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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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"Hmmm? Yeah. Get lost," said Reika.


"You know," said Alf, "I haven't met many other people who talk in my way. I guess it's a Vaorin accent?" said Alf, his Irish accent becoming more apparent.

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"Oh...so that's how the common people speak?" Charlotte said with a mixture of curiousity and disdain. "I think it is for the best that you picked up a more...refined speech pattern."

"I don't take orders from you!" Xenia yelled at Alex.

"It would make sense for us to scout ahead you know." said Travis, rolling his eyes.

Xenia clenched her first. "Fine, I'll scout ahead. Get off my wyvern "hero", I can do this myself."

Travis dismounted and Svetlana flew off in a huff.

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"You know Rekia, you can be pretty stupid yourself sometimes... Like when you summoned and dissipated your daggers right in front of the man whom was nosing about them!" exclaimed Esphyr, reaching out to slap the woman across the cheek. "Now we're going to have to take him along lest his eyes fall into the hands of someone whom wants us dead!"

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"How?" asked Alferis. "It's pretty heard you know? This accent isn't ok? Aw...my eyes feel a little funny."


"I'm not stupid, I'm mentally insane. Sure sure, Ms. It's not my job to think. He's not much fun anyway," said Reika, pushing Esphyr's hand aside.

Edited by Dark Sage
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Morgan scowled at Reika More perceptive than she seems. I can't have the others worrying about they can't fix though...and I refuse to be coddled like Esphyr.

"If we're all done here, let's be off then." said Morgan. She quickly covered her nose with her hand.

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"It is what it is, milady. I have no regrets about my upbringing. My mother was a loving lady, until she passed away," Eric said. "She spoke like this, though. Regardless, Dani and Rita should be here any minute now."


Seeing the wyvern lord leave, the Comet turned to the hero that had dismounted.

Alex: She's... Unpleasant. Mind if we shoot her down when she returns?

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"I...didn't really mean to judge Sir Eric and I meant no offense towards your family." said Charlotte, blushing. "And no offense to you either Sir Alferis."

"I wouldn't really mind myself, but we kind of need a flier to ctach this group. They've got wyvern riders of their own." said Travis, shrugging.

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"Sir? You're very kind milady, but I'm not *yawn* worthy of the title," said Alf his eyes beginning to droop.


"And Esphyr, he seems like little threat at all. We completely outnumber him. He tries something, he dies. No harm in what I did, you bitch."

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Watching the Halton officer drag the female mercenary away, Heinz snorted. She gives her employer too much control.... How much does he pay her anyway? Doesn't seem like that mercenary will able to stop them though,Heinz thought wryly. "Looks like I'll have to time to eat breakfast then, if Damian gets his way," Heinz commented. He turned towards Tessa. "You heading back inside as well? Most people seem to -" He twitched, hearing a faint explosion from the inn. Odd, he thought, opening the door. "I'd bet five gold it's someone from this group again," Heinz muttered, rolling his eyes.

Looking around the lower floor of the inn, Heinz saw nothing out of ordinary. Guess it's upstairs then. He arrived at the top just in time to hear Derek confront the military officer. Looks like the shaman came back and got injured by Reika, slightly amused. Heinz frowned when he heard Esphyr's words though. She should've just killed the man, he thought irritably.

Hearing Morgan, Heinz headed back down the stairs again. Looks like I'll be eating biscuits again, sighing.

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"Either way, now we don't have a choice. Yes, we wield the crimson weapons, and if you know what's good for you, you'll keep quiet about them." said Esphyr. Clearly she was feeling better than the feeble mess she had been in before. Either the elwind had healed her, or the scent of combat had proved to be a better relaxant than expected.

OOC: Bed now. Won't be on till the afternoon tomorrow. So if someone else wants to TS, go right ahead.

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Eric and Dani

"None taken, Your Highness," Eric said, looking around. "... And here they are," he finished, as Dani and Rita ran up. "Made it through OK?"

"Not a problem, though we ran a bit fast through the guards," Dani said, pulling her hood down. "Now we go?"


Alex: You have a point... We'll see what happens when we get there. All troops, move!

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"Sure. We should be there tomorrow right? As long as they don't leave. I'll finally find Cess! Let's go!" Rita hurried, and ran down the hill, ahead of the group.

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Irina and Levski

Irina took the stairs, and Kiev waited until she was about halfway down to take off. He touched down near the group softly, and looked around. He was waiting for her when she reached the street. Most of the group had gone back into the inn, and she stopped by Levski.

