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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 13: Stabby Stabby Stabby!


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"I'm fine thanks." said Charlotte quickly, pulling herself away from Damian's hand. "Just uh, tired that's all. I'm off to bed." she said, walking to a tent.

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Helios got up and went over to his horse who was still finishing up the bag of treats he stole from Arrin. Helios rose his hands ready to strike the damn thing. After reconsidering he brought down his hands slowly and petted the horse. The horse looked up to its master. How can a human being be so dumb? He didnt care. However he was getting a little thirsty. The horse got up and headed for a stream not far from here. Helios seeing that he had nothing to do looked for his tome. "He ate through 13 pages? Damn horse."

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Charlotte quickly backed away and stalked off to her tent.

"That was odd...if she's still acting weird in the morning,I'll ask Tessa to check up on her,I guess..." Damian commented to himself,as Aiya sat down next to him again.

"What happened to Helios?"

"I'm not sure.Something to do with his horse,knowing him,he did something to upset the poor thing and it kicked him." Aiya responded,and the pair went back to their stew for the time being.

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OOC: Kiev Woobie Status ... APPROVED


The last thing Kiev saw before being blasted in the face were two dark spells flying toward him! He let out a sharp cry that carried for nearly a mile, stirring creatures everywhere, and nearly blowing out eardrums of the nearby party members!

Irina: Argh!! Oh no, Kiev!!

Irina rushed over to him as he hissed and thrashed around! Once she reached him, she wrapped her arms around his head and tried to calm him down! A few seconds later, Krinkov had arrived! His silent approach was completely unnoticed, but his landing gave him away! He put himself between Kiev, and the shamans! He recognized the damage to Kiev's face and knew they were the only ones who could do it! The look in his eyes and the tone of his snarls were clear "Get back!"

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The thief had run behind Kiev. Cess quickly disapated the spell before it hit him, and walked around the wyvern to the thief. "I'm getting tired of this. Someone get the authorities or something. I sure Viveka and the general can do something about this thief."



"She might just be tired. We were though alot lately with the graveyard and those homeless. Does anyone ant any more? Otherwise I might as well turn in. I can clean up in the morning."

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As Krinkov left, Amari was torn: obviously Kiev was in trouble... but Kelas came first. She stood fast.


Far off, a demon tossed and spun her swords idly, staring up at the sky. "We going yet, Boss?" she asked.

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However, it was little good. The thief was gone, the only sign of her presence being the remains of the shattered glass. That, and a small letter that lay upon the ground. If you want your things back, bring the wench Esphyr to Jace. If you delay, I will choke the chicken first. Every day you intentionally delay, I will steal another object. Your lovable thief, Naelia~

P.S. Morgan, how do you do your hair? It's totally cool!

"Well damn it!" exclaimed Esphyr, picking up the note. "Why me anyways? What did I do to her?"

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I wonder who this can be.....

"Careful with those!" Another demoness wailed as one came close to cutting her. "You will be joining us, wont you Petros?"

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The baddies

Shanice: Not up to me, Megae. It's up to the bosses over there ... but as I said. No more screwing around. I was too close to screw up again. When we do attack them, I'm not letting up until the crimson weapon hosts are incapacitated, and the extra fluff are DEAD! They don't stand a chance against my more powerful forms!

Shanice was growling pretty much the entire time he spoke.

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Morgan looked at the note oddly My hair just kind of falls like this... "We will probably need to go to Septimus eventually, lest we end up losing all our possessions. For now, I think we should fetch a healer for Kiev. Probably Lev as well, to get Krinkov out of the way."

Petros nodded. "Indeed. Focus on severing a weapon. Kill any non-wielders who get in our way. Do not be afraid to use force on the wielders, but make sure it is non lethal." He cast a glance over at Megae. "Let us wait to attack, they seem rather alert at the moment."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Upon hearing Kiev wail out in pain,Aiya stood up quickly and looked towards the direction it came from.

"Let's go." Damian said,looking at her.

When the pair arrived,it was clear that Kiev had been hit by friendly fire,either that,or the group had been ransacked by druids.Seeing Esphyr curse,while holding a note,he walked up to her.

