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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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"Didnt know you would take it like that." Helios scoffed. "You know Miss Morgan. Then only people that care for her is Tessa, yourself and I. We will go looking for her later but as of now we have the enemy to deal with."

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Seeing Arrin nearly run down by one of the mounted enemies, Tessa quickly made her way over and healed the nomad. "Arrin, how are you doing? Can you hold in there? I can't lose both you and Sis. I just can't!"


OOC: May add more flavor soon, but...

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"Urgh!" Conrad exclaimed. "Little... I'll get you back... mark my words..." he groaned, before slipping into unconsciousness.

"Hey, you! I'm the only one who's supposed to fight back against him," Chase shouted at the soldier, then noticed the lance. "... But I'll let it slide for now.. heheh..." he muttered, then turn around, shooting at a soldier. This is for Morgan! he thought, hitting the soldier square on the chest with a shot from the Zephyrtwine, wincing from its power. The soldier hit him back weakly, but Chase fired a second arrow to his face, killing him.

Soldier= 1/9

Chase= 3/9


Chase gains 10 exp.

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"No you don't!" Kelas wheeled about to attack the cavalier that had gone for Arrin.

(5,2,1) Hit! Kelas does 0 damage!

"...Shit." The arrow hit armor, and the cavalier returned with a lance charge.

(5,6,6) Hit! Critical hit! Cavalier does 12 damage! Kelas KO!

The lance went clean through Kelas' side, puncturing a lung and throwing her from the saddle. She lay unmoving on the ground.

"No!" Arrin turned back to the cavalier, firing off a spell at the fighter nearest him in order to clear the way to Kelas.

(2,6,6) Hit! Critical hit! Arrin does 24 damage! Arrin loses 1 HP! Fighter X (whichever is still alive) dies!

Arrin 7/10 Arrin 10EXP Kelas KO

OOC: changed flavor text

oh and someone please drag Kelas out of the way, I don't want to kill-kill her here.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Cess managed not to get hurt too much from the swordfighter's stroke. Someone decided to deal with it, and he saw a fighter weakened in the distance.


Hit! Damage dealt, 8! Fighter X (The one with 10 HP) 2/18!



Pary saw the shaman trying to finish off a fighter. He stepped in to help, and took out his Divine tome.


Hit! Damage dealt, 7! Fighter KO'd!

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Cringing at the blow, Derek slammed his weapon into an already injured soldier, weakening it further, before getting hit hard enough that he had to retreat.


[2,2,4] = Hit! 7-4 = 3 Points of Damage!

[2,6,1] = Hit! 11-4 = 7 points of damage! Derek is out!

Derek gains 5 EXP.

Derek Retreat.

Loldier 3/9 HP


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The Battle

Iso and Irina quickly met up! Iso hopped right on behind Irina!

Irina: Hey! I thought I told you to fight on foot!

Iso: Katie's with the others, we'll be alright, now bring me closer to someone so I can blast them!

Irina paused. Iso was making demands. She wasn't used to having a brother around even after all they'd been through and was surprised by his behavior.

Iso: Tch ... please?

Irina: ... alright! Let's see if we can nail one! Together!

Iso: Fly us to the fighter over there!

Irina: Yeah, sure, pick the buff one with no resistance >_>'

The two quickly launched an all out assault against the nearest fighter! Irina attacked first striking the fighter and killing him! A soldier quickly rushed them and Iso blasted him with a fire attack before his lance was thrust passed his head! Viveka swooped by to assist but missed! the soldier tried to stab her during her retreat but Susann hightailed it and the attack missed!

Iso: Hey, be careful! Your pegasus is injured!

Viveka: I already know that!

Iso: Find Tessa or Pary!

Viveka: They're busy! I'll take a vulnerary when I get the chance.

Irina rolls 5,6,1


HIT 8 vs Evade 3 = HIT

12 vs DEF 4 = -8 hp


Iso rolls 3,3,4


HIT 7 vs Evade 6 = HIT

DMG 6 vs RES 0 = -6 hp

Soldier rolls 2,6,6


HIT 4 vs Evade 5 = MISS

Viveka rolls 4,5,5


HIT 6 vs Evade 6 = MISS

Soldier rolls 2,6,3


HIT 4 vs Evade 8 = MISS

Iso hp 11/12

Irina hp 13/15

Viv hp 4/12

Soldier hp 3/9

Irina Exp: +10

Iso Exp: +5

Viv Exp: +0

EDIT: Retconned


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"Hnnn?" Reika woke up with a jolt, feeling new life in her. That healer must've done it again. she thought annoyed. Just when she got up, a group of soldiers arrived, some swordssmen, some axemen, and some heavily armored.

"Great," she muttered, summoning her daggers.