Irina: Should we see what's going on?

Lev: Nah. You all packed up and ready to go?

Irina: Yeah, but I don't think Iso is ...

She then got a flashback of what had been bothering her. She quickly gave Lev a peeved look.

Lev: ... ... ... what?

Irina: Morgan?

Lev: Well ... here we go-

Irina: Seriously! MORGAN?! Don't you have any standards? Don't tell me you've hit on girls like her before.

Lev: Well duh, of course I have.

Irina: And ... and ... slept with them?

Lev: >_>'

Irina: ... ... ....

Lev: ... ... ye-

Irina: OH MY GOD!!! ARGH!!! I don't even wanna touch you right now! Ugh! Except to hit you or something! Ewurgh!

Lev: I didn't realize you were so repulsed by Morgan.

Irina: I'm not! It's just so ... so wrong, you know?!

Lev: Oi. I don't know. She seems nice enough, and there's nothing wrong with conservative women. Hell. They might actually have something there. You're not jealous are you?

Irina: No, and shut up! Just shut up!

Lev: Oh, Irina. You're so cute when you're mad.

Irina: Shut it! Don't "Oh Irina" me, you cop out!

Levski tried not to laugh. Irina didn't even realize that her entire rant had no point. She said she wasn't jealous, but if that was true, she was mad for absolutely no logical reason. The whole thing kept a smile on Levski's face. The wyverns just listened, wondering why Irina was yelling at Levski. It was rare enough for her to be yelling, but those pheromones were increasing dramatically. She must have been trying to brainwash him into mating with her on the spot. Odd, they both thought.

Isotov Viveka and Jasmine

Iso: I have a feeling that we'll be leaving soon. I'd better go get ba- *BOOM*

... ... ... oh no ... what was that?

Iso stood up from the table and headed for the stairs. Once he reached them, he took one step at a time, not knowing what to expect at the top. Viveka had already gone back upstairs to pack the cases, and Jasmine was with her. they both peeked their heads out the window just in time to see Reika harassing the new shaman. They both went back into the room, shut the door and locked it. Once they finished, they both struggled to drag the two cases out of the room, and into the hallway. It was clear that they weren't going to make it all the way to the stables without collapsing.

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Eric & Dani

"... Your Highness, if you want, I can carry you," Eric offered.

"Eric, I call your shoulders," Dani said. "I think my legs might give out, again..." The swordsman sighed.

"Yes, Duchess," he said sarcastically, letting Dani up on his shoulders. "Anyways, Milady, as I was saying, I CAN carry you, if it is too exhausting."

"Ever the gentleman," the mage said,settling in.

"Of course. One must show respect to nobility."


"... I guess there are more pressing matters at hand," Derek said, seeing the two pegasus riders dragging the cases. Walking past Kleine, he took the cases from the girls, and lifted them, going down the stairs as he did so. "Next time, ladies, let Lev or me know if you need these moved." the cavalier said. "You'll hurt yourselves, otherwise."

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"Yes Sir Eric, I would like that very much." Charlotte said. Eric scooped her up into his arms and set off at a run.

Eric, Rita, and Alferis ran across the vast Haltonian plains for most of the day. Eventually their legs grew tired, and by nightfall they neared the location where the demon attacks had occured.

"Perhaps we should rest for the night?" Charlotte suggested.

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Isotov Viveka and Jasmine

The riders were both surprised to see Derek doublehandedly handle both of the heavy cases. As he walked off they both stared at each other.

Jasmine: ... ... ... dibs.

Viveka: What?

Jasmine: Dibs.

Viveka: You can't just call dibs on someone.

Jasmine: I just did. Dibs. See? I just did it again.

Viveka: Knock it off. He might not be as nice to me if one of my own soldiers is pestering him all the time.

Jasmine: Pestering? Look who's talking Miss Jacket. How long did you have to pester him to get that?

Viveka: I only had to ask. I have no idea what he was going to do with it if I hadn't.

Jasmine: Why would you want his jacket?

Viveka: Might come in handy. It's way more insulated than any of my coats ... which you didn't even bring by the way >_>'

Jasmine: You don't need winter coats for-ugh ... we ran out of space anyway. That disassembled war spear you made us pack took up so much space.

Iso passed Derek on his way up the stares, and once he reached the top, he saw the scene. Nothing made any sense, and he wasn't interested anyway, so he walked to the third door on the right, opened the door, leaned in to grab the two bags that he and Katie carried around, and shut the door before making his way back toward the stairs.

