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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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Shanice lowered its bow just before shapeshifting yet again! As Conrad and Viveka stood up, a shadow was cast over them! They looked up to see a massive purple bull wyvern with its wings outstretched!

Conrad: What kind of demon is that?

Viveka: Shapeshifter >_>'

Shanice: Impressed yet?

Viveka: Kyahh!! He can talk in that form?!!

The Shanice quickly pounced on the both of them! They barely escaped, though the large tent they'd made was smashed! The both of them took off running as fast as they could as the demonic wyvern chased after them!

Conrad: Viveka! Strategies?!

Viveka: Yeah!! Run like hell!!

Megae blew passed Chase and quickly came upon Irina and Levski!

Megae: Not red ... and definitely not red ... YOU'RE MINE!!!

She lunged forward at lightning speed!

Irina: Lev! It's her!

Lev: Defense!! Now!!

Her blades came down hard, blocked by Levski's axe! Krinkov took the chance to try to maul her, but she was away before he could land a single attack! She quickly rushed in again, but Levski blocked her a second time! Her swords were starting to cut into his axe! A few more hits, and she'd cut through like butter.

Lev: These isn't looking good! Irina, get ready! We have to take these woman at the same time!

Irina: Uh ... okay ... (How?! She's just as fast as that Naelia girl that's been robbing us blind!)

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"Gah!" screamed Esphyr, her wrist starting to stress almost immediatly under the strain of wielding a two-handed blade with only one hand. As quickly as the sword appeared, Esphyr recalled it. Yet she was far from finished. Her blade was locked with Ruby's. As her hand went back down to bolster the blade, she lowered her shoulder, twisting her sword about to move both weapons out of the way, and Ruby exposed to be barreled over.

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"No...Damian! Dammit Damian! Where are you? You hiding? If you are and we survive, you're never going to hear the end of it!"

"Ahh...gonna....protect you guys." And with that, Alferis blacked out.

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Esphyr knocked Ruby's sword out of her hand. With a quick jolt Esphyr cut through Ruby with ease. Ruby fell on the floor. "There is no way i'll lose to a bitch like you!" Miracle formed in her hand as she got up and started swing furiously at Esphyr.

"Esphyr" Damian yelled as he headed in her direction. But then Petros appeared in front of him. "Berthold's son. I expect a good fight." Damian brandished his lance and attacked Petros

Edited by Kai
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"Oh I'm sure the bandit's fine. He's taken heavier blows." Pary and Cess got Morgan off of Morrey, and set her on the ground. Pary focused the staff on the bleeding coming from her abdoman, and mended her broken bones as well. They could be heard moving back into their places.

OOC: Is Cynthia on? Or does Phoenix have Charlotte/Morgan CC's too?

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"Ungh!" grunted Esphyr as she raised up the flat of her blade to parry Ruby's blow. However, there was a small problem now. Namely that her sword was occupied, and Esphyr lacked some way to actually hurt Ruby aside from punching her! Never the less, that's exactly what Esphyr chose to do, making a fierce right hook towards Ruby's gullet.


Meanwhile, the Headmaster had set down atop one of the roofs, and a moment later, already taken off. In each hand was a load of four bricks. Four bricks, which she intended to use as bombs!

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OOC: I've got way too many CCs right now. If you really want me to, I'll do them, but expect huge post gaps.

@ Snowy

Iso is talking to Katie ... write something so he can go play Fire Boy.


Hearing the commotion, Iso quickly let Katie down! Then he saw the bull wyvern chasing Conrad and Viveka!

Iso: A purple bull wyvern?! SHANICE!!!

He quickly turned to Katie and put his hands on her shoulders!

Iso: Stay low, don't let them see you! I've got to back them up before someone gets killed!

Lucille and Jasmine had unhitched all three pegasi and taken to the sky! Susann quickly flew to Viveka and whisked her away! Conrad slid to a stop near a tree, and Shanice cornered him!

Shanice: Awww ... the peggies abandoned you? Oh well ... you're crimson axe, and your life is MINE!!

Conrad: Tch ... idiot.


Shanice: Huh?

With three swift strikes, Shanice's skull was slashed open by lances! Blood gushed everywhere, and Conrad rolled out of the way as some of it splattered against the tree! He quickly let his axe fall! BOOM!!! The tremor flowed out in all directions before he lunged and slashed Shanice's chest! The wyvern fell, and stopped moving!

Conrad: ... no ... still not impressed yet.

Megae rushed at them again, but this time Eric appeared and blocked her attack!

Eric: Need some help?!

Lev: Hah! You bet your ass we do! Irina, help, Eric take her down!

Irina: What are you going to do?!

Lev: My axe is totaled. I'm getting my lance.

Megae and Eric starte exchanging blows until Irina came rushing in! Eric used her attack runs to recover his balance and recover from blocking fatigue! Meanwhile, Derek and Dani came out from the tents with their weapons drawn!

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Ruby was hit. She had enough of this bitch. What good is a crimson weapon without its wielder. She broke away and charged at Esphyr aiming to impale her.

