a blocking spirit, which is exactly what you need to be able to do on this map in order to be considered useful.

Hey, so how much damage does Naesala do to Dheg, again? Sorry, I lost my notes. I'm sure that he clears 50mt at base, though, otherwise that would be pretty hilarious, huh?

While Canto and 1-2 range are not the same thing wrt to 4-E-5, they're roughly equivalent advantages. Naesala leaves Tides free for other people and helps set up 4 way Vigors. Nephenee can take Tides that Naesala cannot. There does not seem to be a massive difference.

Not massive, but the difference is significant. See what happens when you use the words that people said, instead of making up ones that they didn't?

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I'm pretty sure myself that Naesala would be more helpful than Nephenee for 4-E, since I don't recall there being a need for more than perhaps 2 really awesome 2-rangers. And anyway, Ike, Shinon, Titania, Jill, and Haar are all likely better candidates than Nephenee anyway.

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Impale will kill plenty, and anything she doesn't bury will get ORKO'ed 100% for reals by anyone next round, instead of maybe ORKO'ed. But in the interest of fairness, let's count what the raven king can do on Enemy Phase.

Naesala's effective proc rate on a 2-range enemy: 0%

Relevance that Naesala's mobility has on his 2-range game: 0%

My point was that even if Naesala lacks 2-range, he brings other things to the table that make up for it - like mobility/better combat.

And 2-range is largely useless in this chapter. There are only two places you should care about 1-2 range:

-Trying to kill the bosses, Nephenee can only ORKO Hetzel and she needs Parity.

-Clearing out the mages on the left and right hand sides, which Nephenee isn't very good for either because she can't fly over there, we need to drop her.

2-range is useless in the center. Not only does Nephenee not do enough damage with a forge to 3HKO (meaning Adept won't kill), and she can't proc Impale at 2-range, but unless you kit out every single person in the middle with a 1-2 range weapon, they will not attack her. Given that we're bringing Caineghis, Giffca, Nailah, and Tibarn along, this seems unlikely.

Most of the enemies in the center are 1 range anyway. Only 6 generals carry ranged weaponry, and if I remember correctly at least two are beside the bosses.

Unlikely to do anything except easily ORKO a blocking spirit, which is exactly what you need to be able to do on this map in order to be considered useful.

Looking at the map again, I now notice that both Nephenee and Naesala can't reach any spirits without Rafiel - I assumed he could, so they're equal on this map.

Hey, so how much damage does Naesala do to Dheg, again? Sorry, I lost my notes. I'm sure that he clears 50mt at base, though, otherwise that would be pretty hilarious, huh?

Because Nephenee's single-digit damage is so impressive, right?

Seriously, nobody cares how either Naesala or Nephenee does in this chapter. Both are poor choices to fight Dheginsea, given that Nephenee lacks 9 move + Canto (making it harder for her to reach Dheginsea) and doesn't do much damage anyway, and Naesala needs a bucketload of resources to deal damage.

Not massive, but the difference is significant. See what happens when you use the words that people said, instead of making up ones that they didn't?

Sorry I didn't bother to replicate your exact choice of words. I should have said 'the difference doesn't seem significant'.

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2-range is useless in the center. Not only does Nephenee not do enough damage with a forge to 3HKO (meaning Adept won't kill), and she can't proc Impale at 2-range, but unless you kit out every single person in the middle with a 1-2 range weapon, they will not attack her. Given that we're bringing Caineghis, Giffca, Nailah, and Tibarn along, this seems unlikely.

Just a question: don't enemies go for 1 range on you when you have 1-2 range weapons? It seems to happen to me a lot of the time. She can impale at 1 range, and they'll often go at her at 1 range even if they have a 2 range option. Of course, the ones that don't have a superior 1 range option could go at 2 range, but I don't think they do. Enemies just like getting up close and personal if they are going to get countered anyway.

Of course, forged javelins are kinda weak and so it's entirely possible even impale will fail to kill, but with 30 str and a 12 mt javelin forge, 42 mt should 5HKO most of the generals. Just the 32 def variety are 6HKOd. And she could have more than 30 str. Or a fire/water/dark support.