As the battle raged around her, she kid pick up a few things. While Chase killed a man with an arrow to the face, Conrad fell and Heinz was looking to be in very bad shape. They were clearly outnumbered and outmatched.

"Bah. If I gotta go this way, gonna take down a few soldiers while I'm at it," she muttered, going for one of the axemen. She aimed at his chest, but he was big and decently armored, the blows she struck not doing much. He swung out, but she ducked quickly, daggers up in a defensive position.

Reika (1,2,4) Hit! 2+3-4= 1 damage. Fighter #1 17/18

Fighter #1 (4,1,3) Miss.

Reika (5,1,5) Hit! 1+3-4= 0 damage. Figher #1 17/18. Reika 7/9

Reika gains 5 exp.

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(Non-post post)

Shortly after she had tended to Arrin, the nomad's sister was violently ejected from the saddle, and hit the ground with a sickening thud. Tessa's expression grew somber, as she rushed over to the woman, trying to make sure she as alright.

She wasn't, though. The nomad's wounds were incredibly severe. Tessa quickly set to work, fighting to keep her away from death's door.

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"Dammit, Kelas and Conrad are down.... Aiya bring Conrad here! Damian stay here. Its time we end this." Damian used to fighting alongside the wind mage ,complied. "What do you want, Helios?" Helios pointed at the leader. Attack him. I'll back you up after i rescue Kelas." After Aiya returned with Conrad, Helios went out to help Tessa revive Kelas. Damian blocked Alex's path. "Your not going anywhere....."

Damian vs Alex. Cue badass music


Damian stabbed his lance at Alex but missed. Alex retaliated but his blow was parried by Damian's lance. "You good, you know that you prick?"

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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(post post)

Having stabilized Kelas for the moment, Tessa directed Amari. "Guard her! Kick, bite, thrash anyone who tries to hurt her, you know what to do!" Letting the mare guard the fallen woman, Tessa's work was not yet done. Spotting the blue armored cavalier moving a little stiffly, she rode up and helped to ease his pain. Finding a small lull in the battle, she extended her staff and prayed, rejuvenating him slightly.

(Derek 5/12? -> 11/12?)

The cocksure, outlaw archer was nearby, and while Tessa never really liked him, he was a decent ally, and needed help.

(Chase +6 HP [i don't know what the actual numbers are.])

Edit: Apparently in the course of ret-conning conflicting targets, Derek now downed himself... Had to change.

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As the fighter fell under the others' attacks, Arrin went for the cavalier. (OOC: Yes I know it's a bad idea.)

(1,6,3) Hit! Arrin does 12 damage! Arrin loses 1 HP! Cav falls!

"Is she going to be okay?" Arrin called to Tessa.


Amari couldn't understand the blond one's speech, but she knew what she needed to be doing. She stood directly over Kelas, legs fencing out any attackers, but she knew it wasn't enough: trampling was still not ruled out. Someone had to get Kelas out of there, and Amari did not have thumbs. Amari looked about, whinnying for help: there. Kiev, the pegasus, the red man. All allies of a sort.

She hoped they heard her.

Arrin 6/9 Arrin 10 EXP

edit: added Amari bit

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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Buck stops here.

Enemy Phase


Loldier VS Viveka[1,2,5] = Miss.

Alex VS Damian [5,4,4] = Critical! Resolve 2(10-6) = 8 Points of Damage! Damian is down!

Cav 1 VS Arrin[5,5,2] = Hit! 9-1 = 8 Points of damage! Miracle get!

Cav 2 VS Tessa[1,3,1] = Miss!


The soldiers surrounding Alex grew desperate. Of the three, only one of the cavalry had hit, and his target, Arrin, did not even fall! The Comet, however, was unfazed, even with severe wounds. Having struck down the wind mage, the soldier turned back to Damian.

Alex: Colonel Kleine, wielder of Gae Borg, correct? A shooting star burns it's brightest, just before it burns out. Should've snuffed me out earlier.

Saying this, Alex uppercutted the Haltonian, sending him flying, and knocking him out.

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OOC: This is for the previous enemy phase, when Heinz was knocked out.

Hearing an officer in Septimian colors call for the soldiers to attack, Heinz frowned. I should probably get away before they start attacking... Urgh, wincing as yet another soldier ran a sword into Heinz. Feeling his feet start to slip out from underneath him, Heinz grimaced. Looks like I'll definitely need a healer this time, crashing into the ground as the battle continued to rage on. Struggling to keep himself from falling unconscious, Heinz dragged himself a few yards away from where most of the fighting was occurring.

Dizzy from the blood loss, Heinz slumped back into the ground headfirst, the world around him blacking out.

