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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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Things were turning violent quickly thanks to Kiev. He took his tome out of his robes, and stood ready to cast a spell.



Pary quickly took a few pans out of the bag, and slipped out of the tent leaving the headmaster alone with the other two. Walking back towards the fire, he spotted the groceries the bandit had bought earlier. He took some flour and other things out, and filled the pot up with water from a nearby river. He put it on the fire to boil, and set to prepare some biscuits.

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The moment Cess drew his tome, as if by magic, Naelia was beside him. If there was one thing she didn't lack, it was blinding speed. As quickly as she could, she slapped him on the cheek. "No! No! Bad boy! Bad boy! No spells!"


"What did you DO in the town... And why do I smell something delicious?"

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"We just picked up a couple of things for Esphyr,as for the smell,Pary is cooking something...why are you so interested?" Damian replied,looking at the headmaster curiously.

OoC: Cake isn't made yet...he wants it to be atleast sort of fresh,so 3 days before = no

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"Is that so?Then why not check out the commotion that was going on?I mean,I'm flattered that you'd choose to come see me,but surely there are more interesting people to dig up dirt on than little old Damian Kleine."

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"Ow. I wasn't going to attack unless you attacked first. Who are you anyway? Someone tie her up. We'll hand her over to the authorities."



Pary put the dough rounds in a skillet, and covered it with a lid. He piled some ashes on top to let it cook through, and turned back to the stew. The meat was cooking well, and the vegtables were simmering nicely. He added some spices from the bandit's groceries, and noticed some rice and beans too. He got more water, boiled them as well.

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"My ultimate creation...." Helios got up. Now visible was a ringed rope on the a floor. "Now to try it out." The war horse walked over a few feet away from Helios. He looked down and saw the ringed robe beneath his masters foot. He would have warned him but his eyes was on something else. The Elwind book on the floor. Helios picked it up and put it near a tree where the trap was set up. "Alright, here we go!" Helios pulled the rope. "Huh, what we- WHAT THE FA-". The rope circled around his foot and pulled him up. He was hanging upside down. The warhorse headed over to the Elwind tome. "Good boy, now edge that clo- hey, stop it! THATS NOT FOOD!" The horse started eating pages from the Elwind Tome. Okay, stay calm. Dont scream or anything. "STOP THAT YOU DUMB HORSE!" The horse looked at Helios. It turned its back on him. "Yeah you better run." Then to his surprise, the horse kicked Helios with all his strength.

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"Because I don't want my underwear stolen. I know who it is already. I recognize the style of stealing from when I was with the hero's, and I can tell you Naelia won't forget just because we fought alongside each other."


"Name's Naelia, and I've already taken most things of value from you guys. I just wanna rub it in your face at the moment."

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"Naelia...That ruckus is being caused by Naelia the Swift?!" Damian bolted upright,suddenly alert,only to cringe at the jolt caused by the quick movement.

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As the group up ahead broke into an argument, Arrin turned to Tessa. "Not again," he sighed. "I think my sister has some food in her saddlebags. Maybe if we sneak over...?"


Amari could not believe how the stupidity was escalating. She was torn between guarding Kelas and herding Kiev out of there. For the moment, though, she decided to stay put and watch.

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"Fine. You beat us. But give us our things back, or we're giving you to the authorities."



Pary could see Arrin and Tessa in the distance. He called out to them. "Oi! You two! You hungry? Dinner's ready!"

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Irina: What?! If she beat us, how are we supposed to turn her in? (She's too fast anyway. I doubt we could hit her with a random bolt of lightning.)

Kiev began strafing toward Irina while keeping his eyes on Naelia. If he found an opening, he'd take it. He was tired of losing scales, and was still outright furious.

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Heinz had separated from Arrin and Tessa, and gone off to do... whatever it was he did when he was alone. She wasn't going to bother him about it, just like she never bothered Helios, or whoever else decided to disappear to take care of some business or another. On the other hand, she was distinctly disinclined to get involved in whatever trouble the outlaw had found himself in this time, which may have turned out for the better, as Kiev suddenly broke loose and chased after something... presumably anyway. Tessa couldn't really be sure, as the wyvern was prone to odd moments, like that time where he had convinced himself that she had been some sort of food dispenser...

Arrin turned towards her, and suggested they grab something to eat from the saddlebags, as it hadn't seemed that anyone had prepared anything, but while the two were on their way towards where Amari was, the assumption was proven to be unfounded, as Pary called out to them, inviting them to eat. Tessa didn't really know much about this new priest actually. He'd been tied up for trespassing in Damian's manor, but then she'd left the room on other business before hearing the ultimate resolution, which had somehow concluded in his current presence with the group.