Besides, Naesala does nothing, Neph will put enemies into ORKO range for other units. If an enemy attacks Naesala at 2 range, the enemy will still have full hp afterwards. Of course, there is the question of how many 1-2 rangers you even need, but there is also the question of whether you even need Naesala in addition to Tibarn + Cain + Giffca + Nailah. Arguably, they are both kinda redundant.

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Just a question: don't enemies go for 1 range on you when you have 1-2 range weapons? It seems to happen to me a lot of the time. She can impale at 1 range, and they'll often go at her at 1 range even if they have a 2 range option. Of course, the ones that don't have a superior 1 range option could go at 2 range, but I don't think they do. Enemies just like getting up close and personal if they are going to get countered anyway.

I think all the Generals on this map have only one weapon each.

Besides, Naesala does nothing, Neph will put enemies into ORKO range for other units. If an enemy attacks Naesala at 2 range, the enemy will still have full hp afterwards. Of course, there is the question of how many 1-2 rangers you even need, but there is also the question of whether you even need Naesala in addition to Tibarn + Cain + Giffca + Nailah. Arguably, they are both kinda redundant.

Neph is likely doing nothing either. Will enemies attack her on enemy phase over Cain/Giffca? Perhaps, but only the 1-range ones that she's nerfing her offense against in the first place.

If it's such a massive hassle that Naesala can't counter the ~4 enemies in the center with ranged weapons, just leave Maelstrom on him. He has about a 67% chance to proc.

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I think all the Generals on this map have only one weapon each.

Not relevant. Like I said, I've seen many enemies pull out their 1-2 range weapons and go at it mano-a-mano regardless. It's stupid, but if they are going to get countered anyway they sometimes say "screw it" and go 1 range. Are you sure you've never seen it?

Neph is likely doing nothing either. Will enemies attack her on enemy phase over Cain/Giffca? Perhaps, but only the 1-range ones that she's nerfing her offense against in the first place.

Wouldn't you arrange so that they only have 1-2 range wielding targets to attack?

If it's such a massive hassle that Naesala can't counter the ~4 enemies in the center with ranged weapons, just leave Maelstrom on him. He has about a 67% chance to proc.

Why 67%? Shouldn't he only get one shot at it (starts at 40%)? Also, she does lots more damage than his maelstrom would do. For one thing, she has the potential to kill if she can Impale. And 34 strength (maelstrom) is kinda sad. Even 36 or 38 would only cause, what, 6 to 8 damage on 30 to 32 def enemies? Now, granted it will allow some ORKOing, like Ike with Ragnell will now kill some things weakened by Naesala. But Maelstrom sucks since he'd only be weakening 2 out of 5 enemies on average that attack at 2 range, right? Except some people say you need to actually get hit. "when user is attacked indirectly" is the same as the description of Shriek, and some claim you need to get hit, so... But even if you don't need to get hit, how does 6 damage to 2 out of 5 attacks even hold a candle to Neph? Do you really think Maelstrom is a good argument for Naesala if the two range thing is "such a massive hassle"?

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You guys realize that part of it is irrelevant since I lack the stat booster anyway. <_<

I also forgot I'm taking Elincia to go for the the fat lizard's throat.

Technically the only huge advantage with Naesala is Canto-ing off after the Aura smack but Nephenee can still 2 range the things too which at least helps with the positioning. Fuck why didn't I use Tanith? Then again that free Speedwing can be used on Giffca to naturally double Auras...


Edited by Tyranel M
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Not relevant. Like I said, I've seen many enemies pull out their 1-2 range weapons and go at it mano-a-mano regardless. It's stupid, but if they are going to get countered anyway they sometimes say "screw it" and go 1 range. Are you sure you've never seen it?

I know, but generally that shouldn't be relied upon.

Wouldn't you arrange so that they only have 1-2 range wielding targets to attack?

I'd rather have units on the frontline that can actually ORKO at 1-range. Like Royals or Reavers or Haar. There are only 4 ranged Generals, so they can be killed easily on player phase as long as I take out everything else on enemy phase. Given that about 90% of the center is 1-range, being better at 1-range outweighs having superior 1-2 range.