Edit: Slight rephrasing

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Pary saw Arrin getting attacked by a cavalier. Kelas was already down, and he was alone. He ran over and healed him.

Arrin 9/9!

"Arrin, are you okay? I think Tessa took care of Kelas."

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(non-post post)

Almost immediately after she'd finished with Chase, Tessa heard Amari whinnying shrilly. Turning back, it seemed the mare had understood, as it was standing over Kelas protectively, but the horse must still have been worried. That was... actually surprisingly sensible, as with the enemies also mounted on horseback, things were a lot more chaotic than they typically were, and trampling was a possibility Tessa had initially forgotten to take into account, as far as things Amari might be able to fend off.

The troubadour made her way back to where the nomad lay, calling out to Arrin as she did, for the mage had inquired after his sister's health. "She's... still breathing," she answered evasively. "I won't give up on her either, you know that."

Dismounting, and carefully approaching, so that Amari could tell who she was, she just barely dodged the cavalier who was still riding around in the area. "Wow, it really isn't safe here," she muttered, and continued on as the enemy horseman was now out of range and going the wrong way.

Once again healed Kelas. While she'd tended to her earlier, Tessa was about to do something that was a little bit reckless, and needed to make sure the other woman was in the best shape possible, the situation permitting. Gently, she lifted the nomad up to the back of Trevor, though it was difficult, as Tessa was not particularly strong, and Kelas was not particularly light. The fair amount of jostling that occurred was what she had worried about, and the reason for her preventative measures.

Riding off a hundred yards or so before depositing her in what was hopefully an actually safe area, Tessa was on her way back to the battlefront, when she noticed Heinz lying off several yards as well. Closer inspection revealed the man was out cold, so she stabilized him, and wheeled around and deposited him near Kelas before finally returning to the fray.

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The Battle

The soldier that attacked Viveka was quickly blasted and set ablaze by Isotov! As he screamed and ran around in circles, Viveka watched with her head tilted. Something about fire was just pretty, even though it was frying a man alive. It didn't take long for the man to keel over and stop moving.

Iso: Seriously. Go find Tessa before you and your pegasus get killed.

Viveka: Forget it.

She reached into her pack and yanked out a vulnerary. She quickly put it up to Susann's mouth. The pegasus was reluctant but once the smell of grapes caught her nose, she started sipping from the vulnerary.

Iso: Pegasi will drink those? :blink:

Viveka: If you mix in a little something, yes ^_^

Iso rolls 4,6,5


HIT 7 vs Evade 6 = HIT

DMG 12 vs RES 0 = -12 hp


Iso hp 11/12

Soldier hp 0/9

Iso Exp: +10

Viveka +5 hp---> 7/12 hp

(Healing like I should've done. Holding all other attacks until next available post.)

EDIT: Added flavor ... literally.

EDIT2: Vul heal amount changed. Thanks for the heads up, Bal.

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Freshly returned to the field, Tessa saw that the group's own pegasus knight was in trouble. Weaving her way across the field to where she was fighting alongside Irina and Isotov, she finally arrived she watched Viveka just finish applying a vulnerary.

"Am I too late?" Tessa called out, but it looked like she could still use more healing, so after coaxing the pegasus to let her near, she finished the job.

(Viveka 7/12->12/12)

OOC: Vulnerary are only +3, I believe. Either way, you're in the clear now.

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(Arrin was 6/9 since Snike edited his enemy phase in)


Cess saw one of the soldiers commanding the forces. He aimed his next attack at him.


Hit! Damage dealt, 8! Alex KO'd!



"Arrin, watch out." Pary healed Arrin again. Arrin 9/9

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Helios was thrown into the air and landed several feet away. He coughed up blood. "Is this the limit of my power...?...how sad...!" He said as he quietly passed out.

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Enemy Phase

"For SEPTIMUS!" The cavs shouted, charging at the group.


Cav1 VS Pary[4,6,6] = C-c-CRITICAL! 2(10-1)= 18 Points of Damage! Pary is DOWN!

Cav2 VS Cess[5,2,6] = Hit! 6 Damage! Viveka 6/12

The first cav smote Pary down in a fit of rage, and the second one injured Sunny moderately, as well!

OOC: Go.

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"Leave us alone!" Arrin yelled, throwing lightning at the cavalier that had attacked Tessa earlier.

(5,3,4) Hit! Arrin does 9 damage! Arrin takes 1 damage!

The cavalier turned, readying for a charge.

(6,3,2) Hit! Cav M does 5 damage!

The lance missed its target of Arrin's heart, instead knocking him to the ground with a deep gash. He scrambled to his feet, desperate to get another attack in.

Arrin 3/9 Cav M 3/12 Arrin 5 EXP

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