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Fire Emblem All-Stars FE7 Hack


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Whoa, completely forgot about supports... You don't need them yet, right?

And do you plan on having pretty custom maps? I can do a few in my spare time, just post what you'd want in my map thread (Link's in my signiture).

Support convos will be one of the last things I add.

I'll have to play around with it. I'll have a few new maps, but not one for every chapter.

I still have to learn how to do a bunch of other stuff too.

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Whoa, completely forgot about supports... You don't need them yet, right?

And do you plan on having pretty custom maps? I can do a few in my spare time, just post what you'd want in my map thread (Link's in my signiture).

Facepalm_emote_gif.gif So did I. ._. Good thing I still wrote some last week for the lulz. (I hope the characters are in the hack though...) Oh well no time lost anyways... (It was for fun...)

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I can write a couple of supports for the lulz, if you don't mind.

We can go for any possible combination or only the pairings listed a while back?

Edited by Jave
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Hello there. I see you need help with supports.

Still recruiting Support Writers? I may be able to help a bit with that at least.

So far, I've been reading this and it seems pretty cool.

I want to see the final version already.

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I can write a couple of supports for the lulz, if you don't mind.

We can go for any possible combination or only the pairings listed a while back?

Hello there. I see you need help with supports.

Still recruiting Support Writers? I may be able to help a bit with that at least.

So far, I've been reading this and it seems pretty cool.

I want to see the final version already.

I'm not sure if the others are still writing them. (I have a journal with some but haven't typed them out.)

The others are Kai,Kleine,Dancer A, and mikethfc.

I might have to start posting them.

I'll ask them to see if the are still writing them but from there we have to pick who is going to write who's supports. (So it's more organized.)

Any help would appreciated.

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Come to think of it I suppose it would make more sense if we made a separate topic rather than the via the PM so that anybody an chip in the written works sub-forum.

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Its better via Pm since we can approve them. You know what, if its okay with Core, send me a draft of a support and i may draft you in depending on how well written it is. We have a couple of people that dont do anything so we can always replace them. We dont need more then around 4 or 5 people to write up supports.

Edited by Kai
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I made a complete list of supports that included those already listed here. Everyon has 7 support buddies:

