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Generic Units Playthrough

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Actually, I just thought of how, with his awe-inspiring 4 skill and axes, his hit rates can't be good. Nor those of other Zerkers, or Warriors.

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[spoiler=Chapter 20 picture]






So enemies with cap stats start showing.


They added a bishop here with swarm.


Yes they send max speed and strength paladins with forged silvers and master lances in three waves.


After killing everyone I had to go this way.


Died from two crits.

Chapter 20

Everyone's condition bonuses: Minerva+Support point with Caesar, Marth +2 Str and Lck, Sirius +2 Spd and Mag,


Reclasses:Sirius Draco->SM Minerva F.Draco->F.SM, Katua F.Sniper->F.General, Mittwoch Hero->Paladin(so he can pull the heroes earlier.)

This is an insane chapter I had to refer to Paperblade's video above on how how to heal with the reinforcements. The insane part was I had to abuse save states because of random crits that gets someone killed and also when the paladins come the south east reinforcements come so I had to kill the paladins before they could reach me. After I finally killed the paladins I have to go retreat further so I could pull the south east reinforcements that come one by one (two warriors, two snipers, and four sages two of them were stragglers there were heroes also but I managed to kill them with crits and had to use the again staff and two rescue staffs to rescue a generic bishop and sirius when they were in the range of a sniper and warrior). After that I used one unlock staff to get the brave axe which were guarded by a lot of enemies and slowly made my way to Hardin and killed him. Unfortunately I didn't get the side chapter for taking so long so I missed out on a Longbow, Excalibur, and Aura tome. I might not be able to finish the rest of the chapters without more offense and Chainey since the generics lack it.

Name         Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank
Marth        Lord       24    41  18    0    24   24   25  11    1   B Swords
Caesar       Berserker  20    60  27    7    24   28   19  24    0   B Axes
Sirius       SM         14    41  20    1    27   28   12  16    3   A Swords
Minerva      SM         14    42  18    1    23   28   16  14    3   C Swords
Merric       Sage       20    48   3   21    24   25   26   9   12   A Tomes  A Staffs
Katua        F.General  17    53  25    1    24   21   18  25    4   A Lacnes C Bows
Feena        Dancer     25    32  19    0    20   25   27  10    1   E Swords
Funf         F.Bishop   13    26   1    6     5    9    0   3   16   E Tomes B Staffs
Acht         Bishop     13    25   1    6     8    8    0   3   17   E Tomes B Staffs
Dienstag(N)  F.Sage     14    27   3   10     8    7    0   3    9   B Tomes E Staffs
Mittwoch(N)  Paladin    14    30   9    1    13   12    0   9    6   C Swords D Lances
Donnerstag(N)F.Sniper   14    29  10    1    12   18    0  13    3   B Bows

Name         Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank
Marth        Lord       26    42  19    0    25   25   27  13    2   B Swords
Caesar       Berserker  20    60  27    7    24   28   19  24    0   B Axes
Sirius       SM         17    44  22    1    29   30   13  18    3   A Swords
Minerva      SM         15    42  18    1    23   28   17  14    3   C Swords
Merric       Sage       20    48   3   21    24   25   26   9   12   A Tomes  A Staffs
Katua        F.General  20    56  26    1    25   21   20  28    4   A Lacnes B Bows
Feena        Dancer     30    35  20    0    25   25   30  11    1   E Swords
Funf         F.Bishop   17    26   1    7     5   10    0   3   17   E Tomes A Staffs
Acht         Bishop     17    25   1    7    10    8    0   3   17   E Tomes A Staffs