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"Yeah, somebody's stolen--" Kelas began to tell Heinz, but was interrupted: four demons had appeared, straight out of nowhere. "Tell you later!" she shouted, stringing her bow and bringing up an arrow. "Amari!" She leapt onto the mare's back, charging Shanice.

Arrin's hopes for breakfast were dashed by the appearance of the demons. "Where'd they come from?" he asked, drawing Daranau and looking about urgently for Tessa and Kelas.

Seeing Isotov leave Katie, Megae spotted her chance. "NOT RED!" she shrieked gleefully, leaving Eric jumping for Katie and bowling her over, blades pinning her arms. "Funfunfun!" she cackled, a glowing circle forming around her.

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As swiftly as she broke away, Esphyr dropped into a defensive stance with her blade held out before her, angled so that the flat faced to Ruby and slanted downwards to provide protection. A defensive stance, pure and simple.


Iso! Be careful! scribbled Katie before she was tackled to the ground. Her arms were swiftly pinned, but two important things were not. Her head, and her legs. Quickly, Katie bashed her head up, seeking to headbutt Megae.


Upon her return to the camp, the headmaster pulled out one of the bricks. With her spirit-aided eyes, she picked out Ruby first of all, and let the brick drop on a collision course for the back of her head!

Edited by Snowy_One
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A circle appeared behind Esphyr then Ruby appeared ready to kill her. Then the Headmaster dropped the bomb (Lmaooooo). Ruby couldnt feel anything anymore. Her blade dissapered and she was on her knees, defeated

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Helios was still casting Elwind at Petros. Then Petros came up from behind him and was about to smash his head when Damian arrived. "What are you doing, go after Esphyr!" Damian spun his lance over his head. "She can handle herself, you cant." Helios growled. Petros charged at Damian. Helios slipped to the side and cast Hellsety. Damian attacked Petros with his lance

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OOC: Please pardon my epic.


Shanice could barely hear Megae calling to him ... "-et over here!". Suddenly, his eyes opened up wide and he went into a rage!


The purple bull wyvern quickly disappeared into a mass of oozing flesh! Within a few moments, several heads shot forth! These heads were like the heads of dragons! There were five in total! The mass of flesh never took a true form, but the five heads lashed out! They began launching ice attacks at EVERYONE in sight! The mass of flesh quickly grew long, lucid, and almost liquid arms that raced off through the camp, dragging down tents, and trying to sweep people off their feet! One arm wrapped around Iso's feet as he rushed to save Katie, and he was hauled into the air! Morgan's unconscious form was quickly hauled up from the ground, and even Cess was wrapped up due to proximity!


The five heads continued their relentless assault and shot forth to down all three pegasus knights! With three loud impact sounds, all three of them fell from the sky! One of the heads quickly turned to face Conrad, and before he could react, an ice ball collided with his feet and held him in place!

Shanice: Win? You can't win!! I won't let you win!! I'll take all of your weapons!! Then I'll kill the left overs!! Come and die!! I'll take you all on!!

Suddenly azure flames raced over his body and engulfed Iso and Morgan as they dangled helplessly!

Iso: Urgh! Proxima! No way! Proxima!!

Iso's call released a spell that blew apart the arm holding him! He fell onto the ground, and then quickly prepared to cast again! He aimed for the arm holding Morgan, but before he could free her, he took a direct hit from the stump of the arm he'd blown apart! He slid across the ground near Katie and Megae!

Iso: Argh! Oh no! Morgan! (He's going to steal Midnight!)

As the fires engulfed her, the Crimson tome Midnight was unbound from Morgan, and disappeared into Shanice's body!

Shanice: Hahahahaaaah!! My thanks, Shamaness ... you ... may die now.

Suddenly Ulfhrahn latched onto the liquid like arm and ripped it apart allowing Morgan to fall a short distance! Already waiting for the opportunity to help, Derek caught her! Not far away, Levski had retrieved his lance, and one of the shields!

Lev: Losing is not my style ... demon ....


Current form: Big ass multi headed thing(he's in mid transformation)

Approximate size: 100 feet wide, 30 feet tall

Hint: The bigger Shanice is, the weaker his mana network becomes(which is why Iso freed himself so easily).

EDIT: Spelling error, and Morgan grabbing location retcon.

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Petros looked back. "What does Shanice think he is doing?" Then a frenzy of razor wind attacked him. "You got bigger problems then that Helios said. Petros summoned a bunch of stones and hurled them at Helios. However the Elwind blast cut them into little pieces. "I said you have bigger problems!" Helios exclaimed pointing towards the sky. Damian appeared, spun his lance and thrusted downward into Petros skull.

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"What the hell?!" Kelas shouted, whirling to send an arrow reflexively into the huge purple thing.

"Everyone duck!" Arrin sent a massive ball of lighting hurtling at Shanice.

"Boss let's go!" Megae shrieked as more attacks came.

edit: added Megae line

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Cess had become wrapped up in a different tentacle (?) from Morgan. "Urk! Let...me..go! I don't use a crimson weapon!" Cess took a deep breath. He focused, and tried to move his arms. He felt his tome, and was able to slice off one of the tentacles. He dropped to the ground, and passed out from the shock.