"What's going on?"

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"We can't do much now anyways." said Esphyr. "Even if I mounted Kiev and flew there direct, it would take three days or so, and... I'd rather not arrive there on that day for my own reasons. Why is she interested in your hair anyways? Ah well, Morgan, bed now? Should I take first watch?"

OOC: Timeskip at posters leasure.

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OOC: Timeskip!

IC: With the coming of the morning sun, Esphyr was the first to awaken. Rather, as she awoke, she was the only one within the tent awake. She could see the headmaster, laying with her wings fanned out wide beside her, as well as the rest of the unwoken party sleeping comfortably. However, Damian was already awake, as were several other people she expected.

"Ohhhh~ Ooo~"

As she rested, the headmaster had taken to gently stroking her wings. Polished-green fingernails gently traced over green feather as the sylph woman's body twitched in her sleep like a dog. A pleasurable look, as if she were receiving a soothing massage, covered her face as she gently rolled about. It was an adorable scene to anyone whom was in love with her. It was disturbing to anyone not, and Esphyr was not. With a quick gulp, she made her way outside, ready to great the morning.

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Light filtered in through some thin wall. Kelas sat up, blinking: she was in some tent, alone... and somewhat cold, and rather hungry. She scrambled to her feet, wincing slightly as cramped muscles made themselves known, and headed for the tent flap. Amari stood dozing outside; that was a good sign, anyway.

Her tunic had been bloodied beyond repair; the bandages underneath were likely in similar shape. Grumbling out of habit, she dug a clean tunic and roll of bandages out of her saddlebags, along with some food. She noticed that half of what she'd stored was gone. "Right, who ate three days' worth of my food?" she asked whoever was listening, heading back into the tent to change, facing away from the tent flap in case anyone was stupid enough to enter.


As the sun rose, Megae jumped up and started doing flips on the grass in boredom. "We going yet?" She was more than ready to start killing things.

OOC: Inopportune times! There are them.

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Damian had not slept for very long.Having spent a good deal of time resting due to his ailment,he was rather energetic,and had gotten up before even the crack of dawn.

He had decided a bit of throwing practice was in order,as he had not had time to do so within the last couple of weeks.Carving the outline of a human into a tree,he stepped back a good deal,and began hurling the javelins at his target.


Damian had been throwing the spears for a decent amount of time,and the morning dew had settled on him,dampening the cotton shirt and pants he had been wearing.They clung to his frame slightly as he moved to throw the javelin,but it didn't make any difference.

'I'll just change later.'

The javelin flew in a fine arc,tip glistening in the morning sun.The blade came to a stop with a dull thud as it hit the tree.Taking a closer look,the javelin was lodged perfectly into the throat of the carving.Before moving to retrieve it,Damian called out.

"Who's there?"

OOC: Anyone who wants to can be watching,but I need somebody.

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Tessa had had an enjoyable meal, puttered around a bit and made sure that Trevor was brushed, feed, and comfortable, and had made her way to a tent at random.

It wasn't perhaps the best of choices, as for some reason Krinkov had lain down in front of it, and let out a low rumbling as she approached. Meeting the wyvern's stare, she tried to intimidate it back through force of will, but met with no measurable success. A sudden roar broke the deadlock, as Krinkov was immediately off to investigate the cause.

Tessa took advantage of the opportunity, and had snuck into the tent. Kelas was shivering on a bedroll, so she lain Arrin's cloak across the nomad, and then set herself up in her own little corner of the tent.

OOC: Pre-timeskip. More later, if I can.

Edit: Since Clockwork beat me to it, Tessa picked a different tent. Random I guess. I'll get to it when I'm able. She probably got roped into investigating the roar or something and, yeah. I don't even know.

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Levski and Viveka

The two had been talking for awhile, and the discussion had steadily moved from couple relationships to combat techniques. Viveka had mostly been bragging about how easy it is to break someone's neck with the sheer force of her kicks. Levski had merely been eying her legs the entire time.

Viveka: So you don't believe me?

