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Weapons's Mafia


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Just so people know, I'm out for tonight. It's 6:15 pm, and I won't be back until tomorrow afternoon.

I'll be leaving in 15 minutes or so. And I share SSP's sentiment. When I get back tonight/tomorrow morning, I want to see discussion going on.

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DGG still hasn't contributed anything of value.

My vote is still on her until she can convince me otherwise. I wouldn't mind a bandwagon on her, actually.

hahaha my god you people are so biased

there's like a billion of people who have contributed 800% less than me, but obviously you guys don't give a shit because hey, it's the drunk goth chick, she must be evil

just admit you're voting me cuz you hate me

i won't take your flattery badly

srsly :)

you don't want to start a bandwagon on me

you don't want me to claim either

let's leave it at that

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am i supposed to care about you walking

also, tables, not strange you'd keep that vote on me. i'm such an easy target for bandwagon and possibly even lynch; nobody's gonna miss me no matter my role. you WANT that vote on me, don't you? maybe you, oh, have ulterior motives besides "lol not contributing", which btw completely false and just a stupid reason? a mafia member would greatly benefit from starting a bandwagon on me.

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Official Vote Totals

[3] - Cocytus: Drunk Goth Girl, Keltik, JB25, (SSP), (SlayerX)

[3] - Keltik: Core, SSP, Levity

[1] - Drunk Goth Girl: I Eat Tables, Cocytus

[1] - I Eat Tables: Cassy

[1] - JB25: Dracohon

[0] - Kleine: (I Eat Tables), (I Eat Tables)

[0] - Cassy: (Cocytus)

[0] - Levity: (SSP)

[0] - SlayerX: (I Eat Tables)

[0] - SSP: (JB25)

[0] - Life Admiral: (Cocytus)

Not Voting: Kleine, Lightning, Snike, Life Admiral, Mikethfc, SlayerX

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I don't know; I have vibes on Tables and XSlayer. I do not believe that either Fayt nor SSP are mafia; however, Fayt's claim is weird and if he really wanted the mafia to target him he wouldn't have mentioned it in the first place. <__<

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He's wifoming (IMO) the town and mafia. To me it sounds like he's some sort of third party...

I'm definitely a town-allied player here. That much I will hard claim. I want the town to win and I want the mafia to lose. I'm just going about it my own way, and I'd like to confuse as many people as possible in the process. Because my role requires that I take advantage of day phases as well as night phases. I can't sit around and hide like a cop would and investigate. I need to evoke suspicion on myself.

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good idea. if you look suspicious:

a) mafia won't bother killing you, since you could potentially get lynched

B) a vig might use their shot on you. cops will waste scans.

since it looks like your role is like a PGO that only kills those who attempt to kill him, clearly the only option here is (B).

know what that means? yes, you're not helping town, you're just being stupid.

also heavy FoS on furniture vore-fan tables. now i know starting a bandwagon is completely natural because it's me, but take a hard look at his reasons. he'd "like to start a bandwagon" on me because "i have not contributed much". yeah, how about all those people who have been unusually quiet? what about the sheep? what makes me more worthy of a bandwagon than any of them? it's just a bad move, a bad reason, a bad everything. smells extremely scummy to me for reasons already stated, too -- it's just so easy to get me lynched, and vore fan here is conscious about it.

fuck it

##unvote: coitus

##vote: I Eat Tables

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It isn't extremely scummy; it's the way we roll around here. We need to lynch someone, but we have no evidence to do so, thus we start forcing people to come up with what they have, if anything.

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Since asking you to contribute, all you've managed to do is complain that voting you is scummy AND OMGUS me. That is not helping your case one bit. It's true that not everyone has contributed much, but you've said the most without saying anything at all, and from my experience, 'you don't want to kill me, I'm a powerful town role' is something uttered by mafioso on day 1 far more often than town members.

If you don't want me to vote you, then start doing town stuff. Like, not OMGUSing baselessly for a start. If you're going to vote someone because they think they're the easy vote, vote Cocytus. He's the one who voted you because you're annoying in the first place. Oh, wait. You OMGUSed him, too.

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Time for me to say something totally unconventional.

I think we're sharing too much. As in, we should just shut up and agree on someone to bandwagon whether they're suspicious or not. There's too many thoughts that have been shared on too many people, but since only one person's gonna be lynched this phase all those extra thoughts are essentially going to waste and will be transformed into mafia food. Information's good, but information that can aid the mafia...isn't exactly so good! Trust me, if we just agree on ONE person regardless of what we think of them, a lot can happen. It's safer to spew out thoughts when they're more founded; we are currently in the process of kindly delivering our entire hands to the mafia.

Example: Unless he's a liar, the doc's already out in the open. That...is terrible.