Pary had walked away from the shamaness before the being had grabbed her. He ran up to the thing and took out his Divine tome, surrounding two of the skulls, engorging them in light.

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There was a sickening crunch as the lance thrusted into his skull. Then the lance came out of his face clean. Helios and Damian looked with horror as his body transformed into rock. He swung at Helios knocking him to the ground. Damian brandished his Gae - Borg and charged. It was for naught as Petros knocked him down too. He went over to Helios. "Time to sever."


Ruby appeared behind Megae and cast a shield. Her head hung low. "We need to combine our power to disperse the form and warp him back."

EDIT: Added Ruby line

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Shanice: No! We're not leaving yet! Kill them, Megae! We haven't been over powered yet!!

Suddenly a lightning bolt struck one of his heads! The head exploded, sending parts flying everywhere! Then two heads were wrapped in light magic! They quickly melted into liquid only to be replaced in seconds! Once the heads had returned, a new number hovered above the group! There were now eight heads attacking everything in sight!

Shanice: GIVE IT UP!!!

Irina flew alongside Levski as they prepared to move in, and they were soon flanked and followed by Aiya! The three wyvern riders rushed in to do what they could! The arms were still seeking out whoever they could, and several of them happened upon the downed pegasus knights! The girls stood up and prepared to fight back! As one arm assaulted them, Viveka span around and kicked it away before leaping away from the second arm's leg sweep! As the arms focused on Viveka, she defended with block after block, and evade after narrowly successful evade! Just as they thought they had a chance at escaping, a fourth arm close lined all three of them! They were sent flying along with their injured pegasi over the long slope!

Another arm ventured over to Conrad, aiming to steal the Earthshaker as well!

Conrad: (Well this isn't good.)

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Sneaking around the trees at the side of camp, Heinz had managed to avoid detection as the sword wielding demon engaged in a fight with Esphyr. High above him he heard someone yell "Triangle attack!" and Heinz looked up to see three pegasus riders attacking a giant purple wyvern. "Looks like they're taking care of Shanice," Heinz muttered.

To the side, he could hear the demon who had stabbed him in a previous fight call for a retreat. Pinned beneath her was Katie, and Heinz was deliberating whether to attack the stab-happy demon when he heard something scream. Isotov and Morgan were being held by a huge five headed purple demon, even bigger than the purple wyvern had been previously. Seems like this shapeshifter is more powerful than I thought...

As the demon triumphantly declared his victory, Heinz clenched his teeth. The Crimson Weapons are not meant for pompous fools like you, "I intend on finishing this job," Heinz growled under his breath. Taking out two more of his knives, Heinz threw the two one after another, aimed directly at the neck of one of the five heads.

Dodging around the giant masses of ice littering the ground, Heinz rushed closer to the dragon. "The fool fire mage should just blow the damned thing up," Heinz said, annoyed. The one time it would actually be useful to start a fire...

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Pleased with her work the headmaster continued. She dropped another bomb on Petros destroying his stone armor. Damian saw his chance. He threw Gae - borg and it pierced him through the heart. Petros fell on his knees. A circle appeared under him and warped him away. Then the headmaster glanced at the Hydra. That was her next target.

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Eric, Derek, and Dani

Seeing that the demon had been grazed by an arrow, Eric used the opportunity to aim a solid kick into the demoness. Then he flipped and slammed the blade down at her face.

Derek, in the meantime, took Morgan out of cover. Then, he spotted a lone horse, tied to a tree...

"Just fry it!" Dani shouted, beginning what seemed to be a thunderstorm, firing Boltings with frenetic speed.

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OOC: Don't be to concerned about the number of heads growing back.


The wyvern riders assaulted the heads as the lightning attacks struck! The attacks destroyed four heads in total, and then the number of heads jumped to twelve!

Lev: What is these thing?!!

Irina: Yaawhoa! This is so gross!!


As the arms lunged for Conrad, he slammed the Earthshaker to the ground shattering the ice, before leaping away! As the pegasi and their riders tumbled down the slope, they screamed and yelled! Numerous demonic arms followed them, hoping to catch them at the bottom! Sure enough, as their decent came to an end, they were all strangled by the arms! Six arms, three riders, and three pegasus, tangled in a deadly embrace! The three of them were hauled off the ground while their bodies were slowly being constricted!

Viveka: Urgh ... C-can't ... breathe! So-meone help!

The demonic arms quickly squeezed so tightly that one of the pegasi flared out its wings! The sound of its neck being crushed cut through it's death cry!

As Shanice was bombarded by more and more thunder attacks, Iso finally stood up! He was pretty banged up, but alive!

Iso: YOU!!!

With another call, he sent a red fire attack straight in with the thunder barrages! Shanice's body was starting to give off smoke and embers from the attacks, and his screams were filling the air!

OOC: The next post will likely be the "Ahhhhh I'm reverting to something small and swift again ... noooooo" >_>'

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