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Drei         Hunter   2             One shotted by a hunter because I miscalculated.
Vier         F.Cav    2             Doubled by a soldier.
Sechs        Archer   2             Trampled by a cav.
Zwei         Mage     2             Trampled by a cav.
Funf         Fighter  2             Bait.
Eins         Curate   2             Bait.
Sieben       Fighter  3             Excellent meatshield.
Neun         Archer   3             Baited the cavaliers.
Acht         Hunter   3             dracoknight bait.
Zehn         Cleric   3             Cleaved in half by a dracoknight.
Zwolf        Pirate   3x            Failed to hit a knight.
Elf          Merc     3x            Hemorrhaged from a knight crit and also a failure.
Freitag      Mage     4             Pirate bait.
Mittwoch     Fighter  4             Fort rush meatshield.
Dienstag     F.Cav    4             Suicide against the boss.
Montag       Hunter   4             Was unaware of the pirates damage and ordered him to his death.
Donnerstag   Hunter   4             Expendable.
Samstag      Pirate   4             His body slowly splitted thanks to a pirate crit.
Marz         Cavalier 5             Doubled by a cavalier.
April        Hunter   5             Failure.
Januar       Curate   5             His body flew in two after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Februar      Hunter   5             Failure.
Sonntag      Cleric   5             Expendable.
Juli         Myrm     6             Heroically charged at a mage with a devil sword.
August       Hunter   6             Heroic suicide to kill a mage.
Mai          F.Cav    6             Baited the guards that wont move.
Oktober      Curate   6             Suicided to heal Katua.
Juni         Pirate   6             Suicided against a mage.
Zwei         Draco    7             Sliced by a thief.
Eins         SM       7             3rd degree burn by Bolganone tome.
November     Bishop   8             Heroic bait.
Dezember     Warrior  8             Heroic bait.
Funf         F.SM     8             Heroic bait.
Drei         Berserker8             Heroic bait.
Sechs        Warrior  9             Doubled by a dracoknight.
Neun         Sniper   9             Intercepted by a dracoknight.
Vier         F.SM     9             Critted by a pissed of thief.
Acht         Warrior  9             Doubled by a mage.
Sieben       Bishop   9             Baited a mage.
Zwolf        Hero     9             Cleaved by a draco.
Mittwoch     Horsemen10             Swarm bait.
Dienstag     F.Sage  10             Swarm bait.
Elf          Paladin 10             Doubled by a mage for 6 degree burn.
Montag       F.Bishop10             Mage bait.
Zwolf        F.Bishop11             Bait.
Donnerstag   Draco   11             Bait.
Freitag      F.Draco 11             Meatshield.
Sonntag      F.Draco 12             Meatshield.
Samstag      Draco   12             Meatshield.
Februar      SM      12             Taunted the flying dragon apparently.
Januar       Bishop  12             Sacrificed himself to heal Caesar.
Marz         Bishop  13             Shattered into pieces of ice.
Juni         Bishop  14             Was a pile of ash after being killed by a dark mage.
Juli         Berserker14            Meatshield.
Mai          SM       14            Was a straggler from the others and was used as bait.
April        Bishop   15            Another Straggler.
Oktober      Bishop   15            Brutally impaled by a ballista.
September    Berserker15            Taunted the horsemen to attack him.  
August       SM       15            Forgot to move him from the two ballistas.
November     F.General15            Pulled a group of knights that wont move.
Dezember     SM       15            Became a roadblock for the enemies.
Eins         F.Sniper 16            Bait.
Zwei         Bishop   16            Meatshield.
Drei         Bishop   16            Meatshield.
Vier         SM       16            Failure.
Seiben       Sniper   17            Axed in half by a warrior.(and also bait)
Sechs        F.Sniper 17            Pulled a dangerous group.
Neun         F.SM     18            Baited the generals.
Zehn         SM       18            Trampled by a paladin.
Elf          Hero     19            Had a gaping hole when he was critted by a paladin.
Montag       Draco    19            Failure
Zwolf        Berserker19            Excellent meatshield
Mittwoch     Paladin  20            Heroically baited heroes.
Donnerstag   F.Sniper 20            Sniped by a sniper.
Dienstag     F.Sage   20            Bait.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Still hate these things.



Almost maxed out on stats


Know they got forged trons


Definitely not free exp anymore.


Went around the mountain instead this time. (and also again referenced from paperblade's video)

Chapter 21

Everyone's condition bonuses: (Charging)


Reclasses:Caesar Beserker->Draco, Sirius SM->Draco Katua F.General->F.Sniper, Freitag Draco->Bishop, Samstag Warrior->Sniper, Sonntag F.Paladin->F.Bishop.

Forged a brave bow with +5 mt and bought one energy drop, two seraph robes, and three draco shields and also three recover staffs. So near endgame and enemies have near maxed stats you really need to use brave weapons to safely kill something. Caesar and Sirius flew around the mountain but I think I moved a bit too slow so one of the thief got near the meteor tome and dragon so Caesar had to crit the dragon so I can heal him and Sirius after. After killing the thieves everyone except Ymir move and everyone slowly moved through the mountain while giving Marth three energy drops, and two seraph robes after killing the people near the village I slowly pulled enemies and killed them one by one. I seriously hate the next chapter.

Name         Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank
Marth        Lord       26    42  23    0    25   25   27  13    2   B Swords
Caesar       Draco      20    56  26    8    26   23   19  28    0   A Lances B Axes
Sirius       Draco      17    42  25    1    23   23   13  22    3   A Lances E Axes
Minerva      SM         15    42  18    1    23   28   17  14    3   C Swords
Merric       Sage       20    48   3   21    24   25   26   9   12   A Tomes  A Staffs
Katua        F.Sniper   20    52  24    1    30   29   20  20    4   A Bows
Feena        Dancer     30    35  20    0    25   25   30  11    1   E Swords
Funf         F.Bishop   17    26   1    7     5   10    0   3   17   E Tomes A Staffs
Acht         Bishop     17    25   1    7    10    8    0   3   17   E Tomes A Staffs
Freitag(N)   Bishop     16    35   1    3     9    9    0   5    9   E Tomes D Staffs
Samstag(N)   Sniper     16    46  18    1    13   11    0   9    3   c Bows
Sonntag(N)   F.Bishop   16    35   3    3    10    7    0  12    9   E Tomes D Staffs

Name         Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank
Marth        Lord       27    57  25    0    25   25   27  13    2   A Swords
Caesar       Draco      20    56  26    8    26   23   19  28    0   A Lances B Axes
Sirius       Draco      18    43  25    1    23   23   14  23    3   A Lances E Axes
Minerva      SM         16    43  18    1    24   29   17  14    3   C Swords
Merric       Sage       20    48   3   21    24   25   26   9   12   A Tomes  A Staffs
Katua        F.Sniper   20    52  24    1    30   29   20  20    4   A Bows
Feena        Dancer     30    35  20    0    25   25   30  11    1   E Swords
Funf         F.Bishop   17    26   1    7     5   10    0   3   17   E Tomes A Staffs
Acht         Bishop     17    25   1    7    10    8    0   3   17   E Tomes A Staffs