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It's a fine line between getting enough information for a lynch and giving too much away, I guess. But I think I agree, we should aim for a bandwagon on someone. And I'd like to hear from some of the people who have been quieter as to who they're suspicious of and/or want to lynch: Kleine, Lightning, Snike, Life Admiral, Mikethfc, SlayerX. That's the list of people who have yet to vote (I'm not entirely sure if they've been quiet all game, but I don't recall any of them saying much of interest)

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It's a fine line between getting enough information for a lynch and giving too much away, I guess. But I think I agree, we should aim for a bandwagon on someone. And I'd like to hear from some of the people who have been quieter as to who they're suspicious of and/or want to lynch: Kleine, Lightning, Snike, Life Admiral, Mikethfc, SlayerX. That's the list of people who have yet to vote (I'm not entirely sure if they've been quiet all game, but I don't recall any of them saying much of interest)

I laughed at that.

Honestly, I really don't know. There's something about Drunk Goth Girl's posts that doesn't sit right but she's also hilarious so I kinda want to let that slide. Aside from that, nothing really comes to mind.

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Alright, so, honestly I'd like to lynch DGG, for trolling. But, in reality, it may shoot us in the foot later on. Fayt could be a safe vote, but then again he might be town after all. So, I'm going to go with my gut, and say,

## Vote: JB25 Getting a bomb to claim, is almost never a bad thing, Thanks to WIFOM. Seems scummy to not want the bomb to claim.

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I have already said my thoughts about Cocytus, but i really dont like DGGattitude. She's too aggresive.... So i suppose i'll go for that.

##Vote Drunk Goth Girl

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Claiming bomb, IMO, isn't really a smart move, and is something a mafia member would do to get clears (since no one in their right mind would shoot the bomb). Yes, it gets the town a clear, but if the d00d is mafia, then town is a la screwed. I'm still half suspicious of that claim, Fayt.

##Unvote SSP

##Vote Fayt/Cocytus

This has been bugging me a bit, assuming there's a driver the bomb would only be included in their strategies so if the mafia aim for somebody obvious or an exposed power role, (like the doctor,) they could end up detonating it. Whereas if we lynch the bomb then the mafia would no longer be deterred from attacking any exposed power roles.

[spoiler=Exhibit A]

i know for a fact coitus isn't a pgo unless his role got fucked up or something.

Contradicting point is contradicting

he's also acting extremely suspiciously, being a giant target and taunting everyoneThe killing roles

He's being an idiot, yes, but he's been primarily taunting the killing roles. "hurr durr I would rather get killed at night only you don't want to kill me at night heh heh heh." I can't imagine the vig thinking I know lets shoot a bomb claim and see what happens :awesome:"

Meaningless drivel

and taunting everyone so high from his deflated childhood pony all the way at his gradnpapa's farm.

then he brings up endless amounts of wifoms except they ain't helping anybody; i'd say they're hurting town more than the mafia as they make us uselessly go in circles. his self-sacrificial attitude is pretty fucking stupid too.

I've played games with him before and when he is mafia one of his tells is that he uses subtlety. I've already admitted he's being an idiot, but sometimes there are roles where drawing the mafia's fire is beneficial eg. the Wall, Pure Spirit etc. and so its opened up some more strategies for the bus driver/carriage driver.

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While I'm flattered that you would reference my Pure Spirit role, It's not anything conventional, and to my knowledge, I think I'm the only one to use it, so I wouldn't be surprised if some people have no idea what you are talking about. No one's used it since, so I guess it wasn't much of a hit...

Anyway... at the moment, I don't think lynching Fayt is a good idea. He's acting pretty close to his norm, softclaiming and such. Life is... tricky. I'm still not sure what to think of his claim.

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Since asking you to contribute, all you've managed to do is complain that voting you is scummy AND OMGUS me. That is not helping your case one bit. It's true that not everyone has contributed much, but you've said the most without saying anything at all, and from my experience, 'you don't want to kill me, I'm a powerful town role' is something uttered by mafioso on day 1 far more often than town members.

If you don't want me to vote you, then start doing town stuff. Like, not OMGUSing baselessly for a start. If you're going to vote someone because they think they're the easy vote, vote Cocytus. He's the one who voted you because you're annoying in the first place. Oh, wait. You OMGUSed him, too.

i don't even know what omgus means so i'll ignore that

i don't care if you people vote for me, i'm saying the reason you voted specifically for me was strange. "hey, she doesn't contribute. i mean, she contributes a lot more than 50% of the people here, but still, grrr!". it's just weird. i thought giving my suspicions was contributing? well, there's that. i think the reason you voted for me was suspicious. i voted coitus for completely different reasons -- my vote was on him before he voted for me.

also, statistics may say a lot of things, but it doesn't mean shit. i didn't say i was a powerful town role, i'm just saying you don't me to claim. it could be for a million reasons.

actually, since people are starting a bandwagon on me (i never saw this coming, ever), i'll actually google "OMGUS" and find out what the fuck that means.

OMGUS stands for "Oh My God, You Suck (for voting for me)!"

LOL? i never did this? i voted coitus before he voted me, and i voted you for a real reason, not because you voted for me.

seriously, everyone on this bandwagon seems to have no mind of their own.

and people saying i'm too aggressive - what, you never saw me post before the game started? i'm always aggressive, assholes.

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