Why 67%? Shouldn't he only get one shot at it (starts at 40%)? Also, she does lots more damage than his maelstrom would do. For one thing, she has the potential to kill if she can Impale. And 34 strength (maelstrom) is kinda sad. Even 36 or 38 would only cause, what, 6 to 8 damage on 30 to 32 def enemies? Now, granted it will allow some ORKOing, like Ike with Ragnell will now kill some things weakened by Naesala. But Maelstrom sucks since he'd only be weakening 2 out of 5 enemies on average that attack at 2 range, right? Except some people say you need to actually get hit. "when user is attacked indirectly" is the same as the description of Shriek, and some claim you need to get hit, so... But even if you don't need to get hit, how does 6 damage to 2 out of 5 attacks even hold a candle to Neph? Do you really think Maelstrom is a good argument for Naesala if the two range thing is "such a massive hassle"?

I'm not sure if Naesala needs to get hit. And I forgot that he only has one chance to proc. And I don't know if it ignore defense.

You guys realize that part of it is irrelevant since I lack the stat booster anyway. <_<

I also forgot I'm taking Elincia to go for the the fat lizard's throat.

Technically the only huge advantage with Naesala is Canto-ing off after the Aura smack but Nephenee can still 2 range the things too which at least helps with the positioning. Fuck why didn't I use Tanith? Then again that free Speedwing can be used on Giffca to naturally double Auras...


That's why I love Seraph Knights... flight and 1-2 range is awesome. For example, they can take out blocking spirits on turn 1 in 4-E-4 without Rafiel, or they can take out the sages to the left and right in 4-E-1.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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My point was that even if Naesala lacks 2-range, he brings other things to the table that make up for it - like mobility/better combat.

Which is irrelevant. Go read my post again. Note how I am finishing your incomplete thought, the one about how his "Only downside" is "slightly less attack". Wrong, son: he has at least one other downside, a significant one being his lack of 2-range.

To be fair to you, dondon also whiffed this point. I'll leave it to the studio audience to decide whether the problem here is with a lack of clarity, or with nattering nitpickers.

And 2-range is largely useless in this chapter. There are only two places you should care about 1-2 range:

-Trying to kill the bosses, Nephenee can only ORKO Hetzel and she needs Parity.

-Clearing out the mages on the left and right hand sides, which Nephenee isn't very good for either because she can't fly over there, we need to drop her.

Hilarious, you are proving my argument for me. ORKOing Hetzel is one of the most consequential things that a unit can do on this map, since it eliminates a Sleep staff and prevents the likes of Haar/Ike/whoever from becoming worse than useless on Enemy Phase.

2-range is useless in the center. Not only does Nephenee not do enough damage with a forge to 3HKO (meaning Adept won't kill), and she can't proc Impale at 2-range, but unless you kit out every single person in the middle with a 1-2 range weapon, they will not attack her. Given that we're bringing Caineghis, Giffca, Nailah, and Tibarn along, this seems unlikely.

Fun fact: for some reason, an enemy with a 1-2 range weapon will frequently attack a player with 1-2 range, at 1-range. Maybe it's a positioning thing. Many Bothans died to Impales because of this information.

Looking at the map again, I now notice that both Nephenee and Naesala can't reach any spirits without Rafiel - I assumed he could, so they're equal on this map.

The map is incomplete. Ike can reach a blocking spirit with Ragnell on Turn 1, without assistance. Nephenee could do the same, if we cared, but generally she wants to get shoved towards a deeper target, like one of the ones actually protecting Sephiran. Which she can do.

Because Nephenee's single-digit damage is so impressive, right?

Better than a goose egg. Don't forget that my point was about 2-range combat; it's much easier to give Ena's Blood Tide to someone who can attack at range. If you place Ena such that she's kissing Dheg, you have three +5 STR spots to sttack D from, assuming that people have the ability to attack at range. The Ike/Shinon/Neph combo attack has taken down many a 4-E-3 boss. If you manage to cap Neph's STR, which is to say if you manage to play the game intelligently, she does 11x2 damage to him. God forbid that a unit dare only take away one-fifth of Dheg's health in one attack.