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Drei         Hunter   2             One shotted by a hunter because I miscalculated.
Vier         F.Cav    2             Doubled by a soldier.
Sechs        Archer   2             Trampled by a cav.
Zwei         Mage     2             Trampled by a cav.
Funf         Fighter  2             Bait.
Eins         Curate   2             Bait.
Sieben       Fighter  3             Excellent meatshield.
Neun         Archer   3             Baited the cavaliers.
Acht         Hunter   3             dracoknight bait.
Zehn         Cleric   3             Cleaved in half by a dracoknight.
Zwolf        Pirate   3x            Failed to hit a knight.
Elf          Merc     3x            Hemorrhaged from a knight crit and also a failure.
Freitag      Mage     4             Pirate bait.
Mittwoch     Fighter  4             Fort rush meatshield.
Dienstag     F.Cav    4             Suicide against the boss.
Montag       Hunter   4             Was unaware of the pirates damage and ordered him to his death.
Donnerstag   Hunter   4             Expendable.
Samstag      Pirate   4             His body slowly splitted thanks to a pirate crit.
Marz         Cavalier 5             Doubled by a cavalier.
April        Hunter   5             Failure.
Januar       Curate   5             His body flew in two after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Februar      Hunter   5             Failure.
Sonntag      Cleric   5             Expendable.
Juli         Myrm     6             Heroically charged at a mage with a devil sword.
August       Hunter   6             Heroic suicide to kill a mage.
Mai          F.Cav    6             Baited the guards that wont move.
Oktober      Curate   6             Suicided to heal Katua.
Juni         Pirate   6             Suicided against a mage.
Zwei         Draco    7             Sliced by a thief.
Eins         SM       7             3rd degree burn by Bolganone tome.
November     Bishop   8             Heroic bait.
Dezember     Warrior  8             Heroic bait.
Funf         F.SM     8             Heroic bait.
Drei         Berserker8             Heroic bait.
Sechs        Warrior  9             Doubled by a dracoknight.
Neun         Sniper   9             Intercepted by a dracoknight.
Vier         F.SM     9             Critted by a pissed of thief.
Acht         Warrior  9             Doubled by a mage.
Sieben       Bishop   9             Baited a mage.
Zwolf        Hero     9             Cleaved by a draco.
Mittwoch     Horsemen10             Swarm bait.
Dienstag     F.Sage  10             Swarm bait.
Elf          Paladin 10             Doubled by a mage for 6 degree burn.
Montag       F.Bishop10             Mage bait.
Zwolf        F.Bishop11             Bait.
Donnerstag   Draco   11             Bait.
Freitag      F.Draco 11             Meatshield.
Sonntag      F.Draco 12             Meatshield.
Samstag      Draco   12             Meatshield.
Februar      SM      12             Taunted the flying dragon apparently.
Januar       Bishop  12             Sacrificed himself to heal Caesar.
Marz         Bishop  13             Shattered into pieces of ice.
Juni         Bishop  14             Was a pile of ash after being killed by a dark mage.
Juli         Berserker14            Meatshield.
Mai          SM       14            Was a straggler from the others and was used as bait.
April        Bishop   15            Another Straggler.
Oktober      Bishop   15            Brutally impaled by a ballista.
September    Berserker15            Taunted the horsemen to attack him.  
August       SM       15            Forgot to move him from the two ballistas.
November     F.General15            Pulled a group of knights that wont move.
Dezember     SM       15            Became a roadblock for the enemies.
Eins         F.Sniper 16            Bait.
Zwei         Bishop   16            Meatshield.
Drei         Bishop   16            Meatshield.
Vier         SM       16            Failure.
Seiben       Sniper   17            Axed in half by a warrior.(and also bait)
Sechs        F.Sniper 17            Pulled a dangerous group.
Neun         F.SM     18            Baited the generals.
Zehn         SM       18            Trampled by a paladin.
Elf          Hero     19            Had a gaping hole when he was critted by a paladin.
Montag       Draco    19            Failure
Zwolf        Berserker19            Excellent meatshield
Mittwoch     Paladin  20            Heroically baited heroes.
Donnerstag   F.Sniper 20            Sniped by a sniper.
Dienstag     F.Sage   20            Bait.
Freitag      Bishop   21            Incinerated by a flying dragon.
Samstag      Sniper   21            Became a 2d figure after being axed by a berserker.
Sonntag      F.Bishop 21            Expendable.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Samstag...was actually pretty good. Holy hell. If this was back in H1 one might go so far as to call him a good unit.

Yeah he would put out some good damage though would still be doubled most of the map.



Probably the only game to throw three max stat enemies at you.




40 full damage...