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Svetlana flew through the air and Xenia thought about what had just occured.

Stupid military brat, ordering me around like some common soldier. What makes him think he has any authority over me? The things I do for gold. At least I got rid of that annoying hero.

Svetlana flew high in the clouds in order to remain unseen.

How do I know that he was even telling me the truth? He seemed awfully eager to get rid of me...probably wants the bounty all to himself. Well, we'll just see about that, won't we? Never trust the word of a man! Svetlana made a sharp U-Turn and flew back in the direction of Septimus, looping around where Alex's troops would be headed.

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OOC: Timeskip!

IC: "For someone who professes intelligence I'm surprised you do not recognize the value of not broadcasting that we have the weapons considering we have demons after us looking for them." snarked Esphyr before the group set off.



The Halton/Septimus border

With the group having set off at last, the journey itself seemed to pass by quickly. As road and tree passed by the group with little regard to time, it seemed that time itself seemed to slow itself down just to allow them extra time upon the road. Before the sun had even reached it's apex, already the group had traveled more than thrice the distance needed to place the small town out of their site. Yet as the sun crested overhead and started to travel downwards, a small guardpost for recording travelers heading into Septimus peeked into visibility at the far end.

To call it a small shack would be accurate. Inhabited by only two guards, the post held only one room. Yet, at the same time, the shack was vastly different than anything else that had been seen. Painted brightly, it was not the standard dull wood coloration that would be expected, but rather painted in brilliant primary colors. A bear, drawn oddly in a manner none had ever seen before (unless they lived in Halton) was painted upon the side along with two creatures so different that attempting to describe them would be impossible. One of the guards was waiting outside, his armor leather with brass rims, but so clearly different in its culture as to seem off. Sharp spines of brass laced about his garb, making him seem like a hedgehog that had been forced to stand upright rather than a man. His spear as well, formed of three prongs in a circular pattern instead of the usual one accustomed with the weapon, rested at his side. His left hand seemed to have been mutilated, as it was missing all but two fingers, the middle and index.

With a broad smile, he stood up, holstering his spear so that the triple points pushed downwards. "Excuse me!" he said, approaching. "You merchants of women? Then you may pass, but please register so I may give you the proper papers. 'Passports' we call them. Oh! And I will count your money for you and give you the Septimian rate!" he said, bowing. But neither to Morgan or Damian, but rather to every other male in the group with Damian last.

OOC: He is assuming they are merchants, but doesn't see slaves or good, so he's assuming women. Basically, pimps. He's bowing to the men in order of arrival as well, which is why Damian would be presumably last.

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"I believe it would be a good idea," Eric said, kneeling down to let Dani hop off and setting Charlotte down. "Seeing as we're out of immediate danger. I'll take first watch."


"... Let's see... Tch, so that's what she stole," Derek said, looking for his passport unsuccessfully. "Alright, I'll register first. I already have Septimian currency, though."

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"Very good then." said the guard, taking out several pieces of paper, already having been written in some form of weird, uniform, text. Quickly, he scrawled in some blank spaces before offering the paper to Derek. "Just sign here as well with your merchandise. Or is she a wife or child? If so sign her name below it. Maybe you are a hired guard? If so check the 'guard' box as well and I will fetch a proper passport for you."

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Isotov Irina Levski Viveka and Jazz

The arrival at the border was a little awkward. As the conversation between Derek and the guard pressed on, he started hinting at something rather annoying. Realizing that making a fuss was a bad idea, Viveka stayed quiet and hoped that Derek would simply get them all passed into the country without a scuffle. Irina tried to tune out the conversation altogether to avoid getting upset. She was still a little mad at Lev so she didn't want to risk snapping. Iso and Levski just watched, waiting to see how things worked out.


In the same chamber, Ixion looked down at the captured samples in the glass container. He'd already determined their composition, and even managed to further his understanding of the shapeshifter's powers if only a little. The only way to full understand its power would be to capture it though. That would take some doing, and further experiments would be an utter waste of resources until then.

Ixion: We're wasting time. The longer we have to wait, the more time those loyalists have to gather allies. We cannot waste anymore time. I must lure that creature out of hiding ....

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"Sounds simple," Derek said, producing a quill. He signed his name, signed the names of the women of the party, then handed it back to the guard, pulling his mare up, so he could get on after obtaining the passport.

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