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Weirdest Thing that an FE Character could do...


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Has anyone imagined the weirdest possible or even an impossible thing that a Fire Emblem character could pull off from their sleeves??

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The weirdest thing I would like to see, is Gatrie trying to hit on a tree dressed with a skirt.

That would be so funny I would not stop laughing in at least two weeks.

That would kill everyone in laughter!

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At this moment, the weirdest thing I've seen.....

is Hector hugging Lyn. The WTF look on Lyn's face was priceless. Also the special conversation between the two in Chapter 31x. "C'mon! Hit me! Wind up and let it fly!"

Other weird things that could potentially happen:

Shinon is nice to Ike, breaks down like a little baby and tells Ike about why he likes the Greil Mercenaries so much

We discover that Lucius is, in fact, a girl

In a scripted battle, one character misses with 90% hit and 20% crit. The enemy then counters with 30% hit and 1% crit, killing the attacker. The attacker then says "I.....I was cheated....." in his death quote. Just imagine.....A death quote acknowleding RNG Screwage.

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Breguet vs. that Mercenary in Chapter One of FE8

Breguet: Get out of my way!

Merc: Fuck you, asshole!

*Becomes Formortiis and punches Breguet out. Gets on a motorbike, and rides out into the sunset*

Seth: Why is there a knife in your doubl-aaah!

Eir: Uhh

Orson: Don't worry. He was a traitor. I shall take his place with my pimpin' 11 Speed.

Edited by Yossarian
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Hmmm, here are a few others:

  • Micaiah dumping Sothe.
  • Tanith being nice for a while with her recruits (Basically, she and Sigrun changing roles in the Holy Guard).
  • Danved/Devdan talking without referring to him in third person.
  • Lyon surviving Fomoortis.
  • Nanna mistaking Rody with Leaf (I need to see this one!).
  • Roy really having all his supports available after the war, without having problems with either of them (creepy and weird).
  • Heather on a date with a man of the FE 10 group.

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