Red X=Sirius Blue X=Marth

Chapter 22

Everyone's condition bonuses: (Charging)


Reclasses:Caesar Draco->Berserker, Sirius Draco->SM, Minerva F.SM->F.Sniper, Januar F.Paladin->F.Draco, Marz Paladin->Draco, Funf F.Bishop->F.Sage, Acht Bishop->Sage

Sold some stuff and forged a brave sword with +3 MT. Once again I took paperblade's strategy except I had to use save states a lot to manipulate the crit compared to paperblade who had better offensive units than my generics and also you have to kill as many enemies as you can on your phase hence why I reclass the bishops into sages. You definitely need a brave weapon to safely kill the sorcerers who can do 40 damage to your people. The only reason that generic lived is because he was lucky and it was a good thing to keep him alive since he can open the right door. After opening the door move Marth next to the right of the sorcerer and Sirius to the right of Marth. The two generics again staff them Sirius kills the boss and Marth seizes it.

Name         Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank
Marth        Lord       27    57  25    0    25   25   27  23    2   A Swords
Caesar       Berserker  20    60  27    7    24   28   19  24    0   A Axes
Sirius       SM         18    43  22    1    29   30   14  19    3   A Swords 
Minerva      F.Sniper   16    45  20    1    21   25   17  15    3   B Bows
Merric       Sage       20    48   3   21    24   25   26   9   12   A Tomes  A Staffs
Katua        F.Sniper   20    52  24    1    30   29   20  20    4   A Bows
Feena        Dancer     30    35  20    0    25   25   30  11    1   E Swords
Funf         F.Sage     17    26   3    9     5   10    0   3   13   D Tomes B Staffs
Acht         Sage       17    25   3    9    10    8    0   3   13   D Tomes B Staffs
Januar(N)    F.Draco    16    33  15    1     9   10    0  16    6   B Lances E Axes
Februar(N)   SM         16    36  10    1    16   23    0   6    3   A Swords
Marz(N)      Draco      16    30  11    1    11   12    0  15    3   B Lances E Axes

Name         Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank
Marth        Lord       27    57  25    0    25   25   27  23    2   A Swords
Caesar       Berserker  20    60  27    7    24   28   19  24    0   A Axes
Sirius       SM         18    43  22    1    29   30   14  19    3   A Swords 
Minerva      F.Sniper   16    45  20    1    21   25   17  15    3   B Bows
Merric       Sage       20    48   3   21    24   25   26   9   12   A Tomes  A Staffs
Katua        F.Sniper   20    52  24    1    30   29   20  20    4   A Bows
Feena        Dancer     30    35  20    0    25   25   30  11    1   E Swords
Funf         F.Sage     17    26   3    9     5   10    0   3   13   D Tomes B Staffs
Acht         Sage       17    25   3    9    10    8    0   3   13   D Tomes B Staffs
Februar      SM         16    36  10    1    16   23    0   6    3   A Swords

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Drei         Hunter   2             One shotted by a hunter because I miscalculated.
Vier         F.Cav    2             Doubled by a soldier.
Sechs        Archer   2             Trampled by a cav.
Zwei         Mage     2             Trampled by a cav.
Funf         Fighter  2             Bait.
Eins         Curate   2             Bait.
Sieben       Fighter  3             Excellent meatshield.
Neun         Archer   3             Baited the cavaliers.
Acht         Hunter   3             dracoknight bait.
Zehn         Cleric   3             Cleaved in half by a dracoknight.
Zwolf        Pirate   3x            Failed to hit a knight.
Elf          Merc     3x            Hemorrhaged from a knight crit and also a failure.
Freitag      Mage     4             Pirate bait.
Mittwoch     Fighter  4             Fort rush meatshield.
Dienstag     F.Cav    4             Suicide against the boss.
Montag       Hunter   4             Was unaware of the pirates damage and ordered him to his death.
Donnerstag   Hunter   4             Expendable.
Samstag      Pirate   4             His body slowly splitted thanks to a pirate crit.
Marz         Cavalier 5             Doubled by a cavalier.
April        Hunter   5             Failure.
Januar       Curate   5             His body flew in two after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Februar      Hunter   5             Failure.
Sonntag      Cleric   5             Expendable.
Juli         Myrm     6             Heroically charged at a mage with a devil sword.
August       Hunter   6             Heroic suicide to kill a mage.
Mai          F.Cav    6             Baited the guards that wont move.
Oktober      Curate   6             Suicided to heal Katua.
Juni         Pirate   6             Suicided against a mage.
Zwei         Draco    7             Sliced by a thief.
Eins         SM       7             3rd degree burn by Bolganone tome.
November     Bishop   8             Heroic bait.
Dezember     Warrior  8             Heroic bait.
Funf         F.SM     8             Heroic bait.
Drei         Berserker8             Heroic bait.
Sechs        Warrior  9             Doubled by a dracoknight.
Neun         Sniper   9             Intercepted by a dracoknight.
Vier         F.SM     9             Critted by a pissed of thief.
Acht         Warrior  9             Doubled by a mage.
Sieben       Bishop   9             Baited a mage.
Zwolf        Hero     9             Cleaved by a draco.
Mittwoch     Horsemen10             Swarm bait.
Dienstag     F.Sage  10             Swarm bait.
Elf          Paladin 10             Doubled by a mage for 6 degree burn.
Montag       F.Bishop10             Mage bait.
Zwolf        F.Bishop11             Bait.
Donnerstag   Draco   11             Bait.
Freitag      F.Draco 11             Meatshield.
Sonntag      F.Draco 12             Meatshield.
Samstag      Draco   12             Meatshield.
Februar      SM      12             Taunted the flying dragon apparently.
Januar       Bishop  12             Sacrificed himself to heal Caesar.
Marz         Bishop  13             Shattered into pieces of ice.
Juni         Bishop  14             Was a pile of ash after being killed by a dark mage.
Juli         Berserker14            Meatshield.
Mai          SM       14            Was a straggler from the others and was used as bait.
April        Bishop   15            Another Straggler.
Oktober      Bishop   15            Brutally impaled by a ballista.
September    Berserker15            Taunted the horsemen to attack him.  
August       SM       15            Forgot to move him from the two ballistas.
November     F.General15            Pulled a group of knights that wont move.
Dezember     SM       15            Became a roadblock for the enemies.
Eins         F.Sniper 16            Bait.
Zwei         Bishop   16            Meatshield.
Drei         Bishop   16            Meatshield.
Vier         SM       16            Failure.
Seiben       Sniper   17            Axed in half by a warrior.(and also bait)
Sechs        F.Sniper 17            Pulled a dangerous group.
Neun         F.SM     18            Baited the generals.
Zehn         SM       18            Trampled by a paladin.
Elf          Hero     19            Had a gaping hole when he was critted by a paladin.
Montag       Draco    19            Failure
Zwolf        Berserker19            Excellent meatshield
Mittwoch     Paladin  20            Heroically baited heroes.
Donnerstag   F.Sniper 20            Sniped by a sniper.
Dienstag     F.Sage   20            Bait.
Freitag      Bishop   21            Incinerated by a flying dragon.
Samstag      Sniper   21            Became a 2d figure after being axed by a berserker.
Sonntag      F.Bishop 21            Expendable.
Januar       F.Draco  22            Electrocuted to death by a levin sword.
Marz         Draco    22            Became a 2d figure after being tomahawked.

