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Let's Play Final Fantasy III


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Narga, burn people to a crisp or not, you can't pull off BUM RUSH like I can.

Well, in a normal game Sabin may be the first one to get massive single target damage, but Terra is still > him overall. Plus, all I need is to bring along a couple of nubs and you'll probably rush them by accident. Then I can morph and fire3 you or something. Just hope you aren't yet wearing your Red Jacket

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Well, in a normal game Sabin may be the first one to get massive single target damage, but Terra is still > him overall. Plus, all I need is to bring along a couple of nubs and you'll probably rush them by accident. Then I can morph and fire3 you or something. Just hope you aren't yet wearing your Red Jacket

Uh, yes, but Bum Rush.

I'll just use Firestorm or whatever the second-last Blitz is if you bring a bunch of scrubs along, anyways.

course, I agree Terra > Sabin in the long run but didn't we go over that in another thread with some other guy?

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Our intrepid drag heroine, Narga, continues on through the cave to escape the Narshe guards! He goes through battling horrifying monsters such as...


...A cloud and a little man with a wrench and a goofy hat.

At least they're flammable! :awesome:

So after ignoring some chests in the hopes that they'll become a butterfly better treasure, Narga is surrounded by Narshe guards! What does she do?!


She falls down a hole that she discovered! After that, the world goes black as her consciousness fades, and she begins to have..oh god no...anything but that...A FLASHBACK!!

No, wait, this one isn't as bad as the ones from Naruto.


She's being forced to wear the Slave Crown.

Kefka makes the famous "Uwee hee hee" lau...


Oh god dammit, I though you murdered you good with Tibarn!


Who's that? Does anyone know? Maybe a certain York would, but maybe not.

Anyways, the guy in front is Gestahl, the Ruler of the Empire, who's saying that we're going to restore magic and claim what's rightfully ours. Which I'll assume means the world. Or maybe claiming all the Oreos of the world. Mmm...oreos.

Then they do the Heil Hitler arm movement, and we go back to Terra's unconscious body.

Back in the old man's house, we meet our next character!



And best of all, he does a finger wag! Even though I can't capture gifs! Anyway, Locke's being told to go talk to the girl.


Narga's a witch! Burn the witch! She turned me into a newt!

And now more plot!

Apparently Narshe can't hold back the Empire's forces, and the only way they can survive is if they join the Returners, and underground resistance movement. And GJ's job is to find the girl and make her see the light reason to join The Returners.


No worries, I'm not doing anything while looking at your unconscious body.

Suddenly, guards burst in, ready to beat you to a bleeding organ pile! What shall GJ do?!


Wait, that sound...


So the moogles are going to help us. Excellent. There's Mog's group, GJ's group,and a group filled with utter crap. Lovely. And one of them stares at Narga's unconscious body. Curse you and your helpless, luscious state Narga!

So here's the deal, the enemies are going to walk up through the cave towards Narga. You have to use your three groups to block them off, and then have one group adventurously descend into the belly of the beast and defeat the boss. In this case, GJ's group. GJ unleashes the fury, until the boss casts Net on him, which makes his Action Meter stop filling up, and GJ becomes as useful as an adult at a rave party. Dammit GJ, why you gotta be like that? And here's a picture.


The guy at the back is the boss.

Anywho, after the Moogles stab the guy enough, he dies, and the Moogles run off back to their home rave party.

GJ thanks them for their heroic efforts, and then he drags Narga deeper into the cave. Probably for this.

But alas, Narga awakens before GJ can have his fun. Or his horror, whichever one.


Hey look! GJ pulled a Ranulf!

In all seriousness though, amnesia is a horrifying condition which affects people worldwide. To help out these poor souls, all we ask for is a dollar a day to the Kefka...I mean, the World Memory Bank, so we can restore their lives to what they used to be. All it takes is a dollar a day. They may not know you or remember you, but you can make the difference.

And with that, we're out of the caves.

...Huh, I still have some time left over. Guess I'll rob the Beginner's Classroom. Think of them as your adivsors, because they are.


Who the hell would force a monster into a treasure chest? What purpose does it serve? Why would anyone do that?


And some NPCs are dicks that deserve to be stabbed.

After raiding the building, I step onto...THE OVERWORLD MAP!

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode, where we meet a new character!

Edited by Soren37
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However, I have to ask this. Hey Narga. How does it feel to know I am your hero? Keheheheh!

Only temporarily. Keep in mind which unit is more important later on.

And, um, I see two posts that look rather similar. Want me to "burn" one of them with the power of mod magic?

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I dunno, I do score us some awesome stuff with my thieving skills, and I am pretty fast in combat...Could save the team iwth a Phoenix Down before the enemy does something dangerous.

