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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 14: The mental limit


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Rita and Danielle arrived at one gate of Halton, Eric and Charlotte at another.

'State your names and business." the guards at each gate said as if reading the lines from a script.

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Cess walked out of the inn. He had his items in his pack, from when he heard Morgan call to leave. He walked over to Esphyr. There was some strange man near her.

"Who are you? Esphyr, do you know this man?



"We're part of a traveling circus trope. But we seem to have lost them. They have blue hair like us. Have you seen them?"

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Zilpah started getting the chills ("oh no its happening again!"), Zilpah clutched his hands, "M-my name is..." Zilpah hesitated, ("I really don't want that to happen again!") He thought. Zilpah stared at the man nervously.Zilpah could barely focus on anything.

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"Lots of blue haired people pass through this gate lady." said the guard. "None of them looked like circus people as far as I can remember."

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"Yes? Spit it out. Who are you? Are you some sort of fortune teller? Or a teacher perhaps? If you're a fortune teller however, we are not in need of your services. I already cover that area of expertise."



"Oh well. We're just be going then. If you see anyone, point them in the direction of Septimus. Bye!" Rita quickly bounded off, taking Dani with her.

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"Well we already have two shamans in this group. I'm not sure if we need another one. If you want, however, go look for a Damian Klein and ask him to hire you. Or find a female shaman around here named Morgan and ask her for work."

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"Even though your mean't or paid to do so, you are a source of information just like everyone else here, everyone has secrets and everyone has seen things most people haven't and that very valuable source of information." Zilpah noted.

Edit:more dialogue

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"Okay, talk about a cryptic answer." said Esphyr. "Let me guess, you think I have information on these crimson weapons you keep talking about. What makes you think we know anything at all in the first place?"

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"'Errie an' Allie," Eric said, in an accent he hadn't used in years. "Jus' leavin'."


As the company was about to mobilize, a wyvern lord flew overhead, and landed, right in front of Alex. The lordess, pointing her weapon down at Alex, was instantly met by twelve bows pointing at her, but the Comet raised a hand, and they were lowered.

Xenia: You there! Have there been any reports of the Jerdonian princess crossing the Halton/Septimus border recently? I have received word that this was her destination.

Alex:...Get out of the way. We're mobilizing to capture the princess. I don't need to answer to the likes of you.

Edit: Amended Alex line.

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"Your a mercenary, your hired to fight, you've had to come across such a weapon sometime in your travels or you could have been paid to silence someone who possessed one, or I'm confusing you with an assassin, but non-the-less yesterday night those looks weren't for nothing!" ZIlpah stated.

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Watching the Esphyr commotion, she leaned against the wall, looking disinterested. All this drama with her. Collapses, can heal, gets all the attention from that soldier guy.

Just when she left the door, the shaman from last night appeared.

We seem to be very popular. I'm not sure whether or not this is a good thing. A meatshield vs a hinderance. Hmm... she thought, playing with her dagger.

"I'm a mercenary. I'm not paid to think."

Obviously she thought, her lip curling.

"Hey! You coming along or not?" she called out to Zilaph.

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Zilpah was startled by the ladies outburst, but it seems that's what his whole reason of this visit came down to Can I go with them? is what repeated in his mind over and over and all other sorts of variations of the question "I'll only go if I'm allowed to, I don't want to be a burden..." Zilpah explains.

"May I?" Zilpah ask while looking at Esphyr.

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"Neh. My only weapon is the trusty blade I have here." she said, pointing to her sword. "I don't care about others weapons. And you don't need to ask me. If they wanted to put a wolf in the party my opinion wouldn't matter."

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At Heinz's reply, Tessa froze a bit. Esphyr did? ...That can't be. Why would she, how would she... and she had also... But looking into the man's eyes it didn't seem to her that he was lying. What need could he possibly have to deceive her?

Derek's follow-up to the second query did please her though, and took her thoughts of the bewildering development for the moment. While he wanted to try to sort things out, he didn't seem averse to the idea on principles, so that was a good start. With having standing offers from both the cavalier and the wind mage now, it shouldn't be too difficult to manage to find one or the other of them unoccupied at some point.

The sooner the better though, she did allow herself to indulge a bit of selfish longing at the end there.

Turning back to Heinz, she noticed that he was staring at the unfolding situation. He hadn't offered to go shopping with her, and while it really wasn't surprising, Tessa couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. While the man tended to stick to himself very often, the few interactions they'd had so far had all been pleasant enough. She followed his gaze, and watched as Esphyr nearly collapsed. Before she could move forward though, Damian had taken her back inside the inn, and she was left wondering what was wrong with the woman.

Not really sure what she should be doing, she stood for a moment, just wringing her hands and thinking.

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"I will not be insulted by some military brat!" Xenia roared. Svetlana hissed and raised her tail threateningly. "I am Xenia the Mighty, Mistress of the Skies I do not-"

"There are a lot more of them then there are of us." Travis whispered in her ear. "Shut up a moment would you?"

"Look, we're all working towards the same goal here right? So just give us the information, then we can collect our bounty, you'll have your princess, all right?" Travis said to Alex.

"And what's your business in Halton?" asked the guard, eying the dark-blue haired travelers suspiciously.

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"Shouldn't random inquiries like this be a sign that we shouldn't stay in towns any longer than we have to?" Kelas muttered to nobody in particular, shaking her head. Good job making decisions for keeping the whole group safe there, Sir Colonel Sir, she thought, disgusted.

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