Edited by Generic Officer
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This is what you call a legitimate FAILCOME ON MANYOU'RE ALMOST THERE. D:<


Well done, GO.


I hope you have enough staff users for Medeus.

I think I might have enough hopefully.

What happened to chapter 20x? And yowch, Marth's defense...:blink: And your KIA list just keeps getting better and better.On to the final chapter!

I took too long on Hardin's chapter so I failed the requirement for the gaiden (36 turns in lunatic I had 51) the other one was keeping three wolfguards alive (Midia, Sedgar, Wolf, Roshe, or Vyland alive which I failed) and Marth actually has 23 Def I just forgot to update it.

Chapter 23 coming later.

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Epic generic growths I had to restart from a save point though since someone died.





Not a pushover anymore.

Chapter 22

Everyone's condition bonuses: Strength potion, Minerva+10 exp, Marth+10 exp, Caesar Skl and Res+2, Ryan's bow obtained


Reclasses:Caesar Berserker->Sage, Mai Draco->Bishop,

(8m 30s is the part)

Sold some stuff to buy a heal staff gave Caesar and arms scroll and some spirit dust. Again I referenced Paperblade's strategy on pulling the two sorcerers and demon dragon, I only managed to finish this level due to lucky crits like Katua critting all the dragons she attacked, Merric critting Gharnef on the second attack, generic bishops baiting meteor tomes and living and everyone having lucky dodges against meteor and worm tomes. First turn place Katua in the range of the fire dragon and Minerva in the range of the other fire dragon. Second turn kill the dragons that come, third turn kill the dragons and place generics baits and heal everyone. Fourth turn to the rest was luck based so I can't really describe it.

Name         Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank
Marth        Lord       27    57  25    0    25   25   27  23    2   A Swords
Caesar       Sage       20    58  20   16    25   25   19  20    0   C Tomes E staffs
Sirius       SM         18    43  22    1    29   30   14  19    3   A Swords 
Minerva      F.Sniper   16    45  20    1    21   25   17  15    3   B Bows
Merric       Sage       20    48   3   21    24   25   26   9   12   A Tomes  A Staffs
Katua        F.Sniper   20    52  24    1    30   29   20  20    4   A Bows
Feena        Dancer     30    35  20    0    25   25   30  11    1   E Swords
Funf         F.Bishop   17    26   1    7     5   10    0   3   17   E Tomes A Staffs
Acht         Bishop     17    25   1    7    10    8    0   3   17   E Tomes A Staffs
Februar      SM         16    36  10    1    16   23    0   6    3   A Swords
April(N)     Draco      16    29  13    1     7   15    0  10    3   B Lances E Axes
Mai(N)       Bishop     16    40   9    3     4   12    0   3    9   E Tomes D Staffs

Name         Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank
Marth        Lord       27    57  25    0    25   25   27  23    2   A Swords
Caesar       Sage       20    58  20   16    25   25   19  20    0   C Tomes E staffs
Sirius       SM         20    47  22    1    29   30   14  19    3   A Swords 
Minerva      F.Sniper   17    45  20    1    21   25   18  15    3   B Bows
Merric       Sage       20    48   3   21    24   25   26   9   12   A Tomes  A Staffs
Katua        F.Sniper   20    52  24    1    30   29   20  20    4   A Bows
Feena        Dancer     30    35  20    0    25   25   30  11    1   E Swords
Funf         F.Bishop   18    26   1    8     5   10    0   3   17   E Tomes A Staffs
Acht         Bishop     18    25   1    7    10    8    0   3   17   E Tomes A Staffs

