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What's your encounter with the staff like?

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I haven't gotten warned so far. So that's good.

The most I see them is just posting like normal people around the forums, really.

Also, Sirius and Musashi (retired, but still) were kind enough to wish me a happy birthday a week ago. :3

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My experiences with the staff are not for the weak of mind or stomach.

Sadly I lost my two warns for sexism in the time warp, although I still have many of my badges of honor remaining.

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I once got warned for harassing a child on this forum and encouraging others to join in with me. I felt it had been worth it, but back then I was a virile speck of a lad at 18.

These days I've matured, you could say, seen the benefits of gradualism and come to terms with its drawbacks. Leave rule-breaking to the red-faced revolutionaries, it's almost impossible to enjoy the finer things in life when the authority is always cracking down on you. I hear good cigars aren't to be found in prison for any price, and most of the detained will never get to taste a wine that was not fermented in a toilet or a trash bag.

No sir, that stuff's not for me. Have I been rehabilitated? Absolutely. I learned my lesson. I can honestly say I'm a changed man. No longer a danger to cyber-society, and that's the Lord's honest truth. No two ways about it.

Edited by Héroe
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