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What's your encounter with the staff like?

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Were you doing it as a friend to let them know that a mod might come and warn them or were you minimodding?

If it's the latter: +1 for minimodding. :P

I barely knew the person, so was not really as a friend. However, I specifically told them "I don't really care if you follow the rules, I just noticed that you were over and wanted to let you know".

So while I wouldn't say we were friends, it was with friendly intent that I PM'd.

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If you mean stuff like warns then...I haven't been actually warned. Both of my warns are a -1 from Arc and Wist, the first one being a joke warn (when I requested Arc to mod me) and the second one being a birthday wish from Wist.

Wow. You really do have two "removed from warn level" entries. That's hilarious.

I barely knew the person, so was not really as a friend. However, I specifically told them "I don't really care if you follow the rules, I just noticed that you were over and wanted to let you know".

So while I wouldn't say we were friends, it was with friendly intent that I PM'd.

Good then. B)

(you know I was joking about the threat, right?)

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Eh, lets see here.

Necro warning from Shudda was my first. Then a warn for spam. Then some more warn for spam. Then suspension for trolling. Then another suspension for spamming. Then a warning for minimodding.

I think thats about it....

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Eh, lets see here.

Necro warning from Shudda was my first. Then a warn for spam. Then some more warn for spam. Then suspension for trolling. Then another suspension for spamming. Then a warning for minimodding.

I think thats about it....

Are you kidding me?

Well, I haven't been warned yet but I don't know why people get scared by the staff. >_>;;

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Eh, lets see here.

Necro warning from Shudda was my first. Then a warn for spam. Then some more warn for spam. Then suspension for trolling. Then another suspension for spamming. Then a warning for minimodding.

I think thats about it....

............How do you get warned for spam 3 times.

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I am a rebel.

You are a moron- *is hit by eight different warns for flaming*

I'm actually surprised that I haven't been done for minimodding. I was a moderator on another forum, although...that kinda turned to shit like two months later. And then I left in what my eight, nine-year old mind figured was a dramatic exit with flair. The forums ceased to exist, and if you go to the site which held the forums you get a popup about your computer being at risk from this site. I intend to put that on my resume.

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Eh, lets see here.

Necro warning from Shudda was my first. Then a warn for spam. Then some more warn for spam. Then suspension for trolling. Then another suspension for spamming. Then a warning for minimodding.

I think thats about it....

The Name: It's Shuuda, S H U U D A, not Shudda, never.

Have some respect.

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Calm down, RP.


Just so you know, people get warned for calling Inui "Horio" because he doesn't like it. Shuuda clearly doesn't like being called "shudda". So, what do you think would happen if you persist?

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I can't believe you had a quote from 2008 ready to present in such a situation...

That was awesome.

It was weird. I can't remember how, but just a day or two ago I clicked on a link somewhere on this site and ended up at that post. When I saw the misspelling, it was a simple matter of doing a search on the "Introductions" forum for every post made by Shuuda. Actually, I guess I could have made a search for the misspelling, but considering how ancient it was I just had to go to the end of my search (which was only two pages anyway).

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