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Fire Emblem All-Stars FE7 Hack


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Pricsilla x Gonzo

C Support:

G: Umm... H-hello?

P: Hmm, yes? Oh, hello to you too sir.

G: Umm... what your... uh... what you called?

P: What am I called...? Oh, you mean my name, it's Priscilla. What is your name?

G: You no need know my name, Gonzales just protect you.

P: Why do you wish to protect me Gonzales?

G: How you know Gonzales' name?

P: You just told me.

G: Urp! Gonzales must leave! Must help... er... *Leaves*

P: ... What a strange man...

B Support:

P: Hello Gonzales.

G: Oh! H-hello... uh... P-p-p...

P: Priscilla.

G: Yes! P-p-pri-prisilly...

P: Not Prisilly, Priscilla! Here, let me help you say it.


G: P-pri...

P: Sil.

G: S-sil...

P: La. Priscilla.

G: L-la... Uh, Gonzales must go now, beat up bad guys so they no hurt Pri...sil..la... *Moves to leave*

P: Wait, you're back is bleeding, let me heal it-

G: No, Gonzales be fine... *Leaves*

P: ... I hope he's all right out there. He seems to fight alone all the time...

A Support:

G: Ah...*Moves to leave*

P: Gonzales, stop!

G: Gonzales can't, must go fight with others.

P: No, you need a companion and a rest, you've been fighting all day!

G: All Gonzales know fighting. All Gonzales good for fighting...

P: That's a terrible thing to say, who told you such a mean thing?

G: ... Mr. Nord... Gonzales' first payer...

P: You mean your first employer? That's just a rude thing to say!

G: No not, Gonzales is only meat shield...

P: Well I don't think so! You know what, I think I'll fight next to you.

G: W-why?! Gonzales ugly and... P-pri-sil-la... pretty...

P: Oh? Oh! Why thank you Gonzales, I didn't know you felt like that!

But I don't think you're ugly at all.

G: H-huh?! Why not? Pri...silla... blind?

P: No Gonzales, it's what's on the inside that shows beauty, not the outside.

G: Gonzales not understand...

P: Don't worry, you will. Now, lets go shall we?

G: Yes... Gonzales and...... Pri... silla... *Both leave*

Gatrie(For Lulz :lol: ): How the- what?! No way!

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It's awesome. Wish I was that original. sob.gif

Edit: Gatrie could learn a thing or two from Gonzales. XD

Edited by Chuy
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Well I got ShinonXRebbecca done:



Shinon: Man your a really good archer.


Shinon: True but your pretty good for your age.


Shinon: So your a natural than?


Shinon: Your a good archer and I can see that you got potential.


Shinon: Sure. I;m bored here anyways. It would give me something to do.


Rebbecca: Okay then. And thanks again SHinon.

It's a good support information/conversation wise, but Shinon doesn't talk with horrible grammer and typos. Comment retracted if you aren't a natural English speaker, otherwise, you have no excuse to make a basic mistake four times.

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It's a good support information/conversation wise, but Shinon doesn't talk with horrible grammer and typos. Comment retracted if you aren't a natural English speaker, otherwise, you have no excuse to make a basic mistake four times.

Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Sorry. I knew I should have checked them first. It was like almost midnight here and I had practice earlier and a BBQ and I had to run around making sure everyone was having a good time. (Then my little brother insisted that I take all his friends for a ride on our motorcycle and they get scared when I went to fast and they were so annoying .(I couldn't say no.) Guess I know now not to post anything around midnight then. Thanks cuz I didn't notice and no one told me. (I learned my lesson.)

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It's a good support information/conversation wise, but Shinon doesn't talk with horrible grammer and typos. Comment retracted if you aren't a natural English speaker, otherwise, you have no excuse to make a basic mistake four times.

Calm down, they are typos and grammer mistakes. Chuy probably didn't notice them, when you type fast, little errors happen. You have no need to be so critical.

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Ah. Grammar Nazi's. Gotta love em. Anyways i can work some supports if you would like. Do i post them here?

Yes. And thanks for helping out.

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^You spelled grammar wrong. (IET is an exception because that's the UK way of spelling it).

Nope its still spelt grammar over here

Anyways I can work some supports if you would like. Do I post them here?

Also this

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You have to consider the fact that A. people never played any of the non-released in america games and B. some people never played NES.

Though, is that really a good reason?

SSBM kept FE out of Japan despite at the time the franchise was Japan-only, and ignoring the 'Are Marth and Roy in this game?' joke look what happened because of it... :newyears:

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It's nice to see that constructive criticism gets met with backlash from other people here. I'll be sure to not point out any typos that might be going into the hack in the future.

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