Sorry I didn't bother to replicate your exact choice of words. I should have said 'the difference doesn't seem significant'.

If only you had learned your lesson, and not proceeded to use hyperbole in a reply to Narga. Looking forward to the next time that we discuss something, where I can be sure that my carefully-chosen wording will be completely disregarded in favor of phrasing that makes your argument look better by comparison.

I say the 2-range thing is significant because it alters what we get out of the slot. Over Naesala, Nephenee gives us a Hetzel killer, a person who can fight Dheg competently, a slightly better spirit smasher, and someone who uses Tides differently in E-5. That is not to say that one is better than the other, but that 2-range is a factor to be considered in a comparison, AKA... wait for it... significant.

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Which is irrelevant. Go read my post again. Note how I am finishing your incomplete thought, the one about how his "Only downside" is "slightly less attack". Wrong, son: he has at least one other downside, a significant one being his lack of 2-range.

I was incorrect to leave that out, then, but I still don't think it's as important as his advantages over her.

Hilarious, you are proving my argument for me. ORKOing Hetzel is one of the most consequential things that a unit can do on this map, since it eliminates a Sleep staff and prevents the likes of Haar/Ike/whoever from becoming worse than useless on Enemy Phase.

I prefer to kill Hetzel with a flier that can Canto into the middle of the Generals to weaken them (since they have an insane 40+def). The fliers also have an easier time reaching the Bishops since they can circumnavigate the General at the bottom of the stairs.

Fun fact: for some reason, an enemy with a 1-2 range weapon will frequently attack a player with 1-2 range, at 1-range. Maybe it's a positioning thing. Many Bothans died to Impales because of this information.

I'm er, not sure about the reference, but I don't see 1-2 range enemies engaging my own at 1-range that often.

The map is incomplete. Ike can reach a blocking spirit with Ragnell on Turn 1, without assistance. Nephenee could do the same, if we cared, but generally she wants to get shoved towards a deeper target, like one of the ones actually protecting Sephiran. Which she can do.

Of course Ike can. That's because he's forced into a good starting position.

And as I said, they're equal. Naesala doesn't need Nasir (in fact, if he has SS Strike he can ORKO Sephiran with Parity), Nephenee needs one fewer shove to reach enemies.

Better than a goose egg. Don't forget that my point was about 2-range combat; it's much easier to give Ena's Blood Tide to someone who can attack at range. If you place Ena such that she's kissing Dheg, you have three +5 STR spots to sttack D from, assuming that people have the ability to attack at range. The Ike/Shinon/Neph combo attack has taken down many a 4-E-3 boss. If you manage to cap Neph's STR, which is to say if you manage to play the game intelligently, she does 11x2 damage to him. God forbid that a unit dare only take away one-fifth of Dheg's health in one attack.

Why does Ena want to snuggle up to Deghinsea? If you place her diagonally adjacent, that leaves two spots adjacent to Degh, and one spot for Shinon to fire from (saving a Nihil). This also allows Caineghis and Giffca to reap the benefits of Blood Tide.

In addition, why can't Naesala cap his strength himself? He can make use of BEXP just as well as Nephenee. Maybe even better since he doesn't need to wait until 20/9, and strength is tied for his second highest growth, while for Neph it's tied for her fourth, even after she caps speed and skill. Dunno if he can reach SS Strike, though.

I say the 2-range thing is significant because it alters what we get out of the slot. Over Naesala, Nephenee gives us a Hetzel killer, a person who can fight Dheg competently, a slightly better spirit smasher, and someone who uses Tides differently in E-5. That is not to say that one is better than the other, but that 2-range is a factor to be considered in a comparison, AKA... wait for it... significant.


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*Sigh*. Anyway, I have a few more things to add:

- Did Int's suggestions. I think this will be enough. I might consider going back and placing Haar if necessary.

- I considered using Tanith, if only for the humor factor, but voted against it.