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name         Class   Chapter        Reason
Drei         Hunter   2             One shotted by a hunter because I miscalculated.
Vier         F.Cav    2             Doubled by a soldier.
Sechs        Archer   2             Trampled by a cav.
Zwei         Mage     2             Trampled by a cav.
Funf         Fighter  2             Bait.
Eins         Curate   2             Bait.
Sieben       Fighter  3             Excellent meatshield.
Neun         Archer   3             Baited the cavaliers.
Acht         Hunter   3             dracoknight bait.
Zehn         Cleric   3             Cleaved in half by a dracoknight.
Zwolf        Pirate   3x            Failed to hit a knight.
Elf          Merc     3x            Hemorrhaged from a knight crit and also a failure.
Freitag      Mage     4             Pirate bait.
Mittwoch     Fighter  4             Fort rush meatshield.
Dienstag     F.Cav    4             Suicide against the boss.
Montag       Hunter   4             Was unaware of the pirates damage and ordered him to his death.
Donnerstag   Hunter   4             Expendable.
Samstag      Pirate   4             His body slowly splitted thanks to a pirate crit.
Marz         Cavalier 5             Doubled by a cavalier.
April        Hunter   5             Failure.
Januar       Curate   5             His body flew in two after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Februar      Hunter   5             Failure.
Sonntag      Cleric   5             Expendable.
Juli         Myrm     6             Heroically charged at a mage with a devil sword.
August       Hunter   6             Heroic suicide to kill a mage.
Mai          F.Cav    6             Baited the guards that wont move.
Oktober      Curate   6             Suicided to heal Katua.
Juni         Pirate   6             Suicided against a mage.
Zwei         Draco    7             Sliced by a thief.
Eins         SM       7             3rd degree burn by Bolganone tome.
November     Bishop   8             Heroic bait.
Dezember     Warrior  8             Heroic bait.
Funf         F.SM     8             Heroic bait.
Drei         Berserker8             Heroic bait.
Sechs        Warrior  9             Doubled by a dracoknight.
Neun         Sniper   9             Intercepted by a dracoknight.
Vier         F.SM     9             Critted by a pissed of thief.
Acht         Warrior  9             Doubled by a mage.
Sieben       Bishop   9             Baited a mage.
Zwolf        Hero     9             Cleaved by a draco.
Mittwoch     Horsemen10             Swarm bait.
Dienstag     F.Sage  10             Swarm bait.
Elf          Paladin 10             Doubled by a mage for 6 degree burn.
Montag       F.Bishop10             Mage bait.
Zwolf        F.Bishop11             Bait.
Donnerstag   Draco   11             Bait.
Freitag      F.Draco 11             Meatshield.
Sonntag      F.Draco 12             Meatshield.
Samstag      Draco   12             Meatshield.
Februar      SM      12             Taunted the flying dragon apparently.
Januar       Bishop  12             Sacrificed himself to heal Caesar.
Marz         Bishop  13             Shattered into pieces of ice.
Juni         Bishop  14             Was a pile of ash after being killed by a dark mage.
Juli         Berserker14            Meatshield.
Mai          SM       14            Was a straggler from the others and was used as bait.
April        Bishop   15            Another Straggler.
Oktober      Bishop   15            Brutally impaled by a ballista.
September    Berserker15            Taunted the horsemen to attack him.  
August       SM       15            Forgot to move him from the two ballistas.
November     F.General15            Pulled a group of knights that wont move.
Dezember     SM       15            Became a roadblock for the enemies.
Eins         F.Sniper 16            Bait.
Zwei         Bishop   16            Meatshield.
Drei         Bishop   16            Meatshield.
Vier         SM       16            Failure.
Seiben       Sniper   17            Axed in half by a warrior.(and also bait)
Sechs        F.Sniper 17            Pulled a dangerous group.
Neun         F.SM     18            Baited the generals.
Zehn         SM       18            Trampled by a paladin.
Elf          Hero     19            Had a gaping hole when he was critted by a paladin.
Montag       Draco    19            Failure
Zwolf        Berserker19            Excellent meatshield
Mittwoch     Paladin  20            Heroically baited heroes.
Donnerstag   F.Sniper 20            Sniped by a sniper.
Dienstag     F.Sage   20            Bait.
Freitag      Bishop   21            Incinerated by a flying dragon.
Samstag      Sniper   21            Became a 2d figure after being axed by a berserker.
Sonntag      F.Bishop 21            Expendable.
Januar       F.Draco  22            Electrocuted to death by a levin sword.
Marz         Draco    22            Became a 2d figure after being tomahawked.
Februar      SM       23            Heroic bait            
April        Draco    23            Heroic bait
Mai          Bishop   23            Expendable

Edited by Generic Officer
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I took too long on Hardin's chapter so I failed the requirement for the gaiden (36 turns in lunatic I had 51) the other one was keeping three wolfguards alive (Midia, Sedgar, Wolf, Roshe, or Vyland alive which I failed)

This seems to be somewhat unclear to me, but this is basically saying that I have to have the Wolfguard alive as well as finishing chapter 20 in 36 turns or less, right?