I meant more story-wise, not combat. I love stealing stuff, even stuff I don't need. I don't like my items wandering around my item list, and so I like to have at least 5 of everything if a situation arises that causes me to want all 4 units to equip it. And sometimes for convenience I like even more just so I can leave things equipped. Terra is a powerful attacker, probably the strongest in the game if you just use a medium amount of esper-teaching. Once everyone is pulling out Ultima her Morph isn't as helpful on bosses because defence ignoring attacks don't get a boost from Morph. But if you are mostly using the -aga spells and other similar abilities Terra is amazing. But Locke is great for money or items or both for a lot of the game and it's only once you can get to the desert of miranda that you can truly stop caring about money at all (and only if you are willing to grind a bit, since wandering around the desert fighting is undeniably grinding).

Still, as far as the story itself is concerned, Locke is just another guy once Terra joins the returners. Even Edgar is more important.

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Eh, screw the story spotlight. Setzer gets bathed in that thing in the world of ruin, look how "awesome" he is.

I'll stick to the shadows and be helpful.

master scroll plus fixed dice plz

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master scroll plus fixed dice plz

I've never really liked the randomness. Same reason I don't like Meteo in ff5. I'm almost surprised I like axes (and weapons that use the same damage formula) in ff5.

Granted it's not like offering helps much with other weapons until you start getting into the high levels using Atma Weapon or Valiant Knife.

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I've never really liked the randomness. Same reason I don't like Meteo in ff5. I'm almost surprised I like axes (and weapons that use the same damage formula) in ff5.

Granted it's not like offering helps much with other weapons until you start getting into the high levels using Atma Weapon or Valiant Knife.

I've been fucked over many a time with Fixed Dice + Master Scroll, but it's still an easier source of infinite damage to attain than most other setups. Except Bum Rush.

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Please note also that I may poke fun at certain things ie. Narga (male) being Terra (female), which may be seen as offensive. If there's a big issue, I'll take down the offensive pictures. If not, then they'll remain.

That's okay. I'll just ban you if I get annoyed. :P

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So where the hell did we leave off?


Oh right, the Overworld map!

It's not as bad as others, still random encounters, but nothing like others where you take one step and face another encounter.

So we have to go to Figaro. If Civ4 has taught me anything about city planning, it's that it should have access to clean water, good farming land, and the ability to trade with other cities and or countries with ease.


...This has to be some sort of mistake.


...I think I need to start a poll now.

So we enter the castle, and we're told by everyone to go see the King.


But the castle has such lovely shopping! It even has some nice shoes for Nar*shot*

Anywho, I stock up on tonics, antidotes, and other medicinal crap. I then buy a Noiseblaster and a Bioblaster. These two things are used with the "Tools" command, and are quite useful. Why did I buy these? Narga and GJ wanted the Noiseblaster for an epic rave, obviously. As for the Bioblaster, I have no idea. Make a real-life Pandemic?

Either way, we finally get to the King.



And it's me!

I try to get to know Narga, and he demands if it's because of his abilities.




Oh God dammit! It happened again!

Narga's given free reign of the castle while I try to remove the filth. Eventually, I find the King's room, and I talk to the matron.

And then we get a flashback!



So Figaro's King is dying, and Integ doesn't want to be the King. Eventually, there's a coin toss and Integ can leave.

Wait...what's that I hear?


90's dialogue!

I need another poll.

Anyways, Kefka demands to know of the girl's whereabouts, yet clever me has a clever reply.


And apparently a harem. After a threat from Kefka, GJ brings Narga to her bed.


Narga goes to beddy-bye land with an angst filled head. You see, Narga is still suffering from amnesia, and as such, he has no idea what he should do. He's essentially trapped in a void, where GJ and Soren are only fine straws that control her destiny.

And we wake up to this.


Will we escape? Will we burn? Will the power friendship douse the flames and protect us from evil? No to the last one, and we'll have to wait and see on the next episode of Let's Play FFIII!!

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But the castle has such lovely shopping! It even has some nice shoes for Nar*shot*

Nothing like size 13 high heels for someone that is 6'3", right? Let's see, 3 inch heels puts me at 6'6".

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Yes I would totally build a castle in the desert. I would then crown myself Saladin and wage war against the infidels.

I've never referred to anything as the pits, but my mother has.

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I added a poll for fun. When he gets to South Figaro, he'll need to know which shoes to buy for me.

"York" and "Furet", if you don't mind stating your height, we could make a question for each of you as well. Soren37 started this drag thing, and I intend to make him regret it :lol: .

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I'd rather dethrone Soren by force and take Figaro for myself... eh, I'd definetly build one. But with an oasis nearby atleast, not in the middle of nowhere. :lol:

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Furet, if you don't mind stating your height, we could make a question for each of you as well. Soren37 started this drag thing, and I intend to make him regret it :lol: .

165 and a half centimetres which I believe translates to 5'4".

Edited by Agent Dale Cooper
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