Shrugging, she turned toward the nomad mage and asked, "Shall we? A hot meal would certainly be better than some bread and jerky, don't you think?"

Edit: synonym substitution to avoid unsightly repetition

Edited by Balcerzak
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As the two sat down, Pary grabbed the handle of the oven, and managed to remove the pot, as well as the lid with out burning his hand too badly. He took two bowls and spooned the stew into them before plopping a biscuit into the bowls as well.

He handed the food and some utensils to the two. "It's just stew, nothing fancy. I made some rice and beans for anyone who wants some too." Pary got himself a bowl, and sat opposite the two.

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Standing at the edge of camp with saddlebags in hand, Heinz could see Irina, her wyvern Kiev, and a number of the others all gathered on the other side of camp. Heinz raised his eyes. Wonder why they're all gathered around that tree? Moving closer to the scene, he heard the girl call herself Naelia, and Heinz's eyes widened in surprise. Naelia the Swift? How arrogant of her to think she's stolen everything of value here.... not that it would have been very difficult. These people are easily distracted, you could probably steal their weapons and run away behind they realized it. Heinz snorted.

Pity you can't steal a Crimson Weapon though, Heinz mused. If that was possible, I'd be rich by now. These Halton books should be worth a couple bags of gold though, since you haven't managed to steal them. Heinz smirked as he turned his back and walked away from the confrontation.

Out of the corner of his eye, Heinz heard Pary calling Tessa and Arrin to eat and he frowned slightly. Wasn't that priest accused of poisoning Damian earlier? Still, the food smells good, and he doesn't have a reason to poison any of us... Shrugging his shoulders, he walked over to where the three were eating and placed his saddlebags on the ground before taking a plate and helping himself to some of the stew.

Sitting down next to the saddlebags, Heinz tasted the food tentatively. Not bad for a priest, guess someone taught him how to cook.

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Kiev was still eyeing the woman suspiciously, and not moving his gaze for a minute. Turning to Irina, "Well, it's only fair. She returns the things or jail."

Turning to the thief, "Sounds fair? Or I have something that might intrest you a bit more."



Pary finished his first bowl. Before having seconds, he stood up. "The group that went after that thief can eat when they get back. I'll be right back."

Walking over to Damian and Aiya's tent he popped his head in telling them dinner was ready. He walked by and saw that other wyvern rider next to the pegasus night.

"Dinner's ready you two. Stew and biscuits, and rice and beans."

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Irina: Okay, not the point, Cess. My point was "If we can't catch her, how are we supposed to send her to jail?".

Irina suddenly felt her hair brushing against the back of her armor. Her hair ties were gone, and her hair had been completely let down!

Irina: Hey!! Give those back you sneaky little bitch!!

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"Of course not.It's just...surprising that someone like her would be here,of all places." Damian replied,before Pary reappeared.

"We'll be there in a minute."

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Naelia gave a small giggle before she pointed to Kiev. Strung across the wyverns horns was a lock of Cess's hair, bound in Irina's hairties like a makeshift wig. "You can have them back once Kiev finished admiring his new hairpiece. And there's no point turning me in. They won't touch someone who once saved the world from destruction, not to mention I've already stolen all their key-HURK!"

Naelia suddenly collapsed forwards, clutching her belly as wild and spasming pains shot through her stomach.

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Kiev's eyes wandered up to the top of his head! Suddenly one of those strange massive sweatdrops like from mangas appeared over his head! He quickly put his head to the ground and began swiping at the makeshift wig! Unable to get it off, he snarled in anger! Suddenly, in the middle of her rant, Naelia keeled over! No way in hell would he pass this up! He quickly leaped forward, landing next to her with a loud thud, and then smacking her flat on the ground with his paw before using it as a two hundred pound weight to pin her! Next he lowered his head to her face and bared his fangs at the girl!

Irina: Holy wyvern! :o

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OOC: This post takes place two posts after my last one.

What to do? Everyone was busy with doing their own thing he had to figure out how to get himself down by himself. Thats right. He took out the knife from earlier. He started cutting the rope and then it came loose. "Yes" He managed to say as the knife cut through clean. However he dropped quite a distance, hit his head and was knocked out. The horse, still looking a bit hungry went over by Pary. What he wanted was pretty clear.

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"This is really good!" Arrin said between bites, wolfing a ridiculous amount of food down. He only stopped when a small orange blur appeared and affixed itself to the top of his head: "Hullo," he told the cat, trying to look up at it without dislodging it, "I thought you'd stayed at the house, where it was safe?"

The cat miaowed in response: safety was overrated. Food, however...

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