Mia x Ike

Mia x Micaiah

Mia x Zihark

Mia x Rutger

Mia x Sain

Mia x Gerik

Mia x Saul

Gatrie x Tethys

Gatrie x Priscilla

Gatrie x Lucius

Gatrie x Shinon

Gatrie x Sain

Gatrie x Gonzales

Gatrie x Saul

Saul x Lucius

Saul x Rebecca

Saul x Mia

Saul x Soren

Saul x Tethys

Saul x Priscilla

Saul x Gatrie

Ike x Ephraim

Ike x Mia

Ike x Titania

Ike x Oscar

Ike x Micaiah

Ike x Sothe

Ike x Soren

Ike x Hector

Titania x Ike

Titania x Oscar

Titania x Seth

Titania x Sain

Titania x Shinon

Titania x Oswin

Titania x Boyd

Oscar x Ike

Oscar x Boyd

Oscar x Titania

Oscar x Seth

Oscar x Nino

Oscar x Merlinus

Oscar x Lance

Shinon x Rebecca

Shinon x Gatrie

Shinon x Titania

Shinon x Innes

Shinon x Ephraim

Shinon x Shin

Shinon x Vanessa

Marcia x Farina

Marcia x Haar

Marcia x Vanessa

Marcia x Lucius

Marcia x Ephraim

Marcia x Merlinus

Marcia x Rath

Boyd x Titania

Boyd x Oscar

Boyd x Nolan

Boyd x Geitz

Boyd x Lehran

Boyd x Gerik

Boyd x Lute

Soren x Ike

Soren x Lucius

Soren x Micaiah

Soren x Lehran

Soren x Rath

Soren x Sain

Soren x Saul

Micaiah x Soren

Micaiah x Ike

Micaiah x Sothe

Micaiah x Lehran

Micaiah x Nolan

Micaiah x Colm

Micaiah x Lucius

Sothe x Micaiah

Sothe x Ike

Sothe x Colm

Sothe x Nolan

Sothe x Lucius

Sothe x Nino

Sothe x Oswin

Rath x Marcia

Rath x Innes

Rath x Soren

Rath x Shinon

Rath x Seth

Rath x Shin

Rath x Hector

Elphin x Lehran

Elphin x Lucius

Elphin x Gonzales

Elphin x Lute

Elphin x Colm

Elphin x Canas

Elphin x Raven

Ephraim x Ike

Ephraim x shinon

Ephraim x Marcia

Ephraim x Cormag

Ephraim x Innes

Ephraim x Cormag

Ephraim x Oswin

Ephraim x Hector

Lute x Boyd

Lute x Pent

Lute x Nino

Lute x Vanessa

Lute x Seth

Lute x Elphin

Lute x Geitz

Seth x Titania

Seth x Rath

Seth x Lute

Seth x Oswin

Seth x Cormag

Seth x Lance

Seth x Merlinus

Rebecca x Shinon

Rebecca x Saul

Rebecca x Sain

Rebecca x Lance

Rebecca x Innes

Rebecca x Merlinus

Rebecca x Zihark

Nolan x Micaiah

Nolan x Sothe

Nolan x Boyd

Nolan x Haar

Nolan x Gerik

Nolan x Farina

Nolan x Geitz

Hector x Rath

Hector x Lehran

Hector x Farina

Hector x Oswin

Hector x Haar

Hector x Gonzales

Hector x Vanessa

Hector x Ike

Hector x Ephraim

Oswin x Hector

Oswin x Ephraim

Oswin x Sothe

Oswin x Seth

Oswin x Merlinus

Oswin x Rutger

Oswin x Geitz

Merlinus x Oscar

Merlinus x Marcia

Merlinus x Seth

Merlinus x Rebecca

Merlinus x Oswin

Merlinus x Nino

Merlinus x Colm

Priscilla x Gonzales

Priscilla x Gatrie

Priscilla x Saul

Priscilla x Raven

Priscilla x Rutger

Priscilla x Haar

Priscilla x Lucius

Rutger x Mia

Rutger x Priscilla

Rutger x Zihark

Rutger x Oswin

Rutger x Raven

Rutger x Gerik

Rutger x Lance

Canas x Lute

Canas x Nino

Canas x Lucius

Canas x Pent

Canas x Gonzales

Canas x Colm

Canas x Lehran

Gerik x Mia

Gerik x Tethys

Gerik x Boyd

Gerik x Nolan

Gerik x Raven

Gerik x Rutger

Gerik x Haar

Vanessa x Innes

Vanessa x Shinon

Vanessa x Marcia

Vanessa x Farina

Vanessa x Lute

Vanessa x Sain

Vanessa x Zihark

Colm x Micaiah

Colm x Sothe

Colm x Elphin

Colm x Nino

Colm x Gonzales

Colm x Shin

Colm x Farina

Tethys x Gatrie

Tethys x Saul

Tethys x Sain

Tethys x Gerik

Tethys x Zihark

Tethys x Pent

Tethys x Gonzales

Lance x Oscar

Lance x Rebeca

Lance x Rutger

Lance x Sain

Lance x Cormag

Lance x Shin

Lance x Zihark

Sain x Mia

Sain x Gatrie

Sain x Titania

Sain x Soren

Sain x Vanessa

Sain x Tethys

Sain x Lance

Haar x Marcia

Haar x Hector

Haar x Priscilla

Haar x Gerik

Haar x Cormag

Haar x Zihark

Haar x Pent

Geitz x Lute

Geitz x Nolan

Geitz x Oswin

Geitz x Gonzales

Geitz x Raven

Geitz x Nino

Geitz x Innes

Nino x Geitz

Nino x Colm

Nino x Merlinus

Nino x Canas

Nino x Lute

Nino x Sothe

Nino x Oscar

Gonzales x Geitz

Gonzales x Tethys

Gonzales x Priscilla

Gonzales x Colm

Gonzales x Canas

Gonzales x Hector

Gonzales x Elphin

Innes x Ephraim

Innes x Vanessa

Innes x Rebecca

Innes x Geitz

Innes x Pent

Innes x Lehran

Innes x Shin

Pent x Innes

Pent x Haar

Pent x Canas

Pent x Lute

Pent x Lehran

Pent x Farina

Pent x Shin

Zihark x Mia

Zihark x Rutger

Zihark x Haar

Zihark x Tethys

Zihark x Lance

Zihark x Vanessa

Zihark x Rebecca

Raven x Priscilla

Raven x Gerik

Raven x Geitz

Raven x Elphin

Raven x Cormag

Raven x Shin

Raven x Lucius

Shin x Innes

Shin x Raven

Shin x Pent

Shin x Rath

Shin x Lance

Shin x Shinon

Shin x Cormag

Cormag x Shin

Cormag x Haar

Cormag x Raven

Cormag x Lance

Cormag x Seth

Cormag x Farina

Cormag x Ephraim

Farina x Cormag

Farina x Pent

Farina x Colm

Farina x Vanessa

Farina x Marcia

Farina x Hector

Farina x Nolan

Lucius x Gatrie

Lucius x Saul

Lucius x Micaiah

Lucius x Elphin

Lucius x Priscilla

Lucius x Raven

Lucius x Canas

Lehran x Innes

Lehran x Boyd

Lehran x Pent

Lehran x Canas

Lehran x Hector

Lehran x Micaiah

Lehran x Soren

Please say it if there's an error.

Okay, the lords support each other, they also have more potions normally

bold= Completed text


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Okay, just to get things up already and try to send a PM with the possible supports.

The storyline relations of a few characters of same games, can we stick with those and modify them?

Also, which of them have paired ending to prepare better supports (that is, if you guys will use paired endings)?

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Okay, next list, characters with endings, anyone know how many is allowed? I'm too lazy to look and count ATM. Oh, and if anyone wants to join this Support thingy, I'm kinda running it, just tell somewhere here that you are interested and I'll add you in on the convo once I get all the members. we can only allow 2 more members.(Jave, Kai told me about you and you are already counted.)

Wow core, we kinda stole your topic :/

Edited by Dancer A
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For the record, I wrote Nino x Lute, to prevent any double-writings. I also wrote it so that it could lead to a paired ending, but I'll let those in charge decide on that (if you say yes, I can write a paired epilogue).

BTW, is Lehran getting enough chapters to build Supports? If he's replacing Athos and there are no new chapters then it can't happen.

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Dancer A, I would like to help with supports.

Also, I've been reading the Blazing Sword section of Serenes Forest.

If you guys are using the game as a base (which I bet you are) there is a total of 34 paired endings listed (counting the one of Ninian and Nils, Raven and Lucius, and Merlinus and Marcus).

Since you have Micaiah and Sothe, they are of the few that could get a paired ending, if you want to.

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I'll write some supports, if you still have a slot open and I'm not just delusional.

It'll be good practice for Magic Army...

Edited by Camtech075
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ack wow..this actually looks really awesome.

is there still mugs you need? i could have a fail attempt at making my Sephiran mug into his Lehran form.

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