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Screw The Rules Mafia


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I think, according to the rules, that today was supposed to end two days ago, but right now we have, like a 5 way tie for a lynch. Out of these, I'm going with Dracohon, since no one else has bothered to point out that he hasn't said anything today.

##Unvote, Vote: Dracohon

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Oh, crud, I forgot about this. We need more activity. Hmm...

##Unvote, vote: Snike

He's said nothing today. He seems a decent candidate. Kinda.

(Someone remind me to reread the entire topic and give things a lookthrough)

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##Unvote, vote: Dracohon

After rereading, he's said very little, but what he said earlier on jumped out at me a bit. If nothing else, getting him to talk a little more would help.

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Honestly, I haven't been paying as much attention to this game as I should be, between Insanity mafia and Weapons's mafia. I had to reread this thread to catch up, and was kind of putting that off. Anyway, I feel like claiming, since I've got nothing to hide anymore.

Dear Dracohon

You are Andrew Ryan, the Creator.


You are the creator of Rapture, your city. The sweat of your brow belongs to you and only you. And so, you created a city where everyone's efforts are rewarded in full. And yet, Rapture is not enough. So you turned to Las Vegas since you heard that it can be the basis for a new city, one on land, one that might even surpass Rapture. But the city has already been built so you might just have been tricked...

Your goal in this conflict is to kill Frank Fontaine. He's set up shop somewhere in Las Vegas and it's your job to find him and eliminate him for good. The only way you can properly kill him is by using Jack, your own flesh and blood. Killing Fontaine with Jack will be worth it for sure.

[REMOVED, because I don't want to tell you what items I have right now]

You are allied with the Duped. You win if all hostile forces have been eliminated.

"I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture!"

If you kill the person who is Frank Fontaine with Jack, then you will get a reward. That's all I'm going to say on the matter.

Yes, you read that correctly. I am one of the Duped, but I get a reward for killing a certain other Duped. However, he's already dead, and was obviously killed by Ninji, not me.

I just got back from Inception, its the best movie I've seen since Avatar.

##Vote Core. Inception was better than Avatar. Seriously though, you're the one I'm most suspicious of. I don't have anything really solid on anyone, so I'm just going off hunches right now.

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Hmm... that's believable, I guess.

##Unvote, Vote: Core

I kinda agree he hasn't been adding much, and it does seem like some of his comments... I dunno, just feel a little scummy. It's hard to describe.

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##Vote WoMC

The game is still happening people

Edit ##Unvote, Vote WoMC I just think i have voted before idk.

Edited by SlayerX
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I'm not howver, it seems just like everyone had disappeared and i wanted you to respond since IET made that vote long ago.


And yes its kind of weird seeing tables changing his votes every 5 seconds.

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People are choosing to reveal their role PMs. I'm not encouraging it, but they all look genuine to me, and if people want to, that's their choice. Honestly, I'd have preferred if they didn't, but the doc is dead and the cop has claimed, so unless the people still hiding their roles have something really valuable that absolutely can't die, it's not much of a problem (note: I'm not saying 'reveal your role' here, I'm saying it doesn't matter much at the moment).

I'm not keeping my vote on someone who has a genuine looking and sounding role PM, and a number of those votes were to get activity, which seems to have not worked. WoMC has been both strangely aggressive even after the cop decided to psudeoclaim and clear me, and WoMCs accusation of everyone working with me isn't really helping matters.

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WoMC has been both strangely aggressive even after the cop decided to psudeoclaim and clear me, and WoMCs accusation of everyone working with me isn't really helping matters.


##Unvote, Vote WoMC.

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Are we forgetting about godfather/fake cop?

Also, the second part of that statement is false.

The cop gave me my role PM. The chance of him being stalker is low, I already considered it. I'm fairly sure he's real, and considering the stuff about my role I've mentioned already, it's a bad argument.

And, no. You voted Lightning, I voted you, Lightning voted you, you accused me of working with me. Slayer votes you, you accuse him of working with me (well, no duh, he knows my role).

The more you post, WoMC, the more convinced I am you're something anti-town. possibly Serial Killer.

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