Nice URL. Too bad it's true, much to our dismay.

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The guys you aren't going to fight ever.





The boss with the most highest capped stats in FE ever.


Everyone forms like this the first turn.


For some reason it forms a nice straight line for me to go through.

Final Chapter

Everyone's condition bonuses:


Reclasses:Caesar Sage->SM, Sirius SM->Paladin, Minerva F.Sniper->F.SM

Gave Marth a defense bond and luck bond, Minerva a speedwing so she won't get doubled by the dragons and Sirius a speed bond (same reason as Minerva). So I get level 17 generics too late and still are pretty bad, first turn position people like the picture above (the one where the fire dragon kills a generic paladin.) Second turn Sirius talks to Nyna and kills Lena, Minerva talks to Maria and trade Maria a rescue staff, Maria is placed north east of Elice and rescues Merric, Merric goes between Maria and Elice and rescues Marth. Since Marth had high def a fortify staff could heal Marth enough for another round with Medeus, Marth doesn't crit the first attack, he crits the second and third time thus killing Medeus. Anyways...to the people reading this hope you enjoyed my psuedo generic run and I'm not going to attempt lunatic reverse well maybe.

Name 		Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank
Marth           Lord   	   27    57  25    0    25   25   27  23    2   A Swords
Caesar   	SM         20    58  23   12    29   30   19  22    3   B Swords
Sirius   	Paladin    20    47  24    1    23   24   14  21    6   B Swords A Lances
Minerva         F.Paladin  17    44  20    1    18   25   18  16    6   D Swords C Lances
Merric   	Sage   	   20    48   3   21    24   25   26   9   12   A Tomes  A Staffs
Katua           F.Sniper   20    52  24    1    30   29   20  20    4   A Bows
Feena           Dancer 	   30    35  20    0    25   25   30  11    1   E Swords
Funf 		F.Bishop   18    26   1    8 	5   10    0   3    17   E Tomes A Staffs
Acht 		Bishop 	   18    25   1    7    10    8    0   3   17   E Tomes A Staffs
Juni(N)         Horsemen   17    32   9    1 	8   20    0   7     3   E Swords B Bows
Juli(N)         Draco      17    46  17    1    14   17    0  10    3   D Lances C Axes
August(N)       Paladin    17    35  14    1    11    9    0  12    6   E Swords B Lances

Name 		Class      Lvl   HP  STR  MAG  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES Weapon Rank
Marth           Lord   	27    57  25    0    25   25   27  23    2   A Swords
Caesar   	Sage   	20    58  20   16    25   25   19  20    0   C Tomes E staffs
Sirius   	SM      20    47  22    1    29   30   14  19    3   A Swords 
Minerva         F.Sniper16    45  20    1    21   25   17  15    3   B Bows
Merric   	Sage   	20    48   3   21    24   25   26   9   12   A Tomes  A Staffs
Katua           F.Sniper20    52  24    1    30   29   20  20    4   A Bows
Feena           Dancer 	30    35  20    0    25   25   30  11    1   E Swords
Funf 		F.Bishop18    26   1    8     5   10    0   3   17   E Tomes A Staffs
Acht 		Bishop 	18    25   1    7    10    8    0   3   17   E Tomes A Staffs

[spoiler=KIA list]