- The spare Speedwing -I hope- to give to Giffca, but I will reserve it in case Ike gets Spd-screwed (which... at this point is a "lol" concept).

Grand Total BEXP - 17349

Grand Total Cash (before selling Rexbolt and other junk) - 28,973

Now comes the final question, perhaps: Should I even try to support Nolan with anyone? I mean, I think he can live without it, but I unno.

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I was incorrect to leave that out, then, but I still don't think it's as important as his advantages over her.

Please feel free to argue that point with someone who actually made it. I won't stop you.

I prefer to kill Hetzel with a flier that can Canto into the middle of the Generals to weaken them (since they have an insane 40+def). The fliers also have an easier time reaching the Bishops since they can circumnavigate the General at the bottom of the stairs.

I also prefer to have Jill wtfpwn him with a Tomahawk and/or Forge, but that doesn't mean that Nephenee's prowess here is something that can be ignored. She would, after all, free up Jill to do something else.

I'm er, not sure about the reference, but I don't see 1-2 range enemies engaging my own at 1-range that often.

The reference is Star Wars, and the point was that a 1-2 range enemy will frequently engage a 1-2 range player at 1-range. If you don't notice it, well, that's weird, because it always happens to me. There may be some other variable that is not being accounted for, here.

Of course Ike can. That's because he's forced into a good starting position.

And as I said, they're equal. Naesala doesn't need Nasir (in fact, if he has SS Strike he can ORKO Sephiran with Parity), Nephenee needs one fewer shove to reach enemies.

They are not equal. There is an obvious difference in their Turn 1 reach, since Naesala starts untransformed.

Also, saying "if he has SS Strike" about Naesala is like making an argument for Mist's combat that assumes she's packing a rocket launcher. It's a fairy tale. Naesala needs 80 attacks to get to SS Strike, with three-ish scant chapters to do it in, and he's constantly Maelstroming himself in the talon by activating Tear/Adept and getting fewer than 2 WEXP on the kills that he DOES get.

Why does Ena want to snuggle up to Deghinsea? If you place her diagonally adjacent, that leaves two spots adjacent to Degh, and one spot for Shinon to fire from (saving a Nihil). This also allows Caineghis and Giffca to reap the benefits of Blood Tide.

Why wouldn't she? Putting Ena directly adjacent to Dheg gives you three Blood Tide spots, without stopping you from bracketing Dheg on the sides with 1-range attackers. Surely you realize that Cain and Giffca don't need Blood Tide in order to hurt D, and that as long as everyone is doubling and dealing >5 damage that it doesn't really matter who gets it as long as they aren't pushing out superior choices.

You're not saving a Nihil, since Ire doesn't activate at 2-range. If anything, three 2-range spots saves a Nihil. Except that we don't care to save Nihil anyway, since Dheg doesn't get an Enemy Phase and we have more than enough Nihil/Parity to go around to begin with.

In addition, why can't Naesala cap his strength himself? He can make use of BEXP just as well as Nephenee. Maybe even better since he doesn't need to wait until 20/9, and strength is tied for his second highest growth, while for Neph it's tied for her fourth, even after she caps speed and skill. Dunno if he can reach SS Strike, though.

Sure, Naesala can use BEXP just as well as Nephenee. Wait no, it's the other thing; not as well. Nephenee is BEXP abusing in tier 2, perhaps even with a Drop, so that she can show up as a Sentinel with a decent shot of having ~28 STR at 20/20/1. Note that with the Wishblade, she would only need to get +3 STR in her entire tier 3 career in order to tiegame Naesala's capped-STR mt with S Strike.

In other words, at the end of Naesala's epic +STR journey, his reasonable damage ceiling on D is going to be 8x2 with a Blood Tide. This is not quite as impressive as Nephenee's contribution, in my estimation.


Now comes the final question, perhaps: Should I even try to support Nolan with anyone? I mean, I think he can live without it, but I unno.

I had him supported with Jill, but he was never near her anyway except in 4-E-1 (which is one place where the support might actually help them). I'd do that, in the absence of a better idea.

Edited by Interceptor
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