Lev: I believe you. I'm little curious as to why you didn't just kill me with one of those kicks during our fight.

Viveka: Because, it was obvious that you're a lecher. I'm wearing a skirt. the last thing I planned on doing was lifting my feet up without a damn good reason. Besides, I still had my lance. Better to use that. Anyone else, I'd have gone all out on >_>'

Lev: Awww, you're conservative with your goods. That's so cute.

Viveka: Watch it.

Lev: Oh I'm watching.

Viveka: (Grrrrrrrr) >_>' ... you know what, I bet I could knock you on your butt with one half powered kick.

Lev: Oh really? o_o

Viveka: Yep.

Levski confidently took a few steps back and crossed his arms, before lifting on hand up to gesture with.

Lev: Alright, let's see what you've got.

Viveka: (Does he know there's a fifty foot slope right behind him?)

She decided to just go for it and rushed him! He prepared mentally to counter her! Suddenly, he moved his foot back to enter his fighting stance and his foot slipped into the slope!

Lev: Oh sh*t-

Viveka's kick nailed him right in the head, but with so little resistance, he wasn't seriously hurt, and they both went tumbling over the edge! The two riders rolled down the hill at top speed, ending with Levski upside down with his legs running up a tree trunk, and Viveka up in the tree itself somehow! Since she was unconscious already, she fell out of the tree and landed on Levski's chest, damn near smashing his rib cage!

Lev: ... urrrrgh ... (I wanted to get horizontal with the kitty ... but not like these ...)

He quickly passed out. After a few minutes, Viveka woke up and crawled off of him before trying to wake him up. No good, he was completely out cold.

Viveka: ... Errrr ... this is all your fault, tough guy! If you hadn't goaded me into attacking, we'd be still bragging instead of lying on the grass covered in dirt! Dammit!



Iso woke up with his head in the same place it was last night ... in Katie's bosom. Feeling a little victorious in that regard, he smiled, and then slowly lifted his head, to see if she was awake.


Irina had stayed with Kiev the entire night, and Krinkov, though suspicious of the shamans, trusted the healers enough to let them heal Kiev. For once, Kiev's injuries wouldn't hinder him, or leave any scarring marks. When she woke up, she stayed right where she was and thought to herself.

Levski and Viveka

When Levski finally woke up, he saw Viveka sleeping next to him.

Lev: Huh? Hey, Kitty! Wake up! Are you alright?!

She slowly came to and punched him on the shoulder!

Viveka: Ow!

Lev: Hurt your hand?

Viveka: Yes! Ohhh.

Lev: What happened? Did you just wake up?

Viveka: No! You wouldn't wake up, and I couldn't just leave you here for the wolves, so I ... slept ... with ... you >_>' (And ... here ... we ... go ...)

Lev: (Nah ... she's genuinely concerned. I'll save these one for later.) ... thanks. Outsiders don't usually do that.

Viveka: Outsiders? Oh right, you are one of Ivanko's mercenaries.

Lev: Yep.

He quickly stood up and brushed himself off, and then offered her a hand. Once they were both up, he looked back up the hill.

Lev: Well, it's morning. Let's get back up there before they think we ran off to do something inappropriate.

Viveka: Hu- Ack! Uh ... yeah. Let's go right now!

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Pary was sitting by the remains of last night's fire. He had been up a little for a while, and was cleaning up before they got on the road again. He had taken the pots and pans from last night, and washed them out in the river, before getting another pot of water for morning coffee.

He saw Kelas walk out of her tent. "You're finally up? You might want me or Charlotte to take a look at your wound again before we start out. Do you mind helping me get some fire wood?"



Cess walked out of his tent, noticing several people up. He walked to the river, and washed his face. A fish swam in front of him. He hadn't had fish in a while. "Maybe we can have some breakfast."

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"Good morning,Esphyr."

So Esphyr had been watching.She seemed tired,but looked at him rather curiously.

'I wonder what that's about...'

As he ran a hand through his hair to stop it from plastering itself to his face,he realized the problem.It seems Damian had been outside so long,that the accumulated dew made it look like he had recently jumped into a lake,fully clothed!

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