KIA List
Name 		Class   Chapter        Reason
Drei 		Hunter   2     		One shotted by a hunter because I miscalculated.
Vier 		F.Cav    2     		Doubled by a soldier.
Sechs           Archer   2     		Trampled by a cav.
Zwei 		Mage 	 2     		Trampled by a cav.
Funf 		Fighter  2     		Bait.
Eins 		Curate   2     		Bait.
Sieben   	Fighter  3     		Excellent meatshield.
Neun 		Archer   3     		Baited the cavaliers.
Acht 		Hunter   3     		dracoknight bait.
Zehn 		Cleric   3     		Cleaved in half by a dracoknight.
Zwolf           Pirate   3x            Failed to hit a knight.
Elf             Merc 	 3x            Hemorrhaged from a knight crit and also a failure.
Freitag         Mage 	 4     		Pirate bait.
Mittwoch 	Fighter  4     		Fort rush meatshield.
Dienstag 	F.Cav    4     		Suicide against the boss.
Montag   	Hunter   4     		Was unaware of the pirates damage and ordered him to his death.
Donnerstag      Hunter   4     		Expendable.
Samstag         Pirate   4     		His body slowly splitted thanks to a pirate crit.
Marz 		Cavalier 5     		Doubled by a cavalier.
April           Hunter   5     		Failure.
Januar   	Curate   5     		His body flew in two after being hit by a ballista bolt.
Februar         Hunter   5     		Failure.
Sonntag         Cleric   5     		Expendable.
Juli 		Myrm 	 6     		Heroically charged at a mage with a devil sword.
August   	Hunter   6     		Heroic suicide to kill a mage.
Mai             F.Cav    6     		Baited the guards that wont move.
Oktober         Curate   6     		Suicided to heal Katua.
Juni 		Pirate   6     		Suicided against a mage.
Zwei 		Draco    7     		Sliced by a thief.
Eins 		SM   	 7     		3rd degree burn by Bolganone tome.
November 	Bishop   8     		Heroic bait.
Dezember 	Warrior  8     		Heroic bait.
Funf 		F.SM 	 8     		Heroic bait.
Drei 		Berserker8     		Heroic bait.
Sechs           Warrior  9     		Doubled by a dracoknight.
Neun 		Sniper   9     		Intercepted by a dracoknight.
Vier 		F.SM 	 9     		Critted by a pissed of thief.
Acht 		Warrior  9     		Doubled by a mage.
Sieben   	Bishop   9     		Baited a mage.
Zwolf           Hero 	 9     		Cleaved by a draco.
Mittwoch 	Horsemen10     		Swarm bait.
Dienstag 	F.Sage  10     		Swarm bait.
Elf             Paladin 10     		Doubled by a mage for 6 degree burn.
Montag   	F.Bishop10     		Mage bait.
Zwolf           F.Bishop11     		Bait.
Donnerstag      Draco   11     		Bait.
Freitag         F.Draco 11     		Meatshield.
Sonntag         F.Draco 12     		Meatshield.
Samstag         Draco   12     		Meatshield.
Februar         SM      12     		Taunted the flying dragon apparently.
Januar   	Bishop  12     		Sacrificed himself to heal Caesar.
Marz 		Bishop  13     		Shattered into pieces of ice.
Juni 		Bishop  14     		Was a pile of ash after being killed by a dark mage.
Juli 		Berserker14            Meatshield.
Mai             SM   	14            Was a straggler from the others and was used as bait.
April           Bishop   15            Another Straggler.
Oktober         Bishop   15            Brutally impaled by a ballista.
September       Berserker15            Taunted the horsemen to attack him.  
August   	SM   	15            Forgot to move him from the two ballistas.
November 	F.General15            Pulled a group of knights that wont move.
Dezember 	SM   	15            Became a roadblock for the enemies.
Eins 		F.Sniper 16            Bait.
Zwei 		Bishop   16            Meatshield.
Drei 		Bishop   16            Meatshield.
Vier 		SM   	16            Failure.
Seiben   	Sniper   17            Axed in half by a warrior.(and also bait)
Sechs           F.Sniper 17            Pulled a dangerous group.
Neun 		F.SM 	18            Baited the generals.
Zehn 		SM   	18            Trampled by a paladin.
Elf             Hero 	19            Had a gaping hole when he was critted by a paladin.
Montag   	Draco    19            Failure
Zwolf           Berserker19            Excellent meatshield
Mittwoch 	Paladin  20            Heroically baited heroes.
Donnerstag      F.Sniper 20            Sniped by a sniper.
Dienstag 	F.Sage   20            Bait.
Freitag         Bishop   21            Incinerated by a flying dragon.
Samstag         Sniper   21            Became a 2d figure after being axed by a berserker.
Sonntag         F.Bishop 21            Expendable.
Januar          F.Draco  22            Electrocuted to death by a levin sword.
Marz 		Draco    22            Became a 2d figure after being tomahawked.
Februar         SM   	23            Heroic bait            
April           Draco    23            Heroic bait
Mai             Bishop   23            Expendable                      
Juni 		Horsemen Final 		Bait to form the picture above
Juli 		Draco    Final 		Bait to form the picture above
August   	Paladin  Final 		Bait to form the picture above

This seems to be somewhat unclear to me, but this is basically saying that I have to have the Wolfguard alive as well as finishing chapter 20 in 36 turns or less, right?

Sorry I meant it like if you fail the turn count goal the keeping the wolfguard alive is a secondary goal you can achieve to get to the gaiden if you fail the turn count.

Edited by Generic Officer
You should edit when the double post is just 1 minute away.
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Sorry I meant it like if you fail the turn count goal the keeping the wolfguard alive is a secondary goal you can achieve to get to the gaiden if you fail the turn count.

Oh. Cool.

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Nice Maiden strategy! If only they all had an A in staves.

Poor Lena. Wait a minute, did you forget the others or did they get KIA? :blink:

Oh yeah the other bishops lived I just didn't feel like posting them since I already did that for my last two runs.

Final Stats



Marth 111 battles 69 wins

Caesar 634 battles 305 wins

Katua 218 battles 127 wins

Sirius 114 battles 70 wins

Feena 18 battles 3 wins

Minerva 96 battles 45 wins

Merric 101battles 50 wins

86 Generics were killed during Marth's campaign.

Well maybe. WELL MAYBE?!

Congratulations, and if you feel crazy enough to do a Lunatic Reverse run, I'll cheer you on from the sidelines.

Maybe some other day I'm not even sure if it's possible since enemies go first and such and thanks.

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Juli(N)         Draco      17    46  17    1    14   17    0  10    3

Hey, that dude was pretty good! BUT HE MUST DIE FOR THE PLAAAAAAAN

Good job, man! We've already done the impossible and the game hasn't even crossed any shores yet!

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